"if you can't be with the one you love....."

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Get out of it, because it's better than misleading somebody, which is just the worst, drifting, dreary violence that can happen. There's this sick courage of living with cynicism and disillusion until you fall in love again, which, almost by default, you will not to happen. But then at least you'll have pride! (...like that'll be worth it.) I don't know why I'm advising you to live to such extremes when I had just been thinking the same sort of thing: exhausted and oppressed by intense girls and fucking torment, as well as the tedium, of these wrecked relationships, the solution seems to be: get a nice girl Craner, a pretty girl with a smart hat, nice smile, easy demeanour. Stop mixing with these bunny boilers all the time! (But, then, you see, with such venom how could I ever live with THAT? Or, how could they ever live with me?) I predict you'll get bored with this relationship, or that you'll start pretending to be somebody else in an effort to fit into it, you'll supress yourself so much that at some point you'll burst out again, violently, and somebody will get badly hurt, but by that point hurting them will be the RIGHT thing to do, and the best thing that could happen with them, it'll be an escape for both of you, but only you'll feel it.

Oliver Craner, Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:16 (twenty years ago) link

Now look what you made me do.

Oliver Craner, Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:16 (twenty years ago) link

Relationships don't have to be intense.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:20 (twenty years ago) link

Does he know that you feel this way?

N. (nickdastoor), Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:29 (twenty years ago) link

I hate that song.

Kim (Kim), Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:33 (twenty years ago) link

Maybe relationships shouldn't be intense.

Oliver Craner, Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:48 (twenty years ago) link

But 'should' or 'shouldn't' don't really come into it. If you crave intensity then staying in a non-intense relationship is perhaps a pretty tall order. But it might make a difference if your partner knows how you feel and is prepared to let help you work at the problem.

N. (nickdastoor), Saturday, 13 December 2003 19:54 (twenty years ago) link

Well, indeed.

No, but look, surely it's a bit more kind of fucking serious than that: if they don't know how you feel, then you're messin' with them, no?

But who craves brutal honesty (or intensity)? Or, another thing, one's always more in love than the other, right?

Oliver Craner, Saturday, 13 December 2003 20:01 (twenty years ago) link

Who knows how anyone feels?

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Saturday, 13 December 2003 20:18 (twenty years ago) link

Um, sailor moonie, you never mention if you're attracted to the guy. There are plenty of people that I love as friends that I have no desire to fuck. I certainly wouldn't want to pursue a relationship of a romanticish nature with someone like that. But maybe it's not mentioned because on your part it's assumed that you're very attracted to him and all of that.

A seriousish-but-not-in-love relationship (meaning something committed that will probably last for a while) seems okay as long as it's understood that that's what it is.

I've never had that whole intense-love thing going, so I may have no idea what I'm talking about. But if you're cynical about Love, it's probably not the best time to pursue it. Meanwhile, should you be a celibate hermit or something? If you're enjoying the relationship and attracted to the guy, it seems reasonable as long as you're being considerate to his emotions about the whole thing. I am probably repeating myself now so I'll just press submit.

JuliaA (j_bdules), Saturday, 13 December 2003 21:14 (twenty years ago) link

were your feelings for him more intense at the beginning of your relationship? or have they always been ho-hum? i would say that if you are happy with him, or at least content, then there is no reason to end it. unless you are keeping him as a bedwarmer until you find someone who does inspire stronger feelings. if you feel like you are still looking for someone else, then i think it is unfair to the guy you are dating now, unless he knows and feels the same way. if not, what is the harm?

Emilymv (Emilymv), Saturday, 13 December 2003 22:38 (twenty years ago) link

I'm very attracted to him, he's hot, talented, clever and we share a lot of interests. Plus he's really really good to me. That's the thing, I don't want to not be in a relationship with this guy, I'm not looking for anyone else at all. It's just that I have these feelings of 'shouldn't there be more to this?' a lot and while I don't feel I'm exactly emotionally distant from him I do feel that sometimes I inadvertantly give off that disinterested vibe.
I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to break up with him. Have I just read too many romantic novels?
Or maybe the person upthread who said that one party always is more in love than the other is OTM.

sailor moonie, Saturday, 13 December 2003 23:36 (twenty years ago) link

One person generally is more in love with the other. Plus society and culture has a lot to answer for in terms of making people expect heights of ecstacy at every available moment within a relationship, rather than the much more common (and possibly desirable) level of contentment and wholeness that you sound as if you have. Sometimes all the pegs fit into all the holes and the puzzle doesn't satisfy though, and when that happens it's hard to say who's at fault. Because in all probability it's no one.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Sunday, 14 December 2003 00:29 (twenty years ago) link

That is, maybe you have read too many romantic novels. Or maybe you just don't love the guy in terms of what your ideal definition of 'love' is. I think deep down you probably know what you want to do and how you feel, and that asking here is just a form of affirmation seeking. Which is not at all a problem; heaven knows we all do it one way or another.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Sunday, 14 December 2003 00:31 (twenty years ago) link

I think I need to figure out what I define as love. Because what we've got is really best described as 'nice'. Talk about damning with faint praise, etc.
And the thing is I don't even read mushy trash romances, it's all those beautiful slow-burner epic fucked-up love novels that have done this to me. And the poetry. And the Nick Cave.

sailor moonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 03:18 (twenty years ago) link

theres a third option. being single. its better than the "love the one you're with" option. don't settle, it'll only end in tears.

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Sunday, 14 December 2003 03:24 (twenty years ago) link

Yep but I think I have to admit here that I'm selfish, I don't like being alone. And as fake as this may sound, it would really crush him if we weren't together.
God that sounds pretty conceited.
My life has been too hard recently to handle it on my own. I need to be looked after for a while, I guess. Not that I callously went out looking for someone who will take care of me, I just mean that at the moment this relationship is letting me find myself again, emotionally.
AAgh I'm not really as shallow as this is making me seem...

sailor moonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 03:30 (twenty years ago) link

Oh and I apologise profusely to all those who now have that BLOODY HORRIBLE SONG stuck in their heads because of this thread title!

sailor moonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 03:34 (twenty years ago) link

lady lurex otm. If it's a casual thing then I don't think you have to be in mad love. But if you think the relationship has been maxed out/run its course and it isn't enough, then get out. Because I don't imagine the "settling" feeling will ever go away and the longer you stick it out, the harder it's going to be break it off.

bnw (bnw), Sunday, 14 December 2003 03:52 (twenty years ago) link

But that's the thing, bnw, what is 'mad love'? Maybe I'm experiencing real love but I don't recognise it because of all the fake love I've had/seen? What if I break up with him, move out, split up our shared lives/possessions/animals/friends/music and then everyone's unhappy?
Isn't it better to apply 'ain't broke don't fix' rule here?
Shit I think I just decided how I feel about this issue in one fell post.
Thanks ILX!

sailormoonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 04:01 (twenty years ago) link

okay, good luck. my concern though is that you might come to resent your partner because they aren't everything you want, and you might be looking over your shoulder for something better. if that happens, then get out.

The Lady Ms Lurex (lucylurex), Sunday, 14 December 2003 05:06 (twenty years ago) link

He's gone
You've lost
Stay behind
and count the cost
You try
You lose
You don't fall in love by chance
You choose

It's a decision
made over time
Should you take a risk
and start to climb
the steepest hill
only to find
halfway there
you've been left behind?

Choosing to love
is risking a lot
and trying to change
and to give all you've got
But don't pretend
it comes out of the blue
You take a chance
and see it through
and if it's refused
what can you do?
Continue hopefully?
Start anew?

Lick your wounds
Buy your booze
You won't get drunk by accident
You'll choose
Don't blame him
for refusing your bid
He didn't decide to love
You did

Learn the lesson
Take the blows
You didn't fall in love by chance
You chose
Play the sad songs
Sing the blues
You don't fall in love by chance
You choose

man, Sunday, 14 December 2003 05:17 (twenty years ago) link

ok. sure.
that's bad poetry man.

sailor moonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 10:15 (twenty years ago) link

I do believe our love's in danger I might as well be loving air You look at me like I'm a stranger You look at me like I'm not there I gaze into your eyes of blue but their beauty is not for me You're thinking of someone who's gone You're dreaming of the one you really love I made you mine, or so it seemed Though he is dead he haunts your dreams I might as well be two foot tall You never will love me at all You're dreaming of the corpse you really love

N. (nickdastoor), Sunday, 14 December 2003 12:27 (twenty years ago) link

I found her on a night of fire and noise
Wild bells rang in a wild sky
I knew from that moment on
I'll love her till the day that I died
And I kissed away a thousand tears
My lady of the Various Sorrows
Some begged, some borrowed, some stolen
Some kept safe for tomorrow
On an endless night, silver star spangled
The bells from the chapel went jingle-jangle
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Do you love me? Do you love me?
Do you love me? Like I love you
She was given to me to put things right
And I stacked all my accomplishments beside her
Still I seemed so obselete and small
I found God and all His devils inside her
In my bed she cast the blizzard out
A mock sun blazed upon her head
So completely filled with light she was
Her shadow fanged and hairy and mad
Our love-lines grew hopelessly tangled
And the bells from the chapel went jingle-jangle

sailor moonie, Sunday, 14 December 2003 23:22 (twenty years ago) link

if your present relationship isn't good enough, chances are your next one won't be either. it's about what you put into it, and it sounds like you're not putting much into it if you feel like you are "settling"-- the whole concept of "settling" sounds like you weren't honest about getting into the relationship in the *first* place. it sounds like you have a pretty high opinion of yourself and unrealistic ideas about what a long-term relationship involves. what would you say if you knew the other person was "settling" on you? what is it you think you are going to *find* out there? the perfect person?

Orbit (Orbit), Monday, 15 December 2003 05:40 (twenty years ago) link

I think I have a realistic opinion of myself, and I am aware of my emotional shortfalls when it comes to relationships. I'm a painfully honest person, in fact, even with myself.
I think you're just projecting, and reading into my posts what YOU have experienced.
With regard to what I think I'll *find* out there, that was what I was saying/asking you people - what is love? should it be intense and dramatic and fire and noise and wild bells ringing in a wild sky?
Or is it contentment and being comfortable with what you already have?

sailor moonie, Monday, 15 December 2003 06:16 (twenty years ago) link

i think it can be both, sailor.

A Girl Named Sam (thatgirl), Monday, 15 December 2003 06:25 (twenty years ago) link

nope, not projecting, that's a bit *easy* dontcha think?
as for what you were asking it was if you should "settle" and that has a lot of connotation to it, well, that I basically addressed.

Orbit (Orbit), Monday, 15 December 2003 06:27 (twenty years ago) link

Orbit: You're right, I shouldn't have used such a loaded word. A more accurate way of putting it would have been 'Why does it feel like settling when there seems like nothing wrong with what I've got? What is it about me/society/relationships that makes me feel there should be fireworks all the time? Or is it just me?' or some such long-winded q.
Oh and I'm all about the *easy* reading...

Sam: Please elaborate. Both at once? Or both, alternating?

sailor moonie, Monday, 15 December 2003 06:40 (twenty years ago) link

i mean I think it can be either.

A Girl Named Sam (thatgirl), Monday, 15 December 2003 06:42 (twenty years ago) link

You mean both are love? Both is Love?
I think you are very wise.

sailor moonie, Monday, 15 December 2003 06:47 (twenty years ago) link

just don't fall into the trap of expecting to feel some kind of 'vibraty like feeling down in the depths of your guttiwuts', because, quite frankly, it's unlikely to happen because that's not what love is about. to me at least. it is definetley contentment, comfort and peace, but of course it should also contain some excitement and intensity. just don't base it on that or else you'll be left with nothing. yadda yadda yadda....

elizabeth (elizabeth), Monday, 15 December 2003 08:42 (twenty years ago) link

Sailor, hrmmm, this is a very interesting question. Each individual situation has so many nuances that we're not aware of that there's no way that any of our advice may fit. (Besides, when offering advice on ILX, people always automatically project their own situations onto the anonymous sitution, and answer from there.)

So what I'm saying is about my relationship history, but maybe it will help you.

I wasted a lot of time in incredibly "passionate" but usually short and often abusive relationships. Because I came to associate "love" with passion (and passion often includes a good dose of hatred) and huge wind-blown emotions and drama, and trauma, and I used to think that love was that state where I felt sick to the bottom of my stomach with fear and obsession. Love was something difficult and hard, a situation to be overcome (and be overcome by). Drama is a very good substitute for passion, and is far more addictive than love.

And then I met someone completely different. During the whole start of the relationship, I kept thinking that it couldn't be real because it was too *easy*.

And in retrospect, I don't think that it even was a case of "meeting The One" (even though maybe it was, because our backgrounds and interests are a lot more similar than anyone I've ever dated) - but more a case of re-evalutating what "Love" is.

Love is not drama and pain dressed up as passion, love is comfort and comfortable.

If you think of love as "settling" then this is not the right relationship for you - because YOU are not ready to accept love for what it is, rather than what you want it or expect it to be.

HRH Queen Kate (kate), Monday, 15 December 2003 09:47 (twenty years ago) link

I am inclined to agree with Kate here. If you think you are 'settling' then you shouldn't really be in the relationship for both his & your sakes. Mutual relationships are not always easy sailing, but they shouldn't make you think that it isn't right. It shouldn't overly upset you or be abusive.

Pinkpanther (Pinkpanther), Monday, 15 December 2003 14:03 (twenty years ago) link

Pinkpanther is otm. If does feel like you are settling, it is unfair to both you and him to go on with the relationship.

El Diablo Robotico (Nicole), Monday, 15 December 2003 14:05 (twenty years ago) link

You know, I've been a lurker for a while now on ILX, and god knows what prompted me to actually contribute all of a sudden, but I'm glad I did. My 'real life' friends all have too much of a bias/vested interest to discuss this issue with me rationally. Also I would feel silly vocalising to them what I was afraid would come across (and probably has too, on here) as conceit or shallowness or even cruelty.
But, again, wow. Kate, your highness, it's like you have put into words exactly what I was trying to realise about this situation. Our r/ship histories must be similar, or at least our responses to 'bad' r/ships has been.
I HAVE been at that starting out stage where I've been thinking 'this is too easy'. Waiting for the kick in the teeth that will make me confront my feelings, make the other person cling on for dear life, and will take over my life for a while, filling it with drama, flash and fire. As has happened in the past.
I wish I hadn't used the word 'settling' when I began this discussion, because it IS too loaded and it's not strictly what I meant.
This quote is just perfect, and I thank you for it Kate:
"Love is not drama and pain dressed up as passion, love is comfort and comfortable"

sailor moonie, Monday, 15 December 2003 22:44 (twenty years ago) link

I wish I hadn't used the word 'settling' when I began this discussion, because it IS too loaded and it's not strictly what I meant.

Can relate, as it can be difficult to explain what you feel, especially to a bunch of strangers. However, you seem to get the idea: if you want to be in a relationship with someone, you have to be prepared to accept them completely for the person they are. In turn, they deserve your complete attention, as you are. If you can't honestly give them that, then don't do it. As hard as it can be, it's worth it to wait.

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Monday, 15 December 2003 22:52 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah that's the thing. He's great, I SHOULD be wigged-out happy. But I have these 'doubts'....
I accept HIM, I just don't feel so confident about MY role in all this.
But if the doubts are just me, my problem, my learned bad r/ship pattern behaviour, then how do I get over it?
Maybe I should leave myself notes around the house using Kate's quote.
Or, constant yelling-to-self 'snap out of it! he's great! you're great! you guys are great!'?
I do feel better about it now, by the way.
And I've just woken up so brain + fingers = not-so-eloquent, sorry.

sailor moonie, Monday, 15 December 2003 23:00 (twenty years ago) link

wow kate. that post you just made has put so much into perspective for me, and it's really helped me sort out what i've been trying to sort out in my head for a while now. what you described really parallels my relationships, especially when you said "love was that state where I felt sick to the bottom of my stomach with fear and obsession. Love was something difficult and hard, a situation to be overcome (and be overcome by)..Love is not drama and pain dressed up as passion, love is comfort and comfortable." i've never thought of it like that, which is surprising considering the amount of time i've dwelt on *why* i was having doubts about my feelings for my current boyfriend (yeah, cos he actually treats me well, and becuase it's totally comfortable and he's not an abusive psycho!). i suppose i'm just way too used to that craziness in a relationship, and that's what i've been associating with love. i almost look back and romanticize those relationships sometimes, which really freaks me out.

sailor moonie, i think i'm gonna be leaving notes with that quote around my house too...

sandy, Tuesday, 16 December 2003 00:30 (twenty years ago) link

I was kidding about the notes.

sailor moonie, Tuesday, 16 December 2003 10:05 (twenty years ago) link

Are we taking a self-help (not using this as a pejorative term) approach to definitions here? If so, I guess that's fine, but otherwise I can't personally accept attempts to define love as being 'x not y' (esp. when y = 'love is comfort and comfortable'). I wish I could just tell myself that anything that causes pain is not love and believe it.

N. (nickdastoor), Tuesday, 16 December 2003 10:15 (twenty years ago) link

I always associate love with that oh-my-god rollercoaster-drop feeling in my stomach, I guess, and it has little or nothing to do with comfort or even happiness. Though I yam a lot younger than you, Moonie!
I would say that you have to work out what the crucial difference is between your current situation and these previous r/ships 1 and 2 you talk about. Was it the just the giddy abandon and enthusiasm of youth, which you now feel nostalgic for? Or do you think there's someone else out there that can still ignite those intense love feelings?

Dr. Phil, Tuesday, 16 December 2003 12:17 (twenty years ago) link

Oh Christ now you've made me feel old! But you may have a point there Dr Phil...
N: Sometimes it takes the pain of seperation/a broken heart to teach us what love is?

sailor moonie, Tuesday, 16 December 2003 21:55 (twenty years ago) link

Sometimes it takes Foreigner.

bnw (bnw), Tuesday, 16 December 2003 22:02 (twenty years ago) link

Well I read between the lines...

sailor moonie, Tuesday, 16 December 2003 22:45 (twenty years ago) link

I was kidding about the notes.

um...yeah, i guess i should've made the winky face explicit.

I can't personally accept attempts to define love as being 'x not y' (esp. when y = 'love is comfort and comfortable'). I wish I could just tell myself that anything that causes pain is not love and believe it.

i dunno, i mean it wouldn't be painful if there weren't any feelings of "love", but at the same time, i feel sick thinking i was actually in love with certain people i've been with.

sandy, Wednesday, 17 December 2003 04:06 (twenty years ago) link

two months pass...
What happened?

N. (nickdastoor), Wednesday, 25 February 2004 00:30 (twenty years ago) link

Funny I was just thinking about this thread today.
What's happened? Well,a few arguments about what's going on with our r/ship whenever I get drunk enough to bring the issue up with him in a roundabout sort of way. He insists we're fine, I cry and get confused and can't say what I really mean or mean what I am saying. and I seem to have fallen into a depressed funk as is my wont and am now too scared and dependant to think about leaving him.
WTF is wrong with me?

sailor moonie, Wednesday, 25 February 2004 01:57 (twenty years ago) link

Love is not drama and pain dressed up as passion, love is comfort and comfortable.

If you think of love as "settling" then this is not the right relationship for you - because YOU are not ready to accept love for what it is, rather than what you want it or expect it to be

So is Kate right or not (with the qualification about "settling" not being the right word)? Surely it's not merely comfort(able), as for most people there is a rather large group of people who would fit said description?

gabbneb (gabbneb), Wednesday, 25 February 2004 04:57 (twenty years ago) link

what is it that is missing for you sailor, apart from the drama-quota? Is it a lack of 'spark'?
I was with the same guy for 17 years, and that spark was there more often than not during that whole period, in that I felt it in my belly' so to speak.
we aren't together anymore and i no longer feel that for him ( long story ) but I am just wondering if you are in a space of not 'not settling' for something but perhaps trying to make something fit that really doesn't?
just because it seems right and comfortable doesn't make it the best thing. This isn't to say that massive drama / passionate arguments / intense whatever-stuff are necessary for a real love relationship, because that isn't true, but if you are feeling a tad um...blanded-out? by it all, then it maybe better for you to spend some time on your own and figure out what it is that you DO need from a love relationship.
spark counts! it may not be fireballs and supernovas but drifting along in something that 'feels' mediocre is not fair to either party.
maybe a short spell apart could help?
*love* as a thing is too difficult to define, as far as I am concerned, but I do know that when I have felt it, I bluddy well knew it big time! even though it wasn't an explosion of hollywood-type luuuuuuurve.

donna (donna), Wednesday, 25 February 2004 05:49 (twenty years ago) link

kate otm

Orbit (Orbit), Wednesday, 25 February 2004 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

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