What is considered a "fat girl" these days? I really want to know.

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my party trick when i was 11 or so was taking square roots of largish numbers to 1dp in my head. this probably explains why i didn't get asked to any parties.

-- toby


Anna (Anna), Thursday, 22 May 2003 12:17 (twenty-one years ago) link

I am looking forward to the next FAP...

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Thursday, 22 May 2003 16:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

in fairness i do stuff like checking if phone numbers are divisible by small primes in a somewhat obsessive-compulsive way, but i don't tend to sit around taking square roots these days. i'm probably more than a little rusty.

toby (tsg20), Thursday, 22 May 2003 16:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

lifting weights converts fat to muscle, which is not technically losing weight but it is "losing weight" ie becoming less "fat", according to the informal way we use language

Also, a larger muscle mass usually leads to a higher metabolism, which makes it easier to keep off or lose body fat.

j.lu (j.lu), Thursday, 22 May 2003 17:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

Fat doesn't matter. You should really find out if she's into shrimping.

Mike Hanle y (mike), Friday, 23 May 2003 00:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

seven months pass...
So...um....whatever happened here with Vic?

Girolamo Savonarola, Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:35 (twenty years ago) link

'Why are fat girls always so frisky
But you can't go touching cos it's far too risky...'

- Debaser

the music mole (colin s barrow), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:37 (twenty years ago) link

Guys have it harder than women today anyway. If you're a fat girl you can still touch men up in clubs and no one will beat you up or tell you to fuck off. Guys will politely laugh or whatever.

Guys are under much more pressure to conform to an ideal of masculinity. It's bullshit that women think they have it worse and have to be some skinny blonde or something to get laid. Most girls I've known who think that get laid all the time and still moan. It's a sad sight. Just accept yourself.

C-Man (C-Man), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:39 (twenty years ago) link

the sooner all of humanity just up and fucking dies, the better.

fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:41 (twenty years ago) link

Calum would stick his dick in a paper shredder if it had pubic hair around it.

Eisbär (llamasfur), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:41 (twenty years ago) link

seriously, i'm glad we now have our moderator-less paradise where c-man can fucking infest the boards and post psa's about how wonderful it is now that fat girls can chat someone up without getting beaten up. goodbye, ile. take it easy.

fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 03:45 (twenty years ago) link

Dude, that was so not the point. The point was that it's double standards. You won't tell a girl to "fuck off" if she pats your ass but you sure as hell won't get off so easily if a guy does that to a girl. You know? Stop putting words in my mouth.

C-Man (C-Man), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:09 (twenty years ago) link

I'd tell a girl to fuck off if she patted my arse (eg at work) and I know a few guys who would too.

Trayce (trayce), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:14 (twenty years ago) link

Well I've had my ass patted in clubs by some mingers and I've been too nice to say what I really wanted y'know? But I'd not pat a girl's arse in a club. It seems one huge double standard.

C-Man (C-Man), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:17 (twenty years ago) link

I've been too nice to say what I really wanted

Surely that's your fault, isn't it Calum? I have no qualms about telling people to fuck off when they're invading my personal space.

Jess, I think perhaps there's a handle you're flying off rather ridiculous. Chill the fuck out.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:25 (twenty years ago) link

Ahh its Jess, he'll be back in a jiffy ;)

Trayce (trayce), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:28 (twenty years ago) link

Calum, you are a really sweet guy.

So why don't you stop playing the prick?

You've already cut down the retarded vicious insults by 75%, why don't you complete the process and quit starting silly threads?

eh?, Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:30 (twenty years ago) link


Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 04:37 (twenty years ago) link

I almost hate to have to say this, but the day that Calum is patted on the head and Jess is somehow seen as being the disruptive evil one is a very wrong day indeed.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:03 (twenty years ago) link

I dont think Andrew said Jess was disruptive, just that he flew off the handle a bit thats all. No idea wtf the other person's on about with C being "75%" less insulting tho - ha.

Trayce (trayce), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:09 (twenty years ago) link

stupidist thread evah! even the "controversy"
is boring

Orbit (Orbit), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

Ned, I think Jess' posts in this thread really are ridiculous, and in this particular instance (as much as I hate to say it) Calum looks far more reasonable and polite.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

Trayce, I too would like to know the linear index on which someone is annoying. It would make my hatred that bit easier to quantify. ;)

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:13 (twenty years ago) link

no Andrew, don't sully my image of your seamless beauty *sob*

Orbit (Orbit), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:19 (twenty years ago) link

Oh, I was just being silly. I could never hate anyone.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:21 (twenty years ago) link

in this particular instance (as much as I hate to say it) Calum looks far more reasonable and polite

Calum suddenly trying to come across all nice and reasonable in a desperate attempt to make him not look like the fool he is? You shock me, sir! ;-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:22 (twenty years ago) link

Hey, at least he's trying.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:23 (twenty years ago) link

And we can't exactly delete his posts where he actually attempts to be nice.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:23 (twenty years ago) link

Hey, at least he's trying.

Uh, call me incredibly suspicious, doubtful and somewhat unconvinced.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:26 (twenty years ago) link

Oh Ned, you're just incredibly suspicious, doubtful, and somewhat unconvinced!

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:28 (twenty years ago) link


(I actually did still want more of an answer on this subject via the off-board message last week, though, so if you could respond to that...)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:31 (twenty years ago) link

I think everyone on here can be an ass a lot of the time, so where the hell would I draw a line? =)

There should be ILX mud wrestling, there should.

Trayce (trayce), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 06:35 (twenty years ago) link

Ned really should have met me in LA.

C-Man (C-Man), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 07:12 (twenty years ago) link

This whole thread is fascinating.

The part of the thread up until the very present touches on a lot of things I've been thinking over and over in my head.

And then it turns into a "thread for updating purposes only" sort of thing. Which is kinda a bummer because I'd have really wanted to participate in the original thread, being that I have a million different thoughts that have historically troubled me, all swimming frantically in my head. Ah well. This is why the good Lord gave us journals, isn't it?

Tenacious Dee (Dee the Lurker), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 08:05 (twenty years ago) link

The only way the thread will turn back into a dialogue over the original topic will be if somebody starts it, Dee.

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 08:15 (twenty years ago) link


Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:46 (twenty years ago) link


Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:47 (twenty years ago) link

Ha, I saw that one about napoleon's march on Moscow earlier today again.

Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:49 (twenty years ago) link

i could try and start it, if everyone wants. i think that the 100 lbs for 5 feet and 5 lbs for each additional foot is rubbish, to begin. and i will just go ahead and say that i am 5'5" and i weigh about 155 lbs. although i could shed a few pounds if i wanted, i have an athelitic build; ie, there is more muscle than fat, and i don't look hefty. if i lost weight, i would look more "hollywood attractive" but i really don't feel the need to do so. also, i am not lacking in dates or anything.

Emilymv (Emilymv), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:51 (twenty years ago) link


Amazing Randy (Amazing Randy), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:53 (twenty years ago) link

okay, so that you can see, here is a photo of me and my roommate, i am in the blue skirt.

Emilymv (Emilymv), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 09:59 (twenty years ago) link

Oh my.

Is there a height/weight table for men somewhere? I don't imagine they're the same.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:00 (twenty years ago) link

They're not. Actually, though, I don't know who the table I posted above is intended for. Maybe a sort of generalized one for both sexes. Usually when you'd see a chart like that for men and women, it would, naturally, allow for a woman at any given height to be heavier than a man at the same height.

Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:10 (twenty years ago) link

no, i think that they usually assume that the men weigh more.

Emilymv (Emilymv), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:12 (twenty years ago) link

You're totally right, I caught that like the second after I posted it. I got all mixed up cause I was thinking like "oh but womens have the boobs though don't they!?"

Dan I. (Dan I.), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:13 (twenty years ago) link

Dan I kiss you!

Markelby (Mark C), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:26 (twenty years ago) link

Vic--what happened??

OCP (OCP), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 10:59 (twenty years ago) link

mark, is all this kissing people your new year's resolution to get away from the barry thing?

(not that i have a problem with it. just curious)

colette (a2lette), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 11:08 (twenty years ago) link

Is that graph above in reference to men, women, or both? If it applies to men then I'm just on the very edge of unheathily thin/healthy at ~150 pounds, 6'2".

Andrew (enneff), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 11:54 (twenty years ago) link

what i love about that graph is that there isn't a SEVERELY UNDERWEIGHT section - er, if you're 6'6'' and weight 50lbs, you need to fucking pig out, dude.

Girls are luckier than boys in a way because they can get away with being SHORT - and being on a diet isn't gonna ever make you taller.

ken c (ken c), Tuesday, 6 January 2004 12:10 (twenty years ago) link

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