Do you wear glasses?

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Glasses since 3. Contact lens for many years, but can't wear them any more due to scar tissue forming under my left eyelid from said lens eventually causing irritation. D'oh. So just glasses. Whee.

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 23 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I have fantastically interesting eyes: and that's without invoking even better lie about eye operation as youth (I'll leave this to a thread about lies). I have a shortsighted eye (my right) and a longsighted eye (er - guess) and use each for their assigned strength. This means my stereoscopic visiuon is a bit fucked = being piss poor at catching balls. But having all purpose occular tool kit is eye sockets means no glasses and great vision up close and far far away.

Pete, Monday, 25 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Glasses since 10 , lenses since 15. The trouble with lenses is on the rare occasions I fall asleep with them in I wake up the next morning terrified cos I can see everything properly. Half of me thinks a miracle has occurred in the night and the other half of me wonders how 20/20 vision people cope with such clarity first thing in the morning.

I hate the idea of pulling a perfectly sighted person. It seems unfair that when we wake up they get to look blurry so probably better than they should whereas they can see me with crystal vision.....

Emma, Monday, 25 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Not only do I have 20/15 vision, but I was one of those kids you used to read for hours at a time with a flashlight under the covers or (and this was the REALLY annoying thing) by the headlights of cars behind us on the highway. I also desperately wanted glasses as a child, because all of the fiction you read or watch always show the smartest kid as the one wearing glasses, and since I knew deep within my heart that I was the SMARTEST CHILD ON THE PLANET, I wanted the obvious external signifier. Since I couldn't have the glasses, I merely contented myself with reminding everyone of how brilliant I was at every opportunity.

There are times that I wish I could go back in time and slap my younger self...

Dan Perry, Monday, 25 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I can do it for you, Dan, if you like -- and if you give me the time machine. Then again, I'd assume you'd logically run away if a weird looking sort like myself materialized next to your 10-year-old person and said that I had come from the future to annoy you.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 25 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

It's much more likely that I would kick you in the nuts and steal your time machine. (I was the SMARTEST CHILD ON THE PLANET, after all.)

Dan Perry, Monday, 25 June 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one month passes...
I've worn them since I was about 8. When I was 16, I got contact lenses, and wore then until my optometrist told me I was not getting enough oxygen to my eyes (when I was 26). So I had to go back to glasses.

I have gradually gotten used to them, but I have to confess that since I've gotten my glasses my dating life has been the pits. I've only went out with one guy, and that didn't last very long. I'm now 29. I'm not sure why some of these guys are saying that girls with glasses are sexy.... to me, that is absurd, because frankly, I've yet to see that in my case. I was dating a LOT when I wore contact lenses. Now that I can't wear them anymore, my dating life is lousy.

And to the wanker who said that he would never date some "four-eyed speccy" (I believe that was Nick).... did it ever dawn on you that some women can't help the fact that they wear them? It's certainly not MY decision to wear glasses, and to hear a man be so cruel about it really bothers me. Suppose you suddenly went bald, or lost a limb. How would you feel if you asked a woman on a date and she told you she would never date some "bald, stumpy guy"? It's something to think about.

Tracy C., Sunday, 29 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

It was David, not Nick: Nick said HE HIMSELF was speccy git or some such.

Sorry if it makes you cross, yes, glasses are sexy. Spectacles? Not so much.

mark s, Sunday, 29 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Yes, just to reiterate that it wasn't me. Do people think of me as some kind of tardenesque tyrant? I *did* say that I rarely make passes at girls that wear glasses, but we can't be held accountable for our sexual preferences, can we? I mean it's beyond our control. That's a new thread, maybe. But there's too much sex at the moment.

NIck, Monday, 30 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Sorry about the confusion of identity... I'm new here. It's just that the tone of the statement struck me as rather harsh. Regardless of sexual preference, I have never believed it was necessary to resort to name-calling and such. Forgive me for being overly sensitive.

So what is it about glasses that some of you find attractive? To me, they're just a necessity. I see men with glasses and I don't really think of them as "sexy", I just think "He has bad eyesight", LOL.

Tracy C., Monday, 30 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

They make girls look more serious, they frame the face, and there's a kind of intimacy thing in allowing somebody to see you/be with you without your glasses, i.e. when you're half-blind and more vulnerable. This works both ways tho.

Tom, Monday, 30 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

What I am quite keen on is girls who wear glasses *occasionally* (either because they usually wear contacts or because their eyesight isn't that bad that they can't get away with being vain most of the time)

Nick, Monday, 30 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I wear mine occaisonally, but then I get told I look like Gillian Anderson (???). So it's mainly contacts for me. I would like to have lasik done on them but I'm afraid of what happened on the Simpsons will happen to me.

Nicole, Monday, 30 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I know it's no fun to wear glasses folks but it's much better to wear them,as suffer with headache right? I've been wearing them since I was twenty four. I can't see far away or close lol I need them for everything. :)

Gale Deslongchamps, Friday, 3 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Gillian Anderson wears glasses???

Why do I get the feeling that me and Nicole are weird dopplegangers?

Ally, Monday, 6 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

two weeks pass...
> I know it's no fun to wear glasses folks but it's much better to > wear them,as suffer with headache right?

I dunno.... wearing them can be quite of a headache in and of themselves. Especially if you're a female. I'm sorry, but I have NEVER heard a man say he thought glasses were "sexy". All the comments I have heard in real life are of the "speccy git" variety. If you're a woman in glasses, you're a geek, an old maid, or ugly.... maybe even all three. Look at Hollywood. The ugly girl wears the glasses. Never mind the fact that she has gorgeous hair and a perfect body; if she wears glasses, she's ugly. That sort of attitude carries over into real life, unfortunately.

Tracy, Friday, 24 August 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one year passes...
I wear glasses! all the time! they aren't corrective lenses, they are errr portholes on a sex machine. or something like that.

DV (dirtyvicar), Monday, 23 June 2003 19:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm near-sighted. I wear them to watch tv & movies and to drive.

Sarah McLusky (coco), Monday, 23 June 2003 19:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm short-sighted and need glasses or contact lenses all the time. I tend to wear glasses to work and around the house, but contacts when I'm going out socially. I think I look like a totally different person without my glasses - putting in my contacts is a bit like dressing up.

When I was wee, I thought the world was fuzzy. I also didn't know what I looked like without glasses because if I didn't wear them I couldn't see myself properly.

ailsa (ailsa), Monday, 23 June 2003 20:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

I am blind without corrective lenses; however I keep either losing or tearing my contacts so it's glasses for me. Or blindness when I want to be all sexy.

Ally (mlescaut), Monday, 23 June 2003 20:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

i am emo so yes

gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 23 June 2003 20:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wear reading glasses (note: I am not an old man)

s1utsky (slutsky), Monday, 23 June 2003 20:47 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm supposed to, but don't. I've never found a pair that didn't bother me to where (or look good).

I have one good eye (used to be 20/20, it's getting worse, now it actually needs a -.5 prescription), and one bad eye (-3.5ish), so I've always just used my dominant eye.

Hopefully I'm getting that laser surgery for Christmas.

miloauckerman (miloauckerman), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:16 (twenty-one years ago) link

I have very good eyesight for my advanced years, though it is deteriorating badly since I hit 40. It is now down to 20/20, according to a recent test. Still, I've been the only one in my circle of friends not to need glasses at all for about a decade.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

I used to wear them (up til age 9), but since i kept losing them on planes, Mum stopped buying them. (I have slight astigmatism. My eyesight isn't as bad as it was, then.)

Nichole Graham (Nichole Graham), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've been told by guys on many occassions that my glasses are sexy. Obv. Tracy upthread doesn't know what she's talking about. Or doesn't look as good in her glasses as I do. Heh.

I'm hella pissed now though b/c my cateyes have lost a rhinestone!! The pair I had before this were vintage and none of those rhinestones ever fell out. This new set of frames is "new" and already falling apart. Bah.

That Girl (thatgirl), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

My eyes are shit. I have a -9.5 in each eye. And when I wear my glasses people laugh or don't recognize me or tell me I look like the asian girl from Rushmore.

Carey (Carey), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wear glasses for long distance. My prescription is fairly constant, whch is nice.

Andrew Farrell (afarrell), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

my prescription has been locked in the 5.0 - 5.75 range for several years. I hope it doesn't get any worse and I hope that I will still qualify for some form of surgery whenever the time comes that I can afford it. I love the future.

Millar (Millar), Monday, 23 June 2003 21:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

My 92 year old grandmother now doesn't need glasses for the first time in 80 years. It's a miracle!

(or not, as it just means her overly strong myopic eyes have got weaker with age. But hurrah anyway!)

Mark C (Mark C), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:00 (twenty-one years ago) link

my mom is nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other! I have only mild nearsightedness. I wear big black glasses when I drive.

teeny (teeny), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:09 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wear expensive French shades in dark rooms and at night because I thinkit makes me look "cool" in a Matrix Reloaded kind of way. You know - how Trinity took off her motorbike helmet at night and had shades on underneath. And how no-one tells them they look like arseholes for wearing shades at night.

N. Ron, Monday, 23 June 2003 22:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've said it before: I wore bifocals. In second grade. Do not ask for whom the willow weeps for me. "Six eyes! Six eyes!"

Neudonym, Monday, 23 June 2003 22:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

i've needed new glasses for like two years now :(

i also knew the curse of elementary school bifocals

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:29 (twenty-one years ago) link

I don't wear glasses or any kind of corrective lenses. I've been lucky to have good eyesight, knock on wood.

Jody Beth Rosen (Jody Beth Rosen), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wear glasses, always and forever. I'm not gonna wear contacts again unless, like, my STYLIST makes me do it.

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

jess you're the only one to ever cop to that!

I got contacts starting in 9th grade and everything changed for me: sports better, girlz better, etc. but now it's like what's the point? I look like Rowan Atkinson without glasses anyway so screw it, I'm sticking with my little tiny Brecht-in-the-cafe-1924 glasses until they pry them off my still-smoking skull

Neudonym, Monday, 23 June 2003 22:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

by the time i got contacts in 9th or 10th grade it was too late, as my reputation as spotty, giant, bifocal wearing jess was cemented

to make matters worse they were those giant metal-frame ones with coke-bottle lenses you only ever see inveterate computer programmers in dirty golf shirts and ill-fitting dockers wearing these days

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've been told by guys on many occassions that my glasses are sexy.

This is an "almost always" type of thing. Unless the frames are awful, glasses are HOTT.

miloauckerman (miloauckerman), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:51 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah, i kinda forced nancy to get glasses instead of contacts this weekend cuz they give the dog a bone

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:54 (twenty-one years ago) link


James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

yeah, I do now. I had to get them after I accidentally drove to alabama cuz I couldn't read the highway signs without slowing down to like 40 (and fuck slowing down to like 40).

James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

and I'd like to get contacts but can't cuz I'm antsy with the eyes on account of getting stabbed in my right eye in a fight in thrid grade (east point repruhzintt)

James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

dude, yr like the white georgian 50 cent

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

"shady babies"

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 22:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

50 Blount is way OTM about glasses doubling as eye protection.

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Monday, 23 June 2003 23:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

i have glasses, i mostly need them for watching movies with subtitles and reading the overheads in class, though my vision is getting worse and i begin to need them for reading street signs. my glasses are of the foxy tortoiseshell librarian variety. i would not consider contacts, they seem like such a hassle. i mean, at least when you drop your glasses you can find them!

di smith (lucylurex), Monday, 23 June 2003 23:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

oh no, I don't really mean as eye protection a la Kurt Rambis. I'm just saying that anytime something gets near my eyes, life if a girl tries to put mascara on me or something, I just start flopping around real antsy, it's like trying to feed a dog a pill or something.

James Blount (James Blount), Monday, 23 June 2003 23:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

blount in electroclash shocker

jess (dubplatestyle), Monday, 23 June 2003 23:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

I've had glasses since about 16, when my eyesight just suddenly "went" over about a 6 month period. My first pair looked extremely daggy but since that I've had reasonably cute glasses - thin framed ones. I like my current pair, they have burgundy metal frames that go with my hair and half my clothes.

I want a pair of really emo chunky black frames. I just need to save a bit of cash. Decent frames are so expensive!

Would love laser eye surgery but have heard too much negative stuff about it that I'm prepared to risk my eyesight for that much money.

Trayce (trayce), Monday, 23 June 2003 23:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

I like those frames!

mh, Monday, 10 February 2020 19:58 (four years ago) link

$6.95 without the discount!

Yerac, Monday, 10 February 2020 20:00 (four years ago) link

i mean obviously the lens is like double the thickness of the frames but whatevs.

Yerac, Monday, 10 February 2020 20:01 (four years ago) link

that photo played weird tricks in my mind and for a sec looked like a granite font in a church until i saw the writing.

calzino, Monday, 10 February 2020 20:03 (four years ago) link

two years pass...

disposable contacts are so easy

hard disagree, but maybe my eyes are naturally drier than yours or something?

budo jeru, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 02:44 (one year ago) link

my frames of seven years broke while i was driving today :(

thinking of checking out one of these cheap online retailers. lmk if anyone has recommendations. my eyes are both at -3.00

budo jeru, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 02:46 (one year ago) link

If you have your prescription and interpupil distance, Zenni Optical are a cheap and very good quality option. I typically get inexpensive and simple frames but my prescription (different powers each eye, different barrel/astigmatism) usually costs about $15 a pair with anti glare coating. They last a couple of years easily. And at that price I can dick around with the prescription and make close up or distant sets for detail work, TV watching etc.

assert (matttkkkk), Wednesday, 7 December 2022 07:38 (one year ago) link

I tried out Warby Parker earlier this year and like them so far.

peace, man, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 12:45 (one year ago) link

thanks! i'll check those out.

budo jeru, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 21:16 (one year ago) link

I became near-sighted in my mid-20s and have worn glasses for more than 30 years. I now have to use bifocals for reading. I tried disposable contacts about 15 years ago, and while I liked the unlimited field of vision they offered, by the end of the day my eyes felt as though they had sand in them. I also developed several tear duct infetctions.

As for making passes, I submit to you the People's Exhibit A:

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 7 December 2022 21:31 (one year ago) link

if you have vsp or otherwise have insurance, i'd recommend into at least looking how much it'd cost to get quality lenses from a reputable brand such as zeiss or crizal with the full bevy of anti-scratch, anti-glare, etc. coating and comparing that with the prices you see online. (you can still save money by getting a cheap frame.) it might be comparable after insurance kicks in.

ime the cheap online shops just aren't as good in terms of lens coatings. it also sounds like your prescription isn't bad enough to warrant getting fancy lenses like the high refractive index lenses, i'm not sure if that's helpful or a hindrance to your search.

, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 22:25 (one year ago) link

that's good to know. i'm going to order a cheap online pair anyway, because i've been working with my glasses taped up all days and it's a bummer; if the lenses turn out to be subpar, it can't hurt to have a $30 back up pair sitting around.

budo jeru, Wednesday, 7 December 2022 23:23 (one year ago) link

As for making passes, I submit to you the People's Exhibit A:

I just learned last week that she had her own eyewear line, thanks to Rob Harvilla's podcast.

peace, man, Thursday, 8 December 2022 00:40 (one year ago) link

Is that Jessica Alba or Lisa Loeb in that pic?

Getting my first pair of reading glasses tomorrow. Ordered the frames that Michael Caine wears in The Ipcress File.

Josefa, Thursday, 8 December 2022 00:46 (one year ago) link

those look cool. i've been wearing the same glasses for so long that i'm apprehensive about changing it up at this point, but also kind of intrigued by the possibility of a new look.

budo jeru, Thursday, 8 December 2022 01:38 (one year ago) link

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