DEM not gonna CON dis NATION: Rolling UK politics in the short-lived Cleggeron era

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55%/fixed terms is being held up by the legal dude

caek, Thursday, 16 September 2010 21:24 (fourteen years ago) link

legal dude = someone cameron went to school with who now sits on the privy council or something. saw this maybe monday on the G website but can't find it now, didn't sound like a serious challenge though.

caek, Thursday, 16 September 2010 21:26 (fourteen years ago) link

here we are:

caek, Thursday, 16 September 2010 21:28 (fourteen years ago) link

The bill is intended to end the considerable advantage a governing party enjoys by virtue of the prime minister being able to tactically plan and choose an election date most favourable to his party.

haha yes that's the main intention

it does seem pretty shambolic but they have clarified that vote of no confidence requires disolution of parliament

not going to be easy getting this past the tory right / constitutional conservatives, tho i dunno if the lib dem backbenchers will put up a fight

Chinedu "Edu" Obasi Ogbuke (nakhchivan), Thursday, 16 September 2010 21:41 (fourteen years ago) link

Liked Nicky Wire talking about Clegg the other day - "how can you be a young musician and not want to write a song about this cunt?"

Meanwhile Cable's starting to break with the party line:

Immigration limits are costing the UK thousands of jobs and hurting the country’s fragile economic recovery, Vince Cable said, in scathing comments that lay bare tensions on the issue within the coalition.

More FT video

“A lot of damage is being done to British industry,” the business secretary told the Financial Times on Thursday.

“I’ve got a file full of examples. This is not just people whingeing,” he said.

The cap on non-EU workers was a manifesto pledge for David Cameron and proved popular with voters: it was reluctantly accepted by Lib Dems in the May coalition negotiations.

Mr Cable’s complaints reflect business anger at the way the coalition has imposed an interim cap on work visas for people coming from outside the EU, leaving many companies able to recruit only a handful of non-European staff.

Mr Cable said he was fully signed up to the coalition’s plan for a permanent immigration cap but wanted to see it applied flexibly.

Companies said the interim cap, launched in July amid fears of a flood of visa applications before the introduction of a permanent limit in April, was rushed in too quickly and places Draconian limits on hiring foreign talent.

Their biggest complaint centred on the way border officials have calculated how many work permits each company should have this year based on the number they used in 2009, although many companies were then locked in a recession-enforced hiring freeze.

Mr Cable, speaking before the Liberal Democrat conference in Liverpool, refused to name companies but said the complaints took in investment banking, engineering and pharmaceuticals.

“I am not known of as the best friend of investment bankers, but you know they are quite an important source of economic activity,” he said.

“I was talking to people in the City and there were two investment banks that recruit hundreds of people from the non-EU area, Indians and Americans. They were allowed only 30-40 visas. They have moved some operations to Hong Kong.”

Mr Cable said in one instance a UK company needed 500 specialist engineers but was given a quota of four. He spoke of an entrepreneur who ditched plans to open a factory and create 400 jobs in northern England after failing to secure visas for key staff.

Mr Cable said the temporary quota cap had been wrongly fixed at 2009 levels.

“The economy is now recovering but companies can’t get access to the people they need.”

Matt DC, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:46 (fourteen years ago) link

didn't realize things had gone to shit this quickly

Chinedu "Edu" Obasi Ogbuke (nakhchivan), Friday, 17 September 2010 09:50 (fourteen years ago) link

lol “I am not known of as the best friend of investment bankers, but you know they are quite an important source of economic activity,” he said.

caek, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:51 (fourteen years ago) link

that's pretty zingy for a member of government

caek, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:51 (fourteen years ago) link

the rats can't wait to get in the drainpipes and do big fetid shits everywhere

i trust there was a comma after 'you know', if cable has any sense of comic timing

Chinedu "Edu" Obasi Ogbuke (nakhchivan), Friday, 17 September 2010 09:52 (fourteen years ago) link

He reputedly hates the coalition so I'm not surprised he's talking out of turn already.

Matt DC, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:54 (fourteen years ago) link

Also Cable's department is facing the biggest cuts of any govt department.

Matt DC, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:55 (fourteen years ago) link

yes, rip science

caek, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Govt intervention in the market innit.

Matt DC, Friday, 17 September 2010 09:57 (fourteen years ago) link

p.s. nick clegg's wife still hot

caek, Friday, 17 September 2010 10:04 (fourteen years ago) link

Good attempt to pacify the rank and file here ahead of the conference. Can't see the Tories being mad crazy for this idea though.

Matt DC, Sunday, 19 September 2010 12:48 (fourteen years ago) link

ashcroft is leaving too, and is zinging cameron re: the campaign et al as he goes.

caek, Sunday, 19 September 2010 13:29 (fourteen years ago) link

Likening tax evaders to benefit cheats

In the saw way one might liken the Great Train Robbers to a schoolkid pinching chocolate buttons

Mo Tucker Mo Problems (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 19 September 2010 13:38 (fourteen years ago) link

Shows how skewed the public debate has become that that's the bit that will resonate with people.

Matt DC, Sunday, 19 September 2010 13:44 (fourteen years ago) link

Liberal Democrats vote against free schools and more academies

Can we get a Drudge siren?

Duncan Donuts (Ned Trifle II), Monday, 20 September 2010 12:42 (fourteen years ago) link

lol at conservatives leaking cranky sounds-like-a-lib-dem policy stuff before the ld conference.

caek, Monday, 20 September 2010 14:32 (fourteen years ago) link

don't think vinnie cabes said anything controversial at all, here but oh look at all these cunts

im not usually in favour of extreme state violence but can't something be done about these jackals?

no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Wednesday, 22 September 2010 23:34 (fourteen years ago) link

Believe Vince's speech had little to do with prospective Government policy and everything to do with making sure he (and a couple of thousand delegates) could sleepier (slightly) easier in their beds of a night

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Thursday, 23 September 2010 08:57 (fourteen years ago) link

That was the speech of someone who knows he has fuck all influence on government policy if you ask me. There's a reason the Tories have put him in a department that sounds important but that they are planning to eviscerate.

Matt DC, Thursday, 23 September 2010 08:58 (fourteen years ago) link

yeah not disputing any of that

no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:00 (fourteen years ago) link

"Let the old boy have his fun, what?"

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:03 (fourteen years ago) link

I think it also shows he understands what Clegg doesn't seem to, that there's no sense in banging on about being Cameron's best mate, unless someone high up impresses some kind of distinctive identity then they're completely fucked.

Matt DC, Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:07 (fourteen years ago) link

heard clegg responding to it, and to the guy talking about trident (who was appalling): really clueless, evasive, unctious wanker

no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:12 (fourteen years ago) link

the trident guy was unbelievable. his argument about what to do next was solely based on making things awkward for labour. he isn't a serious politician. effing lib dems.

no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Thursday, 23 September 2010 09:13 (fourteen years ago) link

Good luck Suffolk.
Suffolk County Council to outsource most services

Duncan Donuts (Ned Trifle II), Thursday, 23 September 2010 18:02 (fourteen years ago) link

"im not usually in favour of extreme state violence but can't something be done about these jackals?"

c'mon you know to do a lenin.jpg. Don't fight it!

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 23 September 2010 18:10 (fourteen years ago) link

Vince Cable's serious face always looks like he's smelling shit.

meta the devil you know (onimo), Thursday, 23 September 2010 21:39 (fourteen years ago) link

(on QT now btw)

meta the devil you know (onimo), Thursday, 23 September 2010 21:39 (fourteen years ago) link

caek, Friday, 24 September 2010 09:12 (fourteen years ago) link

Vince Cable's serious face always looks like he's smelling shit.

Whereas George Osborne's face looks like he's smelling shit

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:13 (fourteen years ago) link

... or poor people (same thing for George)

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:14 (fourteen years ago) link

Ken Livingstone has beaten Oona King to the Labour nomination for London mayor, setting him up for a political rematch in the capital with his old rival Boris Johnson in 2012.

James Mitchell, Friday, 24 September 2010 09:16 (fourteen years ago) link

Not in favour of that. Ken's past it.

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:17 (fourteen years ago) link


no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:19 (fourteen years ago) link

Marc Loivingstone tbh

Mo Tucker Mo Problems (Noodle Vague), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:20 (fourteen years ago) link

had they run out of 'just another female fronted band'?

no one was protesting when this happened to (history mayne), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:20 (fourteen years ago) link

Ken has a better chance of beating Boris than Oona, whose campaign has been pretty much cringeworthy.

Don't think anyone will beat Boris fwiw.

Matt DC, Friday, 24 September 2010 09:30 (fourteen years ago) link

Prob'ly not. Poor Oona, losing out to Galloway then Livingstone.

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 24 September 2010 09:39 (fourteen years ago) link

Those t-shirts are available at the Fawcett Society website, BTW.

I'd say Ken was a policy feminist but as far as transposing that to his own personal life goes, LOLLLLLLLL.

are you robot? (suzy), Friday, 24 September 2010 10:08 (fourteen years ago) link

That Suffolk council thing is something that we're all going to have to get used to in time I suspect.

Pashmina, Friday, 24 September 2010 10:41 (fourteen years ago) link

Lewisham Council seems to be having quite a lot of public consultation and dialogue on how to manage its cuts and where they should and shouldn't fall. Neighbouring Greenwich is just imposing them top-down, I know which one works better for me.

Matt DC, Friday, 24 September 2010 10:49 (fourteen years ago) link

Thing is about outsourcing...

Why should a private enterprise be 'cheaper' than providing and running services 'in-house'?

Because the PrivEnt draws up a 'minimum service' agreement.

Which means, they are at liberty to refuse to collect 'too much' refuse from one house, whereas the council's in-house service are more likely to take it.

Which is blatantly obvious, so I will never understand why the DMail seem to regard it as a sign of 'loonielefties' councils etc...

Mark G, Friday, 24 September 2010 10:56 (fourteen years ago) link

Anyway why are we not talking about this? Fate of the BBC World Service still undecided, which is worrying.

Matt DC, Friday, 24 September 2010 10:57 (fourteen years ago) link

Radio Times is up for sale too, yes?

Most consultation documents in Camden feel a bit ciphery - 'tell us what you think of our plans, and then after we hear quite sensible arguments as to why the plans are 31 flavours of shite, we'll implement them three months later with no other change save a paragraph of fake-inclusive waffle about how great it was that service users were able to participate in the process.'

are you robot? (suzy), Friday, 24 September 2010 11:00 (fourteen years ago) link

"Quango" has become such a weasel word. Was blurrily following this on the radio this morning, and thinking about how you can dismiss whole swathes of important public sector work/employment just by calling it a nasty old quango.

Mo Tucker Mo Problems (Noodle Vague), Friday, 24 September 2010 11:01 (fourteen years ago) link

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