What's the best beer then?

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From monday I shall be spending two weeks within walking distance of a Black Sheep house.

Ed (dali), Saturday, 2 August 2003 10:42 (twenty years ago) link

>Hello, it's with regards to the quality of beer in America, haven't
> got time to find it unfortunately, but I tried some of the new
> american premium small brewery beers when Safeway were selling them
> not long ago on a promo, and largely they were really really
> disappointing.

I think I probably made this "most ridiculous" statement and I still stand by it. Of course there are terrible american microbreweries but there are also some very very good ones that I mentioned upthread.

Chris Barrus: North Coast is great! Their 2003 Old Stock Ale is probably my 2nd favorite beer right now.

fletrejet, Saturday, 2 August 2003 19:25 (twenty years ago) link

Chimay. Ha.

Millar (Millar), Saturday, 2 August 2003 19:37 (twenty years ago) link

it's not bloody aingerbraü. Chimay is good but Duvel is better for barminess. Millar, we need to FAP Brussels.

Ed (dali), Saturday, 2 August 2003 22:08 (twenty years ago) link

there are many good american beers, i think i would quite like a shiner right now come to think of it

gareth (gareth), Saturday, 2 August 2003 23:46 (twenty years ago) link

I'm feeling homwesick for St Austell Ales. Specifically Wreckers.

Matt (Matt), Sunday, 3 August 2003 00:36 (twenty years ago) link

i'll admit that the belgian and u.k. stuff at it's best is in a league of it's own.too many to choose from, really. I love all things sam smith. thomas hardy ale is friggin' unmatchable in the over-the-top category. the list goes on and on. rodenbach grand cru is a fave of mine. saison dupont just might be my favorite euro beer. and then there is the german stuff too. but the states-kinda like with wine-have come a long,long way. near me in philly there are breweries that could match some of the better stuff overseas. and that's just near me. Victory brewing, Yards, Stoudts, Weyerbacher(who make amazing belgian style brews.) then there is dogfishhead in delaware who make some of the best stuff in the world. they are famous for their 18% worldwide stout but their other stuff is amazing as well. and that really is just the tip of the iceberg. course, i drink the local water-yuengling-just as much as anyone around here.
right now i am drinking a yummy Rogue Soba ale that they made especially for Iron Chef Morimoto(who has a restaurant here in town) I don't think i even know what soba is, but it's tasty! ( Rogue is from Oregon )

scott seward, Sunday, 3 August 2003 00:55 (twenty years ago) link

I'd give you a shiner if I could, gar.

RJG (RJG), Sunday, 3 August 2003 00:57 (twenty years ago) link

I'm drinking Mickey's Big Mouths tonight.

Mr. Diamond (diamond), Sunday, 3 August 2003 01:00 (twenty years ago) link

i miss those old lids that mickey's used to have. i guess they figured they were to hard to open or something. you had to pull them out using a forceful and tricky wrist movement. mickey's fighin' bee mascot was the only corporate logo that i ever contemplated getting a tattoo of.

scott seward, Sunday, 3 August 2003 01:04 (twenty years ago) link

never buy a beer with a mongoose on the label

god, i miss yuengling

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 3 August 2003 02:54 (twenty years ago) link

three months pass...

charltonlido (gareth), Tuesday, 18 November 2003 01:28 (twenty years ago) link

A round of applause to Millar for introducing me into the wonderful order of the Chimay initiates! I actually brought someone into the fold myself a few weeks back. It's pretty much the only beer I've been willing to drink twice.

Girolamo Savonarola, Tuesday, 18 November 2003 01:34 (twenty years ago) link

two weeks pass...
I have a new answer to this - Adnams Regatta! Much better than the normal Adnams (and I suspect it may be a seasonal ale), Regatta is rich, dark, hoppy and - most importantly - nummy! It is also reminiscent of the late, lamented Wadworths Farmers Glory.

MarkH (MarkH), Thursday, 4 December 2003 10:41 (twenty years ago) link

I know little about beer but common american beers are watery compared to the canadian ones. I'm not talking dark beers, I really like light ones. Here in Ontario the best I've had are Sleeman's Cream ale, and Creemore springs as recommended by Dyson a little ways upthread. Light, but a lot of taste.

sucka (sucka), Thursday, 4 December 2003 11:15 (twenty years ago) link

I was very confused when I ordered that cream ale in Ottawa only to find that it wasn't ale at all!

MarkH (MarkH), Thursday, 4 December 2003 11:21 (twenty years ago) link

my pic seems to have disappeared.

anyway, it was badger golden glory

charltonlido (gareth), Thursday, 4 December 2003 11:22 (twenty years ago) link

If in Brighton the answer is every beer by the Dark Star Brewing co (brewery tap = The Evening Star http://www.eveningstarbrighton.co.uk/)

If at home: Timothy Taylor 'landlord' strong pale ale: http://www.timothytaylor.co.uk/llordfr.htm

mmmm, pale ale.

Chewshabadoo (Chewshabadoo), Thursday, 4 December 2003 18:33 (twenty years ago) link

ten months pass...
The best beer is the third one into my tummy.

Dan I. (Dan I.), Saturday, 23 October 2004 03:43 (nineteen years ago) link

If all beers were to be destroyed except for one to carry on the name of beer in perpetuity, that beer should be... GUINNESS.

o. nate (onate), Saturday, 23 October 2004 03:49 (nineteen years ago) link

my god...

guinness is not a beer but a stout. it's not even close to being a beer. it's more like....like a ....hamster or something than it is a beer. it's not a beer, ok?


anyway, the finest beer (not stout) known to man is indeed the brew known to all who ever gripped it's uniquely shaped (sexually exciting) receptacle as Erdinger.

d.arraghmac, Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:14 (nineteen years ago) link

I guess you won't count lambics, then.

Remy (x Jeremy), Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:15 (nineteen years ago) link

what, the pentameters?

d.arraghmac, Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:16 (nineteen years ago) link

some of my favorites...

la fin du monde (canadian), negra modelo (mexican), pilsner urquell (czech), leffe (belgian), aventinus (german), mt. tam pale ale (u.s.)

metfigga (metfigga), Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:29 (nineteen years ago) link

leffe owns. I didn't search, but I think I may have said that before on this very thread.

Lifted, or, the story is 'neath my ass (kenan), Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:46 (nineteen years ago) link

and OMG negro modelo. It's 9 dollars a six pack here, and about 5 in texas. This is one of the few reasons I am sad I moved.

Lifted, or, the story is 'neath my ass (kenan), Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:47 (nineteen years ago) link


(because it's certianly not the 32oz. Miller High Life I'm drinking)

Remy (x Jeremy), Saturday, 23 October 2004 04:48 (nineteen years ago) link

guinness. but i rarely drink it.

youn, Saturday, 23 October 2004 05:12 (nineteen years ago) link

five months pass...
erdinger. mmmmmmmmmm
hoegaarden. mmmmmmmmmmmm more.

cavern (cavern1), Tuesday, 12 April 2005 14:30 (nineteen years ago) link

i prefer Leffe to both of those right now, tho it addles the head like nobody's business.

$V£N! (blueski), Tuesday, 12 April 2005 14:39 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...

smithwick, Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:19 (eighteen years ago) link

Chimay may be the best beer, but that's not an everyday beer. When I'm out at a bar and want to savor what I'm drinking instead of just getting drunk on countless rounds of $2 PBRs, I'll usually get something like an Anchor Steam or a Sierra Nevada.

jaymc (jaymc), Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Wait, did I mean Leffe when I said Chimay? One of the two, I can't remember.

jaymc (jaymc), Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Whoa, this thread was actually started on June 27, 2001.

jaymc (jaymc), Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Hi J. Guess who? What's so special about that date?

smithwick, Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:30 (eighteen years ago) link

There was a time warp a couple days ago, and all current posts were listed with that date.


jaymc (jaymc), Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:31 (eighteen years ago) link


That's odd.

So, did you check out your prizes yet?

smithwick, Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:34 (eighteen years ago) link

No, unfortunately! I accidentally left them in my keyboard case, which is at C's house right now. It's too bad, because I was talking to someone about Seefeel last night.

jaymc (jaymc), Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh no! You're missing out. And now Nate just threw on Wish You Were Here, so I miss be going. But next time you guys are up here, I'll buy you a SPOTTED COW. TASTY!

smithwick, Sunday, 24 July 2005 04:51 (eighteen years ago) link

Electric sound of jim OTM, Coopers owns. All who don't drink it have my sympathy. Sparkling, Stout, even Pale, it's all godly

Seuss, Sunday, 24 July 2005 05:55 (eighteen years ago) link


Recommended: Columbus, from independent Amsterdam brewers 't IJ , strong Belgian-type ale, fruity, doesn't taste like a 9% beer.

stevo (stevo), Sunday, 24 July 2005 07:27 (eighteen years ago) link

oops. the first of those should be a. a smaller picture and b. pulled from the barrel.

CharlieNo4 (Charlie), Sunday, 24 July 2005 07:36 (eighteen years ago) link

A friend is responsible for the Leffe ads in the Benelux (Belgium/Netherland/Luxem.) if I recall correctly. One night he showed us the ads of the last couple of years.

nathalie's body's designed for two (stevie nixed), Sunday, 24 July 2005 08:02 (eighteen years ago) link

Spaten Optimator!

walter kranz (walterkranz), Sunday, 24 July 2005 17:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Liefmans Kriek is too sweet. The sourness of Drij Fontienen is far superior.

Ed (dali), Sunday, 24 July 2005 17:23 (eighteen years ago) link

I can get enough of this stuff at the moment:


Dave B (daveb), Sunday, 24 July 2005 19:42 (eighteen years ago) link

A fine beer, top notch, beautiful summer drink.

Ed (dali), Sunday, 24 July 2005 20:13 (eighteen years ago) link

This is actually great.


Chuck_Tatum (Chuck_Tatum), Sunday, 24 July 2005 22:05 (eighteen years ago) link

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