US POLITICS SPRING 2011: Let's just call off this country.

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After all the handwringing in this board about the Dems' failure to sell universal health care to the people, now we're just willing to pretend things like "narrative" don't exist. Let's just dissolve all unions asap.

Oh Shit People Like Your Ballads Oh Nooooo (Drugs A. Money), Wednesday, 30 March 2011 23:34 (thirteen years ago) link

narrative exists for cable hosts and the 2% who watch em. rest of America is busy skipping meals to afford a smartphone.

your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 31 March 2011 01:17 (thirteen years ago) link

haha that describes way too many people I know

iatee, Thursday, 31 March 2011 01:19 (thirteen years ago) link

SO Biden has been authorized to negotiate for the White House and has indicated that they can negotiate on the policy riders the Republican House wants. So which of these subjects of riders is the White House gonna throw under the bus: 1. Planned Parenthood; 2. NPR; 3. The EPA.

curmudgeon, Thursday, 31 March 2011 13:06 (thirteen years ago) link

OK, so it turns out that the Ohio House Speaker didn't call people in the gallery "goddamned visitors," but what he said was actually stupider:

It’s hard to hear, but here’s exactly what Speaker Batchelder said:

“Well, she may, or she may not goddamn get it.”

You’ll notice that Batchelder is talking to one of the House clerks while looking over to his left while he says it. We’ve confirmed with a House source that the clerk was informing Speaker Batchelder that House Assistant Minority Whip Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) wanted to make a parliamentary point of personal privilege.

In other words, she wanted to assert her personal right as a Member of the House to honor someone who had died, particularly someone who died today.

Representative Phillips wanted to honor the memory of Bill Sams, the Council 8 Regional Director for AFSCME and President of the Southeastern Ohio AFL-CIO. A former lawyer, a husband, father, and grandfather. Bill Sams had just been at the SB 5 protests the day before at the Statehouse. He would have been there today except he died.

That’s what Speaker Batchelder was cursing about.

This link has footage -- check out the chanting from SB5 opponents in the gallery.

Anti-mist K-Lo (Phil D.), Thursday, 31 March 2011 13:07 (thirteen years ago) link

After all the handwringing in this board about the Dems' failure to sell universal health care to the people, now we're just willing to pretend things like "narrative" don't exist. Let's just dissolve all unions asap.

Narrative matters when you are arguing a position. If your argument loses, the narrative you've built also loses, plus there is now a concrete piece of law that directly refutes it.

It isn't really that hard to think through IMO.

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 13:33 (thirteen years ago) link

Republicans never let silly things like laws prevent them from continuing to voice their own narrative. They count on people not understanding or remembering what is the law.

curmudgeon, Thursday, 31 March 2011 13:37 (thirteen years ago) link

and that is a sure path to victory most times.

your generation appalls me (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 31 March 2011 13:44 (thirteen years ago) link

Narrative matters when you are arguing a position. If your argument loses, the narrative you've built also loses, plus there is now a concrete piece of law that directly refutes it.

It isn't really that hard to think through IMO.

yeah but Republicans just keep on alienating more and more people; the Tea Party can't expect to keep winning elections if the majority thinks they are going to get fucked over

drugnet (Drugs A. Money), Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:08 (thirteen years ago) link

That doesn't change the fact that when they fall out of power, all of the energy will end up being put towards moving things closer to today's status quo than anything else, which is still a victory for the right.

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:23 (thirteen years ago) link

Basically, my point is that the narrative can't and shouldn't be the goal; the narrative is a tool, and one that Democrats don't know how to use.

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:24 (thirteen years ago) link

rest of America is busy skipping meals to afford a smartphone.

I skip meals because it makes me feel good.

scissorlocks and the three bears (Eric H.), Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:38 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah but Republicans just keep on alienating more and more people

which means less and less with the only 'people' mattering the corporations 'who' pay for campaigns. 'the people' can only vote for the last two candidates standing

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:47 (thirteen years ago) link

joygoat, Thursday, 31 March 2011 14:57 (thirteen years ago) link

i'm sort of against stuff like this but i have to give grudging props for excellent use of monopoly dude

Guayaquil (eephus!), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:15 (thirteen years ago) link

Also "spats."

Back up the lesbian canoe (Laurel), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:16 (thirteen years ago) link

I lolled at "real estate"

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:16 (thirteen years ago) link

also the tear drop on the picture

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:17 (thirteen years ago) link

dog cologne

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:28 (thirteen years ago) link

it would have been too personal/stalkery into Real World minutiae to add "Peanut Butter (for the wife)" but I would have smirked

whelping at his sandpapery best (DJP), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:30 (thirteen years ago) link

"To Doug, the 'real world' happens on TV, and he hasn't lived there for quite some time..."

Missed opportunity for all sorts of Real World punnage and pwnage - seriously, someone should get hold of a few of his episodes and GET TO SPLICING.

anna sui generis (suzy), Thursday, 31 March 2011 15:34 (thirteen years ago) link

Narrative matters when you are arguing a position. If your argument loses, the narrative you've built also loses, plus there is now a concrete piece of law that directly refutes it.

It isn't really that hard to think through IMO.

You could probably make an argument that the Left's narrative was actually hurt here, that by leaving the state and extending the battle it just gave a very corporate US media more and more of an opportunity to flood the airwaves with anti-union propaganda. "Have working-class Americans sacrificed enough?" Even the 'liberal' outlets were taking the question seriously, and repeating it over and over during that week.

Telephoneface (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:08 (thirteen years ago) link

Though i can't fault the protestors at all and stand 100% behind them.

Telephoneface (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:12 (thirteen years ago) link

the lag time did give wisco folk time to deliberate. now they're taking shots at duffy at his town halls

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:33 (thirteen years ago) link

You could probably make an argument that the Left's narrative was actually hurt here, that by leaving the state and extending the battle it just gave a very corporate US media more and more of an opportunity to flood the airwaves with anti-union propaganda. "Have working-class Americans sacrificed enough?

Or the Dems could have won the elections in November.

Hey Look More Than Five Years Has Passed And You Have A C (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:38 (thirteen years ago) link

but then we wouldn't be having so much fun now at high noon on capitol hill

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:43 (thirteen years ago) link

really hoping the shutdown goes through tbh

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:44 (thirteen years ago) link

(scott walker apparently has backed down, by the way)

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 16:53 (thirteen years ago) link

I don't understand what court orders that is referring to

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:00 (thirteen years ago) link

dane county circuit court judge maryann sumi issued a temporary restraining order because the wisco budget-repair bill was passed unconstitutionally. the secretary of state, who publishes the laws, complied, so walker's administration went around him and published it via another state office. sumi reiterated her restraining order, and added a $2000 a day contempt of court penalty for non-compliance. apparently that was enough to get the walker administration to obey her ruling

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:08 (thirteen years ago) link

huh, interesting. what are the grounds for arguing it was passed unconstitutionally? they had a majority present, didn't they?

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:10 (thirteen years ago) link

btw for some real fun check out what the right wing blogs are saying about maryann sumi

her kid is a big lefty & union macher, oh nooooo

xp the grounds of the stay are that WI has some kind of open meeting law that dictates the timing/procedure for bills (of a certain kind?) and the GOP went right through those. it's related to but not identical to the quorum & majority stuff going on at the time

goole, Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:12 (thirteen years ago) link

right I remember there being some complaining about it being passed in the middle of the night or something. ah arcane procedural laws

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:17 (thirteen years ago) link

ok shakey if you haven't actually been following Wisconsin (and you clearly haven't) then just stop making these pathetic announcements about how 'we lost' ok? the battle is still very much in play there

Is Amateurist still around? As much news as we get from those parts, the better

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:49 (thirteen years ago) link

lol dude sorry I wasn't up on today's second temporary injunction and the convoluted legal maneuvering going on, how dare I voice an opinion

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:53 (thirteen years ago) link

not to silence you or anything, but I really wouldn't call what's going on there 'losing'

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 17:53 (thirteen years ago) link

look dude get back to me when the legislation is repealed/struck down k thx bye

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:02 (thirteen years ago) link

ah who knows, you're right in that if it doesn't keep up, it's all for nothing, but that's why blithely chiming in with the 'opinion' that we've all already lost is like watching you spit in the direction of 100,000+ people

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:04 (thirteen years ago) link

look the initial goal was to defeat the legislation and vote it down. that didn't work. getting it struck down through the courts or through repeal is an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT BATTLE

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:06 (thirteen years ago) link

really it's kind of analogous to Prop 8 here in California - there was the battle to vote it down in the general election (which failed), and since then there's been continual legal efforts to get it repealed, which has been a much longer, more complicated, less high profile process (and one that's been impacted by developments at the national level), which is still unresolved years later. But the fact remains that the CA electorate in '08 voted to be homophobic assholes, the pro-gay rights movement can't really claim a "victory" just because it was a high profile battle and the losers were really visibly angry about it afterwards. they lost the election.

in my world of loose geirs (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:13 (thirteen years ago) link

I see what you're saying. But I don't agree that the issues at hand compare to the wedge issue of Prop 8, all I see is that the crowds are finally starting to show up in numbers on the right side of the battles.

let me put it this way: I am more proud of the public response in Wisconsin than I was for even one moment during all of 2008 -- election night in SF was a huge party, but even that was more a moment of sane relief than anything we could truly be proud of, and we all knew the idealism in the air was naive. I don't think it is naive to be encouraged by Wisconsin, so I hope you can understand why my temper would be short with someone content to post that battle is procedurally lost, when in fact the daily news coming from Wisconsin shows that 'procedure' is actually hanging by the slightest of threads

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:32 (thirteen years ago) link

i think that shakey's take is more or less correct. and yes, i know that the union-busting law is tied up in court now (as if the teabaggers let technicalities like laws and regulations stop them from ramming through what they want) and the protests were encouraging. still, worst comes to worst if this bill goes back to the WI legislature before any recall or no GOPers switch their votes and the WI Dem Senators don't skip town again then the bill becomes law (perhaps there will be more legal proceedings, but like shakey said that's a different battle).

and given that the Teabags in the OH and NH legislatures have been ramming through their own union-busting bills it isn't as if the bastards are all that chastened.

joyless kunt who afaik contributes nothing but toothless mockery (Eisbaer), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:33 (thirteen years ago) link

we're all on the same team. I guess all I'm saying is that I'm hoping in five years, we're all going to remember that it began in Wisconsin

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:42 (thirteen years ago) link

shakey, this is probably way more wisco ground game than you want to know, but the reason it's potentially a big deal is because now it may be ruled that the budget-repair bill was passed illegally. the case is very strong. there needed to be at least 24 hours from when the vote was announced until the votes could be cast. instead there was only a two-hour interim. wisconsin has on the books among the strictest transparency laws in the union, if not the absolute strictest. walker rushed it through (illegally) because the recall heat was already so bad that he didn't think it would pass if they waited longer. that hasn't changed. now, if they have to revote, which sumi's judgment is tantamount to, then the asshole conservative legislators, quaking in their boots about recall initiatives, just might cave

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:42 (thirteen years ago) link

and just in case anyone hasn't seen the youtube of the budget-repair bill being passed:

^^ stuck at 78,000 views, which is demoralizing. this clip struck me as something that would go viral.

Milton Parker, Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:45 (thirteen years ago) link

Meanwhile a friend is crushed by Ohio's anti-union bill. His family (twins on the way) stands to lose about $10,000, plus losses in insurance, retirement, salary... shit it might wind up being more like $15K depending. His next move? To cut school funding statewide. So he worries his wife may be out of a job entirely.

But the Tea Party wants to protect these people.

Hey Look More Than Five Years Has Passed And You Have A C (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 31 March 2011 18:47 (thirteen years ago) link

they're only doing what's right for the country. public education is bankrupting us. why should my property taxes pay for your kids' teachers' health insurance? we need to switch over to a private, for-profit charter school system

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:04 (thirteen years ago) link

i mean, they really think that way

reggie (qualmsley), Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:04 (thirteen years ago) link

Short-circuit the whyshouldeyes by answering 'because millions of taxpayers have contributed directly and indirectly to improve your quality of life and now it's your turn, suddenly it's unaffordable and other people's kids/health/wellbeing are not your problem?"

nights of d. cameron (suzy), Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:09 (thirteen years ago) link

they're only doing what's right for the country. public education is bankrupting us. why should my property taxes pay for your kids' teachers' health insurance? we need to switch over to a private, for-profit charter school system

some folks may not go the final step (i.e., privitize the schools and other public services). but the view that government workers are living high on the hog and on the backs of people who work in the private sector is shared by folks who aren't Teabag enthusiasts. this is so b/c of how private employers have decimated employee benefits and working conditions -- so, the thought goes, why should my tax dollars pay for goodies that I don't get at work? (instead of folks thinking, i should press my boss to get what the government/unionized workers are getting).

divide and conquer, as always.

joyless kunt who afaik contributes nothing but toothless mockery (Eisbaer), Thursday, 31 March 2011 19:13 (thirteen years ago) link

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