Alex in NYC to be a daddy!

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My thoughts are with you, Alex.

Andy K (Andy K), Thursday, 4 March 2004 22:13 (twenty years ago) link

As are mine. Best of wishes, luck, and anything else you need.

Doobie Keebler (Charles McCain), Thursday, 4 March 2004 22:14 (twenty years ago) link

That's better news, Alex. Best wishes for the future.

Broheems (diamond), Thursday, 4 March 2004 22:29 (twenty years ago) link

best wishes to you and your family, Alex.

hstencil, Thursday, 4 March 2004 22:40 (twenty years ago) link

Hey, I've got a name for your baby: SMASH! HA!HA!HA!HA! Congratulations, man, just don't drop it, 'cause then it will turn out JUST LIKE ME. Peace out.

Smash, Friday, 5 March 2004 01:16 (twenty years ago) link

two weeks pass...
While I'm becoming a bit concerned that I'm airing too many of my problems on ILX these, since so many people had extended their thoughts and expressions of support/sympathy, I figure an update is in order.

We're still hanging in there. We're at the hospital now twice a week for fetal monitorings and injections of vitamin K (which, I believe, bolsters the liver). Unfortunately, the itchyness has seemingly gotten worse, and none of their proposed remedies seem to be having any effect. My wife is finding it nearly impossible to sleep, which causes her extra anxiety and she is now going to stop working (a few weeks earlier than initially expected/planned). At the recent doctor visit, we were informed that they want to induce the delivery ealier (we were initially due on the 19th, now they want to pre-empt any possible cholestasis-related difficulties by inducing labor on April 5th or 6th.) The most recent blood test show no signs of improvement, unfortunately. Signs are also showing (without getting too graphic here) that the way is already being paved for delivery (i.e. we were informed that due to certain conditions, my wife's body is alredy preparing....which could mean weeks or days...information we don't really know what to do with). We're hoping we make it to the proposed date of induction (about seventeen days away), as we want our little one to make it to the 38th week. Meanwhile, the weight and heartrate and movement of the baby are all fine so far.

Anyway, thanks for reading/listening and all your kind thoughts and words. At this point, I cannot begin to speculate the relief my wife and I will feel upon delivery of this little one.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 19 March 2004 02:45 (twenty years ago) link

My first post, but continued good thoughts for all of you over there, Alex. Hang in there a bit longer!

Sean Carruthers (SeanC), Friday, 19 March 2004 02:49 (twenty years ago) link

Good luck and good news about the weight/heartrate/movement. Hang in there; our thoughts are with you both.

Matos W.K. (M Matos), Friday, 19 March 2004 02:49 (twenty years ago) link

My. Good thoughts as always -- hang in there, the baby will too!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 19 March 2004 02:49 (twenty years ago) link

That's great news about the baby's health. My best to you and your wife.

Barry Bruner (Barry Bruner), Friday, 19 March 2004 03:57 (twenty years ago) link

It sounds as though the baby will be healthy. I certainly hope mom, too. And all of this will be a funny anecdote way down the road when you're and expectant grandparent. Best wishes, Alex.

jim wentworth (wench), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:15 (twenty years ago) link

Good luck to you and your wife

Colin Beckett (Colin Beckett), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:18 (twenty years ago) link

my best as always

donut bitch (donut), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:19 (twenty years ago) link

Alex, my best thoughts and hearty hearts to you, your wife, and the new drummer.

Begs2Differ (Begs2Differ), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:21 (twenty years ago) link

my best too, alex!

s1ocki (slutsky), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:39 (twenty years ago) link

thinking good thoughts for you and your wife. please do keep us updated.

oops (Oops), Friday, 19 March 2004 04:59 (twenty years ago) link

Continued good luck wishes to you and your wife, Alex. It's good that the doctors are looking out for your wife's and your baby's best interests and that they're trying to take care of the condition as well as ensure that the delivery occurs as late in the pregnancy as possible, but I'm sure you guys could do without the setbacks and additional discomfort. Don't feel terrible about bringing this all out on this forum; this is something worth airing out.

Please take care, all of you.

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Friday, 19 March 2004 05:13 (twenty years ago) link

Almost there Alex!

Aaron Grossman (aajjgg), Friday, 19 March 2004 18:42 (twenty years ago) link

Alex, your baby and your wife are hardcore. Fear not.

Jeanne Fury (Jeanne Fury), Friday, 19 March 2004 18:44 (twenty years ago) link

Rock on, Alex. You'll all get through this. My best to you and your wife. And just remember that people have early babies/pregnancies all the time and everything is usually a-ok.

scott seward (scott seward), Friday, 19 March 2004 19:07 (twenty years ago) link

I have a feeling that the world is going to be a much better place with your child in it. Good thoughts and my own off-kilter prayers your way.

Speedy (Speedy Gonzalas), Friday, 19 March 2004 19:13 (twenty years ago) link

Alex, have you looked into contactacting a dulla (sp?)? They are similar to midwives but wholly focused on the mother's health and comfort and I assume would have a host of ways to attack the itching.

Good luck

Mitchell (Mitchell), Friday, 19 March 2004 19:25 (twenty years ago) link

I'd second the recommendation to look into a doula, if you can. Regardless, lots & lots of luck!! I hope it all goes wonderfully.

lyra (lyra), Saturday, 20 March 2004 06:05 (twenty years ago) link

quick update: we MAY in labor today. Contractions seem to have started last night at 10pm....but the intervals have not been evenly spaced. We're told this could go on for days.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 20 March 2004 17:39 (twenty years ago) link

My! *many good thoughts for you all*

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 20 March 2004 17:53 (twenty years ago) link

Hope it all goes well for you both Alex.

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 20 March 2004 17:55 (twenty years ago) link

Thanks Ned. We're sort've walking on eggshells. Too early to goto the hospital. Not sure really what to do. But, the wife is strangely serene about it at the moment....which is a nice change of pace. We may be in the home stretch.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 20 March 2004 18:39 (twenty years ago) link

Thanks *EVERYONE*, I should say.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 20 March 2004 18:40 (twenty years ago) link

Me, everyone, same diff, we are legion. ;-) More to the point, light at the end of the tunnel, happy baby soon. :-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Saturday, 20 March 2004 18:48 (twenty years ago) link

best of luck!

luna (luna.c), Saturday, 20 March 2004 22:43 (twenty years ago) link

If a boy - Jaz

Girl - ?? not sure

the music mole (colin s barrow), Saturday, 20 March 2004 23:08 (twenty years ago) link

I said upthread that Jazmine is the obvious girl name.

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 21 March 2004 00:36 (twenty years ago) link

Yes, it's much better than Jazzette.

the music mole (colin s barrow), Sunday, 21 March 2004 00:39 (twenty years ago) link

Jaz himself suggested Jazmyn, by the way. The wife won't have it, unfortunately, but I thought that was mighty cool. (She nixed Geordie too).

Incidentally, we're still in a holding pattern of pre-pre-term labor....or so we think (the contractions have seemingly receded.)

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 21 March 2004 01:28 (twenty years ago) link

Aw, no Geordie, I'm so disappointed.

Haven't been around much lately, Alex, so I missed this thread. I really hope everything goes smoothly for you and your wife.

Arthur (Arthur), Sunday, 21 March 2004 01:34 (twenty years ago) link

It is with *GREAT* Pleasure, Pride and Exhaustion that I proclaim to you that.....

At 7:45 pm on MONDAY, MARCH 22nd, one little CHARLOTTE MARY SMITH IN NYC popped her tiny little head into the world. Weighing in at six pounds and some-odd ounces, little Charlotte gave her long-stressed and sleepless-from-cholestasis mother a good fake-out with some braxton hicks contractions (i.e. false alarm) on Friday night. We were all prepared to sprint off to the hospital then and there, but the contractions never revealed themselves at regular intervals and eventually dissipated. So, when we went in this morning (Monday), they ran a bunch to tests, looked up and said: "How about today, then?"

And so it was.

Mother, child and dazed-but-elated father are all doing fine. They just kicked me out of the hospital so that all and sundry may sleep.

It is with indescribable joy and relief that I report that little Charlotte, though having only spent 36 weeks to the day in the womb, came out as perfect and as unspeakably adorable as can be.

Anyway, there you have it.....

Alex in NYC...on cloud Nine (vassifer), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 05:59 (twenty years ago) link


s1ocki (slutsky), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:03 (twenty years ago) link

congratulations to you and your wife (and your new baby girl)!

hstencil, Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:04 (twenty years ago) link

Oh my God, many, many, many congratulations to you and your wife, Alex! And may the little girl thrive in her newly provided life. "Charlotte Mary", hm? What a pretty name!

Many Coloured Halo (Dee the Lurker), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:07 (twenty years ago) link


Allyzay, Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:09 (twenty years ago) link

congratulations, sir!

Ian Johnson (orion), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:10 (twenty years ago) link

hey! congratulations!

phil-two (phil-two), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:12 (twenty years ago) link

May Charlotte Bask In The Fire Of Honour (as long as she is immune to the flames, of course)

donut bitch (donut), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

i still think you should've called her baby in nyc!

s1ocki (slutsky), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:17 (twenty years ago) link

Woohoo! Marvelous fun fab! Pictures when you can! Good health to all! :-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:34 (twenty years ago) link

Wow, great news ALex! Congratulations and best wishes to you and your family.

Broheems (diamond), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:36 (twenty years ago) link

Oh Alex, how wonderful!! I'm thrilled for all three of you - congratulations and welcome to the world, Miss Charlotte! May she bring you and your wife endless years of pleasure and pride and grow to be an amazing woman. xoxo

luna (luna.c), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:44 (twenty years ago) link

This is awesome! Congratulations!

Dave M. (rotten03), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:48 (twenty years ago) link

Alex's next months soothing baby when she is fussy while trying to keep up with us summed up:

All the posters
All the logins blur
Change to one ;-)
Change to one 'what?'
Get yourself out of bed
Nightlight seems bright
And bears on white walls
All the sounds of Charlotte sometimes
Into the night
With Charlotte sometimes

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:52 (twenty years ago) link

congratulations alex!

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Tuesday, 23 March 2004 06:56 (twenty years ago) link

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