Chicago: Beef, Love and Understanding

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jaymc, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:12 (seventeen years ago) link

It's the periodic abbreviation for krypton(ite).

Jordan, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:13 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, both of the Schlosser books are pretty fascinating in a non-obnoxious way.

n/a, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:16 (seventeen years ago) link

My fave veggie burgers are the Morningstar Grillers PRIME. I don't think they contain any vegetable matter at all, just mysterious chemicals. They're probably relatively fatty because they are DELICIOUS.

n/a, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:23 (seventeen years ago) link

I checked out this book from the library but I'm not sure I'm actually going to read it.

n/a, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:30 (seventeen years ago) link

(from the amazon description) But the meatless diet couldn't be completely violence-free, for it also appealed to Adolf Hitler. Stuart points out that not only was Hitler a vegetarian but so were Himmler, Hess, Bormann and possibly Goebbels. They even argued about the purity of each others' diets, with Hess declining to eat meals cooked by Hitler's chef because the vegetables were not truly organic.

hahaha sorry but that made me chortle

La Lechera, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:33 (seventeen years ago) link

Yeah, I read the New Yorker review of it. Sounds interesting.

jaymc, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:34 (seventeen years ago) link

I think the BPAL perfume i'm wearing today might smell like AXE body spray. I can't tell if it smells good and freshly unisex or like men's deodorant.

La Lechera, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:36 (seventeen years ago) link

Nothing wrong with a woodsy spicy woman.

Eazy, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:44 (seventeen years ago) link

Better than being musky, I suppose.

La Lechera, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:54 (seventeen years ago) link

This entire conversation has reminded me of the GBV song "Ambergris"

What's that you're wearing/smells so good
You don't wanna know
What's that you're eating/could be misleading
You don't wanna know

La Lechera, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:55 (seventeen years ago) link

so if I go to Panang circa 7:45 tonight some of y'all are going to be there, right?

horseshoe, Friday, 2 March 2007 23:56 (seventeen years ago) link

Yep, H'shoe.

Haha, I'm loving these Olde-ILM revives. Jeff on Avril Lavigne:

I think her britches are too big.

Jeff on Saturday, 29 June 2002 00:00 (4 years ago)

jaymc, Saturday, 3 March 2007 00:13 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm late here, but I just wanted to say that that article was knee-jerk reactionary asshattery without a single cogent point. Fuck that bitch.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 00:30 (seventeen years ago) link

Also, I'm not going out tonight. Sorry guys, but it suuuucks out there.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 00:31 (seventeen years ago) link

And my mom said that I would never be famous

Also, Jeff OTM re: Avril Lasagna.

Jeff, Saturday, 3 March 2007 00:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Again, can you see "cynical and lazy" as her trying to speak for the bulk of the population of the country? Like "put this important information in some terms everyone can understand and appreciate instead of being snobby about it and making them feel like they're being talked down to"?

Ok, but isn't that basically the same argument the right wing uses to convince people they're victims of a sinister left-wing cabal? "They're snooty; we're REAL." Ok, ok, I do not doubt your existence, but "real" and "possibly mistaken" are not opposite ends of the same spectrum. I understand her point about Whole Foods, and how it's easier for poor people to afford bad food than good. Or at least, it's an obviously more enticing an option to them. But those problems are systemic, and not at all the fault of organic farmers or consumers of grass fed beef or any such thing. If there is any real complaint against certain kinds of food zealots (who, by her description, I have never met) in this article, it's overridden by what I suspect to be hysterical and totally unwarranted hatred of libruls and their damn judgmental ways. It's right-wing propaganda, is what this is, of the lowest sort.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 01:17 (seventeen years ago) link

I must say, though, that if the next big conservative talking point before the election is that we should all keep eating fast food with impunity to protect our freedom, I will be highly amused.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 01:20 (seventeen years ago) link

"Fatten up, America! Also, smoke! Smoke while there's still time!"

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 01:34 (seventeen years ago) link

(umm... I take back the phrase "of the lowest sort." The kind of phrase that sets people's teeth on edge. I retract it.)

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 01:39 (seventeen years ago) link


Jenny, Saturday, 3 March 2007 02:31 (seventeen years ago) link

I wub you!

Jenny, Saturday, 3 March 2007 02:32 (seventeen years ago) link

we all know who i mean, no need to broadcast, i figure.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 03:07 (seventeen years ago) link

also, re-reading my post, it felt like exactly the kind of empty hyperbole that i'm prone to.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 03:11 (seventeen years ago) link

just that phrase, i mean. the rest of it i can defend.

kenan, Saturday, 3 March 2007 03:12 (seventeen years ago) link

I am watching The Gate. This movie scared me when I was a youngin'. Now I just think little Steven Dorf is adorfable.

Jenny, Saturday, 3 March 2007 03:58 (seventeen years ago) link

Where did you go, Louis Tripp? Such wasted talent. Killer Dwarfs!

Jenny, Saturday, 3 March 2007 04:06 (seventeen years ago) link


Was the blue light in that first photo just as the camera recorded it, or did you manipulate it? Either way, it looks great, but I would be very surprised if any artificial light reads that color. It's great how it contrasts with the warm light -- shit I don't really want to say this -- at the end of the tunnel.

Jesse, Saturday, 3 March 2007 07:46 (seventeen years ago) link

Soundbar was fun, and mostly not in what the Germans call "ironicenjoymentenhausen" sort of way. The inside was great, with all the colors, lighting, glass, tiles, furniture, projected animation, etc. There was not really any attitude; all of the staff were very courteous and even friendly. Sure, there were a variety of stripey-shirts, questionable highlight jobs, and Eurotrash to have fun with (at the expense of), but it was not across the board ripe for mockery.

We played a fun game that went like this: there was one spot where there were halogen lights shining upward from the floor; you block the light with your foot and then dupe a friend into looking at your shoe. As the dupenfrienden leans forward to get a look at your shoe, you remove your foot, blinding your stupid, stupid, gullible friend! (This tends to work repeatedly on the same friend for quite some time. It was certainly long-lasting fun with EZ's friend Geoff.)

Jesse, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:06 (seventeen years ago) link

I tihink I stiffed the cbbie by abotu $3. I am puking for the first time in a year.

jaymc, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:08 (seventeen years ago) link

[i}all of the staff were very courteous and even friendly.[/i}


jaymc, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:09 (seventeen years ago) link

they wer all YU GO HERE, NO GO HERE NOW

jaymc, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:12 (seventeen years ago) link

Puking!?! Holy shit. I came home and ate some leftover curry.

Soundbar was good for anthropology, not so good otherwise, except for having friends there. The dude who tried to pick a fight with me was the beginning of the end of my night there, for sure.

I understand why the food article was dummmm, Kenan. I was just trying to salvage a little bit of sanity out of it and maybe (definitely) playing devil's advocate a little. It's my way. I try to find bright spots in the darkest of places. People outghta eat things that are delicious and nutritious and make them feel good. Also, hyperbole what??? It's pretty funny to watch you talk yourself out of things over the course of a few posts. <3 U DUDE

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:21 (seventeen years ago) link

oh no John! I hope you feel better soon.

I had a good time at sound bar until SOMEONE SPILLED THEIR DRINK ON MY BACK! but then I had a lovely time with John and Dan. thanks, Eric, mostly I had a blast.

horseshoe, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:21 (seventeen years ago) link

hi guys i'll be fine. you are home so soonn@@!

jaymc, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:28 (seventeen years ago) link

Logan Square: It's not as far as you think.

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:42 (seventeen years ago) link

they wer all YU GO HERE, NO GO HERE NOW

They weren't *nasty* about it. There were a lot of stations--stations of the club--pre-door, ID, door, coat check, and finally boozahol, but really they were just trying to be effecient people-movers. People in groups need a sure-handed shepherd to head off the aimless milling about that is otherwise inevitable.

The too-cool looking chick from the alley (with her designer sunglasses on at night) said "Goodnight guys, be safe." That's very not too-cool.

Jesse, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:42 (seventeen years ago) link

(Unless you're trying to get a cab home from there.)

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:43 (seventeen years ago) link

FUUUUUUCKing xpost


dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:43 (seventeen years ago) link

jesse: i saw some guy walk behind you, holding a martini while we were downstairs. you backed up about 1 step and sloshed his drink a little and he shot you a DIRTY look. at your neck, anyway
and i thought, huh, i wonder if this weasel is going to try to start something, because dan could kill the shit out of him
me: sweet. motherfuckers better recognize
that I am huge and I don't know where my body ends necessarily

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Anyway, I won't be going back anytime soon, as I have always had a verrry low tolerance for clubs, but it was fun for a few reasons.

Anyway, my point about the people herding us around was that they were just doing their job.

Re. xposts: I have taken to refreshing the page right before I post. Still, fuck you no-xpost warning, in hell, as I think I said earlier.

Jesse, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I saw that guy almost pick a fight, Dan. He seemed not to know he was in the middle of a dancezone. Dumb dude.

It worked out well that folks could go or stay and dance and not be on their own either way.

The deal with the open bar wasn't a scam, and that was a big relief. We really did have free well drinks and Domaine St. Michelle sparklin wine.

Thanks for being game for that, everyone. Really good Thai tonight too.

Eazy, Saturday, 3 March 2007 08:56 (seventeen years ago) link

I went to the free Detroit Cobras show in Logan Square, and thankfully found the 5 people who were actually dancing in the goddamn crowd of ~400 in a clump. The opener was slightly better, as is to be expected. Also I drank.

Then my former roommate and I met up, and we very nearly drove to Nashville so that he could DP and I could work sound for a gay porn shoot, but then we stopped when he realized that he didn't have enough money to cover gas and such. I swear to you, this is absolute truth. I still have 3 changes of clothing, a couple books, teeth brushing shit, and ~20 CD's in my bag.

This is the thread where we post drunk, right?

en i see kay, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:02 (seventeen years ago) link

CAUTION (hairgelled dudes)

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:03 (seventeen years ago) link

This is the thread where we post drunk, right?

That is what I have been doing, but now I am crashing.

dan m, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:04 (seventeen years ago) link

Hello, Chicago! Durnk here, too, but no open bar, sadly! Also no near fights, so maybe it evens out.

Laurel, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:07 (seventeen years ago) link

Laurel! Hi! You're even an hour ahead of us!

Eazy, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:09 (seventeen years ago) link

What about near porn participation?

en i see kay, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:10 (seventeen years ago) link

No credit cards for gas that could be paid off with the Nashville-gay-porn-shoot bounty?

Eazy, Saturday, 3 March 2007 09:11 (seventeen years ago) link

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