This is a thread for ILXors in their 30's!!! yo yo yo breakdancing etc...

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I was joking! Drawing is ace.

Autumn Almanac, Monday, 1 September 2008 09:51 (sixteen years ago) link

Are there still any items that actually use D size batteries?

D-cell M4g1it3 is the only currently available item that springs to mind. I still have a boombox from the early 80's that takes ten D-cells. I've never powered that off batteries due to the cost.

snoball, Monday, 1 September 2008 10:04 (sixteen years ago) link

I can think of a D-size-shaped thing that probably uses D-size batteries.

Autumn Almanac, Monday, 1 September 2008 10:07 (sixteen years ago) link

An electric pencil sharpener?

Masonic Boom, Monday, 1 September 2008 12:34 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm eight months into 30 and so far I love it. Most days I still feel about 18 so maybe that's why. I'm excited for all the things my 30's will bring. Also, fwiw every vibrator I've ever had only took AAs.

ENBB, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:03 (sixteen years ago) link

who mentioned vibrators?

We were talking torches!

Mark G, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

watching the metallic programme on beeb2 last night made me feel great to be in my 30's. i don't know exactly why.

Ste, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

haha metallica

Ste, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

I still buy hoodies and don't iron a goddamn thing. Maybe once I hit the big 3-1?

-- Granny Dainger, Wednesday, August 27, 2008 9:44 PM (5 days ago) Bookmark Link

^^ Me too. I own an iron but can't remember the last time I used it. Bought new hoodie yesterday. At least maybe I'll get 4 months wear out of it. ;-)

ENBB, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:08 (sixteen years ago) link

people who use irons are idiots

Ste, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:19 (sixteen years ago) link

The ironing is delicious.

Mark G, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:20 (sixteen years ago) link

I own an iron and can iron. I started getting immensely better paid jobs once I learned the ironing trick. So maybe not such an idiot after all.

Masonic Boom, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:41 (sixteen years ago) link

Ironing is dead easy but no fun. Although if you iron everything you own there's something wrong with you in the head.

Stone Monkey, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:50 (sixteen years ago) link

it might explain why i'm still single though

Ste, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:51 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh, the iron-y...

who mentioned vibrators?

Mark G, I believe that it was you

Most days I still feel about 18

Normally this is the case with me, however I have just walked a mile.

snoball, Monday, 1 September 2008 14:52 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh I know how to iron too but I tend to buy things that don't require it because I hate doing it so much. This extends to clothes I buy for my husband as well.

ENBB, Monday, 1 September 2008 17:15 (sixteen years ago) link

I hate ironing. I used to wear non-iron shirts but they really itch. I found that a good compromise is those heavy cotton Oxford shirts. Work trousers = non iron. Everything else, sod it...

snoball, Monday, 1 September 2008 17:17 (sixteen years ago) link

Ironing has never really bothered me. I kinda like it. I mean, obviously I don't do it all that often.

But Liberty print shirts of the type I like to wear to work really don't look good if not ironed.

Masonic Boom, Monday, 1 September 2008 20:25 (sixteen years ago) link

agh shit, you all just reminded me to iron.

Autumn Almanac, Monday, 1 September 2008 21:13 (sixteen years ago) link

I bought an ironing board when I moved in October 06 and have used it once.

ljubljana, Monday, 1 September 2008 22:29 (sixteen years ago) link

i LOVED turning 30 because it meant i could officially give up on my dreams

sunny successor, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:15 (sixteen years ago) link

my biggest personal bummer about old age is that my friends are all having kids and stuff, and i'm still like, "duh how do i become an adult?"

or even simulate some vague approximation thereof

dell, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:24 (sixteen years ago) link

sunny ;____;

Autumn Almanac, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:25 (sixteen years ago) link

i mean, someday i'll have cornered the market as far as life-mastery goes, and then i'll be gloating and be like "fuck you guys, i've totally mastered life and I'M A PROPER ADULT"

dell, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:27 (sixteen years ago) link

I don't think I'll ever really be a proper adult. I find myself thinking about things like having a baby and buying property but then thinking wait I can't do that, I'm still a kid!

ENBB, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:29 (sixteen years ago) link

See, I've taken myself out of that equation so far. (And I'm thrilled, frankly.)

Ned Raggett, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:30 (sixteen years ago) link

meh, i have friends who were just as immature as I am, and a baby came by accident, and they have since then, pardon the phrase, more than kicked ass at raising their kid...


dell, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:31 (sixteen years ago) link

Nobody is a "proper" adult. Anybody who claims they are is secretly worried that you'll call BS on them. Particularly people who are all "I've got a six bedroom house and two cars and blah blah blah" and try and make you feel inadequate. All you have to do is turn to them and say "SO. FUCKING. WHAT."

snoball, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:34 (sixteen years ago) link

Ned, it is ok because you are immortalised in Swindon in any case.

ljubljana, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:35 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm with Ned on this - I'm not concerned at all with having the same house and doing the same things and having the same stuff in my house as the twenty other households on my street.

snoball, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:36 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah ditto here. Still rent, no kids, no intention thereof, not married (though tbh I think I'd like to marry my guy at some point). Wld like to buy a house but cant see it happening. Eh. I've become resigned to it all now I think.

Tell you what though: in my early 30s nothing felt different, but since 35 I have actually started to feel *older*. I'm slower, kids today actually start makin' less sense, I cant drink like I used to, I can't be bothered partying much, being at home cooking is fun, etc.

Trayce, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:46 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah I don't necessarily want all the typical things either although we do want a kid(s) at some point and I assume we'll want to buy a place just not right now. I guess I'm just feeling a little werid because a lot of our friends are doing these things now and we're just not there yet at all really.

ENBB, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:50 (sixteen years ago) link

Ned, it is ok because you are immortalised in Swindon in any case.

Fame! I'm going to live etc.

I've felt a bit tired here and there at points lately but not constantly. Depends on the day. If it gets worse, eh; life goes on.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:50 (sixteen years ago) link

I probably haven't helped my creaky age-itis by my rather party-harty lifestyle.

Kids! Booze makes you feel shit when you're older!

Trayce, Monday, 1 September 2008 23:56 (sixteen years ago) link

I don't do late nights very well anymore, but only because I get up at 5 for the gym.

Autumn Almanac, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 00:04 (sixteen years ago) link

Kids! Booze makes you feel shit when you're older!

This is true. I had two spend all day in bed hangovers this year that would have been nothing to me 10 years ago.

ENBB, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 00:12 (sixteen years ago) link

Guys we own a 4 bedroom house, 2 cars, have a kid, a dog, three cats, both have full time jobs and I feel 17 y/o 99% of the time. This shit doesnt make you an "adult".

All of this stuff happened because it made sense at the time and still does ie it doesn't cost much more to own a house than to rent one here so why throw money away when you're happy to stay in the same place for a little while, there's two of us who do different things and go to different places so we need two cars, the kid i was very wishy washy edging toward negative it turns out shes the best decision of my life.

I pretty sure being an adult the way you're all talking about it is a myth.

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:39 (sixteen years ago) link

btw all of that stuff happened in the last 3 years, except the cats.

In my 20s I always had this really desperate feeling that I was running out of time to do something with my life. I have no clue what that something was. By the time I reached 30 I felt like no one really expected anything of me anymore which was like the greatest feeling ever.

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:42 (sixteen years ago) link

I am still the reverse of most people when it comes to boozing - I had really terrible puking shaking hangovers when I was a teenager, and they got less awful as I got older. The only negative is the pains-in-kidneys thing I get instead of hangovers. I only get proper hangovers if I get WASTED OUT OF MY FACE which these days is maybe 3 or 4 times a year.

Colonel Poo, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:45 (sixteen years ago) link

still waitin for that (xp)

blueski, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:46 (sixteen years ago) link

God, if I thought that turning 30 was a permission to give up on my dreams... gah! I never would have done anything.

In fact, I'm actually quite lucky! I had kinda said to my mum that if I hadn't achieved anything by the time I was 30 I'd give up and stop trying. A week before my 30th birthday my then-band got reviewed in the NME (back when this was actually quite a big deal). Everything important that I accomplished in terms of the musician-dream (singles, tours, album, being on the radio/telly/face in magazines etc. etc.) happened AFTER I was 30. So I'm really glad I didn't give up then.

40, however... I feel like I've done everything I'm gonna do on the musician-dream and it's officially time to bury it and get a new dream.

I just don't know what that is yet.

But the moral of the story is, kids, it ain't over at 30. Keep trying if there's something you really want to do, and don't let anyone tell you you're "too old". You're not too old until you can't pass for young any more.

Masonic Boom, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 13:58 (sixteen years ago) link

okay yeah i mean "dreams" in the sense that you feel like you have to do something important and that something important is usually career orientated.

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:02 (sixteen years ago) link

my only dream is that someone gives me an obscene amount of money so I dont have to do ANYTHING careerish

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

and, yes, that dream lives on

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

How the heck is anyone expected to know what the heck they want to do with their lives in their 20s? Honestly! One of the great things about your 30s is that that is when it kind of drops into place and you figure out what you're good at - and decide to just make a "career" doing that rather than that whole thing of Having A Career.

At least, that's what happened to me.

Masonic Boom, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:07 (sixteen years ago) link

the idea of having a career at all is ridiculous to me

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:15 (sixteen years ago) link

unless youre one of those type A entrepreneur peeps who run around taking over all kinds of industries because that shit looks like some fun

sunny successor, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:17 (sixteen years ago) link

i wish there were more people like sunny in the world

dell, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:38 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm not without ambitions in life, but the idea that i or anyone else is required to validate their existence via a career path needs to go fuck off

dell, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:45 (sixteen years ago) link

seems I'm basically sunny in a lot of ways.

"career" concepts are kind of silly to me, and in the last couple of years I've gotten much more comfortable with the idea that this is it, that I should enjoy what I've got and not keep thinking that someday I'm going to do something awesome and magical and everything will be figured out for me. I'm much more able to enjoy all of the good things that I have going on and not stressing what could have been / what I should have done.

though I still would love someone to drop lottery money on me so I didn't have to do anything at all and therefore could do everything I want.

joygoat, Tuesday, 2 September 2008 14:51 (sixteen years ago) link

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