hot chip feat. bonnie prince billy

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we know it's not good

Zeno, Wednesday, 12 May 2010 20:22 (fourteen years ago) link

this is magic!

jed_, Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:11 (fourteen years ago) link

it's such a crazy world IMO

you better check that sausage before you put it in the rofl (M@tt He1ges0n), Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:12 (fourteen years ago) link

Yet another unexpected collaboration from the king of unexpected collaborations.

hills like white people (Hurting 2), Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:15 (fourteen years ago) link

maybe hot chip needed a salvia hookup

you better check that sausage before you put it in the rofl (M@tt He1ges0n), Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:19 (fourteen years ago) link

you better check that sausage before you put it in the rofl

well done

Limp Bizkit Virtual Raping Teddy Bear (Shakey Mo Collier), Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:20 (fourteen years ago) link

finally someone that knows REAL quality hip hop :)

you better check that sausage before you put it in the rofl (M@tt He1ges0n), Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:21 (fourteen years ago) link

Still can't believe how bad the promo video for the original of this was ...

djh, Wednesday, 12 May 2010 21:29 (fourteen years ago) link

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