Twin Peaks: Classic or Dud?

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Well? And what about David Lynch in general?

Ally, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think I was just too young to get it. I wish it would be repeated, I would probally love it now.

It was eerie and surreal. I like the way the main character (I'm terrible with names), always slept in such a perfect manner. And the dream sequences with the midget were cool.

Show it again, powers that be!

jel, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

First season -- astoundingly brilliant; second -- flawed, but when on it was on. I still think my favorite moment of the series is the end of the one episode near the last one where the camera tracks through a variety of empty office spaces while the voice of what's her name -- the police dispatcher, I think -- echoes away, then shifts to that bizarre scene in the woods where Bob's (god, it's been too long, I *think* that's the character's name -- gray long hair, beard) disembodied hand first appears, then all of him, the camera pans down to the ground, and in the water, the red curtains appear as some echoed sax seeps onto the soundtrack. AAAAH. Beautiful.

Him in general -- hey, even Dune had its moments. But let me confess I still have never seen Eraserhead.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

cherry pie

Ed, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Eraserhead = DL's best film by seven city leagues...
"In heaven, everything is fine..."

I liked the TP giant who appeared to say: "It's happening again!"
And the rude cop, Albert.

mark s, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

That's damn good coffee.

I lived in Seattle for a year, and that year coincided with the year of Twin Peaks' first season. We went to all the joints on the show, the hotel, the waterfall, the diner. Classic.

Ally, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The first series: BRILLIANT.

The second series: If I remember correctly it was a lot longer than the first, and it started off really well and the last episode or two is great as well, but there is this monstrously dull section in the middle where it turns into a tiresome soap opera. Soap operas are not cool.

The film: complete genius. what modern horror is meant to be like.

David Lynch generally: I think he's great.

DV, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I really like Eraserhead and Blue Velvet. I never really watched Twin Peaks. Dune was more entertaining than the book, which ain't saying much.

Kris, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The debut episode of Twin Peaks is one of my weirder memories...I was...12?...(yes, you shall all feel aged now)...and I was in the hospital. Earlier that day I had been in surgery and had slept for 17 hours straight; they thought I wasn't going to wake up. When I did, the first thing I did, inexplicably, was demand that I watch Twin Peaks and ate four sandwiches. I've never been right since.

jess, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I enjoyed the film too, DV, but don't you think it was a bit of a mess? I.e., only suitable to those already heavily involved in thinking about the things as a whole and making a ton of allowances for internal incoherence?

Re: the second season: yes, the soap-opera bits were atrocious. But in retrospect, I think of them so fondly. That ridiculous part where James leaves town and gets involved in the weird love-triangle with the woman and her abusive husband? And then just comes back to Twin Peaks, as if nothing had ever happened?

Nitsuh, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

We're all forgetting Invitation to Love, surely?

"And Clint Beefsteak as Montana."

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Have I mentioned my college roommate who rented "Eraserhead" while in high school for a weekend and (along with the rest of his family, including 14- and 10-year-old younger brothers) proceeded to watch it TWENTY TIMES IN A ROW?

Dan Perry, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Is the same obsesso-family that had the shrine to Robert Smith in the bathroom?

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes, although it would be more accurate to call it a shrine to _Disintegration_.

Dan Perry, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I love Twin Peaks as much as I love Infinite Jest as much as I love House Tornado.

Richard Tunnicliffe, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Twin Peaks was rather classic--I wish the series would be released on DVD for proper geek enjoyment. "Bob" is the sort of thing that makes me afraid to go in to the basement.

matthew, Thursday, 6 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ally is well read and excellent on all fronts!

Pennysong Hanle y, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

All of Twin Peaks is wonderful - the soap opera bits in the second series work like the breakdown in "One More Time". It ruined television for me, frankly.

Tom, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I always wanted to be Audrey Horne.

Ally, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

there has been no better television drama ever. why does ally like so many things that i like?

ethan, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Whatever the reason, I'm 100% certain that it's all your fault.

Ally, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I just watched the movie for the first time. I never saw the series. Is it better? The movie was. . .odd. I'd like to rent some tapes of the series though and check it out. I was stoned, it's a good stoned movie.

Sam, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

well i've chalked up jay-z to some bizarre second-hand musical faghag thing on your part but twin peaks, that's just weird.

ethan, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Dud. I could be weirder with both lobes tied behind my back. Eraserhead: okay, but, eh. Everything else: poopy, including Dune, Lost Highway and Twin Peaks.

Nude Spock, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Blue Velvet was good.

Nude Spock, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yeah, that explanation of Jay-Z makes loads of sense. Ethan = logistical genius.

Ally, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Explains my like of Jay-Z too! How do you do it, Ethan? ;-)

Ned Raggett, Friday, 7 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The dream sequences are the most accurate depictions of dreams ever.

JM, Sunday, 9 September 2001 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

six months pass...
are we falling in love?

Queen G, Monday, 1 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes, take me.

Ally, Monday, 1 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

the most Classic thing ever made. I was too young to see it on TV, but the renting and non-stop watching of it totally dominated my life for two weeks a couple years ago; I'd get home from school/work, pop in Twin Peaks, and watch until I keeled over.

Dan I., Monday, 1 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Classic, classic, classic.

Whilst still a student I lived with someone who had all the episodes on video. In our third year, due to freak timetabling I finished my exams earlier than everyone else I knew. For three days I sat on my own and watched series one and two back to back, only speaking to stressed flatmates when they came down to make coffee.

By all accounts I was a little odd at the end of it.

I *knew* there would be a Twin Peaks thread on here somewh

Anna, Monday, 1 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

After being wowed by "Mulholland Drive" and feeling like I'm a fan of David Lynch again, I rented "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me", which I never bothered with the first time. I thought it was a complete piece of garbage. It didn't even have nice photography. If I didn't have a friend over watching it with me I would have turned it off.

Sean, Monday, 1 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Still one of my couple of favourite TV drama series ever, despite the crap ending. And a lot of Lynch's films are terrific too.

Martin Skidmore, Tuesday, 2 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

crap ending

I know what you mean, but seeing as there is no ending it's a bit unfair to pick on it for being a crap one. "Nonexistent" would be better.

Last week I watched episodes of On the Air, the surprisingly sitcommy show Lynch developed after Twin Peaks. Slapstick. Most of it played out like the Twin Peaks beauty pageant. Very torn as to its classicness versus dudness.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 2 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

the biazarre thing when you watch twin peaks again is the humour - i mean it was all there, but yr head was too fucked up in trying to figure out if daddy fucked her or it's camp, beautirul, emlancholic. genius

Queen G, Wednesday, 3 April 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

nine months pass...
Funny Twin Peaks. When the original series was out, I was 13 years old, and a friend and I joined a Twin Peaks discussion group which met in a now-nonexistent bookstore on Southport Ave. in Chicago. We passed around cherry pie and doughnuts and tossed about theories regarding owls, UFOs, the Black Lodge, etc. One day someone in the group (everyone save for Katie and I were over 30) announced that they had the new Playboy with Sherilyn Fenn and proceeded to pass it around. That was my first exposure to pornography, broadly defined.

Classic, of course. I wish David Lynch had the energy to involve himself in each episode, however. The ones he directed are a world apart from the rest of the series.

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 19:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

I meant to begin, "Funny Twin Peaks story."

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 19:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

I loved that movie.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Monday, 13 January 2003 19:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

i only really got into twin peaks recently:a friend of mine had all the episodes on tape,another friend asked to borrow them,and a group of about four of them started to watch it all the way through...
they kept going on about it,and then another group started watching,then myself and two other friends watched it as well...
its great to watch all the way through,the thing with it is you have to see every episode...
its amazing how enjoyable the whole thing is,even though you could find faults with certain parts,overall it is so amazingly good i still haven't got over it...
nothing else on tv,except the simpsons,comes close,in my opinion...
bob scares the life out of me,if i saw that actor walking down the street i would probably turn and run...
the last episode was also the purest form of terror i have ever experienced-i'm not normally someone who likes that sort of thing (i never watch horror films if i can avoid it)but it is just so good you can't not watch it...
the second series did have some dodgy moments,but there are so many hilarious scenes,and most of the characters are so great,that even a "bad" episode is incredibly enjoyable...
as for the film,if you haven't seen the series there's no real point in seeing the film...
its great to have another twin peaks fix after the series ends,and it is truly eerie,but its not quite as good as the best episodes-the more humanistic touches are missing....
well worth seeing after the series though...

robin (robin), Monday, 13 January 2003 20:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

btw matthew the first series is out on dvd,at least in region two (uk and ireland)
as for the film being all over the place,part of the appeal of twin peaks for me was that it seemed like such an anomaly-that some weirdo had persuaded tv companies to fund a series you have to watch every episode of,containing loads of weird,fucked up little bits,and then got a film made that,although it was technically a prequel to the series,relied on you having seen it...this makes it all the more rewarding if you do get into it...

robin (robin), Monday, 13 January 2003 20:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've watched the first series but I've never been able to catch the second (when it was shown the first time i think i was too young) (hopefully I'll get it someday).

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Monday, 13 January 2003 20:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

The second season is I think still available on NTSC (that's American/Japanese format) VHS. It's in EP mode so it looks like crap compared to the DVD set of the first season (which is out in R1--USA--in addition to R2).

The actor who played BOB (Frank Silva) died not long after Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me came out, so no danger of spotting him on the street. The scene where he crawls over the coach to Maddy's horror is terrifying.

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 21:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

The film (Fire Walk with Me), by the way, made a lot more "sense" before it was edited down to meet the producers' demands. The scene with David Bowie, for example, moves from the totally inexplicable to the very strange. Unfortunately I think there is much in the full script that is too literal by Lynch's standards, essentially rather obvious "let's fill in the holes"-type exposition. I'm torn between wanting to see the "full" version (many more scenes were shot than made it to the final cut) and appreciating the one we have for its evocative incoherence.

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 21:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

apparently there was two hours worth of film with david bowie in there but Lynch cut it down to 30 seconds after deciding that he couldn't act! well, that's what i heard anyway.

I'll try and chase the second season.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Monday, 13 January 2003 21:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

No, there's a short scene with Bowie's character in Rio de Janeiro (explaining the "I was in Rio" line) and the scene in the FBI offices is a bit longer. I think that's it. I doubt Lynch decided Bowie "couldn't act" since he is at the very least a strong presence in front of the camera and the role doesn't ask for too much--and after all Lynch has cast far less qualified people in major roles and used them effectively (viz. BOB and Laura).

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 21:55 (twenty-one years ago) link


Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Monday, 13 January 2003 21:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

Twin Peaks - still one of my favourite shows ever. I lived for every Tuesday night at 9p.m. on BBC2 and remained hopelessly devoted even the identity of Laura Palmer's killer was revealed and my peers had given up on it. Delightfully quirky and every so often absolutely terrifying.

Classic. Classic. Classic.

Ben Mott (Ben Mott), Monday, 13 January 2003 22:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

Another TP story, I broke my toe because I was running upstairs (our TV was in the basement) to get a soda, trying to make it there and back before the second episode started. On the way back down I tripped and--ouch!--crunch--broke my big toe. So I had to go to the hospital and didn't see the crucial second episode (the one with the dream sequence) until months later.

Amateurist (amateurist), Monday, 13 January 2003 22:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

favorite TP character(s):

the seldom seen Hayward sisters Harriet (twee and so hilarious - 2 scenes) and her piano playing sister Gersten (awesome boogie woogie retainer speech affect - sadly one scene).

gygax!, Monday, 13 January 2003 22:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

RIP Piper Laurie aka Catherine Martell.

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 14 October 2023 22:27 (eight months ago) link

Holy moly, it never clicked that Catherine and Carrie’s mom were the same person.

Cow_Art, Saturday, 14 October 2023 23:11 (eight months ago) link

xp aw no

She was on a podcast only a few weeks ago talking about her experience making Carrie. Sounded so lively and healthy. RIP.

circa1916, Saturday, 14 October 2023 23:47 (eight months ago) link

Well, my oldest daughter turned 14 and we watched the pilot tonight.

Man, it’s so good. The show definitely has its ups and downs but the pilot is so perfect.

Cow_Art, Sunday, 15 October 2023 03:10 (eight months ago) link

i would like to add my voices to the general concern that this is not a good documentary about the fbi

close encounters of the third knid (darraghmac), Sunday, 15 October 2023 07:26 (eight months ago) link

So many of the cast are gone now. I've always felt that Piper Laurie was a somewhat "unsung" (or at least underappreciated) member of the original cast – maybe b/c her character didn't tie into the underlying mythology (and she also didn't return for S3).

But she was so good in that role. You could pair Catherine with any other character, and the sparks would fly in a specific & unique way. I feel like she kept the original series anchored in the "faux–soap opera" concept – almost like a "straight man" of sorts, gently villainous without chewing the scenery – and was able to handle even some fairly loopy developments without losing her way.

Chavez video on MTV, July 1995 (morrisp), Sunday, 15 October 2023 16:44 (eight months ago) link

I guess that's why Lynch and Frost couldn't, or wouldn't, find anything for her to do in The Return, which excised those soapy elements. I thought it was too bad; an interviewer asked her about it and she had been interested in doing it.

Chris L, Sunday, 15 October 2023 17:00 (eight months ago) link

yeah, there really wouldn't have been much for her to do in the Return (not that that stopped him bringing James back); I think she would have deserved a more prominent role but as packed as the Return is with storylines, even though it was 18 hours long, I'm not sure there was really space.

We started the Return last night, my first time rewatching in full since it aired. It really does make a lot more sense the second time through.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Sunday, 15 October 2023 17:07 (eight months ago) link

Yes did a second watch recently and it does

Xp could have just had a little unconnected scene with her regardless was my thoughts

nxd, Sunday, 15 October 2023 17:13 (eight months ago) link

I kind of like how not everyone, well, returns in The Return... it feels right, like Catherine probably still wouldn't be hanging around (notwithstanding that I would have loved to see her).

Chavez video on MTV, July 1995 (morrisp), Sunday, 15 October 2023 17:13 (eight months ago) link

Yes fair cop

nxd, Sunday, 15 October 2023 17:23 (eight months ago) link

There seemed to be such a horrible spate of Twin Peaks actors dying in the aftermath of s3. Piper Laurie's passing reminds me that it has thankfully slowed, but maybe that's just cause so many are gone.

Alba, Sunday, 15 October 2023 19:05 (eight months ago) link

She also enjoyed a long life (with some interesting biographical details that I learned from an obit). Many of the others died younger, which was especially sad.

Chavez video on MTV, July 1995 (morrisp), Sunday, 15 October 2023 19:51 (eight months ago) link

Personally have close to zero quibbles with s3 but I do feel they could have included at least one scene of Ben Horne looking wistfully at a framed photograph of her feet

Boris Yitsbin (wins), Sunday, 15 October 2023 19:55 (eight months ago) link

Whatever became of Little Elvis?

Cow_Art, Monday, 16 October 2023 01:25 (eight months ago) link

He became bruno mars

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Monday, 16 October 2023 02:31 (eight months ago) link

ah loved Piper. Watched Carrie recently, and yeah didn't know she was the mother. But then realised that the Frasier episode with her as the over controlling mother figure made a lot more sense!

Ste, Monday, 16 October 2023 10:11 (eight months ago) link

no one wants to know the number of times a day I've walked around the house saying "animal life" since rewatching FWWM

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Monday, 16 October 2023 22:56 (eight months ago) link

Very sad to hear of Piper Laurie's passing, though I'll be listening for reports of any elderly Japanese men appearing at her funeral...

blatherskite, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 19:41 (seven months ago) link


Chavez video on MTV, July 1995 (morrisp), Tuesday, 17 October 2023 19:42 (seven months ago) link

There seemed to be such a horrible spate of Twin Peaks actors dying in the aftermath of s3. Piper Laurie's passing reminds me that it has thankfully slowed, but maybe that's just cause so many are gone.

It was pretty sad how many who actually appeared in The Return died before those episodes were even broadcast. And even new cast members like Robert Forster passed away after the series finished airing.

FWIW, my favorite Piper Laurie performance is still Sara in The Hustler, one of my favorite films, period.

birdistheword, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 23:31 (seven months ago) link

Agree! One of my favourites for close to 50 years. (And she's amazing.)

clemenza, Wednesday, 18 October 2023 02:00 (seven months ago) link

well into the return now, episode 5. Struck this time by the sensitivity and pathos of Coop-as-Dougie. The breakfast scene was actually rather hard for me to watch as it reminded me so much of trying to feed my mother in the last week of her life, her mind just completely gone. I can't believe he didn't get an Emmy for this.

The purple room/eyeless woman/not-ronette scenes were terrifying when I watched them this time, I don't remember being so viscerally horrified the first time through. This stuff really recalled Eraserhead.

My only complaint is that some things actually make too much sense; the Mike/Dougie scene in the red room, for example. It's so expository ('someone manufactured you") I have to think Mark Frost wrote that.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Thursday, 19 October 2023 20:30 (seven months ago) link

I think that line is a useful grounding point for the viewer... it also shows that Mike (apparently) wasn't the one who "manufactured" Dougie, although I suppose even that is open for debate.

Outside the opening scene of Part 17, I can't think of many lines that I thought were too expository; one or two plot aspects are sort of presented as initially unclear and then are revealed to be what you thought they would be (but this is more the exception than the norm, ha ha).

strawberry ice cream, one scoop or two (morrisp), Thursday, 19 October 2023 20:45 (seven months ago) link

xp yes I’ve always felt this series was primarily about ageing and the changes it wreaks.

assert (matttkkkk), Thursday, 19 October 2023 20:51 (seven months ago) link

five months pass...

aw. lynch looking very guru-like in his robe

karl...arlk...rlka...lkar..., Saturday, 30 March 2024 01:33 (two months ago) link

Very david lynch voice “I SHOULD. HAVE. DIRECTED. JEDI. “

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Saturday, 30 March 2024 03:35 (two months ago) link

my biggest problem with the revive was that hawk wasn't sheriff. my other quibble was the "cherry pie" issue: i wouldn't have minded if it just stayed local and picked up where the og series left off and stayed in twin peaks altogether but in the future but the expanded universe way of exploring core concepts vis-a-vis judy and whatnot was ok too but they took too long to return cooper to his true self imo. other than that, all michael horse all the time.

slugbuggy, Saturday, 30 March 2024 09:04 (two months ago) link

my recent rewatch of the Return (the first time I'd rewatched the entire thing), I was much happier with the pace and the amount of time spent with Cooper as Dougie. But it was frustrating when these were coming out week by week.

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Saturday, 30 March 2024 16:44 (two months ago) link

April 8, 1990: "She's dead...wrapped in plastic."

clemenza, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:09 (two months ago) link

It first aired in Australia a little later in Feb 1991 - I was 14 and Twin Peaks + Northern Exposure was my ~entire~ personality in high school

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:25 (two months ago) link

I basically dressed and wore my hair like Bobby Briggs for a year or two

rendered nugatory (morrisp), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:28 (two months ago) link

My friend's band played their first show on 4/8/1990* and THEIR 2ND GUITARIST stayed home to watch Twin Peaks instead lol.

*openers: The Melvins & TFUL282!

citation needed (Steve Shasta), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:30 (two months ago) link

for my 15th birthday that year my friends gave me THE SECRET DIARY OF LAURA PALMER

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:44 (two months ago) link

my mom watched the pilot and immediately roped me in for the first real episode. i was obsessed with Bobby and fancied myself more of an Audrey Horne type which, in retrospect, is kind of disturbing. But not surprising.

To this day I am spooked by men who look even remotely like BOB and I think it's because I was 14 when I saw him for the first time creepin out from behind the furniture

Piggy Lepton (La Lechera), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 15:01 (two months ago) link

Imagine being the copywriter who had to figure out how to try to explain what Twin Peaks was in a newspaper ad.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 15:09 (two months ago) link

I was 11 when I first watched the show and I literally threw the remote control out of my hand at BOB's first appearance.

Chris L, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 15:15 (two months ago) link

The owner of the Palmer house is now doing paid tours of it, and has set up a BOB mannequin looming inside a cracked-open closet door.

bae (sic), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 17:27 (two months ago) link

She seems cool, I've seen her social media postings and whatnot

rendered nugatory (morrisp), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 17:28 (two months ago) link

My wife and I stopped outside that house several years ago. Her license plate is TREMOND.

Chris L, Tuesday, 9 April 2024 17:47 (two months ago) link

Did you see creamed corn on that plate?

subpost master (wins), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 17:51 (two months ago) link

two weeks pass...

Was watching The Searchers and there’s a log lady scene about an hour or so into the film to an equally horrifying effect.

Western® with Bacon Flavor, Sunday, 28 April 2024 04:26 (one month ago) link

Still blows my mind that Hank Worden (who plays Mose Harper in The Searchers) is also the waiter in Twin Peaks. I think that was his last role too. Anyway, he's in a lot of John Wayne Westerns.

birdistheword, Sunday, 28 April 2024 05:47 (one month ago) link

My wife and I just spent some time in Washington and we went on a tour of loads of twin peaks locations. Felt very surreal being in these places we both new so well, huge recommend for the fans.

It was quite amazing how many of the scenes in woods were filmed in the same very small area.

Chewshabadoo, Sunday, 28 April 2024 09:38 (one month ago) link

that's cool, was looking into doing that myself. Did you stay in the Salish?

Ste, Sunday, 28 April 2024 10:08 (one month ago) link

We looked into it and decided that was too much money, but we did take pics outside of the waterfall. Most things we looked at on the same day by a Twin Peaks fan who does tours, it was very well done:

On another day we took the ferry out and went to Kiana Lodge where the interior shots for the pilot were filmed (they rebuilt it in a soundstage later). The same place is also where Pete Martell’s house exteriors were filmed, and the large log is still on the beach.

We could have also gone to the Palmer’s House which is a bit of a drive out from central Seattle - you can even pay to go inside if you like. But we didn’t get around to that bit.

Chewshabadoo, Sunday, 28 April 2024 14:15 (one month ago) link

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