iPhone apps S/D

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s1ocki, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 18:58 (fifteen years ago) link

fuck me, they *need* to be releasing that netnewswire upgrade ASAP. it's just crashed on me so hard it reset the bloody phone.

and, heh, opening it again takes it right back to, umm, the bit where it crashed. so it hangs all over again.

hoping syncing sorts it out ...

grimly fiendish, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 21:29 (fifteen years ago) link

oh for fuck's sake. it doesn't. that is lame, lame, lame-ass fuckwittery.

grimly fiendish, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 21:33 (fifteen years ago) link

that sucks a yard of dick. had to remove NNW/resync/set it up again. not the end of the world, no, but a pain.

problem seems to be with feeds that have a shitload of unread stories in them. just FYI, like.

grimly fiendish, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 21:50 (fifteen years ago) link

I like the Wordpress app so far.

Catsupppppppppppppp dude 茄蕃, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 21:59 (fifteen years ago) link

i've heard from many sources that either iphone developer terms prohibit "turn by turn" guidance or that something or other about the iphone makes this impractical.

is this be true? if so, what does it mean?

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 22:01 (fifteen years ago) link

i think the gps isn't accurate enough or somethin

s1ocki, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 22:24 (fifteen years ago) link

Yeh, it's in the terms -- you can't make any app that provides "live" route guidance.

stet, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 22:26 (fifteen years ago) link

I like the Wordpress app so far.

Oh yes? Do tell...

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 22:27 (fifteen years ago) link

so ... why?

is it because they're afraid people will be driving and trying to use iphone route guidance?

do they have an exclusive deal with audi to make iphone dashboard units?

moonship journey to baja, Tuesday, 22 July 2008 23:16 (fifteen years ago) link

Pandora is like my new favorite thing btw

Dan speaks much truth.

J, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 00:59 (fifteen years ago) link

fuck me, they *need* to be releasing that netnewswire upgrade ASAP. it's just crashed on me so hard it reset the bloody phone.

NNW is up to v1.0.7 now, but Apple still hasn't released the updates. Apparently, Apple has a single review queue for everything and updating the update sends you to the back of the line again. Anyway, if you've got NNW questions check out the NNW iPhone forum - it's been pretty helpful.

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 01:07 (fifteen years ago) link

Last word from NNW developer Brent:

"I'm working on getting the 1.0.2 release out of the queue so I can upload 1.0.7 instead. I don't know if it will happen. They're sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooow."

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 01:08 (fifteen years ago) link

Hey Slutsky, how accurate do you find the GPS?

antexit, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 01:09 (fifteen years ago) link

didn't we just talk about this in real life this afternoon?

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 01:17 (fifteen years ago) link

wait, so if the gps doesnt do turn by turn, how is different from the first gen google maps app?

sunny successor, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 01:20 (fifteen years ago) link

ok dumb question but how do i comment/see more info on photos in exposure?

all i get is a "done" button when i'm looking at a pic!

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 02:33 (fifteen years ago) link

hit the blue right arrow in the list to see the details.

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 02:41 (fifteen years ago) link


the photos near you thing is kind of nuts. at least three of the pics that came up were of friends of mine.

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 04:24 (fifteen years ago) link

OK, I need a syncing to-do app. Do I break down and buy OmniFocus? If I do that, does that make me some GTD-spewing fule?

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 05:02 (fifteen years ago) link

On the other hand... Hallefreakinlujah!

Native VNC client! http://www.mochasoft.dk/iphone_vnc.htm

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 05:26 (fifteen years ago) link

NNW is up to v1.0.7 now, but Apple still hasn't released the updates

no, i know: not blaming NNW dude(s) at all. is all apple's fault. as usual :)

wait, so if the gps doesnt do turn by turn, how is different from the first gen google maps app?

er, yeh: WTF? also: what about all those "tomtom have an app ready to go!" rumours before the 3G launch?

grimly fiendish, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 09:19 (fifteen years ago) link

a reason to jailbreak that 3G

webinar, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 12:41 (fifteen years ago) link

Things is a really nice to-do app, best I've tried. Doesn't sync yet, but it's promised imminently and is free upgrade

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 13:21 (fifteen years ago) link

Am I just abnormally lazy? I can never see the point in to-do applications or GTD generally. I never have anything really going on beyond what's imminent. I think it's just because I am a schlub. Besides, my inbox is my to-do list. And that's free.

How much have folx spent on iPhone apps to date? I haven't plumped down cash for anything yet.

webinar, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 13:26 (fifteen years ago) link

0 so far. But honestly, unless something is really really really good I don't see the point.

Autumn Almanac, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 13:35 (fifteen years ago) link


Autumn Almanac, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 13:36 (fifteen years ago) link

£30, astoundingly.

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 14:49 (fifteen years ago) link

and I can't be fucked with GTD, because it feels more like maintaining lists than doing stuff, but as a list of lists Things is v. nice

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 14:49 (fifteen years ago) link

is it true things doesnt give you advance reminders?

sunny successor, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 14:50 (fifteen years ago) link

i hope adium makes an iphone app so you can get aim, gtalk and msn all under one roof.

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 15:26 (fifteen years ago) link

It puts them into a "today" list, and you can set them to appear in advance of their due date, but it has no way to alert you when it's closed, no.

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 15:47 (fifteen years ago) link

I can never see the point in to-do applications or GTD generally. I never have anything really going on beyond what's imminent. I think it's just because I am a schlub.

It's just that I took on a new consulting job this week that's got several different elements to it that I need to track. Don't need a full time-sheet/Gantt/etc. app, but something like a synching OmniOutliner would be grebt.

Elvis Telecom, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 15:52 (fifteen years ago) link

Apparently, fring is coming to the App Store. That allows MSN, GTalk, AIM, Skype, etc all in a oner.

webinar, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:00 (fifteen years ago) link

I bought Mobile Flickr, which is really nice.

schwantz, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:01 (fifteen years ago) link

no upside down pics?

sunny successor, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:15 (fifteen years ago) link

Nope. And the interface is a little nicer in some ways.

schwantz, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:25 (fifteen years ago) link

OK, I need a syncing to-do app. Do I break down and buy OmniFocus? If I do that, does that make me some GTD-spewing fule?

-- Elvis Telecom

i like it a lot, but like i said upthread

1) i can't see the iphone app being worth your time if you don't already have the desktop app

2) the desktop app is so expensive i'm not sure i'd buy it at this point.

moonship journey to baja, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:27 (fifteen years ago) link

I love OmniFocus but just like my advocation of Evernote, if you don’t get it instantly it isn’t worth 20 dollars. For some it will fit snugly into their workflow for others its a wasted Jackson.

(Actually, everyone should be using Evernote. I think the biggest problem with it is they do such a piss poor job presenting it I’m tempted to post my own how-to YouTube video.)

Allen, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:34 (fifteen years ago) link

schwantz mine are still uploading upside down. what the hell?

sunny successor, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:36 (fifteen years ago) link

I really wanted to like Evernote, but the iPhone version is *really* shit, Allen! you can't edit notes, the notes appear in tiny tiny type that you can't increase, and when trying to name a note the field is half-hidden under the subject bar. On top of which, syncing breaks all the time.

Basically, this:

stet, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:40 (fifteen years ago) link

Oh wait. I haven't been uploading using either of these apps. Just looking at my photos.

schwantz, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:41 (fifteen years ago) link

yeah mobile flickr is good for looking. im using the free app 'air me' to upload to flickr now.

i also bought 'fitness' which is kind of great. i got it to calculate calories and take into account time on the treadmill but it also calculates carbs, sugar, saturated fat and salt. on an average day ive found im below my calorie limit but through the roof (like 130% of daily allowance)with sugar and salt.

sunny successor, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:43 (fifteen years ago) link

Apparently, fring is coming to the App Store. That allows MSN, GTalk, AIM, Skype, etc all in a oner.

-- webinar, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 4:00 PM (42 minutes ago) Bookmark Link

i tried to get fring but it gave me truphone instead?

want skype!

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:44 (fifteen years ago) link

amazon needs an app. that would be dangerous.

s1ocki, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:47 (fifteen years ago) link

Yeah adding a Text Note via the application is messed up but Snapshot Note works nearly flawlessly and that’s what I primarily take notes with (e.g. cocktail napkin drawings, etc.) but the real use, at least for me, is searching through existing notes and that works like a charm.

Also, I know you probably already know this but you can use Evernote through e-mail which is handy either in the typical fashion or with Jott.

Allen, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:55 (fifteen years ago) link

amazon needs an app. that would be dangerous.

Merlin Mann had the idea of a simple application that if you have one button enabled as well as an Amazon prime account all you had to do was scan a barcode and wait for whatever you bought to arrive. From a conceptual point I think that’s a great idea ... from a practical standpoint, not so much.

Allen, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 16:57 (fifteen years ago) link

What happened to this one? Hope it gets released sometime soon!


webinar, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 17:02 (fifteen years ago) link

And this one:


webinar, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 17:04 (fifteen years ago) link

i haven't been loving Things on the desktop too much, actually - tagging is great, but it seems to be a bit useless for big projects with lots of subprojects, and for GTD-style only seeing next actions. so maybe i need to go back to omnifocus, which would annoy me, as i decided against buying it when i could have got it for less than $40 on beta. could still get it for $50 educational, but it seems like a lot.

toby, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 17:14 (fifteen years ago) link

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