What are your thoughts on a new project I'm working on: Wax & Stamp - a vinyl subscription club (UK)

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In the new year, I'm launching a new little musicy startup with a friend of mine called Wax & Stamp.

The idea was inspired by a independent magazine business I came across recently that sends you a different independent magazine each month from all over different places. I thought it would work really nicely with vinyl as well. We're launching early 2015 though no specific date and the main premise is to send out a couple of records each month: one chosen by us and another chosen by a guest selector each month.

The plan is not to be genre-specific. I know in the US there's Vinyl Me, Please and elsewhere in Europe there's a few house/techno subscription clubs like this, but in the UK there's not much that's open-ended.

What are your thoughts on this? There's currently a few things we have hanging open at the moment. Like where do we price it, do we do two LPs at say £30, or two 12s/EPs at £15? Do we leave it open-ended with genre or tighten in.

If you want to find out more, then we got a mailing list to keep you up to date over at http://waxandstamp.com

beatgeneration, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 10:44 (ten years ago) link

I'm interested because I like the idea of getting a mystery record in the post. I think if i was to subscribe then one album a month would suit my budget - £30 would be a bit much

paolo, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 12:00 (ten years ago) link

Also what if you get a record but you already own it?

paolo, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 12:04 (ten years ago) link

might it not be hard to get people to sign up if they have no inkling at all about the kind of music it might comprise of? i'd suggest, at least initially, giving some sort of idea of the kind of records you love so people at least know whether they are likely to be receiving tuareg emo or nosebleed indie records?

stirmonster, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 15:27 (ten years ago) link

Cheers both for the feedback.

Paolo, we'll hopefully be doing it with new records each month, which should reduce that chance but it is always a risk. Perhaps then on that off chance something to give to a friend.

Stirmonster, a few people have said give some indication of music, so I think that's definitely something we'll be doing in some way soon. Just need to work out the best way to do so.

And as for the tuareg emo, what makes you think that might be divisive?

beatgeneration, Wednesday, 24 December 2014 15:54 (ten years ago) link

two months pass...

We launched this, this week - would be great to hear what you think: http://waxandstamp.com

beatgeneration, Sunday, 15 March 2015 10:15 (nine years ago) link

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