Why I hate the Daily Mail, as distilled into one edition

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I enjoyed the lament that the mother should have to go through the shame of strangers seeing her daughter in that outfit on the internet, right beside the Mail's reproduction of said photo.

Ismael Klata, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 17:25 (sixteen years ago) link

This is also typical mail fare though, yes? "Oh no, YOUR TEENAGE CHILDREN are indulging in kinky sex and wearing provocative outfits, isn't it disgusting? Here's a picture, btw."

Pashmina, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 17:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Yes it is, but I still love it. My old landlady got the mail everyday and so I used to have regular access (to the newspaper). I couldn't understand how women could read a rag whose stock story was basically 'Women Are Scum'. Then I realised the story was actually 'Other Women Are Scum'.

Ismael Klata, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 17:35 (sixteen years ago) link

'Women who are having more fun and decent sex than you are scum.'

chap, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 17:36 (sixteen years ago) link

decent sex, ha.

Mark G, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 17:39 (sixteen years ago) link

Someone make a facebook group to get Dom to join the daily mail staff

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Tuesday, 18 March 2008 18:23 (sixteen years ago) link

"Is fear of offending ethnnic minorities stopping police from ending the misery of teenage sex slaves?"

Dom Passantino, Thursday, 27 March 2008 10:50 (sixteen years ago) link

Check out the amazing Photoshop skillz in the first pic here:


Raw Patrick, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:07 (sixteen years ago) link

And cower at the v fucking violent video game in the second picture.

Raw Patrick, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:08 (sixteen years ago) link

Is Anne Diamond doing a gang sign in that picture?

Noodle Vague, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:09 (sixteen years ago) link

wow that's got to be a joke article.

Ste, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:33 (sixteen years ago) link

"Last Saturday night, Beatrice's group headed to Koh Phagnan to enjoy one of the island's notorious "Full Moon" raves.

A tourist was stabbed to death at that party, although it is not known if Beatrice was aware of this."


Pashmina, Monday, 31 March 2008 10:49 (sixteen years ago) link

Facebook makes it too fucking hard to perv on these girls. The one area it's worse than MySpace.

Raw Patrick, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 11:41 (sixteen years ago) link

speaking from experience?

latebloomer, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:11 (sixteen years ago) link

Of course.

Raw Patrick, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:15 (sixteen years ago) link

I saw Princess Beatrice at Cross Central last year, on the roof of Canvas at about 7.30am as it was the only sound system still playing. She was clearly pilling her tits off, but I thought she was Peaches Geldof so thought nothing of it.

Matt DC, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:23 (sixteen years ago) link

yeah warning to anyone opening that facebook story, pics of young girls in scantily clad clothing

Ste, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:26 (sixteen years ago) link

i love that the facebook screenshot is like the most boring page in the world.

ken c, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:31 (sixteen years ago) link


and what, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:32 (sixteen years ago) link

More filth elsewhere in today's edition: she turned pink and frowned, like a woman whose bottom had just been goosed by a passing cad (not worth opening, I just liked the saucy Edwardian turn of phrase). This thread is starting to make me love the Mail.

Ismael Klata, Wednesday, 2 April 2008 12:39 (sixteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Mail 2.0 - http://beta.dailymail.co.uk/ - is only open from 9am to 7pm on weekdays.

Reminds me of how the Virgin Trains online shop used to close at night.

James Mitchell, Thursday, 17 April 2008 08:12 (sixteen years ago) link

This article is the DM summed up in one article. The fetishising of the police officer, the dodgy stats, the ridiculous picture of what policing used to be like in the good old days. It needs a celebrity angle though.

Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 08:42 (sixteen years ago) link

All 43 forces in England and Wales have firearms support units, including the Metropolitan Police's crackcrap SO19 unit.


Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 08:45 (sixteen years ago) link

"a staggering 12 pieces of equipment"

James Mitchell, Thursday, 17 April 2008 08:51 (sixteen years ago) link


Can we really transplant a human soul?

ledge, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:02 (sixteen years ago) link


abanana, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:02 (sixteen years ago) link

Brit School to thread.

Dingbod Kesterson, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:03 (sixteen years ago) link

"I think Gordon Brown should launch an investigation into just what is happening here. If the source of the soul can be found, and some souls are discovered to be superior to others, then this could be another source of revenue for the Government. After all, they (over) tax everything else!"

Has to be a wind-up.

James Mitchell, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:12 (sixteen years ago) link

In one celebrated case uncovered by Professor Schwartz's team, an 18-year-old boy who wrote poetry, played music and composed songs was killed in a car crash. A year after he died, his parents came across a tape of a song he had written, entitled, Danny, My Heart Is Yours.

In his haunting lyrics, the boy sang about how he felt destined to die and donate his heart. After his death, his heart was transplanted into an 18-year-old girl - named Danielle.

When the boy's parents met Danielle, they played some of his music and she, despite never having heard the song before, knew the words and was able to complete the lyrics.

fwd this to everyone you know!!!!

That mong guy that's shit, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:17 (sixteen years ago) link

"I'm gonna die and give you my heart
I hope you will make a brand new..."

"omg i know this!"

ledge, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:21 (sixteen years ago) link

The Daily Mail will believe anything. As will their readers. Remember this from last year?
Campaigning parents plan to burn children's books with grisly endings.

Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:22 (sixteen years ago) link

I can't keep[ away from that transplant story it's fantastic...

For a few brave scientists have started claiming...

So brave, so very brave...

Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:25 (sixteen years ago) link

Many scientists will, of course, point out that tens of thousands of organ transplants have now been carried out worldwide

more like hundreds of thousands

ledge, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:27 (sixteen years ago) link

scientists haven't even managed to define what exactly consciousness is

useless lazy bums!

ledge, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:28 (sixteen years ago) link

It has already been proved that hearts have their own residual brain, that is why people often take on the idiosyncrasies of the donor.

- Nigel, Somerset

Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:28 (sixteen years ago) link

The mail is going brain crazy to-day...
So is free will really just an illusion?

Ned Trifle II, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:29 (sixteen years ago) link

No, "so brave" is only used by the Daily Mail for people like So Brave Roy Castle and So Brave Gloria Estefan.

Dingbod Kesterson, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:34 (sixteen years ago) link

So Brave Karen Matthews

Tom D., Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:44 (sixteen years ago) link

haha that free will story, i read a few lines and then scrolled down to the comments, only to be treated to a tidy picture of Charles Bronson.

Ste, Thursday, 17 April 2008 09:49 (sixteen years ago) link

I was given a young man's heart - and started craving beer and Kentucky Fried Chicken. My daughter said I even walked like a man

Frogman Henry, Thursday, 17 April 2008 11:03 (sixteen years ago) link

"Is the author here comparing an animal to a Swiss watch then? And so what if science can prove we have no 'free will'.."

If Dostoyevsky were alive today, he'd be called Sam, Brighton and read the Daily Mail.

Nicholas Passant, Thursday, 17 April 2008 11:22 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...


Officials believe the area was turning dried cannabis leaves into heroin.

StanM, Sunday, 15 June 2008 13:38 (sixteen years ago) link

Here for the original picture that went with that... and amusing discussion.

Not the real Village People, Sunday, 15 June 2008 13:52 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

How good of the Maily Dail to bring this to the attention of knife-wielders everywhere looking for a keen upgrade.

Dingbod Kesterson, Monday, 21 July 2008 15:19 (fifteen years ago) link

someone should have told block party to buy one of these, he might have survived john lydon's attack this weekend

hard man, Monday, 21 July 2008 15:27 (fifteen years ago) link

Maybe Lydon used one on him; that would explain his inability to distinguish between John Lydon and three of his associates.

Dingbod Kesterson, Monday, 21 July 2008 15:28 (fifteen years ago) link

you would if your organs were frozen i guess

hard man, Monday, 21 July 2008 15:29 (fifteen years ago) link

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