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how's life, Saturday, 22 February 2014 12:06 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Whoa. Just came out of a deep sleep. The dream is fading fast, but flamboyant goon tie was over at my parent's house working on some synthesizers. He was also cooking dinner for everybody, but was upset that my folks didn't have a can of peas. I offered to go to Harris Teeter for him. "I'll be back in 10 minutes, I swear." When I started driving away to the grocery store, a trio of insurance agents stopped me. They were there to check out my car with two robotic dogs. I was so frightened by the sight of them that I could barely even put my car in park. I went upstairs to tell flambo and he was like "I know. I saw." then he requested that I do a fingerstick on him with this orange plastic shard. I jabbed him in the finger with it and it filled with blood.

how's life, Friday, 14 March 2014 08:35 (ten years ago) link

I dreamt that I went to see a Nirvana tribute band. They came out on stage, but then Stevie D walked on dressed in a Victorian bathing costume.

an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Monday, 24 March 2014 19:31 (ten years ago) link


1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Wednesday, 26 March 2014 21:21 (ten years ago) link

dreamt that s1ocki and flamboyant goon tie collaborated on a project that was "a groundbreaking fusion of imagery and sound" that had critics and media buzzing. they held a huge press conference but they didn't talk about the giant project everyone was stoked on at all, instead they announced they were both getting gender reassignment surgeries and goon tie was taking a year long vow of silence.

°ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Monday, 7 April 2014 17:07 (ten years ago) link

let's make that happen

markers, Monday, 7 April 2014 17:09 (ten years ago) link

minus the silence thing probably

markers, Monday, 7 April 2014 17:10 (ten years ago) link


lag∞n, Monday, 7 April 2014 17:13 (ten years ago) link

I dreamt I hung out with sunny and beeps and it was awesome.

Airwrecka Bliptrap Blapmantis (ENBB), Monday, 7 April 2014 17:19 (ten years ago) link

YAy!!!! We need to make this dream come true

get up in this twerk cypher (sunny successor), Wednesday, 9 April 2014 05:56 (ten years ago) link

About a week ago I had a dream that underrated aerosmith etc and I were best buds and having all sorts of high jinks, such as a charity fun-run and being surrounded by a flash mob of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. At the end of the dream we were hanging out at the beach, when a large rock started glowing and a creepy French orphan child appeared to warn us of the dangers of the folke stone* ~~~ but alas I awoke before he could tell more.

* Folkestone is actually a shitty seaside town in the UK, not a radioactive and potentially evil rock.

emil.y, Thursday, 10 April 2014 14:55 (ten years ago) link

In dreams at least, you guys really get me

poopsites attract (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 10 April 2014 15:26 (ten years ago) link

i love dreams

these last two!!

1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Sunday, 13 April 2014 16:23 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

umm .. ok last night was a new one on me.
my first ilx based dream.
basically, at 4am i woke up to a full moon shining through my skylights, and the one memory i had of my dream was of me throwing my pint of beer over ned.
ned, myself and this couple had been chatting in a bar on the outskirts of leeds, and the couple said something that i disagreed with.
ned said this couple were right, and i was wrong.
i took umbridge, so i did the only thing anyone in my position would do.
as to why this couple were so unpleasant, i have no idea.
as to how, i was in a bar with ned, i have no idea.
as to why i wasted my pint, i have no idea (its something i would never EVER actually do).
but thats dreams for you.
not only does ned dominate the internet, but the bugger is now invading my dreams.
think i need to disconnect from the wire for a while.

mark e, Thursday, 15 May 2014 18:08 (ten years ago) link

dreamt i played basketball vs j0rdan and frogbs lol

lag∞n, Saturday, 17 May 2014 18:44 (ten years ago) link

who won

mookieproof, Saturday, 17 May 2014 19:18 (ten years ago) link

me, they were having trouble coordinating

lag∞n, Monday, 19 May 2014 03:33 (ten years ago) link

i first read that as a dream involving nba hall of famer michael jordan, not ilxor j0rdan

°ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Monday, 19 May 2014 03:47 (ten years ago) link

i hope lagoon didn't make that mistake, it would make his post unacceptably vain and hubristic.

estela, Monday, 19 May 2014 03:59 (ten years ago) link

dreamed that roxy and i were preparing "menarche baskets" (gift baskets with candy and other things + tampons/pads/info about periods) and then i made her listen to a record of lita ford's childhood gospel choir. i think other stuff happened but that's all i remember

funch dressing (La Lechera), Monday, 19 May 2014 12:58 (ten years ago) link

dreamed that I posted "so isn't this basically just Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles again?" in response to something I don't remember and got lots of lols and otms.

Doritos Loco Parentis (Hurting 2), Thursday, 29 May 2014 19:07 (ten years ago) link

lol otm

an office job is as secure as a Weetabix padlock (snoball), Thursday, 29 May 2014 19:16 (ten years ago) link


how's life, Thursday, 29 May 2014 19:29 (ten years ago) link


°ㅇ๐ْ ° (gr8080), Thursday, 29 May 2014 20:05 (ten years ago) link

I think this counts: I dreamt that I was attacked by a dog, and then later in the dream I was telling someone that I had dreamt of being attacked by a dog, and they said "did you dream that sincerely" and I said "I don't think it's possible to dream something ironically"

mikelovestfu (wins), Thursday, 5 June 2014 18:21 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Had dreams about some dude two nights in a row. He was still a journo in bmore, but working the crime beat instead of the music beat. He wore a tan overcoat and a grey tweed bucket hat.

Dream 1: A door was broken in my house. Some dude told me his cousin in east baltimore was a locksmith, so I took the lock over there, but on the way into the harbor tunnel my car stopped working and everything got dark.

Dream 2: Really fuzzy on the details, but there was a deserted parking lot in the middle of some woods near the entrance to a cave and some dude was trying to solve crimes with a remote control helicopter some how.

how's life, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 11:12 (ten years ago) link


some dude and how's life on the trail of a parking lot

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 13:53 (ten years ago) link

And last night I had a dream about Trayce in a knitted pink knit rabbit suit. It looked kinda like this except it had two bunny ears on top. She was getting ready to go on a date.

how's life, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:21 (ten years ago) link

I became get bent's roomie and there was an opening in the ceiling of her room through which I could get to the roof. There was much more to it than this but I just remember interrupting her dinner to access the roof.

ljubljana, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:24 (ten years ago) link

lol wtf HL

the Bronski Review (Trayce), Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:28 (ten years ago) link

For reasons unknown, I was taken into a medical clinic and given this mysterious test. I was told that it was a mandatory exam to see if I was eligible for medication for erectile dysfunction, but that seemed like a lie. It involved injecting me with drugs, making me wear a garbage bag, and view different TV shows through different eye pieces, measuring my neurological response. When the drugs kicked in I went totally crazy, lost consciousness, the rest of the dream was just a series of episodes of regaining consciousness, blearily seeing Stevie D in a labcoat screaming "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" at the roomful of doctors.

flamboyant goon tie included, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 12:52 (ten years ago) link

dreamed that roxy and i were preparing "menarche baskets" (gift baskets with candy and other things + tampons/pads/info about periods) and then i made her listen to a record of lita ford's childhood gospel choir. i think other stuff happened but that's all i remember

― funch dressing (La Lechera), Monday, May 19, 2014 8:58 AM (1 month ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

lol only just saw this

also does this exist??? "a record of lita ford's childhood gospel choir"

1 P.3. Eternal (roxymuzak), Thursday, 26 June 2014 04:19 (ten years ago) link

not that i know of, but we could float a rumor about it to see if anyone believes us

La Lechera, Thursday, 26 June 2014 13:56 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

Last night I dreamed that Scott Seward asked me to watch his record store for awhile and then lock up for him.

I did, and he offered me a hash brownie by way of payment. We ate brownies and watched "The Lucy Show" together. Episode featured a hippie who called himself "Vegetable".

Sir Lord Baltimora (Myonga Vön Bontee), Friday, 8 August 2014 14:29 (nine years ago) link

This happens a lot in my dreams: I'm looking at a map. Whenever my eyes pass over an ocean/large body of water I get this weird vertigo sensation and start to feel like I'm falling into/being sucked into the map/ocean (they become one and the same). It is really unpleasant.

brimstead, Saturday, 16 August 2014 20:48 (nine years ago) link

oh this thread is for dreams about ilx, sorry

brimstead, Saturday, 16 August 2014 20:48 (nine years ago) link

dreamt that i asked tracer hand to write my phd for me. also he drove a bus.

Merdeyeux, Saturday, 16 August 2014 23:09 (nine years ago) link

sam smith fell ill so max filled in for him and sang "stay with me" live on some late night television show

╲╱\/╲/\╱╲╱\/\ (gr8080), Sunday, 17 August 2014 14:57 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Introduced lex pretend to an irl friend of mine: "Sam, this is lex. He's so legit."

how's life, Tuesday, 2 September 2014 11:21 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

in the fourth of six segments of an awful dream sequence the owner of disney world told me he had completely changed the way he does business because of something i wrote online years ago. i guess i had written on ilx that disney world should use more paper? and so he transformed the company. i said "wait, i said that on ilx? yeah well i probably don't feel that way anymore."

however based on the events that took place in my dream disney world SHOULD use more safety measures and better egress from their outdoor adventure in case someone accidentally enters while trying to find their party in the dining area.

lxy, Sunday, 21 September 2014 15:02 (nine years ago) link

seriously crying with laughter after rescreening this entire thread

jello my future biafriend (roxymuzak), Friday, 26 September 2014 19:57 (nine years ago) link

Ah crap, I had one a while back about Morbs releasing a spoken word poetry record, but I forgot to document it here and now its been wiped from my memory.

MaudAddam (cryptosicko), Friday, 26 September 2014 20:22 (nine years ago) link

I had a dream the other night, that, the overarching reason why Robert Pollard puts out so many records is that he's in deep with the Mob. I was backstage with him, and was getting a LP autographed, and he was being harassed by some imposing goons. He mumbled, "this doesn't even cover the vig from that year," as he signed my Speak Kindly of Your Volunteer Fire Department rekkid.

BlackIronPrison, Friday, 26 September 2014 22:08 (nine years ago) link


lag∞n, Friday, 26 September 2014 22:09 (nine years ago) link

i just reread this whole thread and my god but

ok i dreamt last night i was at ethans house, i was nervous, while we were waiting for cankels to show up ethan gave me some home baked chocolate chip cookies and asked very diplomatically 'so ive been wondering, how is it that you manage to post so much', i was mortified, then cankels arrived in a v small car full of a drums

― ice cr?m, Saturday, June 11, 2011 11:13 PM (3 years ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 29 September 2014 05:30 (nine years ago) link

lmao have no memory of that

lag∞n, Monday, 29 September 2014 16:41 (nine years ago) link

"v small car full of a drums"

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 29 September 2014 17:01 (nine years ago) link

sure that "a" is a typo but it somehow works as a dream

lag∞n, Monday, 29 September 2014 17:46 (nine years ago) link

yes it is ahead only of "i was mortified" in my esteem of that post

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Monday, 29 September 2014 18:27 (nine years ago) link

Last night I dreamt I was at a cafe with ESOJ and Aero, we were just sitting around chatting, then Aero leant over and quietly muttered to me "I'm just about to invite Peter Jackson over to the table and I'd like to talk shop with him. Just play it cool ok, he hates people being fanboys at him".

So there we all are sitting at a table with fuckin Peter Jackson. Then suddenly some other random lady who is there pipes up with "excuse me, Mr Jackson?" and proceeds to ask him the most cringe inducing, inane gossip-mag question ever (I forget what it was but something like "if you could choose between chips and mash which one would Frodo eat?" or whatever).

The next thing I know, Peter Jackson is over the other side of the room, sitting at a table on his own finishing his soup with a scowl on his face, and Aero is Not Very Pleased.

Gumbercules? I love that guy! (Trayce), Wednesday, 1 October 2014 00:05 (nine years ago) link

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