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I have been laffing at Charlie Brooker on Screenwipe. I still can't stand his column.

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:04 (sixteen years ago) link

If you like David Cross, just go die.

I am now remembering a thread where Jess talks about liking Earl, or My NAme is Earl, or whatever that tv show that comes on before the Office is called. OMGWTF!

wanko ergo sum, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:36 (sixteen years ago) link

yah jess loves Earl. wtf.

chaki, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:38 (sixteen years ago) link

It's funny.

HI DERE, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:39 (sixteen years ago) link

i fucking hate that show.

W4LTER, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:39 (sixteen years ago) link

funnies r subjective amirite

latebloomer, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:42 (sixteen years ago) link

Deliberately using poor grammar (i.e. "I has") (and thereby most people here)

mehlt, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:44 (sixteen years ago) link

you has a flavor, BUZZKILLA VANILLA

latebloomer, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:45 (sixteen years ago) link

^^^^^^ funny

HI DERE, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:46 (sixteen years ago) link


W4LTER, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:47 (sixteen years ago) link

dan also thinks Drawn Together is funny. he is not a good judge of comedy obv.

chaki, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:48 (sixteen years ago) link

Drawn Together isn't funny anymore. It's far too self-aware about how horrible it is which kills all of the "Oh my God, I can't believe they thought this would be a good idea" lolz.

HI DERE, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:50 (sixteen years ago) link

I kind of enjoyed the 15 minutes of Drawn Together I saw... but you could REALLY sense that this wasn't going to be around for long.

My sister's bf likes this show that looks like 8 bit graphics... you know, that one?? Not. Funny.

wanko ergo sum, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:57 (sixteen years ago) link

Drawn Together has been on for THREE SEASONS now.

HI DERE, Thursday, 25 October 2007 22:59 (sixteen years ago) link

Drawn Together has been terrible for THREE SEASONS now.

chaki, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:00 (sixteen years ago) link

We've been talking about Drawn together for SEVEN POSTS now.

latebloomer, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:02 (sixteen years ago) link

I am thinking of the one with the anthropomorphised animals. BAnal real-life conversations coming from clay animals... I guess it's not Drawn Together.

wanko ergo sum, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:03 (sixteen years ago) link

no. i like that show. its funneys.

chaki, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:04 (sixteen years ago) link

athf is funny. Movie was deese too.

W4LTER, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:13 (sixteen years ago) link

Mastodon song was awesome.

W4LTER, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:13 (sixteen years ago) link

My sister's bf likes this show that looks like 8 bit graphics... you know, that one??

Code Monkeys? Yeah that sucks.

marmotwolof, Thursday, 25 October 2007 23:15 (sixteen years ago) link

I've never understood why athf is more popular than Tom Goes To The Mayor. But then again, I'm a huge Strangers With Candy fan and prefer my comedy along those lines.

Spinspin Sugah, Friday, 26 October 2007 05:13 (sixteen years ago) link

tom goes to the mayor is somewhat difficult visually and in the delivery of the characters where athf is cute, cartoony food items with slapstick humour.

chaki, Friday, 26 October 2007 05:16 (sixteen years ago) link

not really that hard to figure out.

chaki, Friday, 26 October 2007 05:16 (sixteen years ago) link

But the visual characteristics are what make it so appealing. It's so odd/funny to see characters that are stuck in suspended animation, mid-speech. It's like the film Awakenings, but you're actually supposed to laugh at it. One of the few shows I can watch on mute and still laugh.

ATHF is funny for autistic, 13yo stoners...or South Park fans that have outgrown South Park.

Spinspin Sugah, Friday, 26 October 2007 07:58 (sixteen years ago) link

ok i'm so glad i'm not you.

chaki, Friday, 26 October 2007 16:16 (sixteen years ago) link

what chaki said

HI DERE, Friday, 26 October 2007 16:16 (sixteen years ago) link

I've always thought the same about everyone here.

Spinspin Sugah, Saturday, 27 October 2007 01:37 (sixteen years ago) link

ATHF is funny for autistic, 13yo stoners...or South Park fans that have outgrown South Park.

you don't see how this kind of makes you seem like a pompous ass?

chaki, Saturday, 27 October 2007 01:49 (sixteen years ago) link

most things that try to be funny aren't, but I only notice (and despise) the stuff that people constantly try to shove in my face to get me to laugh with them about...

99.9% of gossip writing
anything on NPR
Dennis Miller (never was)
Christopher Guest
political slogan type humor ("lol we have a bush and a dick for president rofl"), t-shirts, bumper stickers, bloggers, etc.
Larry the Cable Guy
the "Phil Collins speech" in American Psycho
Spoof movies
Weird Al
"Chocolate Rain"
people who say "sarcasm is the lowest form of humor"

I could go on and on.

rockapads, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:28 (sixteen years ago) link

all "grown-up" cartoons

s1ocki, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:31 (sixteen years ago) link

does the Venture Bros count as "grown up"? i like that one.

rockapads, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:33 (sixteen years ago) link

yes. and its genius. metalocalypse is too.

chaki, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:35 (sixteen years ago) link

people who say "puns are the lowest form of humor"

latebloomer, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:39 (sixteen years ago) link

people who be hatin' and not celebratin'

latebloomer, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:41 (sixteen years ago) link

the truth is i probably havent really seen any of those cartoons

s1ocki, Saturday, 27 October 2007 02:42 (sixteen years ago) link

ATHF is funny for autistic, 13yo stoners

W4LTER, Sunday, 28 October 2007 21:36 (sixteen years ago) link

i saw a trailer for a dane cook film. him.

That one guy that hit it and quit it, Sunday, 28 October 2007 21:44 (sixteen years ago) link

ATHF is not funny
one big reason being that there's such weak context
anytime you want to do the 'insane, irreverent and arbitrary' schtick, there has to be much stronger context
space ghost C2C had that... and it was way way WAY funnier and more entertaining as a result
ATHF is just a huge mess

the sir weeze, Sunday, 28 October 2007 22:01 (sixteen years ago) link

people who say "sarcasm is the lowest form of humor"

yeah, 'cause it's puns.

the "Phil Collins speech" in American Psycho

nah, that's deep

pc user, Sunday, 28 October 2007 22:13 (sixteen years ago) link

Keegan Michael Key, presenter of the Planet's Funniest Animals.

Painfully unfunny. And the more unfunny he gets, the louder the crowd applauds because some dude is holding up a "laugh" sign behind the camera. Not only that, but he EXPLAINS jokes. You don't explain jokes! Never! ("My cat invited 100 other cats for a party, but nobody came... That's what happens when you throw a POOL PARTY for CATS!" (silence) "THEY HATE WATER!" (audience absolutely explodes with laughter) )

Poor guy probably thinks he's the shit, but man... :-(

StanM, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 23:30 (sixteen years ago) link

Haha, I've never seen that but it sounds kind of awesome, unfunny shoving unfunniness into unfunny jokes by overexplaining them...I like that stuff.

In HS me and my friends made a fake "America's Funniest Home Videos," and the kid playing Bob Saget help up this Monopoly house and did this monologue with too many pauses: "See this house?...It's my producer's house...My producer is poor!...That's why he lives in this house!....My producer can't afford a big house...This is his house...You know, my producer was telling me he lived in this house, and I laughed because he's poor!...He doesn't have any money so his house is small!" And that's a nostalgic thing for me so maybe that's why yr thing is making me laff Stan M.

Abbott, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 23:38 (sixteen years ago) link


(I know not all of these shows are unfunny, I don't get depressed by Tom Bergeron.)

StanM, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 23:45 (sixteen years ago) link

Are you talking about the Animal Planet host that does kind of a combination of news report/funniest home videos thing? Because he is not funny. Just aimed at small children and shut-in's.

"I guess not every dog has its day. Especially when it's raining cats and dogs, and you've just stepped into a poodle..." etc

Pleasant Plains, Thursday, 1 November 2007 00:57 (sixteen years ago) link

s1ocki, what do you define as grown-up cartoons? you mean like king of the hill? or like fritz the cat?

J.D., Thursday, 1 November 2007 01:42 (sixteen years ago) link

im SO over nick swardson

chaki, Monday, 5 November 2007 20:20 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

Chelsea Handler

chaki, Friday, 4 January 2008 20:13 (sixteen years ago) link

xpost - planet's funniest animals is fricking HILARIOUS with the sound off. but when it's on - SO NOT FUNNY

BATTAGS, Friday, 4 January 2008 20:20 (sixteen years ago) link

ten months pass...

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