the Kommisariat's Kontinuing Kronicles: more right-wingery in the USA, 2k11-12

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Ted Nugent: Making Hank Williams Jr. Look good for over two decades

gentle german fatherly voice (President Keyes), Friday, 22 February 2013 20:21 (eleven years ago) link

The New Jack Mormons! (kingfish), Monday, 25 February 2013 20:19 (eleven years ago) link

treasure trove

Matt Armstrong, Monday, 25 February 2013 20:39 (eleven years ago) link

<3 that WWE video

:C (crüt), Monday, 25 February 2013 20:47 (eleven years ago) link

that wwe thing is so great

balls, Monday, 25 February 2013 22:30 (eleven years ago) link

I like that in both real life and "in character" the fat guy does all the talking

Donkamole Marvin (Shakey Mo Collier), Monday, 25 February 2013 22:31 (eleven years ago) link

Found his wiki. Zeb Colter up there is played by none other but legend Dutch Mantel, who helped book and wrestled in Puerto Rice for about 8-9 years until 2003 or so.

The New Jack Mormons! (kingfish), Tuesday, 26 February 2013 07:23 (eleven years ago) link

The Iron Sheik is upset:

the @glennbeck you are dumbest motherf--ker in the world I wish I see you so i can beat the f--k out of you no good jabroni lowlife"

"the @glennbeck you deserve to be waist deep in dog s--t drink gasoline you insult my fans Im going to beat the f--k out of you dumb b---h"

"%10000 The @glennbeck have raisin b-lls and rice crispy d-ck"

"Eat dog s--t @glennbeck forever"

"The Court Mcgee impress me in the UFC but still the @glennbeck can go f--k his own rice crispy dick #TeamSheikie"

"who deserve to eat dog s--t more than the @glennbeck #RejectedOscars"

"Live and Let Die new name if the @glennbeck in it called Die Now You No Good Motherf--ker #teamsheikie"

gentle german fatherly voice (President Keyes), Tuesday, 26 February 2013 10:17 (eleven years ago) link

“No More Hesitation” – Homeland Security and Police Dept. Request Targets For Shooting Practice To Help Desensitize Law Enforcement To Shooting <S>Average</S> White Americans…

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 26 February 2013 10:58 (eleven years ago) link

Thanks to Ted Cruz, it's time for the always-popular, rolls-around-every-few-years Let's Rehabilitate Joe McCarthy Game!

ARE YOU HIRING A NANNY OR A SHAMAN (Phil D.), Tuesday, 26 February 2013 20:21 (eleven years ago) link

i <3 Dutch Mantell 4eva

vote! (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 2 March 2013 07:36 (eleven years ago) link

"Sure, Joe McCarthy was a liar and a blowhard, but deep down he was just a big old lovable drunk."

-- Bob Marley

Aimless, Saturday, 2 March 2013 18:40 (eleven years ago) link

long article on james o'keefe and the "barn rape"

Choice bit:

On March 21, Naffe was prohibited by a judge from sharing any of O’Keefe’s emails. Since he’d logged into his Gmail account on her cell phone, O’Keefe had sought and obtained an immediate temporary injunction against Naffe releasing anything in the emails — his application for the injunction had actually alleged that “the material is so provocative that it caused Andrew Breitbart to suffer a fatal heart attack.”

gentle german fatherly voice (President Keyes), Thursday, 7 March 2013 15:27 (eleven years ago) link

two weeks pass...

king of the libertarian royalists:

Democracy is only one possible variety of statehood. Would a different form of state be more acceptable to you?

Hoppe: In a monarchist state everyone knows who the ruler is and who the ruled are, and accordingly there is resistance against any attempt to increase state power. In a democratic state this distinction becomes blurred, and it becomes all the easier to expand state power.

goole, Thursday, 21 March 2013 19:57 (eleven years ago) link

That is so ahistoric and assbackwards, it stuns. It's the POV of someone who only knows Whigs.

Canaille help you (Michael White), Thursday, 21 March 2013 20:41 (eleven years ago) link

ben shapiro!

Matt Armstrong, Friday, 22 March 2013 16:06 (eleven years ago) link

In an interview with local radio station KRBD, Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska) recalled his father's ranch and the old fashioned way things were done on it. Fair enough, right? Well, yes. Aside from the racial slur Young used to describe workers on the ranch.

"My father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 or 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," Young said in the interview. "You know, it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now. It's all done by machine."

Young apologized later, blaming the usage on his upbringing. "I used a term that was commonly used during my days growing up on a farm in central California," Young said. "I know that this term is not used in the same way nowadays and I meant no disrespect."

No, Don, it's used in pretty much exactly the same way.

ARE YOU HIRING A NANNY OR A SHAMAN (Phil D.), Friday, 29 March 2013 14:23 (eleven years ago) link

Young continued: "I'm sure their backs are really dry by now. Course back when I was a boy, the river was wetter in those days."

30 percent off all gold everything at Trinidad James Avery (m bison), Friday, 29 March 2013 14:31 (eleven years ago) link

Young: Bringing Wet Back

gentle german fatherly voice (President Keyes), Friday, 29 March 2013 14:40 (eleven years ago) link

three weeks pass...

goole, Monday, 22 April 2013 18:55 (eleven years ago) link


max, Monday, 22 April 2013 18:58 (eleven years ago) link

“the far right becomes a fandom of itself”


max, Monday, 22 April 2013 18:58 (eleven years ago) link


karl lagerlout (suzy), Monday, 22 April 2013 19:21 (eleven years ago) link


it's interesting how the Feminine Reaction cohort is completely unrelated to all the others

four Marxes plus four Obamas plus four Bin Ladens (Shakey Mo Collier), Monday, 22 April 2013 20:26 (eleven years ago) link

i'm seriously considering starting a reaction.txt twitter. i'm not even going to link to this or anything, just,

"If someone is an outlaw (no defense agency wants him as a client because of a history of causing trouble), you can just kill him. If someone is a bum, and you are not, you usually get away with mistreating him, but he cannot get away with mistreating you. This makes middle class guys automatically tougher, more badboy, more macho, than underclass boys. Girls then start having sex eugenically, instead of anti eugenically."

goole, Friday, 26 April 2013 19:27 (eleven years ago) link

loooool looks like women don't like having any jobs, at all, in the world, except beauty technician and grocery store register clerk! Oh and sexy secretary. Oh jeez.

lets just remember to blame the patriarchy for (in orbit), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:31 (eleven years ago) link

I'm willing to acknowledge 'eugenics' retrospectively but who has a crystal ball with enough foresight to know what we need to adapt to in the future?

He has a lot of baggage (handlers' perks) (Michael White), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:43 (eleven years ago) link

white male property owners, it turns out. happy to help!

goole, Friday, 26 April 2013 19:43 (eleven years ago) link

I'm suspicious even of them, though.

start having sex eugenically w/ (Michael White), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:50 (eleven years ago) link

I'm just going to put this post-it flag on the leap between middle-class boys turn into assholes who mistreat others, and girls automatically begin to sleep with them in droves...and inevitably have children from those brief unions? Actually that's two leaps. Good thing these "sexism: u are here" flags come in multi-packs.

lets just remember to blame the patriarchy for (in orbit), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:51 (eleven years ago) link

Kinda feel that we should merege our dns

start having sex eugenically w/ (Michael White), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:56 (eleven years ago) link

How about I just blame the patriarchy for your dn.

lets just remember to blame the patriarchy for (in orbit), Friday, 26 April 2013 19:59 (eleven years ago) link

Works for me

start having sex eugenically w/ (Michael White), Friday, 26 April 2013 20:06 (eleven years ago) link

two weeks pass...

can't stop won't stop

goole, Monday, 13 May 2013 02:09 (eleven years ago) link

Christ that blog is exhausting.

beach situations (Austerity Ponies), Tuesday, 14 May 2013 14:28 (eleven years ago) link

In my final prediction of November 5 of last year, just one day before the election, I took into the account the best information on hand to project that Mitt Romney would win the election narrowly with 275 electoral votes and a slim majority of the popular vote.

Doctor Casino, Thursday, 23 May 2013 03:47 (eleven years ago) link

and romney's camp actually believed that creep.

oxygenating our wombspace (abanana), Thursday, 23 May 2013 07:00 (eleven years ago) link

this guy's argument makes no sense. if the Tea Party groups were campaigning for Romney, doesn't that mean they shouldn't have had tax exempt status...?

four Marxes plus four Obamas plus four Bin Ladens (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 23 May 2013 17:09 (eleven years ago) link

Yup. If harrasing the groups influenced the election, then harrasing the groups was the right thing to do...

Frederik B, Thursday, 23 May 2013 17:25 (eleven years ago) link

Venner started several political groups based on European nationalism and rooted in the idea of ethnicity-based exceptionalism. His Europe-Action espoused a similar racialized ideology and united the remnants of the FEN, a white supremacist student group; the OAS; and handful unapologetic Nazi collaborators. These movements united a number of discordant strains—white supremacism, anti-communism, patriarchal morality, neo-pagan tribal religion—into a grand story about what must be done to save European culture from extermination.

goole, Thursday, 23 May 2013 18:28 (eleven years ago) link

getting better

Matt Armstrong, Thursday, 23 May 2013 19:05 (eleven years ago) link

you guys must be putting save-a-Bam Democrat shit in this thread by now, right?

ballin' from Maine to Mexico (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 23 May 2013 19:06 (eleven years ago) link

no that's for the general politics thread

Matt Armstrong, Thursday, 23 May 2013 19:11 (eleven years ago) link

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