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respect. i thought he was done. maybe now he'll get the move to italy his game deserves.

mizzell, Sunday, 21 April 2013 23:01 (eleven years ago) link

Hush you, what'll happen is avb works out a credible rotation and tactical policy to keep sandro, dembele, thudd, holtby all happy and competing.

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Sunday, 21 April 2013 23:11 (eleven years ago) link

i would like him to stick around, just don't think he has the mobility avb will require. carroll more important to work into the rotation imo.

mizzell, Monday, 22 April 2013 00:12 (eleven years ago) link

I agree, if u mean ANDY

There's not been a lot of mobility with avb's starting xi inc dempsey and sig on wings lately, adebayor lolloping around fifty yards from anyone and parker tripping everyone else up. Hopefully he'll spot that having a player that lasers the ball around in a very disjointed unit at present is A Good Thing

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 06:40 (eleven years ago) link

MOTD2 graphics last night showing the entire Spurs midfield all with ten feet of each other makes me wonder who he's meant to laser it to once Bale isn't there.

RIP Muppet Fat Chef (onimo), Monday, 22 April 2013 10:07 (eleven years ago) link

Point being that he wont be within ten feet of anyone, not having run anywhere, ever

tbf that all changed with defoe and holtby comin on anyway

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 10:21 (eleven years ago) link

thudd may have pulled a dawson for now but you'll try and replace with moutinho again i'd expect

chasing willian and damiao generally does suggest avb sees where the problems are at least

r|t|c, Monday, 22 April 2013 10:35 (eleven years ago) link

still not sure i really get holtby yet but i suspect he might be one to flourish next season

r|t|c, Monday, 22 April 2013 10:37 (eleven years ago) link

He's been very neat, but better off the bench imo for now. Better wide than either sigurdsson or dempsey, probably best in the hole tho.

would hate to see thudd go obv.

his weight is given as 71kg ie 11 stone 2lbs gtfo

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 10:42 (eleven years ago) link

Nother site says 12st 5lbs gtfo

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 10:43 (eleven years ago) link

Yet another says 15 6 maybe, maybe

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 10:44 (eleven years ago) link

yeah holtby's gotta be the amc

think he probably just needs to bulk up a bit, got the engine and skillset just a tad lightweight

r|t|c, Monday, 22 April 2013 11:05 (eleven years ago) link

like it's not even a steroidal premier league thing i don't think, i mean ozil had to get ripped to play in spain after he moved so

r|t|c, Monday, 22 April 2013 11:09 (eleven years ago) link

Modric didnt but he bounced off tackles

the gowls are not what they seem (darraghmac), Monday, 22 April 2013 11:28 (eleven years ago) link

Think Tom's a Plan B/not-so-secret weapon rather than a regular starter.

Holtby is very incisive and composed and more intelligent in his play than Sigurdsson or Dempsey and can play deep or further advanced. Would imagine Dembele-Sandro-Holtby will be the first choice central midfield, the squad has been reasonably well built from the back upwards but is really threadbare upfront and out wide.

Matt DC, Monday, 22 April 2013 11:53 (eleven years ago) link

three months pass...

avb out

darraghmac, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:00 (ten years ago) link

He'll come back to us, like Defoe did, when the management realises what they've let go.

Inte Regina Lund eller nån, mitt namn är (ShariVari), Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:02 (ten years ago) link

I know ppl say no one player is bigger than the team but with thudd that is just factually incorrect.

I will adopt hull as second team if livermore/thudd are a starting two in midfield. That's immobile but as a sitting pair it's an interesting prospect.

darraghmac, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:06 (ten years ago) link

thudd/koren dreamteam

imago, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:49 (ten years ago) link

thudd/koren/boyd is p much the most cultured potential midfield three in the premiership outside of man city & chelsea, shame it's also probably the most immobile

imago, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:51 (ten years ago) link

and then there's paul mcshane and alex bruce behind them :D

imago, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 13:52 (ten years ago) link

i am wounded, wounded. it will never really heal.

darraghmac, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 15:12 (ten years ago) link

much like hudd's ankle

anonanon, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 15:37 (ten years ago) link

I'm excited for him, although it may mean I like Spurs less

imago, Wednesday, 14 August 2013 19:05 (ten years ago) link

Jake Livermore is also going from the north Londoners to Humberside - on a season-long loan in his case - and Huddlestone questioned Spurs’ policy of off-loading English players.

“The first few years I was there, the philosophy and policy were to buy young British players, such as myself, Aaron Lennon, Gareth Bale, Michael Dawson, Jermaine Jenas, and players like that,” said Huddlestone, who will make his debut at Chelsea on Sunday.

“Now Steve Caulker has gone sold to Cardiff], they’ve let me go, Jake has left and it has gone the opposite way - buying more established international players. I’m not sure if it is good for the club.

“It will be difficult [for Tottenham]. They’ve let a few players go who were used to the Premier League week in, week out. Bringing players in from abroad, as we’ve seen in the past, can take them a while to settle.

“You could see it happening last season. David Bentley left, Jermaine Jenas left [for QPR in January] and they were ready to accept a bid [also from QPR] for Michael Dawson.”

Nilmar Honorato da Silva, Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:14 (ten years ago) link

Woeful casemaking there

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:18 (ten years ago) link

Paul Merson has admitted he is heartbroken at Arsenal's decision to sell him to first division Middlesbrough for £4.5million. "I thought I would end my career at Arsenal. When they said I could leave I felt terrible," he told the News of the World.

The news was delivered to Merson by Gunners manager Arsene Wenger yesterday. The Frenchman has made several major signings in the close season and feels he can do without Merson, one of the fans' favourite players. Merson said: "Arsene Wenger came to me and said 'We have been offered £4.5million for you'. "I asked Arsene 'Aren't you going to try to keep me?' and he just said 'No'. He kept saying it was a lot of money for a 29-year-old and he had to take it. "My 15 years with Arsenal was over in 15 minutes. I felt terrible. They didn't make any effort to keep me."

Dennis Bergkamp has cushioned the blow for Arsenal fans with a contract extension which should keep the 28-year-old Dutch international in north London for the rest of his career.

This guy's blog ends here btw, obviously never got over losing Merse

Ismael Klata, Thursday, 15 August 2013 22:41 (ten years ago) link

iirc merse was at the zenith of his pissheadery at that point, probably had the whole conversation with a hatstand in wenger's office

r|t|c, Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:21 (ten years ago) link

i mean i know thudd is carrying timber but he doesnt look in bad shape there imo

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:24 (ten years ago) link

yeah his 40yard dash time should be inching under 5.8 seconds

Nilmar Honorato da Silva, Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:27 (ten years ago) link

the line about huddlestone that he was a 16st xabi alonso cast before the swine of english fitba is about as accurate as those sentiments usually are

his notable skill is being able to drop well weighted passes over 20-60 yards with minimal backlift and a lowish trajectory but with a slight backspin so it sits at the feet of the recipient

it's a neat trick to have but it's also the most common such talent for an english midfielder or pseudo midfielder to have, gerrard, carrick, twp &c

his control and short passing are not especially good

Nilmar Honorato da Silva, Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:43 (ten years ago) link

disagree obv

his first touch some ways better than most english midfielders

he's considerably better on his second foot than most english footballers

his weighted passes are consistently better, and at their best far better, than other english players

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Thursday, 15 August 2013 23:50 (ten years ago) link

the epl is 70% non english and creative midfielders are probably more like 80% so it's scarcely worth comparing him only to his reliably lumpen compatriots

Nilmar Honorato da Silva, Friday, 16 August 2013 00:11 (ten years ago) link

it is when he's not getting a game in that lumpen midfield imo

but then he was getting one for ours either i spose

interesting to see if he makes international squad with a run

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Friday, 16 August 2013 00:22 (ten years ago) link

I think Gerrard has a tendency to put too much on those long low passes and Carrick doesn't have Thudd's passing range or cunting ability. Both make up for those shortcomings by being able to move.

Rummmpatitum, Rummmpatitum Traboo, Traboo, Traboo (onimo), Friday, 16 August 2013 10:26 (ten years ago) link

Both significantly older fwiw

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Friday, 16 August 2013 10:49 (ten years ago) link

in terms of ability to move that's not a positive

but hey i love Thudd too and i am having weirdly ambivalent feelings about Steve Bruce lately. i think City will be alright.

the epl is 70% non english and creative midfielders are probably more like 80% so it's scarcely worth comparing him only to his reliably lumpen compatriots

― Nilmar Honorato da Silva

u will oblige, tbh, by listing the furriners in england who surpass our lad thudd in the metrics suggested btw

"fear of putting out" in one's early thirties (darraghmac), Friday, 16 August 2013 11:16 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

He's made a perfect career move. Midfields have to be built around him, and at Spurs this was not the case. He's looking absolutely imperious at Hull. Obviously an England recall would be out of the question as Wilshere is his more-mobile equivalent, although I think Thudd's deep-lying style is more suited to controlled possession football - perhaps Wilshere will develop in this regard. Thudd's a better passer and dead-ball striker. Let the love-in continue!

wilsheres best skill is carrying the ball between the lines with lil bursts then playing off of the attacking midfielders / forwards like ilkay gundogan with a feltham YOI demeanour and haircut

can see other teams looking for similar skillets

huddlestone isnt really like that at all

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:23 (ten years ago) link

veratti should be better than wilshere or ilkay because he can do everything wilshere can do but with real playmaking intelligence

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:24 (ten years ago) link

yeah but wilshere is the player england are looking to build their team around

a wilshere - huddlestone CM would be an interesting experiment though

i dont really care about england

huddlestone wilshere is quite a complementary central midfield

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:29 (ten years ago) link

i dont rate huddlestone that highly but id like to see what he does with a few months starting for hull, the epl lacks interesting players in those sort of teams

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:30 (ten years ago) link

cleverley & milner though. keepin it solid bruv

england won't select thudd so this is moot. let's talk about hull. ridiculous flair quotient for supposed lumpen relegation trash

di canio getting rid of one of the only interesting players in that tranche and giving him to wba was probably not the best decision

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:31 (ten years ago) link

what else are hull doing, is meyler playing, is gamelad brady still being game, who is aluko, why is aluko

Lama Bloody SwagYurt (Nilmar Honorato da Silva), Saturday, 21 September 2013 20:33 (ten years ago) link

when Sunderland signed Giaccherini I thought it was the wing-back who played for Italy in the recent Euros and was excited, but I'd gotten the name wrong

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