did you attend SUMMER CAMP?

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when I was 10-12 or so, I begged my folks to send me to SKATER CAMP at this place, to no avail.

throughout high school, I attended various incarnations of SOCCER CAMP, ART CAMP & COLLEGE PREP (lolDORK) CAMP

Carnage of PJ Soles (Pillbox), Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:13 (twelve years ago) link

Here's a question: did anyone among us attend Close Up, aka Politics Camp?

game of crones (La Lechera), Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:25 (twelve years ago) link

I went to Girl Scout day camp for I think a week. I was only in girl scouts in 1st - 3rd grade, so it would have been then. I remember the sort of creepy gymnastics teacher. He reminded me of Jeff Goldblum. I also remember the pool had three sections, and I had to take a swim test to be able to swim in all three parts.

I think it was after 5th grade, or maybe 6th I went to another day camp for two weeks. I didn't realize until after I went there that since it was at the Salesian School it was CATHOLIC. Whenever there was some religious thing (Mass? who knows) I was only one of a dozen or so kids not going. I think we watched The Neverending Story once. We went on a trip to Space Farms, and our bag lunch was a ham and cheese sandwich and a Pepsi. I hated soda and cheese.

Also, apparently it was HAUNTED???

This article has a picture of the pond we swam in. Ick.

tokyo rosemary, Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:41 (twelve years ago) link

i went to a 'leadership' thing in dc when i was in high school -- sat on the floor of the house, stuff like that, but i wouldn't call it 'camp'

mookieproof, Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:44 (twelve years ago) link

Did it last a week? Were there kids from other parts of the country there?
I did Close Up my junior year, spring of 1992. It was pretty fun even if everyone called me Beetlejuice. I made a friend named Doug, but after the week was over he only wrote me a few letters and then disappeared. Oh well.

game of crones (La Lechera), Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:46 (twelve years ago) link


game of crones (La Lechera), Thursday, 31 May 2012 00:46 (twelve years ago) link


Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 31 May 2012 01:21 (twelve years ago) link

when I was 10-12 or so, I begged my folks to send me to SKATER CAMP at this place, to no avail.

Oh man, I know! And now there's a goddamn tv show of it to rub in my face how much fun it could have been.

how's life, Thursday, 31 May 2012 04:36 (twelve years ago) link

I never got to throw axes at an old-timey villiage. http://www.camptomahawk.org/info/videos/tsrvideo

the conch is a well worn copy of the AD&D Fiends Folio (Austerity Ponies), Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:00 (twelve years ago) link

I went to a Methodist Church Camp with my childhood best friend in midwestern Tennessee (I think it was called Lakeshore).
I think I went two summers in a row (at ages 11 and 12, maybe). I had a counselor named Opie the seond year (the better year). At the talent show, he rapped over the instrumental version of Soho's "hippychick." We were the coolest cabin simply because Opie was our counselor.
I burned "Led Zeppelin" into a piece of wood and painted it.

Trip Maker, Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:14 (twelve years ago) link

so did not get laid.

Trip Maker, Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:14 (twelve years ago) link

We were invited to decorate the inside of the art cabin. I painted "Had a Dad" because I was a huge Jane's Addiction fan and I thought it would be subversive to sneak in this hidden message about loss of faith at the church camp I was going to. The art counselor (who was a super-cool deadhead) pulled me aside and was like "Wow. I'm sorry. What happened to your dad?" I felt like the biggest shitheel.

how's life, Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:21 (twelve years ago) link

I went religious sleep-away camp, one-week sessions only, for 3 or 4 years. The people were horrible, tho nothing like remy's stories. Just horrible in your standard 4th/5th/6th grade ways. We drank a lot of bug juice and sang bible songs in Chapel, it was pretty typical.

Strange memory: One cool counselor had a sweatshirt that said "Andover" and I was sure it was supposed to say "Landrover." Because Massachusetts might as well have been the moon, I was barely aware it existed, much less some snooty private boarding school, that only happened in books about English children.

how did I get here? why am I in the whiskey aisle? this is all so (Laurel), Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:22 (twelve years ago) link

On my first day of camp (I think it was between 6th and 7th grade), pretty much immediately after my parents left, this kid who iirc was actually named Tommy Mottola whacked me in the balls with a pair of nunchucks. He was pretty spoiled and was always picking on other kids even though he was a big fat dork. He would also have crying breakdowns about shit.

A few years later, he was one of the first kids to bring a CD boombox to camp. I think he played Billy Joel CDs all the time. So he was being a prick one day like he almost always was, so I went back to the cabin on some made-up pretext and rubbed my cruddy camper finger all over the CD player's lens. He threw the biggest fucking fit when he tried to play Billy Joel that night.

how's life, Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:33 (twelve years ago) link

Our camp had a bog walk which was always in disrepair, with boards rotting and sinking into the bog. I went through a rotten board up to my thigh and my shoe came off. I dug out the shoe, but there must be dozens of shoes in that bog, and maybe a couple boy scouts.

the conch is a well worn copy of the AD&D Fiends Folio (Austerity Ponies), Thursday, 31 May 2012 14:57 (twelve years ago) link

At Scout camp one year, there was this infamous kid named Nate in another troop. I had never seen him. Rumor was he had hit someone. Rumor was he smoked basket reeds. One day, we were walking past that troop's camp site, and a bored-sounding grown-up voice called out "Naaate, put down the axe..."

how's life, Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:01 (twelve years ago) link

hahaha holy shit

that is a weird thing to bring up over lean cuisine (DJP), Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:33 (twelve years ago) link

i went to scout camp until, i broke my arm horribly on the last day of camp in the summer of 1990, and through a series of medical mishaps almost had to have my amputated, then almost died on the operating table, then had to have a tube inserted in my heart because they'd run out of veins for IVs in my arms, then had the tube later removed in a doctor's office with no anesthetic.

after which i stayed inside for the rest of my life.

me so fat (strongo hulkington's ghost dad), Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:57 (twelve years ago) link

upside was my parents felt so bad i got super mario three as a we're-sorry-you-almost-died present.

me so fat (strongo hulkington's ghost dad), Thursday, 31 May 2012 15:58 (twelve years ago) link

did you get laid tho

I want L'interieur chicken, not Hausu chicken (jjjusten), Thursday, 31 May 2012 16:03 (twelve years ago) link

yes, by a sexy nurse

me so fat (strongo hulkington's ghost dad), Thursday, 31 May 2012 16:03 (twelve years ago) link

One year in scout camp, we were doing search-and-rescue training, all spread out across this enormous wooded hillside, walking in straight lines until presumably we were to find someone. I was shuffling along - this was pretty boring business actually, compared to like, rappelling or whatever - when I must have stepped on a wasp's nest, because all of the sudden I was covered in wasps. And so I did what you do when you get stung by wasps: I started yelling "fuuuuuuuuuuuucccck! shit! fuck! ow!" And the scoutmaster and his buddies turned around and proceeded to holler at me for cussing for a good 30 seconds before they realized that I was in pain and distress. So I got to walk down the hill (by myself) to the nurse's station where I chilled out for the rest of the afternoon.

This camp was also notable for offering Cröonchy Stars cereal for breakfast years after it was discontinued by Post.

how's life, Thursday, 31 May 2012 16:07 (twelve years ago) link

the only interesting camp story i can remember is getting my (sister's) copy of siamese dream confiscated on the bus on the way there because the booklet has a picture where d'arcy is wearing a mesh shirt. i thought it was a cool picture but had no interest in boobs, but of course the kid next to me got all excited and attracted a counselor's attention.

1staethyr, Thursday, 31 May 2012 19:56 (twelve years ago) link

all the guys in my cabin the last year i went liked the backstreet boys, and i wonder now whether that was coincidence or conspiracy

1staethyr, Thursday, 31 May 2012 19:59 (twelve years ago) link

I was so fascinated by summer camp as a kid bcz obviously it is a recurring feature of much American children's lit/movies and of course Peanuts. I think I kind of thought it sounded fun even though I am totally a Charlie Brown and the closest I ever got to "summer camp" was one overnight stay in a youth hostel with a Christian youth group aged 13, which was p. much hell on earth and the moment I decided that, you know, fuck this Christianity concept

(a gang of mean girlz who I'd never seen at the youth group before turned up; meanwhile, it was my period, but the only toilets were 10 minutes' walk through a field from the sleeping area and my fellow less-cool-than-the-mean-girls companions kept waiting for me right outside the cubicle while I tried not to make any suspicious rustling noises, asking why I was spending so long in there)

so if that's how bad one night can be - and remy's post suggests it can be much, much worse - I think a week of it might have killed me. PS I did not get laid, obv

instant coffee happening between us (a passing spacecadet), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:10 (twelve years ago) link

After 2 years at a Christian camp, I tried to shake it up (hoping it would be less unpleasant) and went to a secular week-away camp. It was worse, because the sex and hooking up kinds of cruelty were right out in the open, instead of being hidden behind embarrassed, still-mostly-innocent oblique references.

how did I get here? why am I in the whiskey aisle? this is all so (Laurel), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:16 (twelve years ago) link

Er 3 yrs at the Christian camp, I should have said.

how did I get here? why am I in the whiskey aisle? this is all so (Laurel), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:16 (twelve years ago) link

British kids don't really do summer camp but some of yr upper-middle class British teenagers go off to historical reenactment sites in country houses where 5% of you randomly get to be the Elizabethan Lord of the Manor's family and the rest of you get to be unwashed Tudor peasants working on the land and "below stairs" - two of my friends went to this for a couple of summers and came back and made us all very jealous for months afterwards with cryptic allusions to possible sexual and drug-related activity

(we were all p. sheltered, me especially so)

everyone else also went off to backpack along Hadrian's Wall the summer after A-Levels but by then I'd been scared out of ever going to any kind of event that I couldn't leave within 5 hours

instant coffee happening between us (a passing spacecadet), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:20 (twelve years ago) link

I feel we have been culturally misled that summer camp = sexytimes

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:35 (twelve years ago) link

Haha, oh god, I didn't realise you could do those Ye Olde Upstairs Downstairs things as a camp. We did that sort of thing as an educational day trip at school, can't see how it would end up as anything other than Stanford Prison Experiment for minors when extended....

emil.y, Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:48 (twelve years ago) link

iirc you had to ~apply~ with a personal statement and ~be chosen~ and (get your mother to) sew your own costume! far too much effort for the likes of me

instant coffee happening between us (a passing spacecadet), Thursday, 31 May 2012 20:57 (twelve years ago) link

Did you guys go to Space Camp in Huntsville, AL or the one in Florida?

I grew up in Huntsville and went to Space Camp there in 1986. I don't remember any of the kids I met, but it would be cool if young ilxors crossed paths.

Johnny Fever, Thursday, 31 May 2012 22:50 (twelve years ago) link

I didnt get to go to space camp there but i visited at one point and it was pretty much the best day ever.

I want L'interieur chicken, not Hausu chicken (jjjusten), Thursday, 31 May 2012 22:51 (twelve years ago) link

isn't tombot from huntsville?

mookieproof, Thursday, 31 May 2012 22:54 (twelve years ago) link

I remember someone else on here being from Huntsville...think it is tombot.

Johnny Fever, Thursday, 31 May 2012 22:56 (twelve years ago) link

omg JF went to space camp too?

as an aside, it'd be HELLA cool if we had more ye oldecamp photos itt

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 31 May 2012 22:56 (twelve years ago) link

omg JF went to space camp too?

I grew up in the middle of the space industry fwiw. My dad has worked for Nasa contractors since before I was born (and just retired in 2011).

Johnny Fever, Thursday, 31 May 2012 23:01 (twelve years ago) link

I learned about it in a Drive By Truckers song 'While over there in Huntsville, puttin people on the moon" :D

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 31 May 2012 23:07 (twelve years ago) link

I never had money for camp like in the movies. I went on tour with a marching band, which was like camp and was a total blast!

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Friday, 1 June 2012 00:01 (twelve years ago) link

Tombot (or parents of tombot) definitely did time in Huntsville, but I don't know what the time frame was. . .

quincie, Friday, 1 June 2012 01:16 (twelve years ago) link

I went to Space Camp in Florida in 1990.

Jeff, Friday, 1 June 2012 01:34 (twelve years ago) link


Which one is me???

Jeff, Friday, 1 June 2012 02:13 (twelve years ago) link

the one with the jeans???

mookieproof, Friday, 1 June 2012 02:26 (twelve years ago) link

Front row, Chuck Taylor's.

Jeff, Friday, 1 June 2012 02:29 (twelve years ago) link


mookieproof, Friday, 1 June 2012 02:32 (twelve years ago) link

Yeah the american style camps just werent done in Aus, as VG said, though some ppl did Scouts and stuff, I suppose. I did go on one Christian "camp" (well, staying in dorms at a convention centre based in a rugged river/ mountain area just out of town) but that was over Easter, so stupidly cold. And stupidly religious, so embarrasingly much that I stopped being religious after that weekend out of disgust. I think I wrote about all that on some thread here years ago. It sucked, not because it was traumatic but because it was insanely BORING and cheesy.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 1 June 2012 03:20 (twelve years ago) link

Oh wait, we did go on a school camp in yr 12 for biology/geology classes, where we were obstensibly researching a rocky coastal area in a national park about 3 hrs drive from where I lived. Gorgeous coastal country, a place I was actually familiar wiht anyway aside from the trip (as my cousins lived nearby) but jesus christ it was ruined by the prissy entitled princesses in my class who spent the whole 2-3 days whining non stop abiut EVERYTHING. Pit toilets? THE HORROR. We have to sleep in a TENT? OMG. We cant have SHOWERS? FFS you dumb cows its a CAMPING TRIP. It was a rugged one, and yes we were pushed too hard (4 hour hike over very steep cliff/rock/beach areas that ruined everyone) but despite that, the prissy princesses were whining so hard, I spent the whole trip fuelled by a little fire of smug schadenfreude.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 1 June 2012 03:24 (twelve years ago) link

Jeff you are my new hero! :D

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 1 June 2012 05:39 (twelve years ago) link

five years pass...

DJP are you prepared to send the twins to german camp

mookieproof, Saturday, 22 July 2017 03:44 (seven years ago) link

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