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Sigur Ros cause ambling, you heard it here first.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Thursday, 6 October 2005 12:43 (eighteen years ago) link

Glasgwegians: never rent a mobile phone in America :(

Mädchen (Madchen), Thursday, 6 October 2005 13:57 (eighteen years ago) link

yes, i do. and thanks for flooding my inbox with such amazing musings!
the reason i do it: this thread breaks my computer at work. so in order to keep abreast of breaking glasgow news and important developments, i need only check my excite account. tho for some reason RJG's posts tend to get sent directly to my 'trash' folder. hmmmm
madchen: when did you hop the atlantic? i thought you were just going to dublin.

dahlin (dahlin), Thursday, 6 October 2005 16:42 (eighteen years ago) link

She did, but for some reason she decided to hire an American mobile phone for the trip, hence her problems.

Alba (Alba), Thursday, 6 October 2005 16:47 (eighteen years ago) link

April, 2004.

Ally C (Ally C), Thursday, 6 October 2005 17:50 (eighteen years ago) link

Tardy cunts.

Ally C (Ally C), Thursday, 6 October 2005 17:51 (eighteen years ago) link

Ally sums up my thoughts exactly. I am hoping they are mistaken tardy cunts. Mistaken to the tune of €555. Euros!

Mädchen (Madchen), Thursday, 6 October 2005 18:24 (eighteen years ago) link

ey up glasgow, i'm back.

and i think i can help solve tomorrow night's space problems, 'cos i'm not gonna be able to make it now ... i'd kind of overlooked the fact that the 7th is my best mate's birthday. erk. this is an unfortunate clash, because i was rather looking forward to trying out some of my new-found greek skills on dahlin.

apologies if this fucks anything up, but to be honest it sounds like i'll be doing you a favour. if there is any deposit misery, let me know and i shall bung a fiver towards the ailsa beer fund.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Thursday, 6 October 2005 20:05 (eighteen years ago) link

My birthday is the 7th Jan... You must've made a mistake.

Birthday or not, you won't be trying out your 'greek' skills on me!

KeefW (kmw), Thursday, 6 October 2005 20:23 (eighteen years ago) link

gosh i'm confused. no matter. all shall be revealed tonight i'm sure
8pm? i hope so.
later taters

dahlin (dahlin), Friday, 7 October 2005 09:03 (eighteen years ago) link

So is the prematch build up in the note?

scotstvo (scotstvo), Friday, 7 October 2005 14:27 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm going to the gym (!!!) so I'll see you at the Russian at eight. Cheerio!

Mädchen (Madchen), Friday, 7 October 2005 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link

I didn't make it to the gym. Hahahahahaha!

Mädchen (Madchen), Friday, 7 October 2005 17:44 (eighteen years ago) link

That was good. Thanks again, Glasgow, we're getting quite good at this now. Mmmm vodka.

ailsa (ailsa), Saturday, 8 October 2005 09:17 (eighteen years ago) link

Mmmm, nail varnish remover.

Mädchen (Madchen), Saturday, 8 October 2005 10:19 (eighteen years ago) link

so what did i miss? how was the beetroot? i was in the lismore, which was full of men with moustaches. i felt bereft.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Saturday, 8 October 2005 10:53 (eighteen years ago) link

You missed vodka which tasted like mango-flavoured nail varnish remover. Nice food. Beer. A phone call from Barry Lasagne. A bill in excess of £200. And a laugh.

And we missed you. *cue violins*

ailsa (ailsa), Saturday, 8 October 2005 11:12 (eighteen years ago) link

aww! *touched*

"barry lasagne"?!

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Saturday, 8 October 2005 11:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Markelby. (see Internet Hardman requires new moniker for details)

ailsa (ailsa), Saturday, 8 October 2005 11:41 (eighteen years ago) link

ha! superb.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Saturday, 8 October 2005 11:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Chris Tarrant has been removed from the masonic :(

Glad you had fun (if drinking nail varnish remover constitutes fun, that is).

I got very very drunk until 5am. Now I have to go get drunk again and watch Scotland.

Onimo (GerryNemo), Saturday, 8 October 2005 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link

one would have to be drunk to do that, yes

dahlin (dahlin), Saturday, 8 October 2005 17:04 (eighteen years ago) link

Pity poor Scotstvo who had to stand at Hampden in the pishy horrible hailstones sober and watch it. At least it was bearable in the pub (by virtue of beer, free pies, no hailstones and the bar staff turning the TV over just in time to see Beckham getting sent off).

ailsa (ailsa), Saturday, 8 October 2005 17:09 (eighteen years ago) link

oh, football

RJG (RJG), Saturday, 8 October 2005 17:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Top night everyone. On the way home I got abuse from some pissed lassie who said I should have gone to specsavers. But I DID go to specsavers, I drunkenly pointed out, which left her rather confused.

Anyway, I didn't get the Metro job. :( Oy vey. Better things await day.

Stew (stew s), Saturday, 8 October 2005 17:47 (eighteen years ago) link

I almost got in trouble, for bringing a friend along
it was okay, in the end, though, I think

a good night but wish I hadn't had anything to drink

RJG (RJG), Saturday, 8 October 2005 17:53 (eighteen years ago) link

You didn't get in trouble, though, and all was well, once we'd completed our takeover of all the tables and menus in the place. Has he remembered how he knows me yet?

I wish I had had more similar things to drink rather than a variety of vodka and red wine and nasty Sam Smith stout.

ailsa (ailsa), Saturday, 8 October 2005 18:23 (eighteen years ago) link

i got specsavers abuse in stirling, funnily enough
sorry about the job! maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
i've just spent the past hour doing long-term financial planning. how scary is that? it's official: i'm an adult now

dahlin (dahlin), Saturday, 8 October 2005 18:50 (eighteen years ago) link

I too am the recipient of specsavers abuse, from a drunk guy carrying a bottle of buckie along princes st.

I'm going to see Deerhoof tonight at Mono. One D.Geraghty may well be coming along also.

hmmm (hmmm), Monday, 10 October 2005 14:23 (eighteen years ago) link

deerhoof are good live

cozen (Cozen), Monday, 10 October 2005 14:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, I saw them play almost 2 years ago in Edinburgh. They were tight and funny. The new album has moments of absolute genius so I'm really excited about it.

hmmm (hmmm), Monday, 10 October 2005 14:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I'll be at Deerhoof too. Hurrah! They were tip top at ATP in Feb.

Stew (stew s), Monday, 10 October 2005 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link

And they were even better tonight. Fucking incredible.

Stew (stew s), Monday, 10 October 2005 23:37 (eighteen years ago) link

I thought the last 2 songs were really incredible. The rest, I wasn't conviced about. The songs from the new album seemed to have difficulty translating to a live performance. Also, the sound in mono is really quiet.

hmmm (hmmm), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 07:35 (eighteen years ago) link

Quiet? I had my earplugs in for about half of it. It was fine.

Stew (stew s), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 09:04 (eighteen years ago) link

hmmmm, I don't think I'm particularly deaf. I was standing under the dome so that may have had an effect.

hmmm (hmmm), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 09:15 (eighteen years ago) link

I'm with hmmm, when I saw them in Bristol last week the last two songs were amazing but the rest of it was only OK (and I really enjoyed them at ATP). It was very quiet here as well.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 09:32 (eighteen years ago) link

I saw Deerhoof play a couple of years ago. They were boring.

Ally C (Ally C), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 12:00 (eighteen years ago) link

"don't let the post-rock put you off!" simon reynolds, village voice

cozen (Cozen), Tuesday, 11 October 2005 12:12 (eighteen years ago) link

details of the sounds of myanmar record I was talking about

cozen (Cozen), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 07:29 (eighteen years ago) link

Hi Glasgow.

Wet isn't it?

I am jealous of yr Instal festival on the weekend and sorry I will be in London rather than grooving to the out-there sounds.

alext (alext), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 08:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, I got f***** soaked on the way to work today... Again.

KeefW (kmw), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 17:06 (eighteen years ago) link

I wish I hadn´t missed the Russian FAP.

I love you, Glasgow!

Cathy (Cathy), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 17:50 (eighteen years ago) link

that 'sounds of myanamar' just came through my letter box today. i shall peruse after tea.

stirmonster (stirmonster), Wednesday, 12 October 2005 18:00 (eighteen years ago) link

it is really great, stir, my favourite is track 3...

cozen (Cozen), Thursday, 13 October 2005 07:19 (eighteen years ago) link

I give in... would anyone be so kind... can a glasgow ilxor with a full copy of lost season 1 make me a copy, please?

in the meanwhile, I'll see if I can get the start to season 2 through the usual channels... I can't watch telly programs weekly anymore... torrents and DVD has ruined me

cozen (Cozen), Thursday, 13 October 2005 19:25 (eighteen years ago) link


cozen (Cozen), Thursday, 13 October 2005 19:25 (eighteen years ago) link

I would (and will) offer, but I bet someone else more efficient actually comes through with the goods before me.

ailsa (ailsa), Thursday, 13 October 2005 19:27 (eighteen years ago) link

I have lost

so much

RJG (RJG), Thursday, 13 October 2005 23:46 (eighteen years ago) link

A new month is approaching and my mind turns to Big Dinner: can Glasgow ILX manage two in two months? The Greek thread is making my eyes water. Shall we continue our culinary odyssey at Konaki?

Mädchen (Madchen), Thursday, 20 October 2005 12:30 (eighteen years ago) link

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