US POLITICS SPRING 2011: Let's just call off this country.

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i am not really someone who cares about how macho his politicians are but god tim pawlenty looks like A HUGE WUSS does he see this??

☂ (max), Thursday, 16 June 2011 20:51 (thirteen years ago) link

Pawlenty-is-a-wuss was cemented when he cut off his mullet

chupacabra - a delicious burrito (DJP), Thursday, 16 June 2011 20:52 (thirteen years ago) link

but I mean even in democracies w/ sane, reasonable, moral people in power, politics still operates entirely as a game! there's always going to be interest groups w/ different ideas, votes to be counted and traded.

I don't have an opinion on this but it seemed like a good time to post this underrated jam

censored my own brad whitford joke (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:32 (thirteen years ago) link

featuring a favorite rhyme of recent-ish years

you cross him? it's mayhem
you owe him? just pay him

censored my own brad whitford joke (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:33 (thirteen years ago) link

if we're doing the musical allusion thing now

chupacabra - a delicious burrito (DJP), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:37 (thirteen years ago) link

she's... so... funkular

☂ (max), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:38 (thirteen years ago) link


The Edge of Gloryhole (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:41 (thirteen years ago) link

makes me wanna start a Peter Gabriel vs. Li'l Eazy poll but if you look up "forgone conclusion" in the OED it's actually a link to a Peter Gabriel vs. Li'l Eazy poll

censored my own brad whitford joke (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Thursday, 16 June 2011 21:46 (thirteen years ago) link

the most hilarious thing to me about american political coverage is how obsessed everyone is with manners. like you'll get a good 20 minutes of a cable show discussing whether someone is "attacking" someone else. "was that an attack, john?"

40% chill and 100% negative (Tracer Hand), Friday, 17 June 2011 11:09 (thirteen years ago) link

a brief history of 'some of my best friends are x'

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 15:42 (thirteen years ago) link

M. Gerson (former Bushie who writes a column for the W. Post) on the Biden negotiations with the Republican hostage-takers on the debt limit. Surprise surprise-- the Republican "red line" is not crossed, but not sure what's in this for Dems ("perhaps...") or for the economy in the short term:

For the first time, Senate Republicans describe to me the outlines of a possible deal: a package of immediate and specific budget cuts; budget caps reaching out five years to reassure conservatives that tough budget decisions will be made in the future; Medicare reforms short of the House approach; no tax increases — a Republican red line — but perhaps additional revenue from the elimination of tax expenditures.

curmudgeon, Friday, 17 June 2011 19:19 (thirteen years ago) link

crossposting this from the abortion thread just because it's so fuckin...

ready to be really, really offended?

details here

this has been an ongoing tactic for a while but this is really stepping up the "I can't believe you're actually saying that" quotient

no tax increases — a Republican red line — but perhaps additional revenue from the elimination of tax expenditures


☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 19:44 (thirteen years ago) link

M. Gerson (former Bushie who writes a column for the W. Post) on the Biden negotiations with the Republican hostage-takers on the debt limit. Surprise surprise-- the Republican "red line" is not crossed, but not sure what's in this for Dems ("perhaps...") or for the economy in the short term

it seems to me a part of this deal is that republicans are supporting eliminating some tax breaks which effectively means higher taxes but need a way to say it differently for public consumption?

daria, Friday, 17 June 2011 19:47 (thirteen years ago) link

no tax increases — a Republican red line — but perhaps additional revenue from the elimination of tax expenditures

I don't know what this means

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 19:49 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah it means that taxes will go up, but theyre not "tax increases"

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 19:58 (thirteen years ago) link

so, thats whats in it for democrats

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 19:58 (thirteen years ago) link

im sure its a "bad deal" but it remains to be seen if its "really bad" or "could be worse"

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 19:59 (thirteen years ago) link

i could ask this anywhere, but this is where i'm most interested in the effects, so:

what happens if (when) greece defaults?

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:03 (thirteen years ago) link

some of em are not tax increases, but the expiration of freebies (ie, tax increases to the corporate class)

Coburn was calling em "revenue increases" yesterday

already president FYI (Dr Morbius), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:07 (thirteen years ago) link

lol okaaayyy

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:09 (thirteen years ago) link

ideological purity is such a funny thing

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:09 (thirteen years ago) link

It's like when they voted yesterday on getting rid of the ethanol tax credit.

An interesting subtext to this week’s Senate votes on the ethanol subsidy is the internal debate going on among conservatives over whether eliminating the tax credit was in effect raising taxes.

That’s the argument that Grover Norquist, chairman of Americans for Tax Reform, had been making to Republicans.

Aides to the chief Republican critic of the subsidy, Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, said the issue was settled on Tuesday when Republicans voted en masse to kill the 45-cent-per-gallon tax credit for ethanol. Coburn didn’t get the 60 votes he needed to cut off debate on his proposal that day because Democrats voted against him for procedural reasons.

But on Thursday, just 14 Republicans voted for preserving the tax credit and all of them were from the Midwest – or from Mississippi (Thad Cochran and Roger Wicker.). The other 33 Republicans all voted for killing the credit.

However, going into Thursday’s vote, Americans for Tax Reform told senators that voting to kill the tax credit wouldn’t violate the no-new-taxes pledge they signed with the group, if they also voted for a separate proposal by Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., to eliminate the annual usage mandates for biofuels.

”Taken together, this elimination of favoritism toward ethanol is not a violation” of the pledge, said Norquist’s group. No vote on eliminating the mandates has been scheduled, however.

Norquist’s position that eliminating a tax credit has been widely rejected by conservatives outside the Senate, too.

Jonah Goldberg, writing today for National Review Online, wondered whether it also would be wrong for conservatives to vote against a tax credit for abortions on the grounds that that would be raising taxes, too.

“I’m generally sympathetic to Norquist’s pledge, but I think it’s crazy for it to be turned into a tool to defend the statist status quo (statist quo?),” Goldberg wrote. ” Yes, abolishing some market skewing bad policies will increase revenues for the Treasury. Is that really a reason not to abolish them?”

curmudgeon, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:17 (thirteen years ago) link

increased revenue for the Treasury, oh fuckkkkk!

sums up this whole thing pretty well

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:19 (thirteen years ago) link

wish someone would drown Grover Norquist in a bathtub. Preferably while dressed as the Planter's Peanut.

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:21 (thirteen years ago) link

what happens if (when) greece defaults?

― goole, Friday, June 17, 2011 4:03 PM (19 minutes ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink

i would like to know this! someone told me that u.s. money market funds "will be in trouble." !!

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:28 (thirteen years ago) link

Guys, this is how Reagan raised taxes yet everyone on the right still thinks he cut them.

The Edge of Gloryhole (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:40 (thirteen years ago) link

I know it is I just find the ideological contortionism amusing. I mean if this is what the Dems can get them to agree to, hey great, at least it's something. doesn't make the maneuvering any less ridiculous/disgusting

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:41 (thirteen years ago) link

they could get around all of this by sending every Republican a kitten named Taxes and a carton of razorblades

chupacabra - a delicious burrito (DJP), Friday, 17 June 2011 20:42 (thirteen years ago) link

yeah well not so fast:

WASHINGTON — The Republican-led House voted to slash domestic and international food aid Thursday while rejecting cuts to farm subsidies.

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:44 (thirteen years ago) link

A spending bill to fund the nation’s food and farm programs would cut the Women, Infants and Children program, which offers food aid and educational support for low-income mothers and their children, by $868 million, or 13 percent. An international food assistance program that provides emergency aid and agricultural development would drop by more than $450 million, one-third of the program’s budget. The legislation passed 217-203.

The bill would trim the Food and Drug Administration’s $2.5 billion budget by almost 12 percent, straining the agency’s ability to implement a new food safety law signed by President Barack Obama this year. Democratic attempts to restore some of the food safety money were rejected.

As they cut other programs, lawmakers rejected two proposals that would have saved money by lowering the maximum amount of money a farmer can receive in subsidies from the government. While fiscal conservatives and other critics of subsidies argued that they need to be cut as lawmakers look for ways to save, farm-state members said those cuts should be pushed back until Congress considers a new five-year farm bill next year.

this is the kind of shit that has me seeing red, not kidding

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:46 (thirteen years ago) link

i'm going to go on about this

the bill, as described by the post anyway, seems less a document about agriculture or even food at all, but again, is a culture war document. if liberals like something, we will stick a thumb in it (plus a shout-out to wall st):

—Directs the Agriculture Department to rewrite rules it issued in January meant to make school meals healthier. Republicans say the new rules, the first major overhaul of school lunches in 15 years, are too costly.

—Forces USDA to report to Congress every time officials travel to promote the department’s “Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food” program, which supports locally grown food, and discourages the department from giving research grants to support local food systems. Large agribusiness has been critical of the department’s focus on these smaller food producers.

—Prevents USDA from moving forward with new rules that would make it easier for smaller farmers and ranchers to sue large livestock companies on antitrust grounds. The proposed rules are meant to address the growing concentration of corporate power in agriculture.

—Delays for more than a year new rules for reporting trades in derivatives, the complex financial instruments blamed for helping precipitate the 2008 financial crisis. A Republican amendment adopted Thursday would require the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which funded in the bill, to first have other rules in place to facilitate its collection of derivatives market data.

—Prevents the FDA from approving genetically modified salmon for human consumption, a decision set for later this year.

—Questions the scope of Obama administration initiatives to put calories on menus and limit the marketing of unhealthy foods to children.

i mean, what the fuck? beyond parody.

goole, Friday, 17 June 2011 20:54 (thirteen years ago) link

just another day with the party of "small business" and "family farmers" amirite

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:00 (thirteen years ago) link

heh speaking of infuriating

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration says it will end a controversial health care waiver program in September.

Officials announced Friday that all applications for new waivers and renewals of existing ones have to be in by Sept. 22.

That would remove a potential political distraction in the 2012 elections.

The waivers deal with a part of the new health care law that restricts annual dollar limits on coverage. They won't be needed when the law goes into full effect in 2014, because taxpayer-subsidized insurance will be broadly available.

Congressional Republicans had charged favoritism, claiming that waivers were being funneled to unions. But an outside review by the Government Accountability Office found that the administration was using objective standards to make its decisions.

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:03 (thirteen years ago) link

More for the Friday news dump: the Obama administration gets confronted at Netroots meeting.

The Edge of Gloryhole (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:04 (thirteen years ago) link

A Republican amendment adopted Thursday would require the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, which funded in the bill, to first have other rules in place to facilitate its collection of derivatives market data.

washington typost amirite?

reggie (qualmsley), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:07 (thirteen years ago) link

sometimes i think Big Agriculture is the evilest industry of them all

all the pretty HOOSes (gbx), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:12 (thirteen years ago) link

it does represent a terrifying intersection of a lot of awful policies with wide-ranging consequences - shitty resource use, monopolization, garbage in the food supply/threats to public health, genetic engineering etc etc

lots of janitors have something to say (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:16 (thirteen years ago) link

I know the White House can only 'fight one front at a time,' but it's not hard to explain why calories counts aren't socialist, especially when we're obsessed with them in our own lives.

The Edge of Gloryhole (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:18 (thirteen years ago) link

but i think the point is that the 'explanation' wouldnt really matter? all that matters is that democrats are for calorie counts/healthy lunches/local food

☂ (max), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:24 (thirteen years ago) link

I think framing the debate as "we might be trying to tell you what to eat but at least we aren't trying to kill you" should be possible

chupacabra - a delicious burrito (DJP), Friday, 17 June 2011 21:25 (thirteen years ago) link

polyphonic, Friday, 17 June 2011 22:42 (thirteen years ago) link


Matt Armstrong, Friday, 17 June 2011 22:56 (thirteen years ago) link

producer of this ad also did the demon sheep and the "i'm not a witch" ad.

Matt Armstrong, Friday, 17 June 2011 22:57 (thirteen years ago) link

I have the right not to be informed of facts by the government. Keep your facts off my body!!!!

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 17 June 2011 23:10 (thirteen years ago) link

i wonder who that mysterious ad paid for by jon huntsman was about

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Friday, 17 June 2011 23:13 (thirteen years ago) link

AARP Is Open to Cuts for Social Security Benefits

now Obama has cover if he wants to slash Social Security ...

I-95 Phuck Phace (Eisbaer), Saturday, 18 June 2011 01:39 (thirteen years ago) link

old motherfuckers be entitled and shit

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Saturday, 18 June 2011 07:43 (thirteen years ago) link

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