Marvel's Luke Cage

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Wow, this season's narrative unravels really quickly.

Sybil Disobedience (Leee), Monday, 9 July 2018 20:22 (six years ago) link

Yeah gets a bit clunky in places.
Cameo from Iron Fist if you stay with it that far.
But did have some bits i enjoyed.

Stevolende, Monday, 9 July 2018 20:25 (six years ago) link

Phew. Made it through this one. Once I saw the post about Two Characters Talking Intensely I couldn't get it out of my head, so thanks for that! Seriously they need to make these 8 episode seasons, at most. I feel like most of the Netflix Marvel shows have some good stuff in them (ok, not Iron Fist, and Punisher was too violent for me to even make it through one episode), but so much damn filler...

DJI, Friday, 13 July 2018 10:05 (six years ago) link

Is there any financial reason Netflix seem committed to these 13 episode seasons?

Their revenue comes from subscriptions so can't see how an 8 or 10 episode season would impact on things. Is it just viewer expectation?

groovypanda, Friday, 13 July 2018 10:47 (six years ago) link

Would have thought that a viewer expectation could always be redrawn if the prototype for the change was successful.
Is there a history of shows long enough for there to be a tradition yet.
13 weeks = 1/4 of a year but these things are simultaneously released so that doesn't hold much water.

Stevolende, Friday, 13 July 2018 11:37 (six years ago) link

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