Worst quote in Danny Baker's post-Iceland rant

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Football is in the gutter.

Poll Results

Sometimes think football is over-thought. Too much tactics instead of, "Look, there's 11 blokes out there up for a 3
No fucking good. 2
Oh we are getting Glenn Hoddle's reaction now. Next up the reaction of a paving stone in Blackpool. 2
Did no one get into the England dressing room and say, "Look the old country is really in need of a boost right no 2
Not Rebuilding 1
Absolutely disgraceful, #England. You useless over paid, over indulged mollycoddled shits. You are beyond shame. Disgra 1
You fucking awful craven humiliating disgrace. Go on you fuckers pick up your PL wages you cheap shits. You worms. Fuck 1
Peter Crouch talking about "the pressure" making them be useless. They're paid £150k a week you lanky ponce! 1
Wayne Rooney won't be "distraught". None of them will. They'll be thinking, OK few weeks away then first game 0
.@GaryLineker MOTD intro very fitting. Mind you I did feel after looking at the pundit panel saying, "Well you mob 0
Can we now all agree that the England team are not 0
In transition 0
Not a "young side" 0
They are just: 0
You fucking disgrace. You fucking disgrace. England footballers each and every one of you and your fucking manager are 0
Until players like Rooney say in post match interviews "We were awful. That was a disgrace. I understand that.&quo 0
Totally baffled by this manager v team blame thing. Surely he said "You're playing Iceland boys, fill your boots.& 0
I actually think the idea of a manager is redundant. A relic. Today a captain should be able to tell his team who does 0
Should we all kick him up the fucking arse as he goes? 100% 0
Should Roy Hodgson piss off now with his useless tactical game plans? 100% 0
All the usual analysis, all the usual punditry, all the statistical horseshit is void now. We got beat by Iceland. We a 0
I simply do not buy that footballers feel bad after game like that when they will be back on £200k in a few weeks. Its 0
All you mob who turned out for England tonight are a laughing stock. A low point in the game. Ridiculous clowns. Fuck o 0
Hodgson,. Quite right. You were no good mate. No good. Gave you a job and you fucked that right up. Why wouldn't you go 0
Hodgson going has not diminished my anger at his fucking useless teams performance against ICELAND. I'd still be heckli 0
Let's get this hashtag going now and into the qualifiers. #FUCKENGLAND 0
Peter Crouch: "We've got to take stock from this & move on" Fuck ITV! Is this how football coverage is just g 0
Media already trying to clickbait about England's next manager. Ignore it. Fuck this endless cycle of horse shit. It's 0
What on earth could Hodgson have told them? And how could it have drifted so far during the game? It was a recognisable 0
Nobody NOBODY should buy a single ticket to these empty fuckers World `Cup qualifiers. Why? They are a piss taking disg 0
All those months of discussion about selection, about who is coming through and who is experienced. And they are all fu 0
I wish I was over there now as those useless under achieving ponces boarded their coach. "Booo! You charlatans! Yo 0

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 14:58 (eight years ago) link

gah wtf

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 14:59 (eight years ago) link

what's the character limits for polls you fucking worms!

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 14:59 (eight years ago) link

i think it adds something to the madness

nxd, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:02 (eight years ago) link

yeah let's just go with it.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:12 (eight years ago) link

Did no one get into the England dressing room and say, "Look the old country is really in need of a boost right no

certain poignant desperation to this one that stands out in the midst of the foul-mouthed tirade

Windsor Davies, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:12 (eight years ago) link

i think, as the last comment in the entire rant, this is some endtimes shit:

Sometimes think football is over-thought. Too much tactics instead of, "Look, there's 11 blokes out there up for a game. Go and beat them"

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

I actually think the idea of a manager is redundant. A relic. Today a captain should be able to tell his team who does what and manage it.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

what we need is a strong leader

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

imagine what he'll say when something genuinely important happens #satire

ghosts that don't exist (Neil S), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 15:13 (eight years ago) link

The captain/manager one is choice but i had to go with "no fuckin good" if more englishmen could finish a run like that then, well....

poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:17 (eight years ago) link

I loved this so much when lg posted it on Facebook, I laughed so hard it hurt. It's beautiful. (I've never posted on this forum before btw)

oh, amazonaws (wins), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:28 (eight years ago) link

no need for character limit

bc the correct answer is

Not Rebuilding

F♯ A♯ (∞), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:28 (eight years ago) link

I quite like the truncated final option, as if it was the last thing ever said before the End

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:28 (eight years ago) link

Voted 1 though, don't think angry people squeezing in as many adjectives as they can is often a good look

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:30 (eight years ago) link

What a roundabout way to work yourself up to the Giles classic "tactics is a nonsense, Bill"

Besides which, a manager totally shitting himself and trying to fit all his strikers at once into one available position could and should be accused of a lot of things but im fucked if 'tactics' is one of them.

poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:33 (eight years ago) link

feel bad for danny b tbh, imagine not having built up an armour of total apathy wrt to this shower, what a fucking existence to be stranded in

Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:49 (eight years ago) link

just imagine for a sec being a dude that can get so affected by the england team being shit and then picture the years stretching out ahead of you. terrifying.

Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:50 (eight years ago) link

Beached, stranded, whatever

poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:51 (eight years ago) link

A boot miskicking a human face forever

poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:51 (eight years ago) link

ah i did laugh out loud at 'beached'. poor ole danny

Roberto Spiralli, Tuesday, 28 June 2016 22:55 (eight years ago) link

paul hayward -"credit to Alan Shearer for raising his hand. He would be capable, despite his inexperience."

why would he be capable? where the fuck is the evidence for this?? incredible.

― pandemic, Tuesday, June 28, 2016 11:51 AM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

don't trust experts

― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, June 28, 2016 11:54 AM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

2 + 2 = shearer

― Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, June 28, 2016 11:54 AM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

A boot miskicking a human face forever

― poor fiddy-less albion (darraghmac), Tuesday, June 28, 2016 11:51 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

orwell day on ilf/ilx

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 23:29 (eight years ago) link

Voted 1 though, don't think angry people squeezing in as many adjectives as they can is often a good look

i didn't vote yet but yeah, raging british people seem very fond of adjectives. dunno if this exists with other languages or cultures.

prob could do individual polls for "stupidest", "most unpleasant" etc. what a dick.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Tuesday, 28 June 2016 23:32 (eight years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Saturday, 2 July 2016 00:01 (eight years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Sunday, 3 July 2016 00:01 (eight years ago) link

surprised this gets two votes: "Oh we are getting Glenn Hoddle's reaction now. Next up the reaction of a paving stone in Blackpool."

hoddle fans or just highlighting the dire british angry man metaphor?

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 08:47 (eight years ago) link

hoddle vitriol coming from anyone came as such blessed relief as to excuse the entire rant imo

(even if it is 1998 gazza partisanship mainly)

r|t|c, Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:22 (eight years ago) link

r|t|c wrote this on thread do these fucks never learn on board I Love Football on 10-Aug-2014
the esteem your average bloke on the street maintains for hoddle is fucking terrifying, he is ingerland's cruyff and they won't be told otherwise

r|t|c, Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:26 (eight years ago) link

surely nobody actually likes hoddle? (xpost, weird, really?)

baker is honestly seeming like the worst cunt ever right now.

"Zaza's stupid penalty kick - which he was brought on just to take - is so indicative of the vapid ego driven modern player. #EmptyGangsta"

"All these fake run, hesitating, stop-start stupid dance-move run ups to penalties must be outlawed. Yellow card plus loss of penalty turn."

"Germany miss! let's that stupid dancing prick from Italy off the hook."

"When Italy went out of 66 World Cup fans waited for them at the airport in Rome & pelted them with rotten tomatoes. Thats the style #England"

"We English can only see Wales victory against our abject failure. Our squad should be forced to pull the Wales open top bus thru the streets"

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:29 (eight years ago) link

"I would love to take a penalty. Really fancy myself at it. Don't get the bravery thing. #WallopInItGoes"

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:43 (eight years ago) link

Whenever I read footballers shouldn't be booed I am stunned by the idea. Booed? They should be kicked up the arse on the way to their coach.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:43 (eight years ago) link

Once again, the only response to these over paid, over indulged bores is BOOOOOOOOOO! BOOOOOOOO! #POLPOR

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

Footballers are owned by advertisers these days. We should show our dissent by making anything these creeps endorse toxic. #ShittyProduct

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

wake up sheeple

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

How can it be? How can it be that game after game in this tournament is no good? TV keep telling us its better than ever? Its not.#Illusion

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

If Poland won this tournament, Poundland could change their name to Po'Land and I don't think they could be sued.

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

finally we get close to the heart of the issue:

"And it's true. Like dopey Kanye, thick PL players think a crowd turns out just to witness their existence. Fucking crumbs. #JustOneCurse"

Bein' Sean Bean (LocalGarda), Sunday, 3 July 2016 09:46 (eight years ago) link

danny baker def suffers from expert fatigue, I recall him complaining about michael cox's articles being like prophesying from pig entrails, and cox being gracious in return

ogmor, Sunday, 3 July 2016 10:49 (eight years ago) link

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