DEM not gonna CON dis NATION: Rolling UK politics in the short-lived Cleggeron era

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Think if they wanted an actual elected politician they've have a choice of two iirc.

James Mitchell, Thursday, 30 September 2010 08:42 (thirteen years ago) link

So she's worried about the anti-Islam press but comes out with unsubstantiated claims in which she blames asian communties?

Ned Trifle (Notinmyname), Thursday, 30 September 2010 09:16 (thirteen years ago) link

From her numerous appearances on TV over the years this woman appears to be an idiot - albeit a useful for one for the Tories

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Thursday, 30 September 2010 10:55 (thirteen years ago) link

i still fail to see why the milis couldn't have formed an RFK-JFK style dynamic duo

tho i guess RFK and JFK's brilliant move in that regard was to not uh run for president at the same time as each other

progressive cuts (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 30 September 2010 10:58 (thirteen years ago) link

i think you're underestimating the older/younger dynamic too. and kennedy sr. basically told them what to do careerwise iirc. the miliband's don't really have that (via dead father). the situations aren't that comparable.

caek, Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:04 (thirteen years ago) link

In the old days the press made all this sound like great fun—all those beautiful rich people playing touch football on the lawn—but in retrospect, one suspects it was hard duty being one of Joseph P. Kennedy’s four sons. The competition, according to Teddy’s memoir, was not part of a paternal plan to develop a son into a president, but only a way of preparing them all to excel in “public service.”

^^^ pretty important part of making what is an unusual situation work. kennedys are total outliers in this regard.

caek, Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:06 (thirteen years ago) link

taking into account their privileged starting position, it's not hugely onerous either four sons of a well respected farmer jockeying to become a local councillor or w/e

i dont love everything, i love football (darraghmac), Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:23 (thirteen years ago) link

nah, kennedy bros took turns by age and had a boss.

caek, Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:42 (thirteen years ago) link

sounds like a man utd night out

i dont love everything, i love football (darraghmac), Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:44 (thirteen years ago) link


progressive cuts (Tracer Hand), Thursday, 30 September 2010 11:48 (thirteen years ago) link

Looks like the tactic of pulling Warsi out of Question Time and shunting Grant Shapps on in her place backfired, then.

James Mitchell, Thursday, 30 September 2010 22:40 (thirteen years ago) link


l'avventura: pet detective (history mayne), Thursday, 30 September 2010 22:43 (thirteen years ago) link

Just dreadful bollocks the whole way through, nothing stand out.

James Mitchell, Thursday, 30 September 2010 22:55 (thirteen years ago) link

that's probably an improvement on lady w and the likelihood of her saying something blogworthily dreadful

The Managing Director of Being (nakhchivan), Thursday, 30 September 2010 23:20 (thirteen years ago) link

nominations accepted for a morbish nickname for her ......

The Managing Director of Being (nakhchivan), Thursday, 30 September 2010 23:22 (thirteen years ago) link

actually i don't think any uk pol has a morbsname yet? get to work ppl

The Managing Director of Being (nakhchivan), Thursday, 30 September 2010 23:28 (thirteen years ago) link

Hospitals - Encouraged to move outside the NHS to become "vibrant" industry of social enterprises


Matt DC, Friday, 1 October 2010 09:16 (thirteen years ago) link

Nice one, Liberals

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 1 October 2010 09:19 (thirteen years ago) link

The BMA also took issue with the "obsession" with competition, saying GPs would be set against hospitals - one of the objectives of the changes is to get more care done more cheaply outside hospitals.

No shit. I've no idea how "competition" is supposed to work in the NHS, or "choice" for that matter. I want my local hospital in Lewisham to be as good as possible if I need an operation, I don't want to "choose" to go to Enfield for it.

Matt DC, Friday, 1 October 2010 09:22 (thirteen years ago) link

I blame Blair and Patricia Hewitt in particular for totally buying into all this bullshit, it seemed screamingly obvious it would enable the Tories to sell the NHS off piece by piece as soon as they got back in.

Matt DC, Friday, 1 October 2010 09:24 (thirteen years ago) link

one of the objectives of the changes is to get more care done more cheaply outside hospitals.

.. bus drivers to supervise baby deliveries

Mark G, Friday, 1 October 2010 10:02 (thirteen years ago) link

Operations to be carried out in the car park

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:03 (thirteen years ago) link

Hey Mark - it's the story near the end -

progressive cuts (Tracer Hand), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:08 (thirteen years ago) link

Don't give a fuck about this, never heard of it before but this quote:

"Nothing is more symbolic of Labour's war on the motorist than the M4 bus lane."


Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:40 (thirteen years ago) link

Gah. Mildly off topic, but that quote reminds me that whenever there's a tube strike in London, and the roads are jammed to gridlock, I think 'This is what you want? This is how public transport funding is war on the motorist is it? You massive massive twats. You're going nowhere'

the too encumbered madman (GamalielRatsey), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:50 (thirteen years ago) link

Not sure giving motorways their own bus lane is really sensible in the first place.

Matt DC, Friday, 1 October 2010 10:51 (thirteen years ago) link

for heathrow it makes sense, but generally nah not really

l'avventura: pet detective (history mayne), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:54 (thirteen years ago) link

Was just reading some things on the bus lane, and this is a pretty good summary - there's a massive bottleneck because the elevated M4's only 2-lanes. Bus lane was only introduced because a load of empty space would look even worse.

Flint Baths (useless chamber), Friday, 1 October 2010 10:55 (thirteen years ago) link

Every Liberal Democrat supporter in the country should be sat down and made to watch single second of the Tory Conference, from beginning to end

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 1 October 2010 11:00 (thirteen years ago) link

i'm sure like most tories they'll have better things to do

The Managing Director of Being (nakhchivan), Friday, 1 October 2010 11:57 (thirteen years ago) link

The Prime Minister said it had been essential to go in "hard and fast" in dealing with the deficit, an approach backed by the CBI, the IMF and the G20.

Yeah, it really worked for Ireland, didn't it? Backed by the geniuses at the IMF to boot.

Tom A. (Tom B.) (Tom C.) (Tom D.), Friday, 1 October 2010 12:42 (thirteen years ago) link

A week of this shit to look forward too. I think I might go on holiday.

Duncan Donuts (Ned Trifle II), Friday, 1 October 2010 12:54 (thirteen years ago) link

Under the new plans, "if you can work and if you're offered a job and you don't take it, you cannot continue to claim benefits. It will be extremely tough," he said.

it will be extremely tough and you may have to just die instead

FORTIFIED STEAMED VEGETABLE BOWL (schlump), Sunday, 3 October 2010 11:12 (thirteen years ago) link

Those new plans sound a lot like the old plans.

James Mitchell, Sunday, 3 October 2010 11:22 (thirteen years ago) link

But on the other hand let us look at the issue of dependency where we have trapped people in poverty through the extent of welfare that they have... in terms of the work-related benefits you need a system that means you are always better off in work and working hard."

Shit like this makes me so fucking angry. If people on benefits are better off then they would be in work it's because wages are TOO FUCKING LOW. Benefit claimants can't simultaneously be too well off AND trapped in poverty. What he's saying is they should be in working poverty instead. This should lead to rioting in the streets, but it probably won't.

Matt DC, Sunday, 3 October 2010 11:49 (thirteen years ago) link


James Mitchell, Sunday, 3 October 2010 12:32 (thirteen years ago) link

Yes, that's the part that always makes me mad. It costs about £20K a year in order for a single person to live here in a way that's not hand-to-mouth (FYI that's a wage of £400/week or £10/hr and you'll be paying a minimum of £400/month for rent in London, plus myriad monthly bills).

are you robot? (suzy), Sunday, 3 October 2010 12:34 (thirteen years ago) link

Oh it's so immature of me but whenever Warsi speaks I want to offer the following as translation service: 'ner ner ner, ner ner ner, blah blah'.

are you robot? (suzy), Sunday, 3 October 2010 12:36 (thirteen years ago) link

Yes, that's the part that always makes me mad. It costs about £20K a year in order for a single person to live here in a way that's not hand-to-mouth

This seems really untrue to me, but maybe we have different definitions of hand-to-mouth.

Gravel Puzzleworth, Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:05 (thirteen years ago) link

I define it as spending 25 per cent of income on rent instead of over half while having the opportunity to save a bit and not suffer with 'too much month at the end of the money' syndrome. Also, £5k of the £20k comes out in tax before the cash even lands in the bank, so you're really on a budget of £15k and over half of that is going to be non-food bills and council tax. On the c. £7/hr advocates of the living wage are promoting, that adds up to an income of £14,560/year - not really enough to live here, is it?

are you robot? (suzy), Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:21 (thirteen years ago) link

there are lots of facets to this, including pension provision -- pretty hard to pay into a pension scheme on less than £20k, and it seems pretty unlikely the state pension will mean a thing in a generation's time -- and the banking sector controlled racket that is the housing 'market': state benefits flow not very indirectly towards the landlords (and, so, the banks) as things stand. it's not so much a question of numbers but about the structure of the economy.

laughing out loud lol (history mayne), Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:30 (thirteen years ago) link

^^^ Bingo, that's why everyone's been encouraged to paper over the cracks with consumer credit for a generation and oh shit what do you mean it went tits-up?

Matt DC, Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:33 (thirteen years ago) link

perhaps being a bit London-centric. you can surive perfectly well on less than 20k in Glasgow for instance. I technically earn under 20k, my basic is 17, but with overtime i can, and do, make a before tax maybe around 24. some months i don't bother to do OT and i get by fine, having money at the end of the month, despite the fact that i'm profligate with money and drink rather a lot. my rent, in the city centre, is 350, around a third of my basic take home, and i make a pension contribution as well.

Efraqueen Juárez (jim in glasgow), Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:36 (thirteen years ago) link

xps - bloody Warsi (wARSEY more like amirite?) - I think she got off lightly there tbh.
"concerns raised by associations" - this is such bullshit.

Duncan Donuts (Ned Trifle II), Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:44 (thirteen years ago) link

warsi has made a fool of herself -- there almost certainly was voter fraud in tower hamlets; it was being reported even before the election, but it's stupid to make these accusations and not go all-in

laughing out loud lol (history mayne), Sunday, 3 October 2010 13:46 (thirteen years ago) link

£15k and over half of that is going to be non-food bills and council tax

That's 'non-food bills and council tax' of over £625 a month - surely no-one pays that much?

HM's point about pensions is a good one I think.

Gravel Puzzleworth, Sunday, 3 October 2010 14:00 (thirteen years ago) link

Precisely, she looks an idiot for not substantiating the claim. Warsi always strikes me as an asian from a privileged background who gets all annoyed cos the asian community won't just do what they're told and vote tory.

mmmm, Sunday, 3 October 2010 14:00 (thirteen years ago) link

That's 'non-food bills and council tax' of over £625 a month - surely no-one pays that much?

she's including rent in non-food bills so, yes, they do pay that!

laughing out loud lol (history mayne), Sunday, 3 October 2010 14:12 (thirteen years ago) link

Oh the Warsi speech right now is unbearable. Apparently Mandelson is some kind of incompetent cunt and Eric Pickles is an amazing genius.

James Mitchell, Sunday, 3 October 2010 14:15 (thirteen years ago) link

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