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I messed up thinking aquemini didn't make the first one so voted for that instead, and when lj corrected me i voted for bl_ck b_st_rds instead of doing the smart thing and going for a different 'kast. a perfect record in so many ways.

tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Monday, 3 May 2010 20:32 (fourteen years ago) link


WE THE VIKING (The Reverend), Monday, 3 May 2010 20:33 (fourteen years ago) link

42 Pavement - Wowee Zowee (1995)
57 points
7 votes
0 first-place votes
Greatest contributors: sofatruck, eephus!

I think that before Wowee Zowee, different Pavement fans had two different reasons for liking them: you could like them because they (alt) "rocked," or you could like them because they were "sloppy," and that was cool. But the "sloppy" thing hides something a little deeper. There was definitely a level on which they got basic wise-ass rock'n'roll mileage from their sloppiness -- there's that Fall influence in action -- but there was also something about that "sloppiness" that allowed them to be very graceful, elegant, and feminine; where most rock bands aimed to be heavy and energetic, Pavement had a lazy light touch, one that could let them stumble really beautifully through something like "Gold Soundz."

And I think Wowee Zowee was the album that had Pavement at their most Pavementy, with regard to that quality. Yes, it was full of wise-ass slack moves and all that, but it also contains a pretty high proportion of the band's prettiest songs -- stuff like "We Dance" and "Grave Architecture," or the verses of ... is it "AT+T?" Everyone's completely OTM upthread about how all this stuff "blurs together," and I think that's really important to the pretty stuff. None of those songs seem to be popping up and announcing it: "Hi, this is the pretty song, please note the pretty guitar tone, etc." No, they just get to stumble into it naturally, like they're finding that beauty right in front of you. (Part of why everything "blurs," after all, is that the songs are all recorded the same way, with the same guitar tones, and not too many track-to-track production shifts; it feels like they're just playing and coming across each thing individually.)

So that quality, that "casually stumbling across pretty things" quality, felt important then, especially when held up against alt-rock. Thing is, I feel like this reissue might still retain that feeling, even in a whole other context, because ... well, compare to all the run-of-mill indie bands right now who have that same quality of wanting to tell you that their stuff is beautiful, or hard, or whatever; compare to the amount of stuff these days that feels like its effect is very carefully calculated. On Wowee Zowee, Pavement actually sound like they're as open-minded about their record as the listener is expected to be -- they play what they play like it's no big deal, and they show a really surprising amount of range and skill in being able to stumble over and steer their way into a lot of really complex, wonderful things. I would love to hear more albums these days that caught that spirit, even if it did mean rocky, uneven records -- sorting through this kind of rocky unevenness is fairly pleasurable, and I'm probably fonder of "Best Friend's Arm" than any number of really solid well-written tracks.

― nabisco (nabisco), Thursday, 6 July 2006 16:15 (3 years ago)

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:08 (fourteen years ago) link

I wish I could still like Pavement. :(

They just annoy me now. I used to be the biggest fan, but Pavement more than any other band I've ever loved has become a mere nuisance.

Does anyone agree?

Captain Ahab, Monday, 3 May 2010 21:21 (fourteen years ago) link

No, still love them.

Dastardly & Müttley Crüe (Herman G. Neuname), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:23 (fourteen years ago) link

I'm completely with you I'm afraid, Captain. I think the only thing I could bear to play nowadays is Watery Domestic. I know in my brain that S+E is still good, but I tried listening to it the other day and had to take it off. The other albums don't stand a chance.

Remember me, but o! forget my feet (GamalielRatsey), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:26 (fourteen years ago) link

i'm with Ahab, Wowee Zowee is the album I still have the most lingering affection for but I couldn't bring myself to vote for that fuckin band.

hey lol hipster (some dude), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:27 (fourteen years ago) link

Ist rad!

random non sequitur (KMS), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:29 (fourteen years ago) link

Pavement becomes a lot more tolerable when you realize they actually got *better* through their progression of albums, peaking at Terror Twilight -- not the other way around.

I just wish he hadn't adopted the "ilxor" moniker (ilxor), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:35 (fourteen years ago) link

S&E is like the tattered blueprint for Terror Twilight, which is the picture-perfect mansion resort on the lake.

I just wish he hadn't adopted the "ilxor" moniker (ilxor), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:37 (fourteen years ago) link

i hate S&E and really like Brighten but ugh son

hey lol hipster (some dude), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:42 (fourteen years ago) link

In the 90s I was massive Pavement stan and sorta talked myself into thinking S+E was the masterpiece (cz "everyone else" said so) even though I really preferred WZ and CRCR. Now S+E is the one I can't really bring myself to play ever, but WZ has never got old for me - it has enough weird twists and turns that there always seems to be something new I haven't noticed in it, little hooks and cryptic lyrics that you find yourself thinking about months after listening which drag you back in.

WZ + CRCR together just fit on a 100-minute tape and make (what I was sure at one point was) the perfect summer road trip tape.

Still don't care that much for post-WZ stuff. It always sounds better than I remember, but not quite enough.

xylyl syzygy (a passing spacecadet), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:44 (fourteen years ago) link

WZ is head and shoulders my fave Pavement but I didn't care enough to vote for it.

Daily Sport Stunna Yasmin Alibhai Brown (Noodle Vague), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:46 (fourteen years ago) link

Can't imagine ever getting tired of Pavement or Wowee Zowee.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:50 (fourteen years ago) link

It's easy if you try.

Daily Sport Stunna Yasmin Alibhai Brown (Noodle Vague), Monday, 3 May 2010 21:51 (fourteen years ago) link

I haven't heard anything after Crooked Rain. Not going to rectify that either.

EZ Snappin, Monday, 3 May 2010 21:51 (fourteen years ago) link

WZ is head and shoulders my fave Pavement but I didn't care enough to vote for it.


they had some good songs

nakhchivan, Monday, 3 May 2010 21:55 (fourteen years ago) link

felt kinda bad given alla those pts 2 nachtstrom cuz i didnt even hear that record until a couple yrs after it came out & the new millennium was in full effect but its such an amusingly disconcerting record & really shyly pretty. mb has in common with all the other things i really love a puzzle like quality, a capacity for organized randomness, a joy in the personal & the trivial.

wish i had sum interesting personal anecdote 2 share but its not a record thats really abt "big moments" all i really associate with this record is traveling. i was a snr in high school when i 1st heard its sort of an "in transit" record for me. the cut-up dissociative nature of its songs makes it gr8 for listening to on planes and trains - the enforced idleness & the strangeness. that heavy sense of waiting in motion. its the sdtrk to running along the lake when its windy & watching the sailboats & the harbor and dreaming of college. or the long subway rides to the club where i practiced tennis after school. of seeing again the same ppl and the same places and expecting them to be different even if they never really changed.

midcentury Modern (Lamp), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 00:26 (fourteen years ago) link

Yay 13!!!!

billstevejim, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 02:41 (fourteen years ago) link

I just recently fell in love with Wowee Zowee after merely liking it for a number of years. It was just one of those Saturday afternoons where it sounded like the absolutely accurate summation of the state of my world at that moment. Which has always been the way I've fallen for the band's album. I remember listening to CRCR and liking it well enough, but not getting anyone going nuts over it, until I listened to it on headphones while ambling through town on a hot summer afternoon - and it just sounded so perfect. Didn't vote in the poll, but glad to see that album make it.

MumblestheRevelator, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 04:46 (fourteen years ago) link

ATLiens is a fucking standout amazing album.

Matt Daemon (jjjusten), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 04:52 (fourteen years ago) link
Milky is happy about 13's placement in the alternative 90's poll.

billstevejim, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 04:59 (fourteen years ago) link

acoleuthic: I know you're busy (me too) but i am very anxious to see more results. This is just a gentle prodding though. Get your stuff taken care of. :)

Captain Ahab, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 05:25 (fourteen years ago) link

Hey, a college guy's gotta enjoy his strippers and blow in the evenings.

I just wish he hadn't adopted the "ilxor" moniker (ilxor), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 13:14 (fourteen years ago) link

lj - you betster have yr schoolwork and this poll done by next tuesday so we can enjoy boadrum without any nagging doubts about shit you should be doing.

tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 14:51 (fourteen years ago) link

I personally don't mind a slow unveiling as long as albums I voted for continue to place.

billstevejim, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:20 (fourteen years ago) link

0/4 over here

the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:36 (fourteen years ago) link

40= Julian Cope - Peggy Suicide (1991)
60 points
1 vote
1 first-place vote
Contributor: EZSnappin

Goddammit I love this record so much.'s Saturday night, and I've already had three beers on a relatively empty stomach, so this might not be as coherent as my usual In Praise Of's, but I threw this on this afternoon and it provided such a buoyant kickstart to my evening that I cannot effectively articulate how much I love this record.

Released when the rest of the music-loving words seemed to be furtively fondling itself over stuff like Loveless by My Bloody Valentine and Screamadelica by Primal Scream (not that there's anything necessarily wrong with those records), Peggy Suicide came along as this sprawling, whip-smart, ambitious concept album that restored all faith in Julian Cope's wildly erratic solo career. Simply put, Peggy Suicide has fucking EVERYTHING, from balls-out rockers ("Hanging Out & Hung Up on the Line") and blissful pop ("Beautiful Love") to loping "baggy" funk ("East Easy Rider") and bizarrely ambient stretches ("Western Front 1992 CE"), it's a remarkably diverse record that has no business sounding as coherent and cohesive as it does (almost lending legitimacy once again to the maligned notion of 'concept albums'). Cope hadn't yet re-chashed in his chips and was still focussed (before the rot set back in with Autogeddon) and comes across as furious and rocking as he is enlightened and conscious.

The guitar-spiralling, yowling climax of "Double Vegetation" alone renders this vast album an absolute classic. And GAWDALMIGHTY don't I love. Even if Copey said all sorts of nasty stuff about Jaz Coleman in "Head-On," I'd spare his life for bestowing this prize on the undeserving, cursed globe.

If you don't own it, go fetch it at once, earth-hater!!!

Tell me I'm wrong, go ahead. I'm too blissed out to care.

― Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 9 November 2003 00:22 (6 years ago)

Picked this up last night and, after a couple full listens, I'm wondering where this album has been my whole life. Really strikes me as a parallel album to Sign 'o' the Times, a double album overflowing with ideas, not merely genre exercises but fully realized songs and ideas. In the sound I hear bits of Bowie, Nick Cave, Peter Murphy (all things I'm used to listening to, of course -- I'm sure there are influences I'm not picking up on) and also Bunnymen/McCulloch and of course the Teardrops and '60s psych-pop and on and on it goes. What an album!

― I just wish he hadn't adopted the "ilxor" moniker (ilxor), Wednesday, 15 July 2009 14:18 (9 months ago)

Total classic, don't listen to it nearly enough but it nestles in my chaotic cd cupboard like a fine wine in a cloistered basement.

Still gives me shivers when Cope's voice ascends for that first chorus of Double Vegetation.

― mzui (mzui), Sunday, 17 July 2005 18:21 (4 years ago)

The exceedingly low expectations derived from his prior Skellington and Droolian meant that Peggy Suicide felt like a blinding electric shock. Lotsa fave moments though the most staggering remains the metamorphosis of "Safe Surfer", from Droolian's unremarkable demo cut to this sprawling snake-coiled guitar monster on PS.

The irony of course is that this album is fucking GREAT to drive to.

― doug watson (solid air), Monday, 18 July 2005 23:41 (4 years ago)

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:37 (fourteen years ago) link

i'm really starting to think there's gonna be no u.s. maple on this list ;_;

0/4 over here

― the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, May 4, 2010 11:36 AM (10 minutes ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

if you only voted for 4 albums doesn't that mean you gave them each enough points to place really high?

hey lol hipster (some dude), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:47 (fourteen years ago) link

not necessarily

the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:51 (fourteen years ago) link

1 point each for 3 of them, 197 points for the other?

Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Farting in Space (NickB), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:51 (fourteen years ago) link

^^^enlightening music discussion

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:54 (fourteen years ago) link

Really looking forward to a post-reveal alternative ranking by vote count with score total being the tiebreaker. Just saying.

nori dusted (Sanpaku), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 15:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Cope seems like a cool dude with great taste and a bunch of interesting projects, and yet I have never heard any music of his that particularly impressed me

the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:00 (fourteen years ago) link

I had a cassette of Demos for that album, including the not-released title track.

It eventually was remade as "Peggy Suicide is a junkie" but lost the innocence/immediacy of the original.

Still, nice to have.

Mark G, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:03 (fourteen years ago) link

40= Straitjacket Fits - Melt (1991)
60 points
1 vote
1 first-place vote
Contributor: Johnny Fever

Hook-heavy, real catchy, but with a blissed-out gauzy production that places it forever in 1991. What's the general consensus on these Kiwi post-punkers?

― Brandon Gentry (Brandon Gentry), Wednesday, 30 April 2003 13:20 (7 years ago)

I listened to Melt for the first time in ages last night in a hypnagogic state while in bed, and Andrew Brough's tracks sounded like some heavenly Kiwi distillation of John Lennon and George Harrison's best Beatles traits. The man is a fuggin' genius, yet he only received George-like song rations. Scandalous.

― Dave Segal (Da ve Segal), Thursday, 30 June 2005 04:47 (4 years ago)

Listened to Melt and Done repeating all night and, even though the knowledge of how great they are is always with me, I forget how great until I'm actually playing them.

― Johnny Fever, Monday, 29 June 2009 09:16 (10 months ago)

this song is basically what i wish the music i made sounded like

fucking incredible track

― private static void (electricsound), Saturday, 25 April 2009 06:17 (1 year ago)

Favourite Straitjacket Fits moment: Andrew Brough stopping the gig for five minutes because he had to go to the toilet. Plus announcing it to the audience.

― Good Dog (Good Dog), Tuesday, 15 February 2005 04:56 (5 years ago)

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:06 (fourteen years ago) link


sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:18 (fourteen years ago) link


Kitchen Person, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:23 (fourteen years ago) link


midcentury Modern (Lamp), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:25 (fourteen years ago) link

I guess this is the risk with a non-consensus poll

Ismael Klata, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:25 (fourteen years ago) link

I have a vague memory of hearing Straitjacket Fits at the time, but they never made an impression.

the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:28 (fourteen years ago) link


I just wish he hadn't adopted the "ilxor" moniker (ilxor), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:28 (fourteen years ago) link

38= Pole - 1 (1998)
60 points
2 votes
1 first-place vote
Greatest contributor: abanana

Utterly classic - i remember the first time i heard it i was like "what the fuck!?" i read about it before it was released in the uk and i was sure, from the description, it was going to be like music i had imagined my whole life and never actually heard. I wasnt dissappointed. It sounded better than i had imagined.

― jed_e_3 (jed_e_3), Sunday, 24 August 2003 18:25 (6 years ago)

CD1 is an example of someone who got it absolutely right on the first go -- I really think they needn't have bothered making more records. It reminds me of a Miles Davis adage about thinking of a sound and then not making it.

It's also a record that works for me first thing in the morning or last thing at night in a way that few others do.

― Nom De Plume (Nom De Plume), Sunday, 24 August 2003 19:06 (6 years ago)

If you're talking about the "blue" album, yeah, it's one of my favourite records of all time too. Pole's minimalism is minimalism with soul, because of the dub and jazz influences. According to AMG his new album has rapping in it, sounds weird.

― Tuomas (Tuomas), Monday, 25 August 2003 11:00 (6 years ago)

i really liked the first cd, especially the first track (can't recall the title) which is just like a dark night, moon shining on snowbanks. beautiful.

― your null fame, Wednesday, 1 August 2001 00:00 (8 years ago)

Am I the only one who think's Pole's early records, especially 1, can be seen building on what Miles did with In a Silent Way? Sure, formally they belong to a different genre, but there's a similar feel to them.

― Tuomas (Tuomas), Thursday, 3 November 2005 16:10 (4 years ago)

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:30 (fourteen years ago) link

you guys like some shitty indie rock

the sound of a norwegian guy being wrong (Shakey Mo Collier), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:32 (fourteen years ago) link

lol @ ambient techno-dub being indie rock

sausage s4rgent (acoleuthic), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:32 (fourteen years ago) link

i saw pole open for trans am once, and it was bowel shaking bass

the Rob Based god (M@tt He1ges0n), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:33 (fourteen years ago) link

I think that was in response to Straitjacket Fits, LJ

it means "EMOTIONAL"! (HI DERE), Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:33 (fourteen years ago) link

I remember hearing about the Straitjacket Fits. I've never heard their music, but's a pretty cool band name. I'd really like to hear Johnny Fever defend them.

M. Loh, Tuesday, 4 May 2010 16:36 (fourteen years ago) link

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