Innocuous things that make you irrationally angry (a list thread)

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Square-Panted Sponge Robert (VegemiteGrrrl), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:39 (thirteen years ago) link

my sister's middle name is phylayhgan u dick

chortlin acoleuthic (darraghmac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:42 (thirteen years ago) link

In that case I am deeply sorry Bhryhshayhlin Darraghmac, please accept my apologies.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:43 (thirteen years ago) link

bhryhyshaylin is how an irish traveller instructs a child they are to come in for the evenin

chortlin acoleuthic (darraghmac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:46 (thirteen years ago) link

- flaky people who either don't keep plans or refuse to make them until the very last minute
- baggers at the grocery store who put each item in a separate bag

˙❤‿❤˙˙❤‿❤˙ (ENBB), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:48 (thirteen years ago) link

- People who indignantly spell hifalutin 'high-falutin'
- People who see you taking a self-portrait, STOP YOU and insistently offer to do it for you, srsly wtf do you think the point of a self-portrait is
- People who say 'infer' when they mean 'imply'

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:50 (thirteen years ago) link

ENBB otm about flaky people

One of my best friends is this way. We arrange to go places to movies or out for dinner and she'll still say the night before, "Give me a call tomorrow" or somehow make it so that I still have to chase her and I'm like "No bc if I call you'll say you're not feeling well or blah blah and ffs can't we just agree to go somewhere and freaking GO?"

Square-Panted Sponge Robert (VegemiteGrrrl), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:54 (thirteen years ago) link

xp Oh and re that self-portrait one:

- When you ignore that person for three seconds so you can take the photo and they crack the shits because you didn't immediately abort your self-portrait and gushingly accept their unwelcome fucking offer

Also, on that:


best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:54 (thirteen years ago) link

ENBB otm about flaky people

One of my best friends is this way. We arrange to go places to movies or out for dinner and she'll still say the night before, "Give me a call tomorrow" or somehow make it so that I still have to chase her and I'm like "No bc if I call you'll say you're not feeling well or blah blah and ffs can't we just agree to go somewhere and freaking GO?"

Yeah, this shit. Cause, like, I may plan my day around something that depends on ppl doing what they say they're gonna do, you know? My best friend is like this and it drives me nuts. I'm used to it now but ugh.

˙❤‿❤˙˙❤‿❤˙ (ENBB), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:56 (thirteen years ago) link

That is not an innocuous thing. That is hella annoying imo!

dr. harbl's zing-along blog (Whiney G. Weingarten), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:57 (thirteen years ago) link

I love tiny fruit stickers.

Stop Non-Erotic Cabaret (Abbbottt), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:57 (thirteen years ago) link

btw enbb welcome to getting angry a lot ^_^

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 00:59 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah, this shit. Cause, like, I may plan my day around something that depends on ppl doing what they say they're gonna do, you know? My best friend is like this and it drives me nuts. I'm used to it now but ugh.

Uuugghh my brother-in-law does this because he "hates organising things". One time he said he didn't want to do anything much for his birthday, but he might do, but he didn't want to organise anything. Rather than sit around all day waiting for him to call or decide I went into town to do a load of errands and while I was there he was like "hey a bunch of us are going for lunch at this pub" which was miles from town so I was like GR. YES we are all happy to clear our calendars and do nothing in case you decide you may or may not want our presence!

Not the real Village People, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:02 (thirteen years ago) link

wait what's sonofstan's surname

chortlin acoleuthic (darraghmac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:04 (thirteen years ago) link


the Chinese firewall of the heart (Michael B), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:08 (thirteen years ago) link


chortlin acoleuthic (darraghmac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:10 (thirteen years ago) link

- The way Americans illogically ram the day in between the month and the year when writing their dates (e.g. 11/4/2010 = 4th November)
- The incredible pain that this causes the entire rest of the planet

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:25 (thirteen years ago) link

your shitty list of things that makes you angry is now on my list of things that makes me angry

Princess TamTam, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:29 (thirteen years ago) link

11/4 is the way it's generally pronounced. If someone was to ask me the date, I would say "it's November 4th" not "it's the 4th of November".

kate78, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:46 (thirteen years ago) link

Moving from the UK to US has wrecked my ability to write the date. When I first go here I was like "oh it's just the other way around" but now I have to think about it for about 5 minutes each time.

The film is called "Born on the 4th of July" and that's as American as you can get; case closed.

Not the real Village People, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:52 (thirteen years ago) link

ie not July 4th

Not the real Village People, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:53 (thirteen years ago) link


best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:54 (thirteen years ago) link

- When someone sees a person of short stature on the street and says 'hey look, a midget'
- Conservative voters whose response to the newly ascendant centre-left party is 'but have you SEEN their policies??' as though increased banking sector regulation is somehow worse than bombing Iraq for oil
- People who, when you ask them to repeat what they just said, say it at exactly the same pointless volume the second time and scream it indignantly the third time as though YOU'RE the communication retard
- Back-seat drivers who tell you how to drive/park at those moments when you most intensely need to concentrate on not crashing into things, and then insist that they're 'only trying to help'
- Old people who cut you up and then hold you up, as though their age gives them the magical gift of going first everywhere all the time
- By the same token, women who believe every empty seat on a tram is for them because of the whole 19th century ladies first thing

So basically entitlement again.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:56 (thirteen years ago) link

wait - you're joking with a lot of yours, right? Please?

˙❤‿❤˙˙❤‿❤˙ (ENBB), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:56 (thirteen years ago) link

innocuous, irrationally

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:58 (thirteen years ago) link

alternatively, people on a v crowded bus who stand next to an empty seat. I'm sure they're being polite and potentially leaving it for an old person but you're taking up a place by standing and making it *more* crowded.

Not the real Village People, Thursday, 9 December 2010 01:59 (thirteen years ago) link

n. People who greet me loudly by name in office toilets

this one doesnt make me angry, it makes me feel WEIRD. Ive been sitting on the loo and someone (eg my boss) has come in to use the other cubicle and she's all "hey whos that? Oh Trayce! Haha"


manic pixie dream girl phenomenon (Trayce), Thursday, 9 December 2010 02:04 (thirteen years ago) link

bathroom talkers are the worst. The bathroom should be a CONE OF SILENCE. Any chat that begins at the sinks ENDS at the toilet stall door.

Square-Panted Sponge Robert (VegemiteGrrrl), Thursday, 9 December 2010 02:48 (thirteen years ago) link

It's most embarrassing (this is a bit tmi btw) when you're anonymously having a particularly loud/aromatic experience and then leave the cubicle to a 'OH HI ADAM!!!!'

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 02:58 (thirteen years ago) link

Also I know we've already done a 'people who chew with their mouth open in the workplace' but seriously, what the shit is wrong with people.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 02:59 (thirteen years ago) link

"n. I know we've done people who take up THE ENTIRE WIDTH of an escalator but those people who, when you give up asking politely and resort to pushing past them, get all uppity and entitled ('omg how rude' etc.)"

I will add my pet peeve to this one:
People who arrive at the top or bottom of the escalator, then stand statue still in front of the still moving escalator that is carrying many more people to discuss or decide if they are alone, where they are headed. Hello, move aside, there are 10 people about to crash into you inconsiderate effs...

Wiggywoo, Thursday, 9 December 2010 03:53 (thirteen years ago) link


chortlin acoleuthic (darraghmac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 03:55 (thirteen years ago) link

...and have some consideration for people who are deathly afraid of the JAWS OF STEEL waiting at the top of the escalators

Square-Panted Sponge Robert (VegemiteGrrrl), Thursday, 9 December 2010 03:59 (thirteen years ago) link

people who press the buttons at pedestrian crossings when there are 50 people already there waiting.

― cant believe you sb'd me for that (darraghmac), Thursday, 21 October 2010 01:00 (1 month ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

Haha, that one cracks me up actually, like we were all sitting there watching this latecomer thinking, "gee, why didn't WE think of THAT!".

― Picker of Shelves (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 21 October 2010 01:01 (1 month ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

I've lost count of the number of times I've approached a crossing with 10+ people, none of whom have thought to press the button. Maybe it's just dickhead Melbourne people.

This/last year in a city laneway I saw at least 40 people stood at either end of a zebra crossing (i.e. lines on the road, no lights to obey) waiting for a load of cars to go past. I couldn't believe it. I pushed through everyone and just walked, and they looked at me like I had just parted the Red Sea.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:21 (thirteen years ago) link

I've witnessed the exact opposite, also kind of infuriating:

They've had to install little flashing lights on the zebra crossing near my house because cars seriously will not stop.
I usually slow to a halt when I see someone approach the walkway, and I have witness on multiple occasions #ZOOM# a car whizzing right through as the person crossing is halfway across the crosswalk, almost creams the pedestrian! It's like unless there's a big red/green traffic light the cars just don't give a fuck. It's across a 4 lane road, but the crosswalk is right between two sets of traffic lights as it is so no-one really can or should be getting their speed on unless it's midnight.
You have to cross that fucker with your head on a swivel because you just don't know if you're going to die or not. Even as a driver watching the pedestrians I'm kind of terrified for them.

I put the whole thing down to: Sacramento hates pedestrians. (I've been parped just for crossing the street with the walk signal. Believe me, they're right assholes.)

Square-Panted Sponge Robert (VegemiteGrrrl), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:46 (thirteen years ago) link

• The baggers at my grocery store never bag the cat food. I haven't figured out why.

Pleasant Plains, Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:50 (thirteen years ago) link

We dont really *have* zebra crossings anymore so I can see why ppl would get confused by the few around.

manic pixie dream girl phenomenon (Trayce), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:53 (thirteen years ago) link

xp to grrrl ugh god. I know this is probably tacky oneupmanship but in Vietnam the usual way to cross the street is to walk through a load of incessant motorbikes and the occasional bus all hurtling toward you at 50km/h, even on crossings with red/green lights. You are always mm from death yet you have to do it several times just to go to the shops. Somewhere at home I have video of us crossing a main road on the Saigon River and having a couple of monster lorries part around us at the last second.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:55 (thirteen years ago) link

We dont really *have* zebra crossings anymore so I can see why ppl would get confused by the few around.

― manic pixie dream girl phenomenon (Trayce), Thursday, 9 December 2010 15:53 (1 minute ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

??? They're everywhere in the hoddle grid.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:56 (thirteen years ago) link

In tiny laneways here and there where most ppl are on foot yeah but on properly trafficed streets? Not so much, its all lights with call buttons.

manic pixie dream girl phenomenon (Trayce), Thursday, 9 December 2010 04:58 (thirteen years ago) link

Yeah but I mean 40 people? In a city full of zebra crossings? Only explanation I have for such braindead behaviour is that they're all Melbourne people.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 05:00 (thirteen years ago) link

Those fucking 'Wishing Well' cards that come with wedding invitations, that say, in bad poetry, 'We've been shacked up for years so we have all the home stuff we need, but now we're getting married, give us lots of cash'. Fuck you!

― buildings with goats on the roof (James Morrison), Friday, 5 November 2010 10:15 (1 month ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

Oh god I had one of those recently. They've got a house and a kid ffs and then they go 'oh, come to our engagement party, give us presents and/or money' (yes they explicitly asked people for money). We did not buy them a present and we did not give them money and we did not go.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 05:05 (thirteen years ago) link

I really dont see whats wrong with giving money as a wedding present, tbh.

manic pixie dream girl phenomenon (Trayce), Thursday, 9 December 2010 05:24 (thirteen years ago) link

There's giving money as a wedding present and there's asking for money as an engagement present.

Had a wedding recently for which the bride & groom distributed a list of things they wanted to do on the honeymoon and would people like to offer money to pay for them instead of buying a gift. That's fine and really quite fantastic.

best autmn alnamac with ten-letter single-word username (Schlafsack), Thursday, 9 December 2010 05:34 (thirteen years ago) link

"Your password expires in five days, do you want to change it now?"


e.g. delete via naivete (ledge), Thursday, 9 December 2010 09:24 (thirteen years ago) link

Hey, post 1K!

Um, this thread sort of ambles along with minor irritations during UK daylight hours, and goes mega duting US daylight hours?

Mark G, Thursday, 9 December 2010 09:30 (thirteen years ago) link

Had a wedding recently for which the bride & groom distributed a list of things they wanted to do on the honeymoon and would people like to offer money to pay for them instead of buying a gift. That's fine and really quite fantastic.

On day three, around lunchtime, we would like two burger and chips with maybe a light lager alongside it. your name here

Mark G, Thursday, 9 December 2010 09:32 (thirteen years ago) link

Pretty much. It's a website (, everything's lined up like a gift registry and you get to choose what you pay for. In this case everything was an event - tours, meals etc.

unintentional boob pic (Autumn Almanac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 10:06 (thirteen years ago) link

You know, as opposed to turning up to a house party and having the host say 'oh no gift, that's fine, just chuck a hundred bucks on the table instead'

unintentional boob pic (Autumn Almanac), Thursday, 9 December 2010 10:07 (thirteen years ago) link

The best thing to get inappropriately 'listy' wedding people when you're skint is a stone mortar and pestle, because these look amazing and they're £10 in Chinatown.

I really hate plan-flakers and if someone I've made plans with pulls 'oh, give me a call' the night before, it just reminds me how much mobile phones enable dickheads to be 'better' dickheads. I've just started saying, 'no, let's make a time and stick to it because I don't want to find myself herding cats tomorrow, thanks'. Other annoying/suspicious things include 1) people who never seem to know your email/phone number and absentmindedly ask for it all the time yet when your appointment comes up they find you with ruthless precision and cancel with an hour's notice or even when you're on your way to them and 2) people whose phones always seem to be off when you phone them, but answer every incoming call when in your company.

Exotic Flavors of the Midwest, available in corn, bacon, or beef (suzy), Thursday, 9 December 2010 10:30 (thirteen years ago) link

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