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I was a regular at potterrow from 91 till 94. Were you all on the committee?

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:14 (eighteen years ago) link

NO. no. no, i wasn't.

was i?

no. i was going to join but didn't.

keith was :)

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link

I wasn't a regular. Ever. I went a bit between 95-7. Occasionally. If forced. I never staggered up drunk and unable to speak only to be let in by two committee members going 'we think he's a mate of [grimly fiendish]'s.

alext (alext), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:21 (eighteen years ago) link

We used to suffer the indignity of asking passing students to sign us in cos we were still at school. Later on we became known and used to get waved in.

I might be in here briefly tomorrow, i'm expecting a package containing this http://www.guardian.co.uk/theguide/books/story/0,14684,1464976,00.html
and this http://www.plexifilm.com/sheffield.html and don't want to leave it sitting in the office over the weekend. It all depends on whether or not the cooker intallers from C***t arrive. I waited in all last Friday only to find out that they had me pencilled in for this week rather than last.

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:27 (eighteen years ago) link

edingay more like

retarded and gay (bato), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:28 (eighteen years ago) link

I'd like to come along but can't do Saturday afternoon. I've got family commitments I can't get out of.
Is everybody on this thread ex-Edinburgh Uni?
I was a student 92-95, and now I work for the University.

Greig (treefell), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link

I was never a student at Edinburgh, just an indie kid townie that liked the cheap drink and the top tunes at Bubblegum/Roadrunner (or was it rollercoaster, i forget).

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Ditto, never a student but wanted cheap booze at Potter Row, and later, Chamber Street.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:55 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm 93-97, and 98-01, and starting employment at Ed Uni on 01.01.06. Hurray! Clearly I can't stay away from the place.

alext (alext), Thursday, 8 December 2005 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Just to confirm, Jamaica Street Lane is at the bottom of Howe Street, just before the opening for St Stephen Street?

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:01 (eighteen years ago) link

I had a boyfriend who went to Edinburgh Uni in 1995 and used to go through at the weekends and drag his non-indie ass along to Potterrow so I could dance to Bis and Pulp and stuff. Unfortunately I have the death lurgey and no money and a football match to go to in Glasgow on Saturday, or I would have been up for a wrong-end-of-the-M8 FAP.

ailsa (ailsa), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Not the bottom of Howe St: going down Howe St, it's the first turning on the left after Howe St crosses Heriot Row. It's a bit of a (mews)maze back there but I think you take the left hand fork of Jamaica St.

alext (alext), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link

where is a nice and not overly expenseive place to have sunday lunch in edinburgh?

barbarian cities (jaybob3005), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:23 (eighteen years ago) link

Hopefully i won't get too lost. Jenners do lovely roasts on a Sunday, i was in last Sunday and had a yummy plate of macaroni cheese.

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:31 (eighteen years ago) link

We often go to Howies, on Howe street. But if by Sunday lunch you mean 'roast meat and veg' I have no idea.

alext (alext), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:33 (eighteen years ago) link

mm. that looks nice. will try that, cheers.

barbarian cities (jaybob3005), Thursday, 8 December 2005 16:38 (eighteen years ago) link

Potterrow so I could dance to Bis and Pulp and stuff

Bis: blame Neil (hmmm).

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:23 (eighteen years ago) link

I clearly remember when "School Disco" came out I was through in Edinburgh and we went to Potterrow and I was so stupidly excited at hearing the crappy little 7" single that I'd bought the week before actually being played in public and people were dancing to it somewhere that wasn't Glasgow.

I'd like to kid on that I was young and stupid then, but I was about 23.

ailsa (ailsa), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:26 (eighteen years ago) link

It was Roadrunner, Leigh.. I think Keiron had a brief thing called Rollercoaster around the time of the Rollercoaster concerts as I remember.

Yeah, I was at Edinburgh uni 91-95. I was on the Potterrow committee too, though not at first, though I knew them all. Can't remember when I was on it, maybe 94/95 or so.

Potter Row, and later, Chamber Street.

Let's rock!

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:28 (eighteen years ago) link

t0m gr0d0n and i got physically thrown out of chambers street after drinking ourselves stupid, attempting to play pool, and then deciding it would be more fun to run around hitting each other with pool cues.

a couple of weeks later, it was closed.


(actually, it was coincidence. but hey.)

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:38 (eighteen years ago) link

It was closed because heavy metal is rubbish.

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:38 (eighteen years ago) link

keith, on saturday i am going to use my boot to unleash THE MIGHTY POWER OF ROCK in the general direction of your testicles.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Listen... Rock is a different matter entirely. My testicles are made of 100% solid Tommy Vance-style rock.

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:52 (eighteen years ago) link


grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 8 December 2005 18:54 (eighteen years ago) link

What's this "TEH" stuff? Speak like a grown up!

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 19:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Anyway, metal and rock are not blood brothers in my tiny little brain.

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 19:09 (eighteen years ago) link

See, this is heavy metal, it even says it:


This is rock:


KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 8 December 2005 19:20 (eighteen years ago) link

Blimey, that's the tone lowered.

alext (alext), Friday, 9 December 2005 13:04 (eighteen years ago) link

My brother is at Edinburgh uni and I am off to visit him right now.

BARMS, Friday, 9 December 2005 13:28 (eighteen years ago) link

come FAPing tomorrow, then!!!

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Friday, 9 December 2005 13:56 (eighteen years ago) link

(i genuinely didn't mean to post three exclamation marks there.)

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Friday, 9 December 2005 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link

hurrah for beer.

and, er, two portions of steak and chips.


leigh: lovely to meet you. next time, stay longer. otherwise, it seems, we become uncivilised.

what did i miss after i left? i bumped into three lovely (and whammed) colleagues on the train home but resisted the tempation to drink more in glasgow. 'rah.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Sunday, 11 December 2005 14:56 (eighteen years ago) link

We went to the Star Bar for another, but by that point our aging frames and revoltingly stuffed guts were telling us it was definitely time for bed.

alext (alext), Sunday, 11 December 2005 15:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, two meals is definitely a bad idea. Or a genius idea, one or the other.

Was a great day/night, though. Lovely to meet you too, Leigh, and Tom, but I guess he doesn't read this board. Smart chap.

KeefW (kmw), Sunday, 11 December 2005 17:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Steak and chips certainly sounds better than the coronation chicken sandwich i ended up having for tea at my mum's. In spite of being stone cold sober i still managed to trip over the dog and fall arse over tit onto the(very hard) parquet floor.

leigh (leigh), Monday, 12 December 2005 09:23 (eighteen years ago) link

come FAPing tomorrow, then!!!
-- grimly fiendish (simonmai...), December 9th, 2005.

Sorry, didn't see this. I was in Why Not? on Friday pulling freshers and Po Na Na on Saturday night arguing with evil women and having my bum grabbed by older women. Rockin' weekend.

BARMS, Monday, 12 December 2005 09:34 (eighteen years ago) link

I've never been to Po Na Na when i haven't been paralytically drunk.

leigh (leigh), Monday, 12 December 2005 16:18 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Is anyone going to the TV21 gig at the citrus club on 3rd March. Jo Callis is doing a dj set, don't think i trust myself not to go up to him and ask daft questions about synth sounds on dare.

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 23 February 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link

I do actually really like edinburgh

I have fallen out of love, w/ glasgow, a little, lately, though

RJG (RJG), Thursday, 23 February 2006 11:30 (eighteen years ago) link

Josef K videos, including "Chance Meeting", which takes in just about every Edinburgh landmark you can think of!

Momus (Momus), Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link

TV21? Is that TV21 from the early '80s re-formed? Surely not?

Tim (Tim), Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:31 (eighteen years ago) link

Yep, they reformed for a gig on john peel day and are playing another on 3/3.

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Cripes! I was talking to my brother about them the other day, he has held on to a really nice original poster of theirs, from the first time round.

Tim (Tim), Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:59 (eighteen years ago) link

There's lots of new posters kicking about. I'd never heard of them but spotted a poster and thought that sounded like a human league mk1 kind of thing. That was before i spotted jo callis' name lower down. Was TV21 not a gerry anderson programme?

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 23 February 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link

i've worked on a couple of newspaper/magazine-y projects with one of the blokes from TV21, who is now a hugely respected designer. i never knew the band was so, er, popular ;)

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 23 February 2006 13:52 (eighteen years ago) link

There was a picture of Jo Callis on Kevin Williamson's blog from the last gig, the years have actually been quite kind to him.

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 23 February 2006 13:58 (eighteen years ago) link

TV21 = name of the G. Anderson production company, also of the Thunderbirds (etc) comic and that. My brother was a big fan back in the early 80s and so I got to rather like them too.

Tim (Tim), Thursday, 23 February 2006 14:05 (eighteen years ago) link

Were they kind of like the rezillos?

leigh (leigh), Thursday, 23 February 2006 14:07 (eighteen years ago) link

No, they were more in a hard-edged Teardrop Explodes sort of vein, as I recall. I don't suppose I've heard any of their music since the nineteen-eighties.

Tim (Tim), Thursday, 23 February 2006 15:11 (eighteen years ago) link

this is from allmediascotland. you'll have to forgive their spectacular inability to use commas/construct sentences/etc:

Changes taking place, mainly behind the scenes, at The Scotsman Publications Ltd, since the recent takeover of the group by Johnston Press, is to see newspaper designers, Ally Palmer and Terry Watson, being let go.
Johnston have decided not to renew their retainer.
The pair have been busy these last two years on The Scotsman’s switch to compact format, plus on redesigns at both Scotland on Sunday and the Edinburgh Evening News.
They’ve also been working around the world, including on a redesign of Le Monde, in France.
But for Palmer, it might free up time to return to playing guitar for TV21, the band that famously split up, in May 24 years ago, backstage at Edinburgh Playhouse, just three nights into supporting the Rolling Stones on their European tour.
But they’re playing again - as reported recently on Spike - at Edinburgh’s Citrus Club, next Friday.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Friday, 24 February 2006 11:59 (eighteen years ago) link

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