Taking Sides: Atheism vs. Christianity

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"God" spelled backwards is "dog". So are canines devine, or is the fact that you have to spell "God" backwards to get "dog" mean that they are the opposite: pure evil. I like dogs, I hope it's not the latter.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Saturday, 24 January 2004 21:51 (twenty years ago) link

I'm more of a cat person, though.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Saturday, 24 January 2004 21:52 (twenty years ago) link

Sausage dogs!

Llahtuos Kcin (Nick Southall), Saturday, 24 January 2004 21:52 (twenty years ago) link


latebloomer (latebloomer), Saturday, 24 January 2004 21:53 (twenty years ago) link

Thomas you want the Jewish documents heres one written by Jewish historian Flavius Josephus his documents Antiquities mention Jesus, then theres Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus and his book Annals.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 03:14 (twenty years ago) link

Quotes and links to citations might help.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 25 January 2004 07:15 (twenty years ago) link

for these quotes to back up your argument Brooks, Flavius Josephus the Jewish historian will have to say that Jesus is God or the Son of God or the equivalent. And if he does, I hope he's got some proof!

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 12:02 (twenty years ago) link

also, Flavius Josephus is one of the most-cited authors by those proving Jesus didn't exist. I've read Tacitus - more than just the part that mentions disturbances in Judea. Have you?

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 14:26 (twenty years ago) link

Really thats funny Flavius must of ment someone else then when he said "Now there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was doer of wonderful works- a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles.
He was the Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those who loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day" (Antiquities, XVIII, III)

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 18:31 (twenty years ago) link

How could people cite his works in proving against Jesus' existance when taht is the only section that mentions Jesus and its saying he existed.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 18:40 (twenty years ago) link

Heres my answer to your comment run it off. You have proof its the Gospels written by people who were closest to him. You people readily except something written thousands of years on how Jesus didnt exist by some guy who never met Jesus but fail to accept something written not long after Jesus' time on earth not to mention by his closest friends. You must have more faith then me since you readily except so called Facts written thousands of years later. Then you'll use the whole Bible arguement well they could of changed it for this or that. Why would that benefit them they didnt get rich they were for the most part killed by the Romans or Jewish Pharisees.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 18:50 (twenty years ago) link

Get your facts straight, Brooks. I never said that I accepted Flavius' account. In fact, nobody said that. So you can't argue that I'm obliged to accept the word of the Bible on that count.

Tell me about these facts that you say I have faith in.

And I haven't made any such arguments about the Bible being altered, so it hardly matters whether its authors got rich or got killed. This is simply not the issue.

So, if you'd be so kind as to look up thread at my actual points, maybe we could have a conversation.

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:10 (twenty years ago) link


A relevant passage from another site examining this question:

In the closing years of the first century, Josephus, the celebrated Jewish historian, wrote his famous work on "The Antiquities of the Jews." In this work, the historian made no mention of Christ, and for two hundred years after the death of Josephus, the name of Christ did not appear in his history. There were no printing presses in those days. Books were multiplied by being copied. It was, therefore, easy to add to or change what an author had written. The church felt that Josephus ought to recognize Christ, and the dead historian was made to do it. In the fourth century, a copy of "The Antiquities of the Jews" appeared, in which occurred this passage: "Now, there was about this time, Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works; a teacher of such men as received the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was the Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."

but Brooks I get the feeling you're not actually interested in getting to the bottom of things. You would be a Christian even if God Himself came down and told you "Jesus never existed."

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:16 (twenty years ago) link

also: http://www.ebonmusings.org/atheism/camel1.html

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:18 (twenty years ago) link

fucking thread - fucking religion - fucking garbage! BLAB BLAB BLAB sorry I am no help

sucka (sucka), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:21 (twenty years ago) link

and Brooks, no-one who's studied the matter (this includes Christians) believes that the Gospels were "written by people who knew Jesus." They weren't. Parts of them may have been, if Jesus existed. But the Gospels that you read today were largely written a hundred or more years after the the crucifiction. Pun intended.

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:22 (twenty years ago) link

And even if the Gospels were written by Jesus' best mates and they proved he existed, they don't prove he was the son of god or an incarnation of god. How could they?

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:50 (twenty years ago) link

Well, they say we're all children of God, so in a way, that's saying he's the son of God.

Aja (aja), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:52 (twenty years ago) link

That's true, Aja, which means that if Jesus said he was the son of God then he doesn't have to be either a liar or the actual son of God. The third option is just as you put it: a man like any other who believes that all men are the son of God.

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:55 (twenty years ago) link

Maybe that's what he meant. You know, all men are created equally.

Aja (aja), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:57 (twenty years ago) link

I'm starting to think Aja is the 40 year old and Brooks is the 12 year old...

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 19:58 (twenty years ago) link

Who's Brooks?

Oh, that author?

I'm starting to think Aja is the 40 year old and Brooks is the 12 year old...

Why do you think that?

Aja (aja), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:01 (twenty years ago) link

Well run it off you can look at it like that to that he ment it like we are all sons of God but obviously he didnt since everytime he claimed that the Jews picked up stones to kill him for blasephemy. Thats if you accept the Gospels which have yet to be proven false if they have then i dont think Christianity would still be around.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:08 (twenty years ago) link

How old was Jesus when he was baptised?

I need to know this for some of the stuff in the Bible to make sense to me.

Anyone know?

Aja (aja), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:10 (twenty years ago) link

He was about 30ish. His ministry lasted only about 3yrs.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:12 (twenty years ago) link

Oh ok.

Aja (aja), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:13 (twenty years ago) link

You know, there was a point like a year ago when this was, like, a really good thread.

J (Jay), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:13 (twenty years ago) link

I don’t even understand why you’re giving Brooks the benefit of your responses -- it’s evidently not even faith with him, but delusion.

Charles Hatcher (musenheddo), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:17 (twenty years ago) link

Brooks, you have failed again to respond to anything anybody else has said. That is hardly a charitable way of conducting yourself on a thread like this. I'm not going to make this point again. If you respond to the points other people have made then I will engage with the points you make, otherwise, this is goodbye.

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:21 (twenty years ago) link

Thats if you accept the Gospels which have yet to be proven false if they have then i dont think Christianity would still be around.

You know, the Hindu scriptures are even older than the Bible - they've been around forever, and there are millions of believers in them worldwide - do you accept them to be true because people still believe in them?

x-post: not to make sweeping generalizations or anything, but the general rule of Christian discourse is "ignore anything you can't answer"

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:24 (twenty years ago) link

Wait didnt i answer your question you asked me how the Bible proves Jesus being God and i gave my answer based off the Bible.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:25 (twenty years ago) link

Well some historical writings im sure are true just like with Islam. The Hindus predicted Muhammed as well does that mean im going to turn into a Hindu though based on a prophecy

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:26 (twenty years ago) link

Thomas you should read letters from a skeptic, case for Christ, and a case for faith.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:31 (twenty years ago) link

By the way it doesnt even matter what i tell you i could be Jesus and you still wouldnt believe i could have millions of quotes millions of documents and show them all you still wouldnt believe. I could have a video tape of Jesus healing someone you still wouldnt believe. Its a personnal thing wiht that being said I have yet to see an arguement thats well enough proving Jesus never existed its all based on peoples opinion. Theres been plenty of people who went out to prove Jesus and the Bible was false and became a Christian out of it. CS Lewis for one. Just like theres been plenty who have left the religion.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:35 (twenty years ago) link

Let's recap then shall we, Brooks.

This is the point I made to you:

Faith is not enough. I don't have it and I won't pretend to have it in the hope of getting it on someone's word. (I know you think Jesus's word is different, and fair enough, but I believe that the historical Jesus existed without believing in what Jesus believed or what subsequent Christians believe.)

The existence of God has no basis in sense or science, so why should I go for it, except perhaps to save my soul (another 'thing' that I don't believe in).

Asking people to read the Bible before making a judgement on Jesus or Christianity or God is like asking people to read Mein Kampf before judging Hitler. I judge Hitler by what he did. And I'll judge God by the same method. According to that method, I have no proof that He exists, so I don't see any reason at all to read His book.

And this is your answer:

You have proof its the Gospels written by people who were closest to him.

I edited this out of the paragraph it came in because the rest of the paragraph speculated on my beliefs and were entirely false.

Have you got a better response than this?

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:35 (twenty years ago) link

I'm not saying Jesus didn't exist. Are you not reading anything anyone says? I am saying I don't believe he was god or the son of god (except in Aja's sense). And since The burden of proof lies by default on those who wish to show the existence of a thing or a characteristic of a thing [Dan] it doesn't matter if nobody has satisfactorily proved that Jesus isn't god or that God doesn't exist. There is no satisfactory proof that he does exist.

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:39 (twenty years ago) link

I have yet to see an arguement thats well enough proving Jesus never existed its all based on peoples opinion

did you follow the links upthread? I have read the bible, and lots of Christian apologetics. if your faith is strong, you should really look hard into the argument against an historical Jesus.

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:48 (twenty years ago) link

The Bible says that if you ask God to reveal himself to you he will. My dad used to be an Athiest. He went to bed one evening thinking what if there is a God. He went to church that sunday and eventually became a Christian. My dad also believed in Darwinism( darwins evolution) he also used to party wiht drugs and alcohol. How does a man who hated anything religion and would make fun of Christians all of asudden a month later becomes one himself. You want to experience God i dare you to ask God to reveal himself to you and then be patient and watch you'll see.

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:53 (twenty years ago) link

Is that it? Is that your argument?

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:56 (twenty years ago) link

Here I go, one more time (why do I do this?)

Brooks, tell me, please, can you not see what is wrong with your method in the following passage, which I've cut from up thread?


Now Jesus existed u cant argue against that history proves it. Therefore hes either of these a lunitic, liar, God,or a prophet. If hes a prophet then he lied making himself not a prophet.
This, by the way, is nonsense. C.S. Lewis, whom I like, was fond of this "proof," and I do love the way Lewis parses it ("we can either dismiss him as a madman or fall at his feet, but let's have no more of this calling him a great teacher" - paraphrased badly, but something along those lines), but it assumes strictly western, modern values: a man who says God sent him - well! either he's telling the truth, or he's crazy, or he's evil! ummm OR he's a Vaisnava who means what he says in a way you don't hear because you don't live the prayerful life he does! OR he's a teacher in a (very strong & great) Buddhist tradition where illogic is used to smash the unhelpful materialistic workings of Mind! Or, or, or, or a bunch of stuff, all equally interesting, pertinent and possible. Bottom line: Jesus could say ALL THE THINGS HE SAID and still not be God, crazy, or evil. OR a prophet. Of course he could.

-- Thomas Tallis (tallis4...) (webmail), January 23rd, 2004 4:00 AM. (Tommy) (later)


haha i wasnt paraphrasing CS lewis on that one thats a standard question u must ask urself about Jesus..... he has to be one of those 4
-- B. Robinson (guitar8...) (webmail), January 23rd, 2004 4:01 AM. (later)

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:59 (twenty years ago) link


Ferrrrrrg (Ferg), Sunday, 25 January 2004 20:59 (twenty years ago) link

I should try to be oblique via image posts less

Ferrrrrrg (Ferg), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:00 (twenty years ago) link

I want to be clear about something. I am very happy in my heart, sincerely so, that Brooks's father found, in Christ, something worth living for - a reason to make his life a nice one for him & his family instead of an empty one. So big up to Christianity for helping some people along in their daily walk through what is, so often, a very hard life! It's when you-all start talking about "proof" that you go amiss, though, since no-one's conversion experience proofs aught other than that he/she has experienced "something."

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:05 (twenty years ago) link

What is your religion then Thomas is it athieism or what

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:07 (twenty years ago) link

Brooks, Thomas had just made a very generous and caring statement about your family and your beliefs. Have some decency please. You don't have to thank him for his compassion but you could be a little less aggressive immediately after it.

run it off (run it off), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:11 (twenty years ago) link

ex-Christian, now following a faith I prefer to keep to myself! not an atheist, though, and atheism isn't a religion, no matter how much Christians like to tell themselves it is.

x-post I don't think Brooks meant to be aggressive, I think he's just coming off that way because 1) he's a little under fire here and 2) vagaries of posting-on-message-boards - certainly I take no offense at his asking, I mean I'm here arguing religion with him so it's a fair question, if badly timed

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:13 (twenty years ago) link

Thank you Thomas. Although i would like to say though that religion is anything that explains the unknown thats from websters dictionary which with that Atheism is a religion in a sense

Brooks Robinson (B. Robinson), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:16 (twenty years ago) link

haha, arsehole.

RJG (RJG), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:19 (twenty years ago) link

Atheism doesn't explain the unknown, Brooks. It argues that what we think of as "the unknown" has rational explanations. I know that lots of Christians comfort themselves by imagining that it takes great leaps of faith to be an atheist. Again, I believe in God. But I am honest about it. Atheists don't exercise faith to come to their decision. They exercise reason, which is not their version of God, and their beliefs in no way threaten mine. This is why I don't run around trying to get people to believe in my God.

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:22 (twenty years ago) link

I mean you might as well say "before math, 2+2 is an unknown, therefore math is a religion" and you know very well that it's not.

Thomas Tallis (Tommy), Sunday, 25 January 2004 21:23 (twenty years ago) link

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