Spencer Chow FAP NYC 10/23-10/27?

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too much party, not enough food. i think im going to pass out. is anyone going to the spin party thing at pianos? its free sam adams from 11-12.

phil-two (phil-two), Thursday, 23 October 2003 19:20 (twenty years ago) link

I have barely any time to freelance for anyone!

Work? Curses! Still, Matos, knowing how hard you've been slaving away, feel free to let your hair down.....

(Same for Jess/Gabbo, obv)

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Thursday, 23 October 2003 19:30 (twenty years ago) link

This will be the best party ever since the last one! I might show up earlier than I said I would but I haven't decided, I think a friend of mine might want to come so I got to talk to her a bit more, if she does I'll probably be early. MORE TIME FOR BOOZE AND MATOS!!!

Allyzay, Thursday, 23 October 2003 20:00 (twenty years ago) link


The second most popular ILX slogan

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Thursday, 23 October 2003 20:13 (twenty years ago) link

Does anyone want to see Chelsea Girls at BAM at 7 before this shindig? No, I didn't think so.

Mary (Mary), Thursday, 23 October 2003 20:56 (twenty years ago) link

I am so flattered I'm almost blushing! thank you!

M Matos (M Matos), Thursday, 23 October 2003 21:24 (twenty years ago) link

(also: haha "hair")

M Matos (M Matos), Thursday, 23 October 2003 21:24 (twenty years ago) link

haha yeah really

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 23 October 2003 22:20 (twenty years ago) link

who do you think i am, ned? with my golden tresses?

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 23 October 2003 22:20 (twenty years ago) link

There's plenty of hair to share.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 23 October 2003 22:22 (twenty years ago) link

Damn skippy: enough for Matos and half of his department....oh well, a quarter.

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Thursday, 23 October 2003 22:28 (twenty years ago) link

good morning New Yorkers! I'm here and about. email me for phone details!

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Friday, 24 October 2003 08:16 (twenty years ago) link

You madman! Are you going to challenge Ally for owning that town? It will be a long and hard battle. I've already said you are not to be drunk under the table too early.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 October 2003 14:00 (twenty years ago) link

HAHAHAHA yeah right, I will slay him.

Errr, maybe I shouldn't say that, he might not show now.

Allyzay, Friday, 24 October 2003 14:05 (twenty years ago) link

dont forget about merge records karaoke! 3-6 at hi-fi!

phil-two (phil-two), Friday, 24 October 2003 16:04 (twenty years ago) link

you'll "slay" me? What? with jokes???

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Friday, 24 October 2003 16:05 (twenty years ago) link

With the power of Ally. Do not deny it, west coast boy.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 October 2003 16:11 (twenty years ago) link

With my fabulous sense of style, obviously.

Allyzay, Friday, 24 October 2003 16:38 (twenty years ago) link

Welcome Spencer! Sorry it's so cold. What have you got up to so far?

Mary (Mary), Friday, 24 October 2003 17:52 (twenty years ago) link

This thread is LONG! Does someone want to call me and fill me in on where exactly I have to be and when if I want to just like go somewhere and see a bunch of you people? That would be great, thanks. Yeah.

nabiscothingy, Friday, 24 October 2003 21:48 (twenty years ago) link

Well, that Merge records karaoke thing was refereshingly free of people I know and love.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Friday, 24 October 2003 22:05 (twenty years ago) link

ILOVENY! Last night I went to dinner at Sandobe (excellent CHEAP sushi), then to a bar called Company, then shared a pitcher (think Kool-Aid) of Sangria at a placed called Counter, then drinks and a little dancing at Serena (under the Chelsea Hotel), then down to the meat packing district for more dancing at Cielo, and finally mussels at Florent at 4:30am!

I think the final FAP plan is for Saturday night at the Magician:


(118 Rivington St @ Essex)

Some people are going earlier, I should be there by 10pm.

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Friday, 24 October 2003 22:08 (twenty years ago) link

Daddino - what time were you there? I left at like 5-something..... Spencer, what time were you at Serena - I was there too! Though kinda early.

phil-two (phil-two), Friday, 24 October 2003 22:12 (twenty years ago) link

so does someone wanna post the finalized plans, places, and times for those of us who dont have the energy to re-read this whole thread?

also, what train to take to get there from penn station.

i am thinking of bringing a water bottle filled with whisky.

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:08 (twenty years ago) link

What a coinky-dink.I was thinking of bringing a whiskey bottle filled with water. I'm taking meds for an ear infection, so I can't drink.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:09 (twenty years ago) link

have fun y'all!

Eisbär (llamasfur), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:12 (twenty years ago) link

Mr. Abba -- or should I call you Mohammad? -- assuming it's at the Magician, just walk a block west from Penn to the 34 Street-Herald Square Station (where the PATH trains also roam) and take the F train downtown to Delancey. Then a block up Norfolk to Rivington and a block right towards Essex.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:20 (twenty years ago) link


mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:26 (twenty years ago) link

i am quite nervous about meeting you all!

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:37 (twenty years ago) link

Don't worry, Jess. We'll swallow you whole. It will be quite painless.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:38 (twenty years ago) link

Fret not, Jess. They're good folk. :-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 October 2003 23:41 (twenty years ago) link

I'm nervous about meeting everyone too! Though I met Ally and Millar tonite and they are my new favorite people!

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Saturday, 25 October 2003 07:53 (twenty years ago) link

alright FULES, i am leaving in ONE HOUR, so if there are any changes or whatnot, post them NOW as i do not have a cellphone.

(i will probably be there before anyone else as my train arrives around 8 pm.)

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Saturday, 25 October 2003 15:49 (twenty years ago) link

see you there Jess!

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Saturday, 25 October 2003 16:08 (twenty years ago) link

i'll be there!

Annouschka Magnatech (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 25 October 2003 16:11 (twenty years ago) link

if/when tomorrow's brunch is being held ... please e-mail me?

Eisbär (llamasfur), Saturday, 25 October 2003 20:03 (twenty years ago) link

Spencer Chow is a totally, totally, totally awesome dude and I just wanted to say this in public. And his P. Diddy impression is great!!!

Allyzay, Saturday, 25 October 2003 20:10 (twenty years ago) link

what is the deal w/ brunch? i have tentative plans to see my brother tomorrow afternoon but if there's free booze involved i might be able to work something out...

Annouschka Magnatech (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 25 October 2003 20:10 (twenty years ago) link

...so, reports?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 26 October 2003 12:44 (twenty years ago) link


Carey (Carey), Sunday, 26 October 2003 13:55 (twenty years ago) link

drinking doesn't mix well with sinus problems

tokyo rosemary (rosemary), Sunday, 26 October 2003 14:51 (twenty years ago) link

Our local was uncharacteristically crowded, Spencer was a charmer, and some of us finished off the evening at Houston & Attorney, which wasn't my idea by the way. Plus cameos by Harvell and Sterling, and the return of MMMatos.

Mary (Mary), Sunday, 26 October 2003 14:57 (twenty years ago) link

Jess is a mushie nice guy, just as I suspected.

bnw (bnw), Sunday, 26 October 2003 16:45 (twenty years ago) link

It was wonderful to meet Spencer, Jess and surprise guest Miss Vicky! Also to see many of you I haven't seen in a long time.

We all got much too drunk. That last dirty martini was a bad idea.

felicity (felicity), Sunday, 26 October 2003 16:48 (twenty years ago) link

surprise guest Miss Vicky!

Heh heh, great -- yeah, she had mentioned she would be in town when I saw her last week, but wasn't sure of her schedule. Glad she was able to show!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 26 October 2003 16:49 (twenty years ago) link

I have to apologize to Yanc3y for arguing with him about where UN Plaza is located. He was right and I realized this as soon as he left and I had thought about it. But he should know better than to argue with a DRUNK GIRL.

Carey (Carey), Sunday, 26 October 2003 17:35 (twenty years ago) link

YOU DRUNKARD. You are not worthy of your loft, clearly. Hmph!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 26 October 2003 17:41 (twenty years ago) link

matos, daddino, and i finally packed it in around 7 am. i just got home. i am now going to pass out.

thanx u 2 all the ilxors who made my visit nice and got me drunk.

mohammed abba (dubplatestyle), Sunday, 26 October 2003 17:52 (twenty years ago) link

multi-visitor FAPS = GRATE! aiight, who got the photos... Allyzay?

Paul (scifisoul), Sunday, 26 October 2003 17:57 (twenty years ago) link


geeta (geeta), Sunday, 26 October 2003 18:58 (twenty years ago) link

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