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She watches 24. That's the problem--she thinks Jack Bauer is real.

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:03 (fourteen years ago) link

I have long held that the greatest common factor when it comes to right-wing cretins is abject taste.

Il suffit de ne pas l'envier (Michael White), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:05 (fourteen years ago) link

Cheney and Bush speechwriter Thiessin (who is now the 2nd Bush speechwriter on the Washington post op-ed pages) really believe they were/are protecting America from terrorists and that their views are even supported legally and morally(Thiessin's book tries to offer religious support)--They insist that those who represented detainees are somehow doing something evil and wrong as compared to those who represent Americans who are unable to obtain their own lawyer, or those who are appointed to represent captured soldiers of other nations. Needless to say, in the example I've read in several articles, they probably think John Adams was a traitor for representing British soldiers in a court case during the Revolutionary War era.

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:18 (fourteen years ago) link

It gets better.

[i]When Lawyers Attack [Cesar Conda]

We all know lawyers are a fraternity, but in this case the lawyers denouncing Liz Cheney and Bill Kristol seem to think being a member of the bar in good standing puts you above criticism or even inquiry. Don’t they believe the American people have the right to know whether lawyers who represented terrorists are now working on detainee issues inside the Department of Justice? Or why these lawyers voluntarily flocked to Guantanamo Bay to take up the cause of the detained terror suspects when they did not and do not have a right to legal representation?

The Supreme Court found that they have a right to bring habeas challenges to their detention. That does not confer a right to representation, and in fact, the vast majority of criminals who bring habeas challenges do so without counsel. The John Adams analogy that Ken Starr and the other lawyers cite in their statement is ludicrous: At the time of the Boston Massacre we were not at war and the British soldiers he defended were in court facing a criminal charge of murder. Adams was not representing prisoners of war, enemies of the nation, trying to get them released in the middle of a war. And Adams wasn’t embarrassed about what he did — if what the terrorists’ lawyers did was so noble, why is the DOJ refusing to tell us what they work on now?

Finally, the lawyers’ statement denounces Keep America Safe’s efforts to find out more about lawyers who defended terrorists as “shameful,” yet most of the letter’s signatories stayed silent when the Left was conducting a witch hunt of Bush administration lawyers and CIA interrogators who helped defend America. Keep America Safe is not calling for a witch hunt. They are calling for oversight. [i]]

The Magnificent Colin Firth (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:22 (fourteen years ago) link

who the hell is 'cesar conda'?

oh, this is who he is:

something about the corner is very lizard brain. i don't mean that it's stupid, necessarily, just that it's kind of... autonomic. it's as if it's not really a place for conservative writers, but a place that must necessarily air out the right-wing line on a given subject, no matter what, no matter who it is that speaks.

as in, hey, can we blame haitians for their poverty? we have a guy that'll say that! or, swine flu, are dirty mexicans to blame? i dunno, but we'll get someone to say so. here's a study showing gay people are less happy than average, gee what does maggie gallagher think of it?? the regular writers have their 'personalities' i guess, but u add up the guests and the one-offs and it starts to look, i dunno, daemonic in a CS lewis kind of a way -- a relatively faceless collection of people eager to step up and give ideology a voice. maybe if they each had their own blogs it wouldn't seem that way...

goole, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:37 (fourteen years ago) link

Yeah, I get the sense that K-Lo and Lowry are obligated to allow them space. I can usually tell when a outlier post by the quickness with which said post disappears into the abyss.

McCarthy, on the other hand, totally endorses Costa.

The Magnificent Colin Firth (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 17:42 (fourteen years ago) link

these guys who think there's something wrong with an attorney representing somebody who's charged with a crime as the lowest scumbags on the planet imo. I am seriously stunned by this shit. they should be ashamed of themselves. bright side I guess is like just when I'm thoroughly sickened by the dems, every time, reliably, somebody on the other side reminds me that having to eat a few bites of shit is still preferable to the whole bowl plus dessert.

the most sacred couple in Christendom (J0hn D.), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 18:26 (fourteen years ago) link

Andrew McCarthy Former federal prosecutor :

The legal profession’s umbrage over an ad calling out DOJ’s voluntary al Qaeda lawyers is hypocritical and arrogant. The profession swooned as the Obama Justice Department tried to destroy Bush Administration lawyers who had, in good faith, represented what was, to the profession, an unpopular client. GEORGE BUSH WAS POLITICALLY UNPOPULAR? THAT'S KIND OF LIKE BEING PICKED UP AND THROWN INTO GUANTANAMO Our esteemed legal elites fanned the flames as DOJ threatened indictment and censure. FANNED THE FLAMES, DAMN John Yoo and Jay Bybee were not inundated with offers of free legal help for trying to maximize government’s lawful power to protect the American people. DO YOU NEED FREE LEGAL HELP WHEN YOU ARE THE LEGAL HELP? Nor were the Marines who were falsely accused of war crimes at Haditha. PRETTY SURE THESE GUYS HAD A PRETTY GOOD DEFENSE BROSEPH, BUT PLEASE, CONTINUE

Only our terrorist enemies get the red carpet treatment. OSCAR SEASON, TIMELY “Enemies” in this context is not hyperbole. We are at war under a congressional authorization. Nearly 200,000 young Americans are in harm’s way. But enemy operatives are returning to their jihad against our troops and our citizens thanks to the help of American law firms. YEAH MUST BE LIKE HUNDREDS AT THIS POINT RIGHT Only lawyers demand immunity from the ordinary duties of citizenship in a nation at war. ONLY LAWYERS? HOW ABOUT THE 99.8% OF THE POPULATION THAT'S NOT SERVING IN ANY WAY AND STILL WANTS THEIR TAXES TO GO DOWN And they further demand to be above criticism for donating their skills to al Qaeda operatives (though American prisoners must represent themselves in habeas corpus actions) DEMANDING TO BE ABOVE CRITICISM? NO, DIPSHIT, THEY ARE SAYING THE CRITICISM ITSELF IS DISGUSTING. The profession would reinterpret “patriotism” in total relativism: some risk their lives to fight the enemy for us, while others litigate so the enemy may be freed to return to the fight. I THINK WE ARE HAVING TROUBLE DETERMINING WHAT 'ENEMY' MEANS HERE AREN'T WE Americans are not buying – that’s why Liz Cheney’s common sense resonates. MY DICK IN YOUR EAR RESONATES TOO CAN YOU FEEL THAT SHIT ANDY BABY

thx, feel better now

goole, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 18:37 (fourteen years ago) link

Goddammit can this discredited-ass, rejected neoconservative philosophy please finish it's dying throes already?

guapism rules (The Reverend), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 19:24 (fourteen years ago) link

Anyway, Reid wants to change (do away with? unclear) the filibuster.

guapism rules (The Reverend), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 19:25 (fourteen years ago) link

If I were a writer for Mad Men and found out that Liz Cheney was a fan it would be so hard to not write a one-episode character named Liz Cheney who only exists so the rest of the cast can tell her to fuck off.

joygoat, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 19:46 (fourteen years ago) link

Somewhat amusing:

President Obama, Replace Rahm With Me: An Open Letter From Michael Moore

Let me be clear about one thing: The Democrats on Election Day 2010 are going to get an ass-whoopin' of biblical proportions if things don't change right now. And after the new Republican majority takes over, they, along with a few conservative Democrats in Congress, will get to bipartisanly impeach you for being a socialist and a citizen of Kenya. How nice to see both sides of the aisle working together again!

o. nate, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 20:40 (fourteen years ago) link

KING: It may be silly, but I guess we have to ask it, are your -- are you gay?
MASSA: Well, here's that answer, I'm not going to answer that.

Matt Armstrong, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 21:45 (fourteen years ago) link

"Ask my friends. Ask the 10,000 sailors I served with in the Navy."

The Magnificent Colin Firth (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 21:57 (fourteen years ago) link

"...who I vividly recall sliding down chutes in their birthday suits."

guapism rules (The Reverend), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:03 (fourteen years ago) link

ned ragú (suzy), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:03 (fourteen years ago) link

MASSA: Well, here's that answer, I'm not going to answer that.

this is fucking amazing

J0rdan S., Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:20 (fourteen years ago) link

Obama is planning to ban recreational fishing from the general public. This means that all fishing that anyone would want to attempt would now be illegal, even simple fishing in a pond would be banned. As a result of no fishing hundreds of thousands of jobs would be lost. Fishing tackle and supply companies would be forced to be shut down. All boat manufactures would be dealt another significant blow in this already hard economic time. Many Marinas across the country would be forced to cut back on employees, with the loss of clients who are out on the water to fish. The effect of this plan is endless, many more people will be put out of jobs and the economy would be hurt once again. If this goes as planned you can expect higher price on fish in restaurants, higher taxes on other random items to compensate for the loss of income from fishing license. Please pass this to everyone and make this a bigger issue

Mr. Que, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:44 (fourteen years ago) link

I better get to Red Lobster soon before the menu items get bumped up.

The Magnificent Colin Firth (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:45 (fourteen years ago) link

Why would menu prices go up from banning RECREATIONAL fishing?

Mordy, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:47 (fourteen years ago) link

Our nation's fisheries don't take it kindly when socialists ban fun.

The Magnificent Colin Firth (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:48 (fourteen years ago) link

In So. Louisiana lots of good seafood restaurants get fish from regular dudes who go out and have "great fishing weekends" every weekend.

Fetchboy, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 22:49 (fourteen years ago) link

these folks denouncing the defense attorneys are basically birchites for the 21st century no? again, what's shocking is that it involves the highly-connected daughter of a former vice-president/congressman/etc.

i hear obama is also banning wheelies. and pop tarts.

by another name (amateurist), Wednesday, 10 March 2010 23:05 (fourteen years ago) link

ugh - above meant to refer to LYNNE cheney's creepy anachronistic red-baiting anti-academic org, not liz's

Tracer Hand, Wednesday, 10 March 2010 23:12 (fourteen years ago) link

oh man, i saw that clip earlier @ fox report and had to turn the volume down. good god. the thing is, i heard about it earlier because all these liberal blogs were like YEAH PATRICK KENNEDY. um.. is he ok?

wears suburban hang-ups on her sleeve like some kind of corporate logo (daria-g), Thursday, 11 March 2010 06:01 (fourteen years ago) link

hoooooly shit

hip negative (k3vin k.), Thursday, 11 March 2010 06:05 (fourteen years ago) link

haha i kind of love pat

max, Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:12 (fourteen years ago) link

RI forever

max, Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:12 (fourteen years ago) link

He's leaving Congress at the election.

ned ragú (suzy), Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:19 (fourteen years ago) link

i know

max, Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:20 (fourteen years ago) link

I mean, like, what happens when your kids see that video? what do you tell them? "April Fools CSPAN LOLZ!"?

Please Jesus, save Obama's healthcare reform plan (Dandy Don Weiner), Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:36 (fourteen years ago) link

democrats should put the gop's proposed budget reduction plan at the forefront of the debate in the november election. that's especially true when you compare it to obama's competing plan.

Daniel, Esq., Thursday, 11 March 2010 17:05 (fourteen years ago) link

looks like the 'gop support' for financial reform is dead in the water. seriously dems, can you pls crucify these fools for refusing to vote for a consumer protection agency?

ps I know the answer is no, but still...

mayor jingleberries, Thursday, 11 March 2010 17:51 (fourteen years ago) link

From a former coworker in Boston:

Rumors abound. The gist: health care reform is dead. ... Expect announcements tomorrow morning.


John Olver—no, Jim McGovern—no, John Tierney—no, Mike Capuano—no, Stephen Lynch—no, Bill Delahunt—no. Richard Neal—who helped draft HR 3962-is an expected no.


Niki Tsongas, Barney Frank, and Ed Markey—yes.

etaeoe, Thursday, 11 March 2010 20:42 (fourteen years ago) link

how would s/he know? is this just a rumor?

wears suburban hang-ups on her sleeve like some kind of corporate logo (daria-g), Thursday, 11 March 2010 21:42 (fourteen years ago) link

the pro-life dems are gonna vote against it - Pelosi just needs to make up those votes from the progressive caucus. I won't believe this is really "dead" until legislation actually fails, which, frankly the Dems are just not gonna allow at this point. no matter how shitty the final bill is.

Utopian Paisley Shirt Production Co. (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 11 March 2010 21:46 (fourteen years ago) link

yeah it's not a thrilling thing to think about but i think dems would much rather embrace a stupakesque gutting of abortion regs and pass something than let it fail.

werewolf congress (schlump), Thursday, 11 March 2010 22:40 (fourteen years ago) link


Fusty Moralizer (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 11 March 2010 22:41 (fourteen years ago) link

youd be surprised. well, i mean, YOU wouldn't, but that's kinda your thing

malicious humor victim (Hunt3r), Thursday, 11 March 2010 22:42 (fourteen years ago) link

I wonder if Reid's families plight will make him more sympathetic to the healthcare crises of the rest of America... (probably not)

Utopian Paisley Shirt Production Co. (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 11 March 2010 23:24 (fourteen years ago) link


Utopian Paisley Shirt Production Co. (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 11 March 2010 23:24 (fourteen years ago) link

The thing that strikes me about that cnn article is that they went for an opinion from each end of the spectrum...but Jim Wallis is in the center-ish left, and Falwell Jr is off the far right deep end of nutcase crazy.

The other side of genetic power today (Laurel), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:15 (fourteen years ago) link

Too bad they didn't talk to Billy Graham.

we call him black Nev coz he's black & his names Neville (HI DERE), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:19 (fourteen years ago) link

How do you mean? Graham was his own special kind of nutcase. Did you know he arranged his teenage daughter's marriage to some rich and much older donor?

The other side of genetic power today (Laurel), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:22 (fourteen years ago) link

fuck Billy Graham

Get the Flaps Out (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:23 (fourteen years ago) link

I can't remember the deets but I think she was like 17 at the time.

The other side of genetic power today (Laurel), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:24 (fourteen years ago) link

like i said @ beck thread a couple days ago: i bet eventually he'll cross too many lines you're not supposed to cross. come on, you don't mess with somebody's church or tell them to leave their church.

i guess there's no way beck will accept an actual debate because he doesn't have a command of the facts & will look like a fool

Frank Schaeffer, from Crazy for God

And this was the same chapel that the Billy Graham family sometimes dropped by to worship in, along with their Swiss-Armenian, multimillionaire in-laws, after Billy---like some Middle Eastern potentate---arranged for his seventeen-year-old daughter’s marriage to the son of a particularly wealthy donor who lived up the road from us in the ski resort of Villars.

Did the followers of Billy Graham know he’d plucked his seventeen-year-old daughter out of her first semester at Wheaton College to marry a man much older than her that she had never met?

The other side of genetic power today (Laurel), Friday, 12 March 2010 21:28 (fourteen years ago) link

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