"I'm a sovereign human being, I stand under common law only" - Thread of Freemen

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Dennis Larry Meads of Edmonton, Alberta, stormed out of a Court of Queen's Bench hearing on June 8, 2012, related to his divorce and matrimonial property case. In response, Associate Chief Justice John D. Rooke wrote a lengthy and comprehensive 185-page judgment rejecting various freemen claims, grouping them with other pseudolegal arguments as "Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Arguments" (OPCA), specifically, in this case, Meads' Freeman on the Land claims, arguments and documents,[11] saying that:
The bluntly idiotic substance of Mr. Mead’s argument explains the unnecessarily complicated manner in which it was presented. OPCA arguments are never sold to their customers as simple ideas, but instead are byzantine schemes which more closely resemble the plot of a dark fantasy novel than anything else. Latin maxims and powerful sounding language are often used. Documents are often ornamented with many strange marking and seals. Litigants engage in peculiar, ritual‑like in court conduct. All these features appear necessary for gurus to market OPCA schemes to their often desperate, ill‑informed, mentally disturbed, or legally abusive customers. This is crucial to understand the non-substance of any OPCA concept or strategy. The story and process of a OPCA scheme is not intended to impress or convince the Courts, but rather to impress the guru’s customer.[10] [emphasis in original]

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:34 (ten years ago) link

thats the stuff judge

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:34 (ten years ago) link

i am sort of mildly amused by them but mostly they are too stupid and po-faced to be delightful

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:34 (ten years ago) link


oh yeah i've dealt with these guys you'll want to read this

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:34 (ten years ago) link

that lad from Preston in East Yorks, i wonder if he is one of the guys in that first vid i posted which also comes from round our way

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:35 (ten years ago) link

i'm kind of amused how at some point (usually fairly early) in these shenanigans the police or court officials don't even bother explaining why the freeman is so wrong, they just bust out the handcuffs and violence inherent in the system

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:37 (ten years ago) link

soref on the money tho i shd save this nonsense for tomorrow

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:38 (ten years ago) link

tbf a powerful challenge to the very heart of the ruling system must be smacked down before the ring of truth be heard from every rooftop (repossessed)

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:38 (ten years ago) link

If you think creating a Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right is the hard bit, then think again. You've only just begun, to quote a '60s song by The Carpenters.

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:55 (ten years ago) link

riddled with inaccuracies, like i thought

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 01:57 (ten years ago) link


mookieproof, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:06 (ten years ago) link

I was looking at the youtube channel of one of these people he was on the crystal maze in the 90s, he has videos of him and his team in the pub with Richard O'Brien:


including 'weird men' who fancy the mermaids (soref), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:17 (ten years ago) link

Oh wow, he was on the team that only won one crystal! I remember this!


including 'weird men' who fancy the mermaids (soref), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:22 (ten years ago) link


lots of conspiracy stuff i find really boring but i love this sort of shit

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:22 (ten years ago) link

when i say "love it" i don't mean like "i love crazy anti-semites" just i am entertained

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:24 (ten years ago) link

I'm so excited that you have these people too! I thought it was an American peculiarity.

he then attempted to call up Queen Elizabeth II and David Cameron as his witnesses, although he was told that neither were available to attend.

l. ol. ol. ol.

Tottenham Heelspur (in orbit), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:25 (ten years ago) link

i didn't realise at first that they originated in the US, the legal mumbo jumbo sounds like it wd be very nation-specific, but then i found out of course internet quackery mutates quickly enough

i like the jabberwock and it likes me (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 02:30 (ten years ago) link

I'm a U.S. criminal defense lawyer, and I represented one of these guys. It was a hoot. He simply refused to accept reality as it solidified around him. Nice enough fellow, but batty as all get out.

J, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 03:08 (ten years ago) link

From the OP:

Once you know the deception, and what the law actually is, you'll realise how the wool has been firmly and deliberately pulled over your eyes, your parent's eyes, and those of everyone you know.

Um, "everyone you know" is a pretty good definition of the society you live in, and coming up with a definition of "the law" that is at odds with the entire society you live in is as good a way as any to bring the judgment of that society down on your head. The law isn't some magic incantation known to the few, like Mephistopheles summoning the devil, and when you learn it you can command it to do your bidding.

Aimless, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 03:33 (ten years ago) link

Now see that's where you're wrong. All you have to do is refer to yourself in all caps and you can redeem your true self back from the government. That'll show 'em.

Tottenham Heelspur (in orbit), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 03:45 (ten years ago) link

correction: Faust summoning Mephistopheles

Aimless, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 03:52 (ten years ago) link

clarification: correcting myself, that is

Aimless, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 03:57 (ten years ago) link

Good stuff:

Some people have decided they will not surrender their fingerprints - it's none of their business, they say. Some have been successful in making this stand and have not been harmed. Others have been beat up for refusing. One of our citizens shared this story of refusing to give his fingerprints:

"We're taking your prints."

"Oh no you're not, they're my property."

Then four big troopers were brought in and this poor fellow, who is only about 5' 7" tall and weighs about 130 pounds, was thrown to the ground and all four of them began beating on him. To defend himself, he rolled up into a ball. He pulled in as hard as possible while these guys kicked him. Finally he cried out, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."


famous for hits! (seandalai), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 04:30 (ten years ago) link

Our greatest conflict has been with State driver and vehicle licensing. We have spent many years perfecting our Church documents so that we will not be a stumbling stone to the world. We would like the world to receive us, but we will not compromise our Heavenly citizenship and ambassadorial status.

Today, many police officers have recognized our Church traveling documents. Some have seen the Heaven plates on our vehicles and have said they will never cite us. We have ambassadors who travel from State to State preaching Heaven's message in Church vehicles. When they stop at State border inspection points, the officers might notice the Heaven plates, but they flag us on through. Ambassadors have even gone into Mexico and back. There's been three border patrol officers studying the front plate and two on the back, wondering how these Heaven plates could be, yet they flag us on through. They apparently recognize the Church as having been sent by God.

Every once in awhile we end up with a community that will not accept one of our ambassadors. They see him traveling in a Church vehicle and they cite him or throw him in jail.53 Luke 21:12-13 "But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and rulers for My name's sake. But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony." They may stack the charges on thick and turn the furnace up seven times hotter. This gives us an opportunity to testify of another authority, one called Jesus. The city officials may get jealous, but as they practice their wickedness, eyes are opened to the light. We are grateful for the conversions made as we humbly suffer in their courtrooms and jails.

famous for hits! (seandalai), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 04:31 (ten years ago) link

Sure is a shame for being persecuted for merely vomiting your incoherent message all over an unmasking public.

Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 04:37 (ten years ago) link

...they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the... prisons

To their way of thinking, god promised them they'd go to prison for doing this shit. Then they do it and sure enough they are put in jail. Therefore, it confirms that their god is indeed a powerful god, who knows what's what, and the Bible is OMG ALL TRUE!!

Aimless, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 04:51 (ten years ago) link

and they'll know we are Christians...by our guns

Lesbian has fucking riffs for days (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 04:57 (ten years ago) link


conclusive evidence that if you talk bollocks in a magistrate's court you are outside of the law

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 08:48 (ten years ago) link


cycling vigilantes, this is a new one

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:07 (ten years ago) link

This is amusing and frightening that it's somehow become more prevalent than just America

An Android Pug of Some Kind? (kingfish), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:08 (ten years ago) link

i love the way they backslap each other on these videos showing how the police are powerless to deal with them but i desperately want to see the bits they haven't filmed where they get a proper kicking

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:11 (ten years ago) link


seriously this guy is wonderful tho, he appears to go round on his bike looking for drivers to have a fight with

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:14 (ten years ago) link


yay, Canada bringing the FREEDOM

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:17 (ten years ago) link


tbh winding up rozzers is fairly lol

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:28 (ten years ago) link


full on donnybrook, no idea what it's about tbh, lot of shouting about oaths and unlawfulness

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 09:35 (ten years ago) link

Hitler was right:

Could have stopped there tbh

a multimillionaire’s flippant reference to a “ho” (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:03 (ten years ago) link

Not had a chance to look at vids cos I cant play them on this phone.
So may be missing ones talking about Irish alternative scene. I know that this Freeman thing was becoming popular a couple of years back. I heard of a few instances when I was on the Solidarity Camp. I also know that some people were aware of its origins and were trying to enlighten those interested in following the creed to its folly. So I'm surprised it retains popularity since I thought people had copped onto its flaws.
Otoh you can see why it would be attractive if it did work. Autonomy and self-responsibility are very attractive traits. Creeds adopted from right-wing Xian separatists shouldn't be. Unfortunately there is a major overlap.

Stevolende, Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:07 (ten years ago) link

i'm as sympathetic to anarchist politics as the next layabout but really if you want to devolve from the State you don't need a pseudo-legal fairy tale to justify it

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:09 (ten years ago) link

And doing it cos you owes phat cash is a cunts yarn

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:10 (ten years ago) link


Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:11 (ten years ago) link

again i am sympathetic to fucking with banks but

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:11 (ten years ago) link

Guelph MP Frank Valeriote

Incidentally what's this? You have Ghibellines as well in Canada?

a multimillionaire’s flippant reference to a “ho” (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:12 (ten years ago) link

Some of these clowns tried to glom on to the Occupy movement(s) iirc.

a multimillionaire’s flippant reference to a “ho” (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:12 (ten years ago) link

Wd like to see a sentencing judge use the formula You're not a freeman of the land, you're a very naughty boy.

a multimillionaire’s flippant reference to a “ho” (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:13 (ten years ago) link

Specially if its a woman defendant lol

a multimillionaire’s flippant reference to a “ho” (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:14 (ten years ago) link

there's a broader truther/Icke-y/homeopath movement that's always intersected with radical activism

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:15 (ten years ago) link

The cancer curers are the most saddening/maddening

30 ch'lopping days left to umas (darraghmac), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:35 (ten years ago) link


taking a brave stand against a cathedral raising money for hospices.

including 'weird men' who fancy the mermaids (soref), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 10:59 (ten years ago) link

this guy is a real piece of work huh?

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 12:17 (ten years ago) link


things take a pretty bleak turn

Noodle of the Vague family (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 27 November 2013 15:35 (ten years ago) link

xp I generally choose my battles, but I would derive great joy from hovering a small drone around this kook's yard

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:11 (nine months ago) link

haha "I don't see anything about drones in the fine print"

out-of-print LaserDisc edition (sleeve), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:11 (nine months ago) link

you cauld call it the magna darta

close encounters of the third knid (darraghmac), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:13 (nine months ago) link


"Vehicles manned or remotely operated"

You have to get up pretty early in the morning to get one past the Attorney in Fact.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:27 (nine months ago) link

wherein I reply that, in fact, my drone is not a 'vehicle' but a protected tool of self-expression (akin to a laser pointer), and therefore falls outside of this localized statute

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:31 (nine months ago) link

he may own the land, but not the airspace a few feet above the garden

Andy the Grasshopper, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:32 (nine months ago) link

According to precedent, the property is his from the center of the earth to the upper limits of the atmosphere. All rights reserved.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 00:33 (nine months ago) link

If I remember correctly, there are actually some seminal court cases about planes trespassing over a property owner’s airspace (upshot: planes can fly over your suburban two-up two-down).

Expansion to Mackerel (Boring, Maryland), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 01:52 (nine months ago) link

Sure, as long as they pay a fine of 100 ounces of iridium, avoirdupois.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Wednesday, 13 December 2023 01:55 (nine months ago) link

Thought this revive was around the anniversary of what happened in my home state a year ago:


A school principle, and his brother who was now married to his divorced wife (also a public school employee) executing two police and a neighbour, injuring two other police, for stepping onto their property. The police were following up a missing persons report on the principle.

I went down the rabbithole of this when it happened, finding their online posting and seeing conspiracy sites scrub their forum and news posts in real time the same day the events happened. Depressing. A man was just arrested in Arizona for inciting the shooting, close contact, celebrating them right after their deaths for taking down the demons of the new world order

H.P, Wednesday, 13 December 2023 02:34 (nine months ago) link

Sure, as long as they pay a fine of 100 ounces of iridium, avoirdupois.

Have some peas?

lethbridge-pfunkboy (hardcore dilettante), Friday, 15 December 2023 00:11 (nine months ago) link

Airspace, like territorial waters, is purely a sovereignty issue, so you can see why it would attract sovcit types to try to assert it as their sovereign domain.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 15 December 2023 01:01 (nine months ago) link

what about tunneling and burrowing around under their houses?

Andy the Grasshopper, Friday, 15 December 2023 01:35 (nine months ago) link

Property rights extend subsurface.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 15 December 2023 01:44 (nine months ago) link

How far down though?

You have already voted in this poll and cannot vote again (Matt #2), Friday, 15 December 2023 01:48 (nine months ago) link

To the start of the Devonian.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 15 December 2023 02:05 (nine months ago) link

two weeks pass...

“The word ‘understand’ also appears to cause him confusion as he repeatedly utters with theatrical flourish ‘I stand under no one.’ "

lol the weakest of weak sauce

kinder, Thursday, 4 January 2024 11:54 (eight months ago) link

two months pass...

I’m very sleepy so I initially misread the quote from the professor as Bundy describing his family and followers as wicked and was like “oh shit, stopped clock”

Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Saturday, 30 March 2024 16:03 (five months ago) link

Good, now that they know exactly where this asshole has been hiding, we can rest assured that nothing will be done.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 30 March 2024 16:15 (five months ago) link

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