Confession time

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well you have to exhibit control over the pressure and release.

fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:25 (twenty years ago) link

alternately get a big gulp cup.

fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:26 (twenty years ago) link

my urethra muscles are like wo.

fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:26 (twenty years ago) link


Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:30 (twenty years ago) link

hmmm, if it wasnt for the fact i insist on using a proper Armitage Shanks for such dirty business i would probably not get out of bed at all at the weekend, so good job i don't keep cups around bedside

stevem (blueski), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:32 (twenty years ago) link

I thought it was "wo", good. Unless that was a typo.

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:38 (twenty years ago) link

I just ate a whole Chocolate Orange. I fear I may die of greed.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Friday, 2 January 2004 14:54 (twenty years ago) link

if I take any medicine in the codeine family I am unable to pee for an uncomfortable length of time

s1ocki (slutsky), Friday, 2 January 2004 17:25 (twenty years ago) link

I had dinner at my parents' last night and had ungodly gas for the next 12 hours.

Huckleberry Mann (Horace Mann), Friday, 2 January 2004 17:25 (twenty years ago) link

and shortly after I got my wisdom teeth out I took a larger-than-reccomended dose and found myself a couple hours later standing over the toilet, delirious and tearful


s1ocki (slutsky), Friday, 2 January 2004 17:26 (twenty years ago) link

I used to have a pathological fear of Gene Wilder.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 2 January 2004 22:25 (twenty years ago) link

Say Alex, is the grisly reaper mowing?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 2 January 2004 22:28 (twenty years ago) link

The rowers are not showing any indication that they're slowing!

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 2 January 2004 22:33 (twenty years ago) link

Wow, my mate C3leste has an unreasoning, pathological loathing of Gene Wilder. You should form a support group.

Matt (Matt), Friday, 2 January 2004 22:46 (twenty years ago) link

Well, I'm over it now, but he used to inexplicably give me the fear when I was a child.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 2 January 2004 22:50 (twenty years ago) link

How about Zero Mostel?

Dom Passantino (Dom Passantino), Friday, 2 January 2004 23:38 (twenty years ago) link

Zero's cool.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Saturday, 3 January 2004 01:43 (twenty years ago) link

I am much more scared about being in a new city than I thought I would be.

I tend to try harder when people seem to be against me. Surely, they must not know the real me, or they would like me, right?

On the other hand, I can be blatantly rude to people I'm not interested in befriending simply because I hate making small talk. If we're not on the same wave-length, then what's the point?

I tend to be pretty selfish in general, but am always calling other people out on it. If someone points out my own selfishness, I tend to wrap myself even deeper in my own egocentrism.

I am extremely sensitive.

In the end, I'm a big peace-loving hippy.

I like to talk about my bands because it is a big part of who I am.

I really should be in bed now.

Sarah McLusky (coco), Saturday, 3 January 2004 06:05 (twenty years ago) link

I've had a codiene addiction for something like 10 years now. I cant even begin to imagine getting off it. Also, when anyone expresses concern and tries to suggest I do something about it, I get irrationally angry and have to change the subject. I'm really not proud of any of this.

Trayce (trayce), Saturday, 3 January 2004 07:48 (twenty years ago) link

i'm noticing weird side effects from the drugs i've been doing (recreationally) for almost a decade now.
i've not exactly slowed down lately either.
also, i should be in bed.
but i have to do the dishes.
which i never do.

dyson (dyson), Saturday, 3 January 2004 08:00 (twenty years ago) link

re: codeine

that's an odd addiction! in pill form, or T3s or ??? Since it is an opiate, there are medical detoxes for it. they can sedate you until it is out of your system. 10 years is a long time, but you can do it. plus, opiates are nasty for men, they kill sexual urges. you'll want to fuck like a bunny once you're off it! good luck :-)

Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 09:08 (twenty years ago) link

Um, I'm female BTW :)

Its in pill form, in Aus you can buy a paracetamol/codiene tablet from chemists quite easily (no prescription). Interesting about the sex drive thing, never heard that one before... hmmm...

Trayce (trayce), Saturday, 3 January 2004 09:20 (twenty years ago) link

sounds basically like T3s in the us. oh, yeah, opiate addiction makes guys completely useless. if you want to get laid 24/7 date a speed freak, lol

Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 09:22 (twenty years ago) link

for girls tho, everything is an aphrodesiac :-)

Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 09:23 (twenty years ago) link

Yes, especially me scratching my arse.

the music mole (colin s barrow), Saturday, 3 January 2004 11:14 (twenty years ago) link


Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 11:23 (twenty years ago) link

Please tell me it's so.

the music mole (colin s barrow), Saturday, 3 January 2004 11:44 (twenty years ago) link

i am a virgin.

Viva La Sam (thatgirl), Saturday, 3 January 2004 19:23 (twenty years ago) link

a monkey has just flown from my....

Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 20:24 (twenty years ago) link

orbit, are you questioning my virtue (and honesty)?

Viva La Sam (thatgirl), Saturday, 3 January 2004 20:40 (twenty years ago) link

I just lied on my h341th lnsur4nc3 application. My agent told me they'll never find out about my E.R. visit yesterday. I hope to hell he's right, even though that sounds awfully dubious. How could they not find out?

Aaron A., Saturday, 3 January 2004 20:42 (twenty years ago) link

i do NOT know how that monkey got in there, Sam, I am *so* sorry!

Orbit (Orbit), Saturday, 3 January 2004 21:08 (twenty years ago) link

well cause if you were then you're a smart woman. ;)

Viva La Sam (thatgirl), Saturday, 3 January 2004 21:14 (twenty years ago) link

"so... what do Satanists *do* anyway?" "I dunno... sacrifice virgins, I guess" "well that leaves us out then!" (*self-congratulatory giggle*)

= ILE, Saturday, 3 January 2004 23:25 (twenty years ago) link

i dunno. we could become "re-virginized"

Orbit (Orbit), Sunday, 4 January 2004 05:15 (twenty years ago) link

"Who in here doesn't even need to be 're-virginized'?"

*raises hand*

(I know, I know, broken record, all that.)

Tenacious Dee (Dee the Lurker), Sunday, 4 January 2004 05:18 (twenty years ago) link

all it takes is a year in a college dorm ,i betcha

Orbit (Orbit), Sunday, 4 January 2004 06:09 (twenty years ago) link

I've never seen any of the LOTR movies.

miloauckerman (miloauckerman), Sunday, 4 January 2004 06:46 (twenty years ago) link

i don't really know what i'm doing

gaz (gaz), Sunday, 4 January 2004 06:51 (twenty years ago) link

I'm scared of making confessions

oops (Oops), Sunday, 4 January 2004 10:05 (twenty years ago) link

I have nothing but abject loathing for any individual that sees fit to recline their seat back into my lap on airplanes.

Who doesn't feel this way? This isn't a confession, but just plain common hatred.

Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Monday, 5 January 2004 01:17 (twenty years ago) link

but he has the good sense to feel guilty for harboring abject loathing towards perfectly innocent people, therefore it *is* a confession.

Orbit (Orbit), Monday, 5 January 2004 01:37 (twenty years ago) link

i just watched some woman undressing from my window

also, Willy Wonka is a fucking badass

fcussen (Burger), Monday, 5 January 2004 01:55 (twenty years ago) link


fiddo centington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:05 (twenty years ago) link


Orbit (Orbit), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:17 (twenty years ago) link

i now feel slightly bad for posting two megs worth of alizee gifs hosted on my buddy's server. hope he doesn't mind.

Kingfishee (Kingfish), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:17 (twenty years ago) link

Who doesn't feel this way? This isn't a confession, but just plain common hatred.

I know an awful lot of people, my wife included, who don't feel that way.

but he has the good sense to feel guilty for harboring abject loathing towards perfectly innocent people, therefore it *is* a confession.

They're not perfectly innocent, they're careless, selfish and woefully inconsiderate.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:20 (twenty years ago) link

What the fuck is wrong with reclining yr airplane seat? So you people are telling me that you keep yours upright for an entire cross-country flight? What kind of unfathomable masochism is that?

Broheems (diamond), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:21 (twenty years ago) link

ok, then he feels guilt about harboring abject loathing for careless, selfish, and woefully inconsiderate airline-loungers. It's still therefore a confession.

Orbit (Orbit), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:22 (twenty years ago) link

At the very LEAST, they could turn around first and say: "If you don't mind, I'd like to put my seat back a bit. Please let me know at which point it becomes inconvenient and/or uncomfortable for you, as I know that it can be a space-cramping, circulation-bothering nuisance!" That's what I do, and I damn well stand by it being the RIGHT and CONSIDERATE thing to do....regardless of the length of the flight.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Monday, 5 January 2004 02:25 (twenty years ago) link

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