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Your insomnia sounds really chronic and severe. :(

Have you seen a doctor about it?

JuliaA (j_bdules), Thursday, 8 May 2003 00:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

My doctor just told me to take NyQuil or something.

I would just got to bed but I have three days to memorize all of this:

Lesson 6 - Adverbs

I. General considerations
II. Forming adverbs from adjectives
III. Position of adverbs
IV. Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs
V. Negative adverbs

I. Introduction

An adverb is an invariable word that can modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs generally answer one of four questions: how, when, where, and how much

The following is a list of just a few adverbs:
adverbs of time (when): adverbs of manner (how):
aujourd'hui today bien well
autrefois in the past mal badly, poorly
tôt early ensemble together
bientôt soon vite quickly
tard late vraiment really
maintenant now réellement really, actually
aussitôt at once d'habitude usually
actuellement at present, currently heureusement fortunately, luckily
tout de suite right away, immediately
encore again, still, another time seulement only, however
déjà already autrement otherwise
d'abord first, at first brusquement suddenly, all of a sudden
hier yesterday très very
généralement generally
souvent often

adverbs of place (where): adverbs of quantity (how much, how many):
près near beaucoup a lot, very much
loin far peu a little, not much
ici here assez enough
là there, here trop too much, too many
là-bas over there plus more
ailleurs elsewhere moins less
partout everywhere
quelque part somewhere

adverbs of restriction
presque almost
peut-être perhaps, maybe
seulement only
à peine hardly, scarcely

Exercice (6.1)

II. Forming adverbs from adjectives

1. Many adverbs of manner end in -ment. This corresponds to the English -ly. To form such adverbs, take the feminine form of the corresponding adjective and add -ment :
curieux curieuse curieusement
normal normale normalement

2. If the masculine form of an adjective ends in a vowel, the adverb is formed simply by adding -ment (no extra -e is added):
poli poliment
absolu absolument
terrible terriblement
vrai vraiment

3. Adjectives which have two or more syllables and end in -ant or -ent are changed into adverbs by substituting these endings with -amment or -emment:
évident évidemment
différent différemment
courant couramment
élégant élégamment

4. The following adverbs are irregular:
adjectives adverbs
bon bien well
meilleur mieux better, best
mauvais mal badly
gentil gentiment nicely, pleasantly
rapide vite fast, quickly
bref brièvement briefly
commun communément commonly, generally
énorme énormément enormously, tremendously
aveugle aveuglément blindly
précis précisément precisely
profond profondément profoundly, deeply

Remember that vite is an adverb and cannot be used as an adjective. Rapide is the corresponding adjective:

Tu as mangé ton gâteau trop vite! Tu as mangé ton gâteau trop rapidement!
J'ai un modem très rapide.

5. Certain adjectives can be used idiomatically as adverbs:

coûter cher C'est très beau mais ça coûte cher.
It's very beautiful but it's expensive.
parler fort Pourquoi parles-tu fort?
Why are you speaking loudly?
parler haut/bas Pourquoi parles-tu bas?
Why are you speaking softly?
sentir bon/mauvais Ça sent bon ici.
It smells good in here.
chanter juste/faux Roseanne chante faux!
Roseanne is singing off key (badly).
voir clair Je comprends; maintenant je vois clair.
I understand; now I get it.
aller (tout) droit Pour arriver à la bibliothèque, tu vas tout droit.
In order to get to the library, you go straight ahead.
travailler dur Les élèves travaillent dur.
The students are working hard.

When used in this way, these adjectives are invariable (the masculine singular form only is used) and come directly after the verb.

Exercice (6.2)

III. Position of adverbs

a. in simple tenses

In simple tenses in French adverbs never come between the subject and the verb, as they often do in English. They are normally placed after the verb. Compare the following sentences in English and French:

Je vais souvent aux Etats-Unis.
I often go to the United States.

J'aime beaucoup les cerises.
I really love cherries.

If you want to place emphasis on adverbs of manner (how) that end in -ment, you can place them at the end of the sentence:

Il ferme la porte brusquement.

Certain adverbs usually come at the end of the sentence, or at least near the end. Specifically, these are adverbs of time (when) and adverbs of place (where):

Marie va au zoo aujourd'hui.
J'ai laissé mes affaires là-bas.

If you want to place emphasis on adverbs of time (when) or place (where), you can often place them at the beginning of the sentence:

Ici on ne fume pas.
Généralement, il fait beau en juin.

When the adverbs meaning "probably," such as peut-être, probablement, and sans doute begin a sentence, the subject-verb word order is inverted.
Ils sont peut-être en vacances. Peut-être sont-ils en vacances.
Tu as sans doute raison. Sans doute as-tu raison.

However, if one wishes to avoid the inversion, que may be used after peut-être:

Peut-être que vous êtes perdus.

b. in compound tenses

The position of the adverb in a sentence with a compound tense depends on the type of adverb. Most often, the adverb is placed between the auxiliary verb and the past participle. Adverbs that fall into this category are: adverbs of quantity, adverbs of manner , adverbs of manner that imply restriction, and certain adverbs of time.

Elle a bien fait son devoir.
Nous avons presque terminé notre repas.
Il a vite compris la leçon.

A second category of adverbs, however, never go between the auxiliary and the past participle. These are adverbs of place and certain adverbs of time (avant, après, aujourd'hui, hier, autrefois, tôt, tard):

Je ne suis jamais allée là-bas.
Etes-vous sorti hier?

Exercice (6.3)

IV. Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs

The comparative and superlative forms of adverbs are used according to the following constructions:

comparative: (plus, moins or aussi) + adverb + que

Je marche plus vite que toi.
I walk faster than you.

superlative: (le plus or le moins) + adverb + de

Elle marche le plus vite du groupe.
She walks the fastest in the group.

* Note the use of de in the above sentence. Where English uses the word in in superlative expressions (in the world, in the class, in the family), French uses the word de (du monde, de la classe, de la famille).

Some adverbs have irregular comparative and superlative forms:
bien mieux le mieux
beaucoup plus le plus
peu moins le moins

* Remember that mieux and le mieux are adverbs (they describe verbs) and that meilleur(e) and le/la meilleur(e) are adjectives (they describe nouns).

Superlative adverbs, just like superlative adjectives, can be intensified by possible:

Venez chez nous le plus tôt possible.
Come over as soon as possible.

Il est arrivé le plus vite possible.
He arrived as soon as he could.

Exercice (6.4)

Exercice (6.5)

V. Negative adverbs

To form a negative sentence, you use both the negative particle ne and a negative adverb such as pas, jamais, rien, plus, etc. Study the list of negative constructions below:
ne ... pas not Ils n'ont pas appelé leur mère.
ne ... point not at all (literary) M. de Charlus n'aimait point les arrivistes.
ne ... plus no more, no longer Mon père n'a plus de cheveux.
ne ... jamais never Tu n'as jamais mangé d'huîtres?
ne ... que only Il ne mange que des hamburgers et des frites.
ne ... rien nothing Elle ne m'a rien offert.
ne ... guère hardly Ils n'étaient guère gentils.
ne ... pas encore not yet Vous n'êtes pas encore partis?
ne ... plus jamais never again Jean ne va plus jamais chez ce dentiste.
ne ... plus rien no more, nothing else Je n'ai plus rien à vous donner.
ne ... personne no one Ils n'ont vu personne au café.
ne ... nulle part nowhere Elle n'est allée nulle part toute la journée.

ne ... ni ... ni ... neither ... nor Il ne parle ni français ni espagnol.
ne ... aucun(e) none, not any Nous n'avons eu aucun problème.
ne ... nul(le) none, not any Il n'y a nulle raison de se fâcher.

* Note that aucun(e) and nul(le) are adjectives and agree in gender with the noun they modify. They always remain singular.

Il n'a aucun ami.
He has no friends.

*Note that de and d' replace du, de la, de l' and des after a negative adverb.
J'ai toujours de l'argent. Je n'ai jamais d'argent.
Il a des pommes. Il n'a plus de pommes.

However, this rule does not apply to ne ... que whose meaning is not negative.

Anne n'achète que des légumes frais.
Anne buys only fresh vegetables. will replace indefinite or partitive articles but not definite (le, la, les) articles.
J'ai un frère et une soeur. Je n'ai ni frère ni soeur.
Voulez-vous du sel et du poivre? Je ne veux ni sel ni poivre, merci.
BUT: Tu aimes les chats et les chiens?

Je n'aime ni les chats ni les chiens.

Depending on the particular adverb, a negative adverb can be placed before or after the past participle of a compound tense such as passé composé.

Before the past participle:

Je n'ai pas vu cet homme que tu cherches.
Je n'ai rien acheté.
Je n'ai jamais entendu cette chanson.
Je n'ai plus écrit à mon frère.
Je n'ai guère travaillé hier.

The negative adverbs which go after the past participle:

Je n'ai vu personne.
Je n'ai fait que le premier exercice.
Je n'ai vu ni chien ni chat.
Nous ne sommes allés nulle part cette anée.

Similarly, if the negative adverb modifies an infinitive, it is sometimes placed before the infinitive and sometimes placed after it, depending on the particular adverb. The same adverbs that preceded the past participle will precede the infinitive and vice versa.

Before the infinitive:

Elle préfère ne pas voir ce film.
Nous préférons ne rien dire.

After the infinitive:

Elle préfère ne voir personne aujourd'hui.
Tu préfères ne faire que le début?
Il préfère ne lire ni celui-ci ni celui-là.

Nous préférons n'avoir aucun visiteur cet après-midi.

Je préfère n'aller nulle part ce weekend.

*If a negative adverb is used as the subject of a sentence, ne must be placed before the verb.

Personne ne m'a dit la vérité.
No one told me the truth.

Aucun de mes amis n'est venu à la fête.
Aucune de mes amies n'est venue à la fête.
None of my friends came to the party.

As you saw in the list at the beginning of this section, more than one negative adverb can be used in a sentence:

Je n'entends plus personne. I don't hear anyone anymore.
Il n'y a plus que moi. I am the only one left.
Elle ne va jamais nulle part. She never goes anywhere.
Ils ne parlent jamais ni de leur travail ni de leurs enfants. They never talk about their work or their children.

The negative adverbs will always be placed in the following order in a sentence:
ne . . . plus . . . jamais . . . personne
ni . . . ni
nulle part

*Note: "pas" can only be combined with ni and que:

Je n'ai pas envie de la voir ni de lui parler.
I don't want to see her or talk to her.

Il n'y avait pas que des livres dans cette librairie.
There weren't only books in this bookstore.

When answering a negative question with an affirmative (yes), "si" is used instead of oui.
Tu n'as pas apporté les photos? You didn't bring the pictures?
Si, elles sont dans mon sac. Yes, I did. They are in my bag.

* Ne . . . que means only. The que is placed before the relevant noun.

Je n'ai acheté que deux pêches.
I only bought two peaches.

Exercice (6.6)

amateurist (amateurist), Thursday, 8 May 2003 00:50 (twenty-one years ago) link


electric sound of jim (electricsound), Thursday, 8 May 2003 00:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

(Ecoutez. A midi.)
(Quel heure est-il? Il est midi.)
(C'est l'heure de dejeuner. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a a manger?)
(Il y a saucisse, sans doute.)
(Ecoutez et repetez. A midi.)
(Quel heure est-il?)
(Quel heure)
(Quel heure est-il?)
(Il est midi. Midi. Midi. Il est midi. Il est midi.)
(C'est l'heure de dejeuner.)
(C'est l'heure de dejeuner. C'est l'heure de dejeuner. De dejeuner.)
(C'est l'heure de dejeuner.)
(Qu'est-ce qu'il y a a manger?)
(Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?)

gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 8 May 2003 01:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

Vous avez lu l'histoire de Jesse James
Comment il vécut comment il est mort
Ca vous a plus hein vous en d'mandez encore
Et bien
Ecoutez l'histoire de Bonnie and Clyde

mookieproof (mookieproof), Thursday, 8 May 2003 01:16 (twenty-one years ago) link


amateurist (amateurist), Thursday, 8 May 2003 01:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

Wam! Bam!
Mon chat, splatch
Gît sur mon lit
A bouffé sa langue
En buvant dans mon whisky
Quant à moi
Peu dormi, vidé, brimé
J'ai dû dormir dans la gouttière
Où j'ai eu un flash

Hou ! Hou ! Hou ! Hou !
En quatre couleurs
Allez hop !
Un matin
Une louloute est v'nue chez-moi
Poupée de Cellophane
Cheveux chinois
Un sparadrap
Une gueule de bois
A bu ma bière
Dans un grand verre
En caoutchouc
Hou ! Hou ! Hou ! Hou !
Comme un indien dans son igloo

Allez hop ! La nana
Quel panard !
Quelle vibration !
De s'envoyer
Sur le paillasson
Limée, ruinée, vidée, comblée
"You are the King of the divan"
Qu'elle me dit en passant
Hou ! Hou ! Hou ! Hou !
I am the King of the divan

Allez hop !
Touche pas ma planète
It's not to day
Quel le ciel me tombera sur la tête
Et que l'alcool me manquera
Hou ! Hou ! Hou ! Hou !
Ça plane pour moi

Allez hop ! ma nana
S'est tirée
S'est barrée
Enfin c'est marre, a tout cassé
L'évier, le bar me laissant seul
Comme un grand connard

Hou ! Hou ! Hou ! Hou !
Le pied dans le plat
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi moi moi moi moi
Ça plane pour moi

gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 8 May 2003 01:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

three months pass...
crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap

amateurist (amateurist), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:16 (twenty years ago) link

Sorry Ams:(

Mary (Mary), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:20 (twenty years ago) link

thank you :)

why are you up?

amateurist (amateurist), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:28 (twenty years ago) link

I got home(!) from work recently, and a bit amped up, I was going postal today . . .

Mary (Mary), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:33 (twenty years ago) link

how long has this bout been going on? i am assuming you have gotten some sleep since april. did anything help at all?

H (Heruy), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:35 (twenty years ago) link

not really. i sleep ok when i'm travelling, actually.

amateurist (amateurist), Tuesday, 19 August 2003 08:36 (twenty years ago) link

eight months pass...
REVIVED in honor of me pulling an inadvertent all-nighter today (yeah work woo!) & getting only 4-5 hrs of sleep on weeknights (as opposed to 12+ on weekends). I don't have insomnia; I'm just big-boned.

David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 17 May 2004 10:13 (twenty years ago) link

two months pass...
I haven't got any more than three hours sleep a night for almost two weeks now, partly due to some medication I'm on. I hate this. Am I going to crash eventually and break down completely or will I just stay this way forever? My brain is racing away and my heart is beating and it doesn't feel like I'm actually going to go to sleep at all tonight. I suppose this should be exciting but it's actually really frustrating and kind of boring.

AdamL :') (nordicskilla), Monday, 2 August 2004 07:24 (nineteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Kinda thought this might happen with what I put on my plate this fall, even the healthy stuff - it's starting again. I have this thing in me where I feel like something fun and important is going to be missed if I sleep too early, even if I don't plan on doing anything outside (amtrst I think this is the technology-realtime-'compulsion' youre talking about and something I've felt since I was a kid, like silence is loss of connection). I think I need imovane again, just for sleep.

LeCoq (LeCoq), Wednesday, 13 October 2004 07:26 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
Insomnia, you are the most disheartening of afflictions. You have ruined at least half of my weekend already, and I hate you.

I'ts 7:30 AM and I haven't slept AT ALL. I have to catch a train for a day trip that is sure to be no fun anymore in an hour. Everything is starting to feel surreal and over-emotional, and OH IRONY OF IRONIES now that I have to drag my ass out of bed I'm finally fucking tired enough to pass out.

This is going to be one of the longer days of my life.

Laura H. (laurah), Saturday, 13 November 2004 22:36 (nineteen years ago) link

you have my sympathy (see upthread for my advice)

H (Heruy), Saturday, 13 November 2004 23:53 (nineteen years ago) link

i can't sleep at all recently, but for good reasons

amateur!!st, Saturday, 13 November 2004 23:59 (nineteen years ago) link

crushes are bad reasons for everything : P

cºzen (Cozen), Sunday, 14 November 2004 00:04 (nineteen years ago) link

My meds stop me sleeping. It's pretty unpleasant, but it's something I have to put up with, I guess.

Kevin Gilchrist (Mr Fusion), Sunday, 14 November 2004 00:10 (nineteen years ago) link

four months pass...
REVIVED! because I can't fucking sleep. I just ate a whole bunch of a baguette with butter and (decaffeinated) green tea. I'm in a bad cycle of not being able to sleep at night (because of anxiety, noisy upstairs neighbors and a boyfriend who snores), so I sleep on my lunch break. Then I'm not as tired as I should be in the evening, and the cycle continues.

I just wanted to bitch, kthxbye.

sugarpants: bea arthur's secret lover (sugarpants), Friday, 8 April 2005 03:34 (nineteen years ago) link

"What's yours?" asked the barman.


"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away.

"A little cup," said the waiter.

The barman poured it for him.

"The light is very bright and pleasant but the bar is unpolished," the waiter said.

The barman looked at him but did not answer. It was too late at night for conversation.

"You want another copita?" the barman asked.

"No, thank you," said the waiter and went out. He disliked bars and bodegas. A clean, well-lighted cafe was a very different thing. Now, without thinking further, he would go home to his room. He would lie in the bed and finally, with daylight, he would go to sleep. After all, he said to himself, it's probably only insomnia. Many must have it.

Hurting (Hurting), Friday, 8 April 2005 03:41 (nineteen years ago) link

does it count as insomnia if you wake up at 4:30 am having to pee?

jody von bulow (Jody Beth Rosen), Friday, 8 April 2005 08:01 (nineteen years ago) link

What about if your cat wakes you up at 5am on the dot every day to go outside, and then you can't get back to sleep?

caitlin (caitlin), Friday, 8 April 2005 10:53 (nineteen years ago) link

i started taking lorazepam every so often, and it really helps. i think my insomnia had less to do with not being tired as just being really anxious.

Amateur(ist) (Amateur(ist)), Friday, 8 April 2005 13:13 (nineteen years ago) link

jody, I think that means you're an old man.

tokyo nursery school: afternoon session (rosemary), Friday, 8 April 2005 13:19 (nineteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
tokyo rosemary otm.

actually tonight i can't sleep because of (a) too much caffeine (b) an allergen in my cheap laundry detergent that's making me break out in hives.

fra lippo liposuction (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 30 April 2005 06:11 (nineteen years ago) link

funny you should revive this, as i've been having terrible problems sleeping lately and have been a walking zombie at work as a result.

Amateur(ist) (Amateur(ist)), Saturday, 30 April 2005 14:04 (nineteen years ago) link

I took lorazepam for a while, it worked okay. But if you really want to get knocked out, seroquel is the way to go. It's expensive, though.

It's so strong, I had to chop up the pill - half a pill for one night.

I also quit drinking coffee entirely, and it's made all the difference in the world.

tiffr goer (dymaxia), Saturday, 30 April 2005 14:07 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
revive, har har. Help. Please.

I've steadily been sleeping later and later since study week began and it's getting worse everyday. A few nights ago, I fell asleep at 7 am. Woke up at noon. Two nights (mornings?) ago, by 10 am I refused to sleep telling myself I wouldn't nap and go to bed early instead. I went to bed at midnight and woke up at 5.30 am! Fucking 5 and a half hours in 2 days!

Somehow, I managed to take a 2 hour nap yesterday afternoon and then I was up till 4 am last night. Went to bed but I never fell asleep. It's 8.30 am now.

I really need help. I have a paper on friday but I can't study cause I'm so so tired, but I can't sleep either. I'm going mad. I'm bringing my housemate down cause she's a light sleeper and I'm out and about at odd hours and I shouldn't do that cause she's taking more papers than me.

I haven't seen a doc yet, just wanted to rant. It probably doesn't help i'm one of those people who doesn't like going to clinics.

Roz (Roz), Sunday, 12 June 2005 21:57 (eighteen years ago) link

warm milk is an answer for me sometimes

mark s (mark s), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:29 (eighteen years ago) link

be sure to take some time in the day for excercise. If you can't sleep, get up out of bed and do a quiet activity, like reading, until you feel drowsy. Chamomile tea is good too.

rainy (rainy), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:33 (eighteen years ago) link

i woke up yesterday at 1 pm and haven't been to sleep since. i don't drink milk. i spent about 5 hours walking in/around a park.

hstencil (hstencil), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:34 (eighteen years ago) link

warm milk is shorter if you drink it

mark s (mark s), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:36 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't have any because i don't drink it.

hstencil (hstencil), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:39 (eighteen years ago) link


mark s (mark s), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Warm milk doesn't work me though I haven't tried chamomile tea. Reading doesn't help, TV doesn't help, music doesn't help. Sorry. I'm just not in a very nice mood right now. I just hate that feeling after I've laid in bed for 3 or 4 hours and realized that nothing happened.

I SHOULD be exercising more. I think part of the problem is that I've been taking dance classes twice a week but stopped a month ago because I didn't have time. I try to go swimming but work's just piling up.

Roz (Roz), Sunday, 12 June 2005 22:40 (eighteen years ago) link

what the? you dont need a doc. if youre in the US get some tylenol PM into you. if youre in australia get some mersyndol. problem solved.

sunny successor (katharine), Sunday, 12 June 2005 23:31 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah mersndol-ish analgesics might help but they have a bad sedative hangover. Try a valerian/hops/chammomile herbal tablet if you can find some, I find they really work for me.

Trayce (trayce), Sunday, 12 June 2005 23:39 (eighteen years ago) link

reading usually works for me, tho there's an inherent danger there ("just one more page...oops, the sun's coming up").

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Monday, 13 June 2005 07:46 (eighteen years ago) link

the sun is about to come up, here

hstencil (hstencil), Monday, 13 June 2005 07:59 (eighteen years ago) link

speaking of which, here's a golden oldie revived 45 from the beloved. goodness me, is that "the sun rising"? ho ho, capital gold, where you're never more than 60 seconds away from another minute, etc.

Marcello Carlin (nostudium), Monday, 13 June 2005 08:07 (eighteen years ago) link

i'm up, but it's not insomnia; it was my body telling me to get up and pee. thank you, body.

metal assembly (Jody Beth Rosen), Monday, 13 June 2005 08:12 (eighteen years ago) link

one month passes...

Adam In Real Life (nordicskilla), Monday, 25 July 2005 05:40 (eighteen years ago) link

hi adam! my sleep schedule has been way way way way off lately.

not gettin' hassled, not gettin' hustled (Jody Beth Rosen), Monday, 25 July 2005 05:44 (eighteen years ago) link

Mine too. It always seems to be this time of year. I had crazy staying up until dawn sessions last summer too. I don't want to be awake. I can't read, I can't concentrate on anything, but lying in bed makes me utterly crazy for some reason.

Adam In Real Life (nordicskilla), Monday, 25 July 2005 05:46 (eighteen years ago) link

i need to replace my futon mattress.

not gettin' hassled, not gettin' hustled (Jody Beth Rosen), Monday, 25 July 2005 06:15 (eighteen years ago) link

seven months pass...
There are a million insomnia threads on ILE!

I think I've conditioned myself to stay awake much longer than necessary ... eventually, I force myself to get into bed and sleep, even though I'd rather be awake. No matter how many hours of sleep I get, I wake up feeling exhausted. So it's not really the same as insomnia because once I finally fall asleep I have no trouble sleeping for several hours. Still, it would be nice to fall asleep at a normal hour and wake up refreshed even if I get 7-8 hours of sleep. Advice?

NoTimeBeforeTime (Barry Bruner), Monday, 6 March 2006 06:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Try Melatonin

Richard Gillanders (RGILL), Monday, 6 March 2006 15:33 (eighteen years ago) link

There's a great podcast called The Maritime History Podcast that used to knock me right out. It took me months to make it past Hammurabi. But then my brain got used to that, and started a new trick: letting me go to sleep for about an hour from midnight to 1am, then waking me back up again for the rest of the night. The night before last I didn't sleep at all and eventually got up at 5:30.

It definitely helps me to get some exercise during the day and not eat late at night, and to avoid alcohol. But those things only help. They don't guarantee sleep.

trishyb, Wednesday, 7 October 2020 11:26 (three years ago) link

“Nytol will help you get your zzzzzzzzs” = jingles u will never get out of your sleep deprived head

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 7 October 2020 12:54 (three years ago) link

Come on over to this thread, LL: Thread for random old TV voiceover/announcer phrases that pop into your head

Erdős-szám 69 (James Redd and the Blecchs), Wednesday, 7 October 2020 14:13 (three years ago) link

three years pass...

it's baaaaaaaaaack. but now I have an anxiety-cause to some of it. pretty much for the majority of the year, some nights I try to go to sleep, and feel like every time I start to go under, I jolt awake, and my heart races and it repeats over and over for an hour or so until finally I fall asleep (or don't). it only started when I acquired an assload of stress and usually on nights when I have a lot in my head at bedtime.

also it's long past time I do a sleep study. i am 99% sure I have apnea, p much everybody in my family does.

real warm grandpa (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 11 October 2023 17:19 (seven months ago) link

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