batshit rightwing cartoonists 2010

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Why the fuck would anyone take that job knowing it means you will be bombed?

I can give a serious-guy answer to this if anybody's interested just let me know

brad whitford's guitar explorations (underrated aerosmith albums I have loved), Sunday, 25 April 2010 17:46 (fourteen years ago) link

Guys quit joking. It's sunday, you should all be in your local federally-funded, state-run churches before it's too late!

Adam Bruneau, Sunday, 25 April 2010 21:06 (fourteen years ago) link

They can pry my national day of abortion and national day of 7/24 porn out of my cold dead hands

the big pink suede panda bear hurts (ledge), Sunday, 25 April 2010 21:43 (fourteen years ago) link

who the fuck writes it 7/24?

tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Sunday, 25 April 2010 21:49 (fourteen years ago) link

We must never forget the horrible acts of 24/7

harbl, Sunday, 25 April 2010 21:53 (fourteen years ago) link

what if we allow the day of prayer but it comes from the Koran. cool?

bnw, Sunday, 25 April 2010 21:59 (fourteen years ago) link

who the fuck writes it 7/24?

forksclovetofu, Monday, 26 April 2010 03:51 (fourteen years ago) link

Everyone but Americans. Still, it's weird.

Jack Human (kenan), Monday, 26 April 2010 04:05 (fourteen years ago) link

No that's not right, either. Ignore me.

Jack Human (kenan), Monday, 26 April 2010 04:06 (fourteen years ago) link

rather mundane building designs for anytime abortion and 7/24 porn.

maybe it's named 7/24 in order to catch your attention, like those businesses that turn their signs upside down.

Matt Armstrong, Monday, 26 April 2010 04:24 (fourteen years ago) link

am0n, Monday, 26 April 2010 04:38 (fourteen years ago) link

Wow... that's a great Bible verse.

Jack Human (kenan), Monday, 26 April 2010 04:57 (fourteen years ago) link

lol @

am0n, Monday, 26 April 2010 05:40 (fourteen years ago) link

To be fair, every verse of Revelation is about destruction.

Jack Human (kenan), Monday, 26 April 2010 05:48 (fourteen years ago) link

batshit rightwing cartoonists 4/27

Doctor Casino, Monday, 26 April 2010 05:59 (fourteen years ago) link

o rly (xp)

am0n, Monday, 26 April 2010 05:59 (fourteen years ago) link

not a cartoon, but priceless batshittery all the same. the buttballhurt on display in the comments gave me many lols - these are the same people who, if you ever once suggest their racist or misogynist jokes aren't funny, will tell you to get 1 sense of humor

brad whitford's guitar explorations (underrated aerosmith albums I have loved), Wednesday, 28 April 2010 22:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Wow. PRO-CLICK craziness.

drinkin a carton of peace juice (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Thursday, 29 April 2010 05:34 (fourteen years ago) link

Hey look a made up thing:

drinkin a carton of peace juice (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Thursday, 29 April 2010 08:47 (fourteen years ago) link


drinkin a carton of peace juice (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Thursday, 29 April 2010 08:48 (fourteen years ago) link

I appreciate you taking the time to focus on this issue. When I was in the 6th grade, my lesbian feminist homeroom teacher explained to all of us that they, all the teachers of the 6th grade, had taken all the girls in the 6th grade and taught them various techniques for castrating us (they had, while we sat in the lunchroom and twiddled our thumbs waiting for them to finish indoctrinating the girls.) And after teaching them as many different ways to assault our genitals as possible, they had told the girls that they were to hurt us like this “any time you feel angry for any reason.” In other words, we didn’t even have to do anything. Our genitals were their outlet for any unhappiness they felt. When we tried to argue with the teacher that we would kick the girls and hurt them in the same place she replied, “no you won’t. It’s OK for them to hurt you there because you are boys and boys aren’t sensitive. Boys don’t have feelings. But girls ARE sensitive. And besides, girls have to have babies.”

Oh boy, sleep! That's where I'm a subordinate!

picture me needing a bonghit I said never (DJ Mencap), Thursday, 29 April 2010 09:03 (fourteen years ago) link

Wow, that SEIU cartoon! There is nothing even remotely factually accurate going on in that picture, other than SEIU endorsed Obama in the '08 elections. And probably some members have mustaches.

sinister chemical wisdom (Jenny), Thursday, 29 April 2010 12:09 (fourteen years ago) link

yeah can someone translate that batshittery? what does it have to do with race/violence? i don't even

βΠψ (bnw), Thursday, 29 April 2010 14:34 (fourteen years ago) link

why is the mailman knocking on an empty door? also lol poor innocent kindly bishop.

the big pink suede panda bear hurts (ledge), Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:12 (fourteen years ago) link

Last August, some tea baggers beat up an SEIU member at a health care reform town hall, which the right wingers then spun, as in 180 degrees, as a case of big, bad, communist violent unions beating up on the good citizens of the USA. I'm guessing this is a logical (ha) extension of that spin. Also a search for "T0m B@l@n0ff" and communist or thug returns some pretty lolsob results. So think basically this is a batshit attempt by rightwing cartoonists to paint all unions, especially strong unions (which SEIU is), as racist thugs, when we all know that is just the Teamsters and probably Bricklayers and Tuckpointers. (j/k, mostly)

sinister chemical wisdom (Jenny), Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:21 (fourteen years ago) link

> why is the mailman knocking on an empty door?

it's a dog training school, not a real postman / door

koogs, Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:24 (fourteen years ago) link

ah i see. so in panels 1-3 it's a real dog, being trained to ignore traditional real-world things that excite dogs like cats, squirrels, and mailman. only in panels 3 and 4 does it become a metaphorical attack dog.

the big pink suede panda bear hurts (ledge), Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:45 (fourteen years ago) link

3 and 4 4 and 5

the big pink suede panda bear hurts (ledge), Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:46 (fourteen years ago) link

Dog seems to have been trained to attack altar boys though?

Neil S, Thursday, 29 April 2010 15:56 (fourteen years ago) link

surely there are loads of cons out there who think the catholic church is decadent and depraved tho? how is this a liberal media thing?

rapping about space and shit, floatin’ around in an orgy of screen savers (gbx), Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:20 (fourteen years ago) link

am0n, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:34 (fourteen years ago) link

corporations are victims!

am0n, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:34 (fourteen years ago) link

am0n, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:35 (fourteen years ago) link

am0n, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:36 (fourteen years ago) link

the world never changes
facts aren't real
narrative is king and will never die

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:37 (fourteen years ago) link

i have to say, that motorcycle is AWESOME

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 29 April 2010 16:37 (fourteen years ago) link

Good thing we live in doublespeak world cos next week Ramirez is scheduled to show Obama bending over the Statue of Liberty for a corporate gang bang.

Adam Bruneau, Thursday, 29 April 2010 17:55 (fourteen years ago) link

holy shit, is no one going to comment on that insane story about teachers at a school teaching girls to beat boys in the crotch?

Mordy, Thursday, 29 April 2010 18:28 (fourteen years ago) link

truly amazed that they labeled a giant spool of red tape "Red Tape."

Matt Armstrong, Thursday, 29 April 2010 20:23 (fourteen years ago) link

Mordy 2 people did comment

i mean what are you gonna say, there isn't much to say besides "delusional wingnuts makin shit up again"

brad whitford's impotent rage (underrated aerosmith albums I have loved), Thursday, 29 April 2010 20:33 (fourteen years ago) link

ah i see. so in panels 1-3 it's a real dog, being trained to ignore traditional real-world things that excite dogs like cats, squirrels, and mailman. only in panels 3 and 4 does it become a metaphorical attack dog.

I was going to say, I was always angry the Times never did any good muckraking on squirrels and kittens.

Walter Melon (Abbott), Thursday, 29 April 2010 20:51 (fourteen years ago) link

The right wing hatred towards the NYT makes a lot of sense when you realize it's been Rupert Murdoch's MO to destroy the paper since he was old enough to realize he would inherit his daddy's fortune.

Adam Bruneau, Thursday, 29 April 2010 21:04 (fourteen years ago) link

i don't understand the donkey driver one.

tart w/ a heart (a hoy hoy), Friday, 30 April 2010 01:44 (fourteen years ago) link

when you are doing something illegal you shouldn't be surprised to be asked for identification.
it is illegal to look mexican btw.

βΠψ (bnw), Friday, 30 April 2010 03:54 (fourteen years ago) link

at least in arizona.

i never promised you a whinegarten (forksclovetofu), Friday, 30 April 2010 15:20 (fourteen years ago) link

In honour of today's UK general election:

Neil S, Thursday, 6 May 2010 11:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Thinking about American government and the donkey comic:

Its funny how "anything less than blindly accepting every move the government makes means you're unpatriotic" was so intense during Bush, but now its this weird defense of their country from the evil government thing/holding onto their values (which is just as vague and emotional about getting wood over the word FREEDOM). An obvious transition, but the donkey comic makes more sense during the Bush years. Now it reads more like mixed emotions about authority/government- are republicans feeling oppressed or not? Are they not sure? I can see one reading that comic and thinking "Stupid democrats are such loud mouths why can't they respect laws and authority?" and then marching on Washington with Tea baggers yelling the (less specific) things the donkey is in that comic.

Evan, Thursday, 6 May 2010 13:17 (fourteen years ago) link

And this isn't some slow realization about how irrational the people behind the comics are, just a little fascination with the mix of Bush era emotions (nothing but emotions) and Obama era emotions.

Evan, Thursday, 6 May 2010 13:19 (fourteen years ago) link

Do love the Daily Mail cartoon - not only is Britannia going to plunge headlong into an abyss, it'll be - oh no! - raining there, too.

calumerio, Thursday, 6 May 2010 13:40 (fourteen years ago) link

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