A giant inflatable dog turd created by the American artist Paul McCarthy was blown from its moorings at a Swiss museum, bringing down a power line and breaking a window before landing in the grounds of a children's home.
The exhibit, entitled Complex Shit, is the size of a house. It has a safety system that is supposed to deflate it in bad weather, but it did not work on this occasion.
― gnarly sceptre, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:19 (sixteen years ago) link
It's like the headlines on the press cuttings that Tyler Durden collects in "Fight Club".
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:22 (sixteen years ago) link
Read that as "A giant inflatable dog turd created by the American artist Paul McCartney"
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:23 (sixteen years ago) link
Here's an actual picture of the turd in question, pre-flight (NSFW)
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:23 (sixteen years ago) link
... I mean, his last album wasn't great, but that's a bit harsh (xP)
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:24 (sixteen years ago) link
Maybe he could rename the piece 'Loose Stool'?
― NickB, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:27 (sixteen years ago) link
surely "floater"?
― grimly fiendish, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:27 (sixteen years ago) link
^ winner
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:28 (sixteen years ago) link
You'd certainly have a job on your hands flushing it away.
― NickB, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:29 (sixteen years ago) link
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:29 (sixteen years ago) link
They should have a YouTube video of it floating off with the Stones' "Turd On The Run" as a soundtrack.
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 11:34 (sixteen years ago) link
can't believe they wouldn't secure something like this better, it must have cost them a pile
― J0hn D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 12:19 (sixteen years ago) link
The guy responsible for the moorings must feel down in the dumps. He's probably going to get the crapped kicked out of him, if not shitcanned.
― EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 12:29 (sixteen years ago) link
at least nobody died.
― Kerm, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 12:35 (sixteen years ago) link
Kerm can you please rephrase that to include a pun about fecal matter. Thanking you in advance.
― J0hn D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 12:46 (sixteen years ago) link
I knew I'd catch shit for that.
Attempt number two: I know it's what some artists do, but making a big one like this can be dangerous. Regular art is safer.
― Kerm, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 13:22 (sixteen years ago) link
Shocking when someone with an appreciation for the arts is actually killed by a piece of art. Thankfully in this current incident, the shit didn't hit the (art) fan.
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 13:26 (sixteen years ago) link
Is this going to stop the runs of any further exhibits?
― HI DERE, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link
it'll put a strain on it. but things will come to pass eventually.
― grimly fiendish, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:17 (sixteen years ago) link
the incident will go into the log book
― blueski, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:20 (sixteen years ago) link
This is number two in the list of things to make me laugh today.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:20 (sixteen years ago) link
Perhaps it's the beginning of a new movement?
― Sparkle Motion, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:21 (sixteen years ago) link
These shite specific installations can be a log-istical nightmare
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:22 (sixteen years ago) link
Oh man ure puns are killing me.
― ledge, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:23 (sixteen years ago) link
It takes a lot of work to put together such a notable artistic compostition.
― Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:24 (sixteen years ago) link
the museum looks like a real dump anyway
― blueski, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:28 (sixteen years ago) link
Oh, I thought it was the exhibit that did
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:29 (sixteen years ago) link
some warhol is ok but i'm not a fan of this plop art
― blueski, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:30 (sixteen years ago) link
Apparently the first anyone knew of this is when a flustered and panicky museum guard phoned up the curator and told him "Da doo doo gone gone, da doo doo gone"
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:32 (sixteen years ago) link
Here it is while it was exhibited in the Middelheim Park in Antwerp last year:
― StanM, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:39 (sixteen years ago) link
That is shit.
― HI DERE, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:39 (sixteen years ago) link
"I didn't do it, man"
― StanM, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:41 (sixteen years ago) link
And here's the pooper scooper
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:44 (sixteen years ago) link
oh the poomanity
― ledge, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:45 (sixteen years ago) link
Burg3rpip3 advertising campaign gets off to a bad start...
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:56 (sixteen years ago) link
Is it actually supposed to look like Jabba the Hutt?
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 14:58 (sixteen years ago) link
You should ask his dog, it's based on a real life - smaller - one he created in McCarthy's living room.
― StanM, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:01 (sixteen years ago) link
Wait - his dog came up with the design here? That's quite an interesting nugget. Anyhow, looking at those pictures, I'd say that shit was overblown.
― NickB, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:30 (sixteen years ago) link
Definitely a problem with too much gas there.
― snoball, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:31 (sixteen years ago) link
The dog designed it? Dog made a mess in that case.
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:32 (sixteen years ago) link
I mean, I'm not one to casually poo-poo an artist's work but...
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:33 (sixteen years ago) link
Come on man, it's avant merde.
― NickB, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 15:33 (sixteen years ago) link
Typical example of the increasing commodeification of contemporary art.
― Sparkle Motion, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:08 (sixteen years ago) link
yes it's awfully bog-standard
― blueski, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:10 (sixteen years ago) link
and corny
― Kerm, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:13 (sixteen years ago) link
The guy responsible for the moorings must feel down in the dumps
yeah but you know, shit happens.
― ken c, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:13 (sixteen years ago) link
what an embarrassing accident.
― Kerm, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:14 (sixteen years ago) link
there is something fundamentally wrong with this artist
― Mr. Que, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:15 (sixteen years ago) link
I hear he's been with flushed with success too. But red faeces all round now, I bet.
― Tom D., Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:17 (sixteen years ago) link
this is some scary shit. when creating a sculpture as big as a house, it's the artist's dootie to make sure it doesn't wipe out power lines and cause a big stink.
― rockapads, Tuesday, 12 August 2008 16:49 (sixteen years ago) link
I'm surprised this sort of thing isn't more wide spread
― Curt1s Stephens, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 01:36 (sixteen years ago) link
It is, but this particular artist is the victim of a smear campaign...
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:23 (sixteen years ago) link
it's all a tissue of lies.
― grimly fiendish, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:29 (sixteen years ago) link
Either way, his career's gonna hit the skids now for sure.
― ledge, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:30 (sixteen years ago) link
I don't know, no-one tells him shit anymore...
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:32 (sixteen years ago) link
His reputation is growing slowly but surely though, in fact I'd say his stock in the wider artistic community is rising excrementally
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 08:47 (sixteen years ago) link
yes. it'll double, you see.
― grimly fiendish, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:18 (sixteen years ago) link
-- Tom D., Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:23 AM (Yesterday) Bookmark Link
lol otm
― J0rdan S., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:23 (sixteen years ago) link
almost emailed it to my friend w/ the subject "lol paul mccartney"
I bet this whole thing went down like a turd balloon with the organisers.
― NickB, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:27 (sixteen years ago) link
They didn't know it was going to blow off right in their faces
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:29 (sixteen years ago) link
Meanwhile, the artist himself is on the roll of homour
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:30 (sixteen years ago) link
Museum must have been potty not to have this piece of art more solidly secured, they've soiled their reputation somewhat
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:34 (sixteen years ago) link
This shit is off the hook
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 09:35 (sixteen years ago) link
this is the number 2 story on the internet
― blueski, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 10:48 (sixteen years ago) link
I'd tread carefully with this story
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:18 (sixteen years ago) link
...otherwise it could end up everywhere.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:20 (sixteen years ago) link
Meanwhile, the competition has dried up.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:27 (sixteen years ago) link
he was just mucking about
― blueski, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:28 (sixteen years ago) link
Somebody did a sloppy job.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:30 (sixteen years ago) link
Art these days is really going down the drain.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:36 (sixteen years ago) link
Due to all the negative publicity, there's not much interest in the work being sold at auction. So it will probably go for peanuts.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:43 (sixteen years ago) link
Very apropos as I've always thought Paul McCarthy's work was kind of shit anyways (you can read that as pure pun or not).
― mehlt, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:45 (sixteen years ago) link
Yes, all this kind of art's been dung before and dung to death
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 12:48 (sixteen years ago) link
There are no flies on this piece... oh wait a minute yes there are...
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:13 (sixteen years ago) link
apparently he's just been commissioned for installation number 2.. or as he calls it "job B"
― ken c, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:23 (sixteen years ago) link
The piece is going to stand as a candidate at the next General Election, to try and attract the "floater" vote
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:47 (sixteen years ago) link
If you ask me, McCarthy's career's in the toilet as a result of this - the critics will pan him
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:49 (sixteen years ago) link
The artist needs to sell the work for a high price, as he's built up a substantial gambling debt playing craps.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 13:53 (sixteen years ago) link
Compared to this guy, other artists are just pissing in the wind
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:01 (sixteen years ago) link
It's going to appear in the halftime show at the next Superbowl
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link
Later this month, there will be a documentary that really lifts the lid on the artist and tries to get a handle on him.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:06 (sixteen years ago) link
Narrated by Brian Sewer-ll I hope.
― NickB, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:09 (sixteen years ago) link
He's always been something of a rebel, I read that he claimed he was out to smash the cistern
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:09 (sixteen years ago) link
Due to the success of this piece, he was able to quit his cubicle job
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:10 (sixteen years ago) link
Unfortunately it's not all good news, as some people are still yanking his chain about the size of his ballcock.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:11 (sixteen years ago) link
What I really want to see is a Damien Hirst diamond-encrusted dog turd.
― NickB, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:12 (sixteen years ago) link
The success is not sudden - he's tried for years to make something that would make a big splash
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:12 (sixteen years ago) link
Art dealers are hoping that this won't all turn out to be a flash in the pan, otherwise they'll be in deep shit.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:13 (sixteen years ago) link
The piece will be exhibited at Los Angeles International Airport, after which it will be ex-LAX
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:17 (sixteen years ago) link
Not many people know that McCarthy has another string to his bowl, he's an accomplished jazz singer, he can scat like nobody's business
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:18 (sixteen years ago) link
The work is to be sent on a world tour. First it will be sent to Shitterton in Dorset, then to Middelfart in Denmark, and then the Antarctic (the bottom of the world), before being launched into space to orbit Uranus, and on it's return it will be flushed down Niagara Falls.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:31 (sixteen years ago) link
When someone accused the McCarthy of plagiarism, he was reported to be steaming.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:34 (sixteen years ago) link
At first, the piece was ignored, but pretty soon everyone wanted a slice.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:40 (sixteen years ago) link
When pressed to comment, McCarthy stated, "This has left a bad smell, I only intended to put a smile back on people's faeces, but now I feel I should wash my hands of it... before leaving"
― Tom D., Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:44 (sixteen years ago) link
Another great work of art crushed under the boot of criticism...
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 14:55 (sixteen years ago) link
McCarthy has been commissioned to produce another similar work at his convenience.
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 15:45 (sixteen years ago) link
He recently told a negative critic to "bite it"
― snoball, Wednesday, 13 August 2008 15:47 (sixteen years ago) link
Paris 'sex toy' sculpture raises storm
― wackness unlimited (snoball), Friday, 17 October 2014 22:52 (ten years ago) link