VegemiteGrrl's Home for the Absent-Minded

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buzza, Thursday, 7 June 2012 03:14 (twelve years ago) link

Today I was in the kitchen holding the baby and trying to rinse a dish. Next thing I know I am in the bedroom and could hear water running because for some weird reason I forgot to turn of the kitchen faucet.

*tera, Thursday, 7 June 2012 03:16 (twelve years ago) link

I shall try to spare this thread my continuing adventures in never being able to remember if I locked the front door, but I'm sure I'll have many other things to bring here :(

yesterday I forgot to check there was nothing sitting on top of the fishtank (which is too close to the wall to look behind and too heavy and full of fish to move) before opening it, and had to sheepishly ask if the birthday card I rescued just in time was the only thing that had been there, or if I had lost anything useful

instant coffee happening between us (a passing spacecadet), Thursday, 7 June 2012 10:13 (twelve years ago) link

Goes to supermarket to get one specific item I'm out of (toilet paper, margarine, water, coffee, stuff you need every day), returns with a car filled with everything on the shopping list, except that one thing I needed. But I did cross it off the list in the store. Why do I even make lists?

i do this all the time but last week outdid myself when i left the house to get a couple of essentials and somehow completely forget to go to the shop at all. i think i literally just wandered around for a bit listening to nicki minaj and got distracted by a market with nice food.

kanye kardashian (lex pretend), Thursday, 7 June 2012 10:22 (twelve years ago) link

This one time after making a cup of tea I put the kettle in the fridge, and had to re-arrange quite a lot of stuff in there to make it fit.

I wish to incorporate disco into my small business (chap), Thursday, 7 June 2012 10:31 (twelve years ago) link

Three times a day I wander around my classroom for four or five minutes trying to locate something I've set down--my clipboard, student work, my coffee, a red pen, etc. Yesterday I left the coffee cup in the supply cupboard. As I look for these things, usually muttering to myself, five students will come up to me in the interim with a question about something; "Hang on," I'll say tersely, as I wave them away before continuing my search.

clemenza, Thursday, 7 June 2012 12:08 (twelve years ago) link

I once somehow misplaced a pen in my pocket. Yes, in my pocket. I totally couldn't find it, so grabbed another pen and put it in there. Then at the end of the day, I found two pens in my pocket.

Josh in Chicago, Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:02 (twelve years ago) link

I've got one pen in my pocket
And the other one...correction--two pens in my pocket.

clemenza, Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:12 (twelve years ago) link

This one time after making a cup of tea I put the kettle in the fridge, and had to re-arrange quite a lot of stuff in there to make it fit.

This one made me giggle like mad.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:28 (twelve years ago) link

That's like me putting a coffee pod in the machine and hitting "brew" and not realizing I hadn't put a cup under the spout. Did that in full view of my manager once.

how did I get here? why am I in the whiskey aisle? this is all so (Laurel), Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:30 (twelve years ago) link

I caught myself one morning about to pour milk in the water-tank of the espresso maker. O_o

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 7 June 2012 14:57 (twelve years ago) link

i love these. esp the cheese one.

rayuela, Thursday, 7 June 2012 15:00 (twelve years ago) link

Mr Veg has this one particular look he gives me when these things happen. It's like a cross between abject concern for my mental health and sheer unbridled amusement at my ridiculousness.

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 7 June 2012 16:50 (twelve years ago) link

Had to get up early today for work, closed (usually always open) bedroom door so wife could sleep in. After breakfast, remembered something I had to get from wardrobe, ran full-tilt into bedroom door in the dark, bent glasses/nose/knee. Now knee hurts in the cold, and I have become an old man.

seven league bootie (James Morrison), Thursday, 7 June 2012 23:45 (twelve years ago) link

not to mention woke up your wife rather abruptly, I would imagine

epistantophus, Friday, 8 June 2012 01:01 (twelve years ago) link

oh James owwww

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 June 2012 01:20 (twelve years ago) link

turned out she was awake all along

seven league bootie (James Morrison), Friday, 8 June 2012 02:21 (twelve years ago) link

The best friends an absent-minded person will ever have are habits so deeply rutted, so acidly etched upon the brain cells as to be automatic, and utterly and mechanically reliable. For example, I trained myself never to close a car door unless the keys to the car are enclosed in my fist. I verify this over and over, habitually. Even when I am not the driver.

Aimless, Friday, 8 June 2012 03:14 (twelve years ago) link

i can't even count the amount of times that i've frantically scrambled around the house searching for my keys before realizing they're in my back pocket

J0rdan S., Friday, 8 June 2012 03:16 (twelve years ago) link

Yep aims I do that too, I developed a "look back at the seat I just got up from" habit when exiting trains/cafe seats/etc to ensure i dont leave behind bags or umbrellas. I put my keys in a spot, same spot, no matter what when I come home.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 8 June 2012 03:18 (twelve years ago) link

That would be a better approach than my current 'keep everything in your pockets at all times, thus carrying 2kg of crap on your hips at all times' method

seven league bootie (James Morrison), Friday, 8 June 2012 05:30 (twelve years ago) link

haha omg, im a fucking space cadet: after riding to work one day i took the subway home carrying my bicycle helmet, walked in the door and saw the empty spot on the wall where my bike usually goes and shouted "holy shit! where's my bike??". I set up for a performance that i completely forgot i was performing in. and i have (more than once) walked about 5 blocks from the house before i realized i was supposed to be checking the mail. fucking hippie parents man. they ruined me.

dude...I so feel you on this.

I carpool with Mr Veg & usually have the car, but every now and then he'll drop me at work and take the car. Inevitably on those days I will grab my keys at lunchtime, walk all the way out to the parking lot where I usually park my car and then go 'where the fuck is my ca----oh wait I don't have the car today'.

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 June 2012 05:39 (twelve years ago) link

My housemate forgot to go to one of his best mate's wedding. I think thats pretty stellar.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 8 June 2012 05:39 (twelve years ago) link

I lose stuff all the time - when it comes around the time for hat and scarf, I will always go through 1-2 of both before they settle in 'on the inventory' and I know to check for them on getting up from wherever I've been. And then when it is no longer time for hat and scarf, there's a few weeks of occasional panic that I've left them somewhere, fading into more existential dread that I've left something somewhere, but what?

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 8 June 2012 05:47 (twelve years ago) link

my worst, most horrifying absent-minded moment was when I was immigrating to the States. I took a flight that had 24 hour layover in Japan, so that necessitated going through customs etc. So as I'm preparing to re-embark on my journey after the layover, I've gone through the security check where they've x-rayed my carry on luggage etc etc and I'm now standing in line at customs, holding my passport and boarding pass waiting to get my passport stamped.

As I'm standing in line I see a Japanese airport guard walking along the length of the room, holding up a black satchel. He's not saying anything, just displaying it, walking back and forth along the lenght of the room. He walks by again and this time I notice the bag and think, huh that's a similar bag to mine. I look down, and realize that I AM NOT WEARING MY CARRYON BAG IE BLACK SATCHEL HOLY FUCK THAT'S MINE and I bolt after the guard to meekly reclaim my important possessions. ie wallet money, phone, everything I own.

I still get a wave of nausea thinking about that.

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 June 2012 05:49 (twelve years ago) link

Needless to say I'm ridiculously ocd about my belongings when I travel now

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 June 2012 05:50 (twelve years ago) link

ACE thread

on sunday I spent fully 15 minutes looking for the keys that were in my back pocket

that's not kewell (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 8 June 2012 06:45 (twelve years ago) link

oh and the thing where I'll be looking for 'er indoors in a shopping centre/street and repeatedly not see her standing right in front of me (this happens weekly)

that's not kewell (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 8 June 2012 06:47 (twelve years ago) link

your bag story is terrifying btw, the worst possible thing to lose at the worst possible time

that's not kewell (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 8 June 2012 06:49 (twelve years ago) link

oh and yesterday I put a bottle of olive oil in a calico bag and realised 10 minutes later that I hadn't put the lid back on

that's not kewell (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 8 June 2012 06:52 (twelve years ago) link

i don't know why but my most advanced displays of absent-mindedness involved bathtubs. I once switched on the tap to start myself a bath. While waiting for the tub to fill up I started doing other things and then decided I needed to do my grocery shopping. which took me about a half hour. I came back to a well-flooded apartment and some very angry neighbors. Another time, same thing, tub filling up and I start watching a movie. After a while I realised that the sound of water flowing that I was hearing did not come from the movie but from my bathroom where luckily the tub had only just a bit overflowed. And for some absent-mindedness that did not involve tubs, there's the day I went outside my flat to throw away the garbage. The door to my flat shut behind me. I then noticed I didn't have my keys. So I start knocking on the door hoping my flatmate hears me. Then after 10mns I remember that he's not home. So I go knock at our neighbor's place to see if I can hang out with him until my flatmate returns. Neighbor wasn't there so I spent 1 hour waiting outside my apartment only to see my flatmate return and open the door without a key. That's when I remembered that unless you used your key, the door isn't locked.

Jibe, Friday, 8 June 2012 07:44 (twelve years ago) link

oh god your airport story VG

once when i was coming back from atlanta, i went through customs as normal, including taking my laptop out of my hand luggage for the scanner as is standard. got out the other end, got my stuff together, took the little train thing from customs to the terminals, settled down in the lounge and decided i had time to go on the internet and OMG WHERE IS LAPTOP. i'd just walked off from customs without it!!!! luckily i had enough time to take the train back, endure the mocking laughter of the officials as i reclaimed it etc.

yesterday i popped out to the shops, halfway down road realised i'd forgotten my wallet, duh. nothing new here. got home, decided to change my coat as well cuz it wasn't as cold as i thought it would be, left house again, got to the shop and realised i had STILL FORGOTTEN MY WALLET. goddddddddddd

kanye kardashian (lex pretend), Friday, 8 June 2012 08:03 (twelve years ago) link

the whereabouts of my keys are also a permanent mystery to me - even though i actually HAVE a designated place i always put the fucking things all the time in order to prevent scenarios like, eg, having to cancel social engagements because i can't find my keys anywhere (this happens on a regular basis).

kanye kardashian (lex pretend), Friday, 8 June 2012 08:04 (twelve years ago) link

My daughter, who's now 22, still remembers the trauma of us heading out to something important when she was about 7 and we were seriously delayed by my inability to locate my keys.

To this day, whenever I'm looking for something, she suggests 'the vegetable rack'

Fine Toothcomb (sonofstan), Friday, 8 June 2012 08:30 (twelve years ago) link

oh man just remembered one from when i was a kid (around 8-9). I had football practice with my brother. once it was over, i walk back to school talking with a friend (that's a 15minute walk). when i arrive at school you're supposed to register upon arrival so i give me and my brother's name. the guy looks at me strangely and i don't understand why. then he asks me where my brother, whom i'm registering, is. he was by the football field patiently waiting for me to take him to school.

Jibe, Friday, 8 June 2012 08:35 (twelve years ago) link

I left my passport by the sink in the airport toilets once. Got back to the gate where the plane was about to leave and realised and ran back to the toilets in a panic not even knowing if I'd had it when I went there. Luckily it was still there and the plane hadn't gone yet. If someone had nicked it, or even helpfully handed it in at some kind of central desk far away from my gate...

(I have hated airports since the time I missed my plane because the queue for the security scan was going really slowly, and there are no clocks or flight announcements in the security area so I didn't know my flight was being called, and anyway there were no staff around to ask to be let through faster. You don't get a refund for that, the staff just look at you like you're a moron and then you have to go and pay for a new flight. I still feel it was not quite my fault, but uh, I could have been checking the time more instead of just standing where I was told and assuming that since I hadn't heard my name on the completely silent tannoy it was all fine)

instant coffee happening between us (a passing spacecadet), Friday, 8 June 2012 09:03 (twelve years ago) link

xps I can't have a leather wallet like a grownup, I need one of those canvas skater type ones cos leather wallets don't have anything to attach one's keys onto and whenever they get seperated I lock myself out of places at basically the first opportunity

geezargh butlargh (DJ Mencap), Friday, 8 June 2012 09:06 (twelve years ago) link

I have actually done the thing that you're really not supposed to be able to do any more - due to poor ticket checking on the part of the steward, got on the wrong plane and only realised when there was fortunately someone already in 'my' seat.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 8 June 2012 09:26 (twelve years ago) link

I've just this evening missed a flight to my parents place because I completely blanked on the concept that I was travelling to the airport in peak hour traffic, and didnt factor that in to my timing :( Fuckin.

I feel like a complete dickhead. Luckily they allowed me to move to the first thing tomorrow morming flight for only a small extra fee.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 8 June 2012 10:35 (twelve years ago) link

Ive never missed a plane in my life, I'm always meticilously early to airports, so I am really mad at myself.

Pureed Moods (Trayce), Friday, 8 June 2012 10:35 (twelve years ago) link

far out :(

that's not kewell (Autumn Almanac), Friday, 8 June 2012 11:02 (twelve years ago) link

Put an electric kettle on the hob over christmas. Haven't had a hob kettle for about 5 years.

owenf, Friday, 8 June 2012 11:24 (twelve years ago) link

has anyone else ever...forgotten to put their shoes on when leaving the house?

couple of years ago i was actually on the tube, one stop away from my house, when i realised i was still wearing my slippers. never felt so self-conscious as when i had to go back and shuffle home to put my shoes on :(

kanye kardashian (lex pretend), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:09 (twelve years ago) link

The only thing that has stopped me from leaving the house without shoes is my husband asking why I was going to work without them.

Respectfully, Tyrese Gibson (Nicole), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:11 (twelve years ago) link

xxpost aw Trayce that suuucks :(

re slippers to work: I've come as close as getting in the car with my slippers on before realizing

Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:34 (twelve years ago) link

I bike to work and pack my clothes in a bag each night before. Cannot tell you the number of times I've forgotten socks, belt, underwear . . .

Julie Derpy (Phil D.), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:37 (twelve years ago) link

I still get a wave of nausea thinking about that.

― Peppermint Patty Hearst (VegemiteGrrl)

Sisters, truly! I put all my stuff down to go through the xray machines etc at the Toronto airport when I flew to London at 17 for summer break. I collected my stuff, put my headphones back on (I was travelling alone) and walked the 45 ridiculous minutes to the lounge for my flight. Sat down near a cute boy, took my headphones off to ask him some BS question to break the ice (I was a teenage playa) and then heard 'Alexis FFM, please report to security..' at which point I realized I'd left my passport with them. Had to run back and then back to the lounge, made the plane within a few minutes, felt like I was going to die (and that maybe I shouldn't go to London by myself!)

she started dancing to that (Finefinemusic), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:44 (twelve years ago) link

re: keys and habit, i've locked myself out so many times that my keys are now attached to my bag with a lanyard. i'm constantly checking that they're there...but haven't lost my keys/locked myself out since!

my friend left her passport in an airport bathroom once, and it wasn't there when she went back to get it. (which she only realized she didn't have because we were boarding) and as she was running around panicking, this cleaning lady came up and started lecturing her in chinese (we were in beijing) and gave her her passport, thank god.

also i don't know if this is an age thing, but i'm constantly losing my train of thought in the middle of sentences. makes me feel really dumb. ahh!

rayuela, Friday, 8 June 2012 13:49 (twelve years ago) link

Wasn't there a study that found door amnesia? doorway amnesia? to be a thing? I think it it basically said that the human memory is kind of like a computer where you have memories on the hard disk but some are stored in a kind of virtual memory and when we walk through a doorway we drop the virtual memories to make room for storing information from the new environment.

fine with 49 (sunny successor), Friday, 8 June 2012 13:52 (twelve years ago) link

plumber wants access to the cupboard so there needs to be some serious tidying up done. i thought some of those vacuum bags for bedding, clothes etc would be useful so this morning i took a three mile walk to buy some from the hardware store in Kensington. got there to find said hardware store was a branch of wilko. this Wilko...

"All Wilko shops to shut with 12,500 jobs likely to go"

koogs, Saturday, 16 September 2023 13:35 (one year ago) link

sad trombone

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Saturday, 16 September 2023 15:30 (one year ago) link

Is High Street near Main St?

you need magical thinking ay my name is david blaine (Hunt3r), Saturday, 16 September 2023 16:11 (one year ago) link

Yeah, but it's higher up.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Saturday, 16 September 2023 16:17 (one year ago) link

Re my birthday, I told people today was my 55th. When my kid asked at me at dinner I said the same. my spouse rolled eyes and said “you are 56.” I did some slow uncertain math, and warnt I sorprised!

when i said “wow i was wrong all day,” 17 y/o snorted and said “NORMAL DAY.”

you need magical thinking ay my name is david blaine (Hunt3r), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 02:21 (one year ago) link

v relatable

i have gotten my own age and my wedding anniversary wrong on many occasions

what even are numbers

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 02:23 (one year ago) link

I managed to walk into a window a couple of weeks ago because I didn't spot the glass and thought it was an open door. AND I was holding a cup of coffee, which mixed nicely with the blood gushing from the wound on my nose. Scar is mostly gone now luckily so shouldn't leave a trace. I think there was CCTV in the room too so expect the incident to turn up on some "LOL Epic Door Fails" YT comp any time.

the arkansas ruggerclub (Matt #2), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 03:12 (one year ago) link

You broke the glass with yr face?

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 03:20 (one year ago) link

jeez that’s scary!

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 03:59 (one year ago) link

"Disappearing objects" mostly happens to me when I'm already playing the scenario that the object must be in an obvious place that I can't see, and feeling stupid / frantic / bored about it probably makes me overlook it even more. I go from room to room in circle looking for my keys / phone / wallet, checking a place visually up to three times when I already know it's not there, but my brain is too lazy / selective to search properly. And I'm 36.

Speaking of keys, I dropped mine in the door of the elevator while taking them out of a bag over the weekend. There was this cinematographic moment of silence while I heard them clinging in their fall, and I wanted to disappear too. They said I could pay or wait a month for maintenance, so I'm waiting.

The very next day, we are getting out of the car, I put my phone on top of the car, get the baby out, discuss with my wife of what bags can stay in the car. I close down the boot and hear the noise of my phone's screen getting shattered as it got stuck in the opening.

For now, I have decided this can't be clumsiness but sheer bad luck.

Nabozo, Tuesday, 19 September 2023 08:11 (one year ago) link

Like, I look repeatedly in one place, hoping that the object magically reappears

Nabozo, Tuesday, 19 September 2023 08:15 (one year ago) link

My biggest door fail, many years ago, involved me:

-- Walking through a revolving door carrying a cup of hot coffee (yes, I know)
-- Hitting my head on the revolving door
-- Stumbling outside and pouring hot coffee over my crotch
-- Dropping my coffee cup
-- Reaching down to the coffee stain and accidentally punching myself in the balls
-- Pulling my fist away too quickly and poking myself in the eye
-- The end

Chuck_Tatum, Tuesday, 19 September 2023 10:07 (one year ago) link

You broke the glass with yr face?

God no, I broke my face with the glass though! You'd have to go some to shatter an external window thankfully, that one's for the movies. Actually so is walking into a window to start with but you know what I mean.

At this point in my life the clumsiness clearly isn't going to improve, I just need to be extra vigilant at all times and never - never! - let my concentration fail, lest a similar accident occur where I genuinely hurt myself.

the arkansas ruggerclub (Matt #2), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 11:00 (one year ago) link

Oh, last year I managed to crack my skull open against the laundry dryer. I was dodging under other people's clothes to reach the lines at the back and somehow "forgot" about the dryer. I had a second on my knees taking in the shock in when I felt the warm gush spreading on my face. By the time I reached the bathroom my face was like in a movie.

Nabozo, Tuesday, 19 September 2023 12:05 (one year ago) link

Proper lol there Chuck, thank you.

Slays two. Found gassed. Thinks of cat. (Chinaski), Tuesday, 19 September 2023 19:42 (one year ago) link

haha yeah me too, thanks Mr Bean!

kinder, Thursday, 21 September 2023 12:19 (one year ago) link

one month passes...

Fucked up twice today on automated callouts for supply teaching. Booked off for today, and at 10:00 this morning I absent-mindedly trashed the not-available request; immediately received a call to drive an hour for a half-day with a rough intermediate class. Turned it down, and I hate turning down work. Tonight, couldn't find my phone when the phone rang; it was off the charger and sitting on the recliner under a blanket. So I missed what was almost certainly a job for Wednesday or Thursday (already booked Tuesday/Friday). I'll likely get a call tomorrow night, but not guaranteed--if not, move this over to the expensive-stupidity thread.

clemenza, Tuesday, 31 October 2023 01:35 (ten months ago) link

My biggest door fail, many years ago, involved me:

-- Walking through a revolving door carrying a cup of hot coffee (yes, I know)
-- Hitting my head on the revolving door
-- Stumbling outside and pouring hot coffee over my crotch
-- Dropping my coffee cup
-- Reaching down to the coffee stain and accidentally punching myself in the balls
-- Pulling my fist away too quickly and poking myself in the eye
-- The end

― Chuck_Tatum, Tuesday, September 19, 2023 5:07 AM (one month ago) bookmarkflaglink

Missed this. Masterful.

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 02:00 (ten months ago) link

Yes that is Jaques Tati level.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 04:07 (ten months ago) link

tbh I was disappointed Chuck didn't reel backward into the revolving door at the end

assert (matttkkkk), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 04:24 (ten months ago) link

I found a pair of earbuds I really like. I left one pair on a train, so I bought another. A month later I left that pair on an airplane. The third pair's case has been painted with nail polish in the hopes that my eyes will register them before leaving a place. All this has happened within the space of a few months.

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 11:05 (ten months ago) link

i cannot imagine having to hold on personal items with your volume and sequences of travel i would end up a property-less person

BEWARE! SPOOKY! BOO! (Hunt3r), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 14:00 (ten months ago) link

yeah same, i would need all my shit safety pinned to my coat like a kid being sent off to kindergarten

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 16:07 (ten months ago) link

I was on a flight from Miami to Atlanta last week. It was chilly, so I put on my fleece. In doing so, I took off my glasses and put them on the empty seat beside me, then forgot to put them back on. When the plane landed, I realized in a panic that they were not on my head, and were nowhere to be found. After the plane emptied out, a flight attendant helped me. She said, "Well, when we land, everything moves forward," and found them on the floor like four rows ahead of where I was sitting.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Tuesday, 31 October 2023 18:30 (ten months ago) link

four months pass...

mother's day is early this year (uk). i should go to the supermarket and pick up a card there rather than making a special trip to the card shop...

and i won't pick the usual abstract card or a floral one, i'll pick one with text on it for a change. and i like that font and the way that orange clashes with that dark blue... sorted.

get home and realise it reads 'happy birthday!'

(and i will probably forget / lose it before october)

koogs, Tuesday, 5 March 2024 10:47 (six months ago) link

I've been doing a better job of going to the gym on the way to work, but somehow like every other time I manage to forget an item I need in my gym bag - most often towel, belt, or shoes for work. A few times I've just given up on going to the office and worked from home due to this.

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Thursday, 14 March 2024 18:21 (six months ago) link

Whereas today I am beltless in office and just pulling up my jeans a lot, lol

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Thursday, 14 March 2024 18:21 (six months ago) link

Found this year’s and last year’s registration in my glove box today with the August 2024 tag still on this year’s form, that I paid for last August. A non-required front tag? Nope. Stowed the registration on purchase and have been driving with expired tabs since September.

the body of a spider... (scampering alpaca), Saturday, 23 March 2024 18:28 (five months ago) link

three weeks pass...

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y

you rule, despite certain lacunae that i shall not mention

mookieproof, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 08:28 (five months ago) link

Yes, happy birthday S. You are sunshine. Hope you have a wonderful day.

Benson and the Jets (ENBB), Wednesday, 17 April 2024 08:50 (five months ago) link

(the lacunae involve her failure to appreciate billy squier, just in case anyone took that seriously)

(i mean she *should* appreciate billy squier, but is kickass nevertheless)

mookieproof, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 08:59 (five months ago) link

thank you guys!

my lack of appreciation for billy squier is a feature, not a bug fyi imo iirc

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 17 April 2024 17:13 (five months ago) link

hb to you vg!

schrodingers cat was always cool (Hunt3r), Wednesday, 17 April 2024 18:35 (five months ago) link

Happy birthday and thank you for the painful joy that is this thread!

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 17 April 2024 20:38 (five months ago) link

Happy birthday love!!

Mookie how do you feel about broccoli because she and I have faced off on this in the past

she started dancing to that (Finefinemusic), Wednesday, 17 April 2024 21:42 (five months ago) link

HB, vg. Whenever i see a show rec from you i take notice on account of the fact that . .. you're always right? Hope your day is lovely!

gneiss, gneiss, very gneiss (outdoor_miner), Wednesday, 17 April 2024 23:40 (five months ago) link

bewdy m8

assert (matttkkkk), Thursday, 18 April 2024 01:20 (five months ago) link

There was a time before VG on ilx but I hope there will never be a time after.

mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 18 April 2024 02:04 (five months ago) link

you guyyyyyys <3

werewolves of laudanum (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 18 April 2024 02:26 (five months ago) link

three weeks pass...

Remembering to wash your face: ⭐⭐
Remembering to take your glasses off first: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Today was a ⭐⭐ day.

Philip Nunez, Thursday, 9 May 2024 23:26 (four months ago) link

Outstanding! x

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Friday, 10 May 2024 03:58 (four months ago) link

lol amazing

Esteemed character actress (sunny successor), Friday, 10 May 2024 14:32 (four months ago) link

two weeks pass...

I've been reading a lot of articles about ultra-processed foods lately, so I've started checking the ingredients on food packaging more often.

This morning I noticed a strange ingredient in my organic muesli, "FLAKED AI MONDS", and for a few seconds I started thinking "AI monds? AI MONDS??? Has AI reached my breakfast serial too??? Is nothing sacred, Silicon Valley??????"

And then two seconds later I was like "Oh right, almonds."

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 30 May 2024 15:24 (three months ago) link

(Not quite on topic but)

We're travelling at the moment, checked in to a hotel yesterday, then this morning showered there for the first time - the showers had the things you see in the showers in hotels, three near identical squirty bottles. After we'd both showered, we talked about how it was weird that the bottles were "Conditioner", "Hand and Body Wash", and "Bath and Shower Gel" - what's the difference between the last two? And then we both went quiet and looked over at the sink, and it turns out that we've between us probably half a dozen times washed our hands and not noticed we were using the bottle marked Shampoo.

(I'm sure they're mostly the same thing, it's just that we didn't notice)

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 5 June 2024 20:25 (three months ago) link

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