Haiti: WTF?

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pat robertson is the number 2 trending topic on twitter and NOT ONE person is defending him anywhere in the entire world. not one.
the most common retweet being "I thought "Pat Robertson" was trending because was dead. Turns out it's just because everyone wishes he was."

piscesx, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:13 (fourteen years ago) link

who knew that tweeting could feel so good

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:16 (fourteen years ago) link

CNN's Gary Tuchman reports that bodies are lying in the streets of Port-au-Prince. He says there are no emergency officials in sight, and residents are watching the flies to find out where to dig in the rubble.

I really don't think we're able to predict just how bad this is going to be. I mean, Katrina was a straight mind-bludgeon that something that bad and that negligent could happen in the USA.

Not to make light of the sitch in NOLA, but this is going to make Katrina look like the acid trip sequence from Easy Rider. Fuck, this is really depressing.

Clerk all KNOWIN (B.L.A.M.), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:25 (fourteen years ago) link

And yeah, Pat Robertson should be banned from all media outlets. By Constitutional amendment, if need be.

Clerk all KNOWIN (B.L.A.M.), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:25 (fourteen years ago) link

The Constitution won't let us make a law like that, unfortunately.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:29 (fourteen years ago) link

my tommy gun will

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:31 (fourteen years ago) link

j/k federal observers, i do not own a tommy gun nor have any desire to use one

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:32 (fourteen years ago) link

xp Forming a militia now, are we?

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:32 (fourteen years ago) link

Too much Montana, obv.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:32 (fourteen years ago) link

i still haven't watched footage/seen pics from this, i'm kinda not ready, tbh.

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:32 (fourteen years ago) link


everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:33 (fourteen years ago) link

still think we should send him into the sun once we have the technology

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:33 (fourteen years ago) link


kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:34 (fourteen years ago) link

shhhh kenan the feds are watching u

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:35 (fourteen years ago) link

Not really sure why this thread has become 2/3 devoted to Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Seems kind of besides the point.

Super Cub, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:36 (fourteen years ago) link

xp "Guns don't kill people, the government kills people." -- Dale from King of the Hill

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:37 (fourteen years ago) link

My first destination for international disaster related charitable giving is always the Red Cross. Is this in fact the best place to give?

Super Cub, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:38 (fourteen years ago) link

Seems kind of besides the point.

You get a patch for honor. But what are we going to do? Besides give money? Which I have to believe helps.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:39 (fourteen years ago) link

Not really sure why this thread has become 2/3 devoted to Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson. Seems kind of besides the point.

pls allow me impotent rage

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:39 (fourteen years ago) link

Yes, give to the Red Cross.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:39 (fourteen years ago) link

I didn't do myself any favors by going to Rush's website :\

Miss Bannister (╓abies), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:40 (fourteen years ago) link

it does help Kenan.

give to: MSF, PIH, Red Cross

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:40 (fourteen years ago) link

I agree there isn't much to do, or say. I just hate the idea of talking about these fuckers and their smallness.


Super Cub, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:40 (fourteen years ago) link

What really galls me is how big they are, though.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:41 (fourteen years ago) link

PIH is probably my choice, fwiw, but anything helps

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:41 (fourteen years ago) link

gave $10, thanks for links and info upthread

omarion's cousin, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:44 (fourteen years ago) link

kenan, haiti IS a christian country.

figuratively, but in a very real way (amateurist), Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:49 (fourteen years ago) link

freaking out that there's not more i can do :(

k3vin k., Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:53 (fourteen years ago) link

xp I realized soon after I posted that I had used an unnecessary comma. I said "white, Chiristian country" when what I meant was "white Christian country."

Nevertheless, the perception persists that all Haitians practice voodoo.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:54 (fourteen years ago) link

And anyway they're rally poor! Something must be wrong with them.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 00:57 (fourteen years ago) link

I read the archdiocese of Port-au-Price died in the quake.


Super Cub, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:00 (fourteen years ago) link

Archbishop that is.

Super Cub, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:01 (fourteen years ago) link

kenan, haiti IS a christian country.

Also -- big difference between a Catholic country and a Protestant one, at least from where Pat Robertson sits.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:01 (fourteen years ago) link


k3vin k., Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:03 (fourteen years ago) link


everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:09 (fourteen years ago) link

btw kenan, not to be pedantic, but many haitians actually DO practice some kind of syncretic version of christianity and voodoo. my bro spent a lot of time down there (and in benin, where voodoo is thought to have originated, as well as in queens, where many recent immigrants live) the boundaries are blurrier than you might think

beside the point, however

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:12 (fourteen years ago) link

jesus :C xp

Astronaut Mike Dexter (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:12 (fourteen years ago) link

oh wow

harbl, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:15 (fourteen years ago) link

but many haitians actually DO practice some kind of syncretic version of christianity and voodoo.

The western version of Christianity is filled with paganism, too. So, of course. But that's not a line that most western Christians would draw, and in fact would balk at.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:19 (fourteen years ago) link

well yeah but bear in mind that western christianity was pagan long before it was introduced to haiti

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:20 (fourteen years ago) link

true, true. We still observe Druid holidays, ffs.

But yes, very beside the point.

kenan, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:22 (fourteen years ago) link

Those pics, god.

stet, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:24 (fourteen years ago) link

btw kenan, not to be pedantic, but many haitians actually DO practice some kind of syncretic version of christianity and voodoo. my bro spent a lot of time down there (and in benin, where voodoo is thought to have originated, as well as in queens, where many recent immigrants live) the boundaries are blurrier than you might think

beside the point, however

― everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Wednesday, January 13, 2010 8:12 PM (25 minutes ago)

and even if the don't themselves practice it, they may believe in it - as you probably know, gbx, lots of these people are loath to have bloodwork for this reason

k3vin k., Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:40 (fourteen years ago) link

I'd like to read something suggesting that the U.S. is sending loads and loads of help. Something approaching the scale of the problem.

And I'm reading that the European Union has pledged...4.4 million dollars?

4.4 million dollars?

This is fucking ridiculous.

chicken sandwich CARL!! (Z S), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:43 (fourteen years ago) link

The Pitt-Jolie foundation gave $1m.

I really hope there's some non-depressing reason for the EU's contrib being so pathetic (ie like the member states having separate budgets that limit them)

stet, Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:50 (fourteen years ago) link

if you think that's bad wait til you hear about the grant from The Inter-American Development Bank.

Isambard Kingdom Buñuel (jim in glasgow), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:52 (fourteen years ago) link


Isambard Kingdom Buñuel (jim in glasgow), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:52 (fourteen years ago) link

wtf EU

everybody's into weirdness right now (gbx), Thursday, 14 January 2010 01:54 (fourteen years ago) link

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