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wait the system shows who flagged what? thought the whole point was anonymity
Anonymous from other posters, not from site mods. We need to be able to see if the FP is coming from a brand-new sock or w/e

stet, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:29 (twelve years ago) link

I suppose we could hide it and just have "flagged by user who has made 3000 posts and been registered for 2 years" or s/thing.

stet, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:30 (twelve years ago) link

mod visibility is good, it gives people who get their posts flagged an opportunity to claim that the mods have really got it in for them

unlistenable in philly (underrated aerosmith bootlegs I have owned), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:30 (twelve years ago) link

I suppose we could hide it and just have "flagged by user who has made 3000 posts and been registered for 2 years" or s/thing.

that would be better I think.

i love pinfold cricket (gbx), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:31 (twelve years ago) link

But even so, a new user is only going to be able to flag someone once, right? Trying to block the possibility that someone is going to register 50 accounts to try to block someone seems to be planning for a really unlikely situation, imo

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:34 (twelve years ago) link

That modification wouldn't account for long-time-ilxor/everchanging-username dickholes.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:38 (twelve years ago) link

wait is this sudden need to have fps anonymized from mods in response to an actual thing or are we just totally strawmanning right now

call all destroyer, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:45 (twelve years ago) link

I don't give a damn what a mod sees. It's like a doctor looking up your bum. NBD.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:46 (twelve years ago) link

It just seems like a wise thing and in line with what other online communities do? idk, it just seems like it'd block potential problems down the road

having them *not* anonymous because we think someone might use a bunch of accounts to over-flag seems like planning for a situation that may not happen

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:49 (twelve years ago) link

god u guys are SO naive

lag∞n, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:51 (twelve years ago) link

the only other place I know of w/flagging is Metafilter, and they're not anonymous there. also, the "someone might use a bunch of accounts to SB" was a totally common complaint back in the auto-SB days.

I actually don't know why they should be anonymous from site mods. What's the benefit? Saying that biased mod x might have deleted your FP and so some awful user sits at 49, escaping forever? Seems just as unlikely to me.

stet, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:51 (twelve years ago) link

flagging is a pretty common thing on loads of sites (flag as inappropriate) and its always anonymous (like on CL you dont even have to be registered).

i love pinfold cricket (gbx), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:55 (twelve years ago) link

I actually don't know why they should be anonymous from site mods. What's the benefit?

maybe if you think of possible examples of this:

for instance, if someone was the real life victim of something and doesn't want to admit it on board, but tends to flag posts that are in that vein...

onimo, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:56 (twelve years ago) link

Mods have always been able to see who's gone on SB sprees, but they were so unremarkable, and never pushed anyone closer to a 51 who wasn't clearly well on their way to it anyway, that the topic literally -- literally -- has never come up on the mod discussion board. I will say it's been entertaining watching it happen, and seeing who is willing to SB for apparently nothing at all, and who holds it in reserve for a really egregious post.

Steamtable Willie (WmC), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 14:57 (twelve years ago) link

im not a player i just sb a lot *shrug*

lag∞n, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:00 (twelve years ago) link

Looking forward to the day 50 years hence when these files are made public xp

Derartu Cthulhu (NickB), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:01 (twelve years ago) link

I was thinking of mefi, too, stet. Are you positive it's not anon there?

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:06 (twelve years ago) link

yes, certain

stet, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:07 (twelve years ago) link

Oh hey it's in their FAQ. I stand corrected

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:11 (twelve years ago) link

I will say it's been entertaining watching it happen, and seeing who is willing to SB for apparently nothing at all, and who holds it in reserve for a really egregious post.

I would like to be thusly entertained.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:16 (twelve years ago) link

yah srsly this is no fair

lag∞n, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:16 (twelve years ago) link

Take me on a tour of mod village.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:17 (twelve years ago) link

seeing who is willing to SB for apparently nothing at all

personally i feel validated somebody is enjoying my work

dayove cool (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:18 (twelve years ago) link

I'm still kind of weirded out by the fact the admin interface shows who clicked flag post/sb!

this has always been the case and is A+ sensible, plus one of the best lols I ever had from ILX was finding out who one of my two SBs was for and from what post

Θ ̨Θƪ (sic), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:43 (twelve years ago) link

See, I could only really lol at it. I wouldn't go on a rampage after whoever sb'd me or anything.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:45 (twelve years ago) link

oh I don't think it should be broadly public

btw everyone notice how warm, agreeable and communal the clusterfuck here on the Flag Post thread is, the FP system works imo, case closed

Θ ̨Θƪ (sic), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:47 (twelve years ago) link

I didn't realize SB was linked to posts and such anyway, so this has been illuminating

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:47 (twelve years ago) link

who one of my two SBs was for and from what post

"was from and for which post", sorry

Θ ̨Θƪ (sic), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:48 (twelve years ago) link

so really FP is identical to SB, but without the auto-kickout at 51

no doubt this has been said already

Critique of Pure Moods (goole), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:49 (twelve years ago) link

at 51 your username is auto-changed to lou1s j4gger as a precautionary measure

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:51 (twelve years ago) link

this has always been the case and is A+ sensible, plus one of the best lols I ever had from ILX was finding out who one of my two SBs was for and from what post

― Θ ̨Θƪ (sic), Wednesday, February 1, 2012 10:43 AM (7 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


lag∞n, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:51 (twelve years ago) link

FP is identical to SB but without the words "Suggest Ban" after "Bookmark"

flopson, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:51 (twelve years ago) link

can we change the wording to "Suggest Bookmark" for bookmarks so there's still a SB?

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:52 (twelve years ago) link

dude i just flag posted you by accident sorry

dayove cool (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:56 (twelve years ago) link

i was trying to bookmark whilst having a convo

dayove cool (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:57 (twelve years ago) link

it should be 'suggest bookmark' and when you use it sometimes it bokmarks sometimes it doesnt

lag∞n, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:57 (twelve years ago) link

it's ok

Now that I know mods know who flagged, I think there should be a prize in the admin forum if you can guess how many flags you have and who did it

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 15:58 (twelve years ago) link

if a mod could remove my accidental flagpost i'd appreciate it

dayove cool (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:01 (twelve years ago) link

Was it me you actually flagged? I wouldn't mind keeping it, as a flag of recognition.

pretty sure I am currently under 10 anyway

mh, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:04 (twelve years ago) link

when is this functionality coming online


Critique of Pure Moods (goole), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:05 (twelve years ago) link

bringin' back old-school functionality

Taking Sides: Pasties vs Pasties

I spend a lot of time thinking about apricots (DJP), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:07 (twelve years ago) link


aw OK but if any sober mod thinks I shouldn't, pls nuke or scramble this post:

- on an old SB clusterfuck thread, someone or other had argued that SB improved the ILX experience in no way whatsoever.
- I had replied "It improves the LOL experience."
- 6-12 months later, I learned that I had 2 SBs total, and one of them was from [a pacifist anti-SB mod] on that post

Θ ̨Θƪ (sic), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:11 (twelve years ago) link

I've never asked for my SB#, but if others are also learning exactly who are clicking their SB/FP buttons, then I want to know too.

pplains, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:20 (twelve years ago) link

You were sb'd for moustache and pleated slacks combo by entire I Love Style contingent, iirc.

beachville, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:23 (twelve years ago) link

you're at 1, PP

"renegade" gnome (remy bean), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:25 (twelve years ago) link

who did it?

pplains, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:26 (twelve years ago) link

just some chump

"renegade" gnome (remy bean), Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:26 (twelve years ago) link

was it a pacifist?

pplains, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:26 (twelve years ago) link

I guess I should ask sic how he found out.

pplains, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:27 (twelve years ago) link

Sic, how did you find out who sb'ed you?

pplains, Wednesday, 1 February 2012 16:27 (twelve years ago) link

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