thread of getting sw0le

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ha, got it xp

caek, Friday, 15 March 2013 01:20 (eleven years ago) link

moving to nyc in a couple of months btw.

― caek, Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:54 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

nice, congrats man

goole, Friday, 15 March 2013 16:00 (eleven years ago) link

i'm getting sw0le from food + sendentary job am i doing it rite

am0n, Friday, 15 March 2013 17:12 (eleven years ago) link

ty goole, we talked about it a bit on i go to new york

caek, Friday, 15 March 2013 17:14 (eleven years ago) link

sw0le danger

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Friday, 15 March 2013 21:55 (eleven years ago) link

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Friday, 15 March 2013 21:55 (eleven years ago) link

god damn!

goole, Friday, 15 March 2013 22:05 (eleven years ago) link

i am s0re

veryupsetmom (harbl), Friday, 15 March 2013 22:06 (eleven years ago) link

I didn't enjoy this four week course at my school's athletic centre. Exercises not written down anywhere other than unreadable ancient photocopy of some book, too blurry to see where the arms and legs are going, and not in the order we did them. So I forgot them all between weeks. I can't seem to copy form properly when it's demonstrated to me unless someone actually grabs me and changes the way I'm positioned, which makes me worry about striking out with only a book from here.

We finally got to deadlifts and squats today, the final week, and I wasn't even flexible enough to pick up the bar with proper form.

Embarrassingly, the thing I hated most was seeing myself in the mirrors. I need to get over myself, obv.

ljubljana, Friday, 22 March 2013 02:11 (eleven years ago) link

I can't seem to copy form properly when it's demonstrated to me unless someone actually grabs me and changes the way I'm positioned

This is not uncommon, FWIW, and one of the things that makes a good personal trainer actually worth a few visits. You don't really need those people for programming or diet (thx Internet!) but a good one trained in barbell exercises can be v. v. valuable.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Friday, 22 March 2013 02:32 (eleven years ago) link

yeah, this is what I thought I'd get from this course, especially as there were only two of us on it, but there were too many exercises and not enough grabbing and repositioning! I will look into other options.

Do some of you sw0le individuals also subscribe to short bursts of cardio to skyrocket heartrate? Maybe there's another thread for that...

ljubljana, Friday, 22 March 2013 02:36 (eleven years ago) link

Do some of you sw0le individuals also subscribe to short bursts of cardio to skyrocket heartrate? Maybe there's another thread for that...

Hill Sprints, Tabata workouts ,kettlebells and double under jump rope at high intensity for my cardios

ω (carne asada), Friday, 22 March 2013 13:35 (eleven years ago) link

whats up with her form

乒乓, Friday, 22 March 2013 13:41 (eleven years ago) link

The back arch is a powerlifting move, helps you press your feet and shoulders on the lift.
I could tell if her elbows were properly tucked.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Friday, 22 March 2013 14:03 (eleven years ago) link

ljub it took me a couple months to feel ok doing barbell squats. do goblet squats. there are youtubes showing it and it's easy to do properly without hurting yourself. it helps you learn the motion of bending at your hips and the way you hold the weight lets you not have to focus so much on balancing. you just keep your knees pushed out and chest up and the rest falls into place. you'll be able to do it pretty deep and that alone will help you become more flexible. just work on hip flexor and hamstring stretches after you are done since you'll be warm.

veryupsetmom (harbl), Friday, 22 March 2013 22:14 (eleven years ago) link

you are 50 x more helpful than the 'personal trainer' at the athletic centre. thanks, will check those out!

ljubljana, Saturday, 23 March 2013 01:40 (eleven years ago) link

that extreme back arch is just about shortening the ROM, nothing more. not to diminish what she accomplished there, but she is basically doing a partial ROM bench.

poopdeck pappy (beard papa), Saturday, 23 March 2013 05:45 (eleven years ago) link

The extreme back arch is about maximising the weight she can lift, based on her physical attributes, according to the rules of the powerlifting comp she's entered. From lockout to chest, with your butt on the bench, is a full ROM, there is nothing partial about it.

strike curious poses, Saturday, 23 March 2013 07:12 (eleven years ago) link

You are correct that the arch is about maximizing the weight she can lift based on her physical attributes - I am not disagreeing with that at all. My point is that the only point in arching your back like that during a bench is to shorten the amount of distance that the bar has to travel in order to be a qualifying lift at a power lifting competition. It's not necessarily good bench form for regular non-competitive lifters like us, mainly because you aren't getting full ROM. It stops far short of where the bar would make contact with the chest when doing a normal flat bench, so you miss the hardest part of the lift which is from off the chest. It still boggles my mind that she was able to put up those kinds of numbers at her age and stuff. Also, I do not think that is a competition in the video, but it's definitely some kind of media spectacle. Most power lifting meets I've seen footage of are like 30 people in a basement. The company in the vid seems to sell supplements or something.

poopdeck pappy (beard papa), Saturday, 23 March 2013 16:36 (eleven years ago) link

There are a series of EliteFS bench pressing videos called "So You Think You Can Bench?" on youtube that are definitely worth watching, but when I first started I took them a bit too much to heart, and started trying to do the extreme arch thing, and it hurt my progress over all. I also pulled a muscle in my lower back trying to get into that crazy ass position once and was like, maybe it's time to rethink this. A lot of the advice out there is meant for power lifters whose goals are more about getting up the heaviest weights and winning shit, sometimes with equipment, as opposed to long term safety.

poopdeck pappy (beard papa), Saturday, 23 March 2013 16:39 (eleven years ago) link

There are all kinds of reasons to arch your back when you bench, including making it safer to lift without spotters (because you can set the safeties at a height you can flatten out under), reducing the stress on your rotator cuffs, creating a stronger base with your lats, getting more out of your leg drive, and shifting emphasis to different muscle groups.

strike curious poses, Saturday, 23 March 2013 21:03 (eleven years ago) link

i am the worst at bench press

veryupsetmom (harbl), Saturday, 23 March 2013 21:36 (eleven years ago) link

chinese kid did them in jeans today. it was kind of like he stopped by the gym on the way somewhere. also i squatted with more on the bar than this other bro had on the smith machine, at the same time. he stopped early. i think he went upstairs to cry. i don't wanna say how much it is because i'm still embarrassed it's not enough. my flexibility is good now so i'm actually improving, not like before.

veryupsetmom (harbl), Saturday, 23 March 2013 21:40 (eleven years ago) link

including making it safer to lift without spotters (because you can set the safeties at a height you can flatten out under


the rest of what you said kind of runs counter to what I understand about benching, too. you reduce stress on the rotator cuffs by packing your shoulders when you bench and doing antagonist movements like rowing and overhead work. I guess I can see the lat thing. I do use an arch when I bench, but I don't worry about it as much as I try to brace my abs and glutes really hard. I don't have a great bench either, though, It's the lift I've had the most trouble with.

poopdeck pappy (beard papa), Saturday, 23 March 2013 22:43 (eleven years ago) link

Well if you lay flat on the bench, with no arch, and lower the bar to your chest without spotters, you will be kind of fucked if you find you can't lift the bar. If you arch, and you bench in a power rack, you can set the safeties so you can lower the bar to your chest, but if you can't lift it you can flatten out and the safeties will take the bar. This is kind of hard to explain in words, that is my best attempt.

strike curious poses, Saturday, 23 March 2013 22:59 (eleven years ago) link

i think every point you made about arch is good, especially getting the leg drive, but you can lock your core in an arched but less arched position esp if you got strong abs. -- but i'd say that if you're going to bench without spotters, you better be really fucking careful. i think our advice is the same: just set the solid bars really fucking low in a power rack (like right above your eyes). or do some other exercise in its place, like floor presses.

i go to the gym sometimes in jeans. because i'm a man.

dylannn, Saturday, 23 March 2013 23:09 (eleven years ago) link

Oh I see what you mean now. I didn't realize you were benching in a power rack. I'm envious. I'd be eaten alive at my gym if I hogged a power rack for bench pressing. I would love to be able to do pin presses, because my sticking point is pretty close to my chest, but there is almost always a line of people waiting to use the power rack.

BTW, if you're benching on a flat bench without a spotter, you should be able to do the roll of shame pretty easily, if you aren't benching too heavy.

Anyway, I still think the extreme arch is more for the purpose of shortening the ROM than healthy shoulders or leverage, but if it works for you go for it. I've never seen any of the 2 or 3 plate guys at my gym doing it, though.

poopdeck pappy (beard papa), Sunday, 24 March 2013 01:39 (eleven years ago) link

i've been so out of it the last two months! Amazed at how quickly you can lose that like top 10% of your strength if you stay away for a bit.

ω (carne asada), Tuesday, 2 April 2013 18:44 (eleven years ago) link

but it comes back quickly as long as you don't leave it too long. like it took me 6m to get up to my current 1RM on squats, but i can get back there in like 3wks after my depressingly frequent 1-2month breaks.

caek, Tuesday, 2 April 2013 18:50 (eleven years ago) link

Bought a rumble roller today because my upper back/'thoracic spine' has been tight lately. I think I should have started out w/ a regular foam roller, the rumble is insane. I've got a very high tolerance for pain and I didn't last a minute without needing a break.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 02:01 (eleven years ago) link

what's rumble?
i had deadlifted up to i think 175 before but it hurt my lower back the day after. i took a break a while ago so i built myself back up by doing 3 sets of 5 at lighter weights for a while, from 135 up to like 155, then going back to one set of 5. today i did 170 and i really did get better bc it felt somewhat easy and i was using my lower back w/o hurting it. i think i will be up to 200 soon enough if my grip lets me. i need to have my own rack someday. i'm tired of people hogging it.

veryupsetmom (harbl), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:10 (eleven years ago) link

well it's also pretty hot and i was very warmed up besides so i'm sure that has something to do with it

veryupsetmom (harbl), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:12 (eleven years ago) link

It's a foam roller with deep knobs that dig into soft tissue.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:27 (eleven years ago) link

owwwww the regular foam roller hurts enough!

veryupsetmom (harbl), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:31 (eleven years ago) link

since becoming sw0le my favorite hobbies are

  • looking around at different people and thinking about whether i can pick them up
  • looking at ppls butts

veryupsetmom (harbl), Tuesday, 9 April 2013 23:32 (eleven years ago) link


ω (carne asada), Wednesday, 10 April 2013 01:47 (eleven years ago) link

one month passes...

Aw that's wonderful

Brakhage, Monday, 20 May 2013 22:54 (eleven years ago) link

one month passes...

i was struggling with deadlift because of not enough grip strength. today i tried alternating grip for the first time and did 187 lbs 5 times with no grip problems at all. why wait!?!?!

veryupsetmom (harbl), Saturday, 29 June 2013 20:44 (eleven years ago) link

like, left hand under right hand over? i think that's the only way to pull big weights. i warm up with plain two left hands over grip and switch to mixed grip when i'm set up to start pulling heavy singles or doubles. if you want to improve deadlift grip, i advocate farmer's walk with with the heaviest dbs you can lift (there's the ohshitohshit desperation moment when you have to walk back to the rack with every tendon in your hand screaming tension pain and racking them again without looking like a foool) + work with a fat bar, if it's available + when deadlifting holding the bar at lockout at your hips as long as you can. outside of deadlifting, i feel like good grip adds a lot of confidence when doing things like putting a bar over your head or even controlling the rise and fall of a bench press.

dylannn, Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:00 (eleven years ago) link

if you're still worried about your lower back, stiff leg deadlifts can work-- start fairly light and treat it as a stretch and an exercise in learning how the muscles in your posterior chain work, and go up from there. it's an exercise like good mornings that nobody does anymore but with those muscles strengthened and with a better feel for them, you can avoid injury.

dylannn, Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:06 (eleven years ago) link

my lower back has been feeling good. i only deadlift once a week now. i have been stretching. i could probably do straight leg or RDL on another day of the week. i was trying to run and was only lifting 2 days a week but it's so hard to do both.
i wish i could have a better gym. some things like farmer's walk i would only try when no one's there. i shouldn't feel that way because i think i am one of the few people there who tries to do the right things and not hurt myself. kind of sad imo. the house i'm buying is gonna be too small with too shallow of a basement to make my own gym. maybe i could put a rack where the dining room's supposed to be :)

veryupsetmom (harbl), Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:27 (eleven years ago) link

my handshake will be so intense, i will send people to the hospital

veryupsetmom (harbl), Saturday, 29 June 2013 21:29 (eleven years ago) link

still working on dat sw0le!

ω (carne asada), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 19:32 (eleven years ago) link

when do you guys usually feel comfortable with adding weight? I try to do 5x5, three times a week of the three major lifts - with bench I feel like it's when you no longer really struggle with the last rep. I'm trying to do like 10 lbs every 2-3 weeks but I don't know if that's going too fast or too slow. I'm fairly new to this.

frogbs, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 20:37 (eleven years ago) link

the program i'm on has you add 5 lbs to a lift if you complete it once! i got myself some of those nifty 1.25 fraction plates, so on the smaller lifts i increase by 2.5 lbs

if you can't do it after a couple attempts over a few days, you deload by 10-15% and build up again. maybe the next time you hit that max, you'll be able to do it.

goole, Tuesday, 2 July 2013 20:41 (eleven years ago) link

If you mean you're squatting/deadlifting/benching 3 times per week 5x5, you should probably dial back the volume (alternate squat/bench/etc. and deadlift/etc. days) to make progress and not struggle with the last rep.

I have 345 on the bar at my shop where I deadlift (and clean and press when my elbows and shoulders don't hurt) - since I haven't been able to add weight I've put that on hiatus in favor of riding an Airdyne and playing with my 35# kettlebells.

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 20:44 (eleven years ago) link

google Starting Strength or Stronglifts for 3x5/5x5 exercise routines with alternating day splits

Kiarostami bag (milo z), Tuesday, 2 July 2013 20:44 (eleven years ago) link

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