"I don't even own a TV"

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og are u just sore cos clockwork is kinda passé these days, is that it

ha genuinely i dont even know what that is

cog, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:09 (ten years ago) link


1) if you don't own a television you hate the transgendered
2) it's racist to not watch The Wire
3) we should bomb the crap out of Iraq

Neanderthal, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:09 (ten years ago) link

people who simply are something vs people who insist on something

goole, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:12 (ten years ago) link

choose wisely

goole, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:13 (ten years ago) link

namaste, just be

have a nice blood/orange bitters cocktail (mh), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:16 (ten years ago) link

I should know better than to stir the hornet's nest, but sometimes it's really fun to watch them get so outraged when shoe is on other foot!
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boxall, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:17 (ten years ago) link

Nuclear option

fauxpas cola (darraghmac), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:28 (ten years ago) link

Cog it was a pun on cog, clockwork, cog, is all

fauxpas cola (darraghmac), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:29 (ten years ago) link

it's mad fun to form huge judgements of people off of the tiniest thing you know about them so i support either poll option equally; it doesn't matter if you like tv or not, the important thing is that we can all judge each other quickly and decisively based on the most trivial aspects of our personalities.

real myst opportunity (sleepingbag), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:34 (ten years ago) link

Well, ya

fauxpas cola (darraghmac), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:35 (ten years ago) link

everybody should be killed

Neanderthal, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:37 (ten years ago) link

Everybody is.

Atheist btw, from europe.

fauxpas cola (darraghmac), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:39 (ten years ago) link

Silly human race

nitro-burning funny car (Moodles), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:41 (ten years ago) link

"it started as what seemed an innocuous thread, but soon factions formed and alliances divided. televisions being chucked out into the street. people ripped from their homes. the first warheads were launched in the wee hours on Christmas Eve. It all ended with a big bang."

Neanderthal, Monday, 31 March 2014 22:45 (ten years ago) link

I wonder whatever it is that you "take pride in" and how I can pour coruscating scorn on it.

― BLEEEEEEE Monday (Branwell Bell), Monday, March 31, 2014 3:13 PM (3 hours ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

tbrr you don't need any help on that front

bi-polar uncle (its OK-he's dead) (Phil D.), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:51 (ten years ago) link

btw one of these options leads to the embarrassing "nobody in the UK has even HEARD of these 'Simpsons' you pulled last week."

bi-polar uncle (its OK-he's dead) (Phil D.), Monday, 31 March 2014 22:56 (ten years ago) link


have a nice blood/orange bitters cocktail (mh), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 00:13 (ten years ago) link

people have never asked me unsolicited, what I think of a particular television show, and never have, not even when I worked in an office with watercoolers and awkward small-talk. it's a myth... isn't it? or did I miss out?

Not a myth - more like a passenger pigeon or a dodo bird now. The last time someone asked me "so what did you think of xxxxxxx last night?" was the day after the Seinfeld finale.

Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:09 (ten years ago) link

I'm trying to figure out why this type of thing is so annoying. I think part of it is it fee is like the don't even watch a tv'er is sort of stuck in adolescence, still defining themselves by what they don't like instead of what they do like & feeling superior to the unenlightened when in actuality they might be just as shallow.

Raptain Chillips (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:10 (ten years ago) link

I mean honestly that speaks to my problems overall with it. Anti-TV folk aren't a pet cause of mine, I just dislike anybody who proudly wears the shit they hate as a badge of honor. People who merely don't own televisions or tell me about it, who gives a shit...

there's one particular acquaintance of mine who makes it a habit daily to brag about what celebrities he hasn't heard of, what rap artists he's never heard music by, and how much he hates a certain movie (which changes by month). find that hella tedious

Neanderthal, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:13 (ten years ago) link

people have never asked me unsolicited, what I think of a particular television show, and never have, not even when I worked in an office with watercoolers and awkward small-talk. it's a myth... isn't it? or did I miss out?

Last year I started going to lunch with my coworkers because I wanted to be less of an antisocial jerk. About 75% of the conversation was about television. I still try to go with them once a week to keep up appearances, but I look for a quick excuse to head back to my desk when they start asking if anyone saw last night's Grey's Anatomy or whatever.

how's life, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:27 (ten years ago) link

(I own a TV, but I mostly only watch whatever my kids are watching, which I guess is a version of "I don't even own a TV" but I'd love to watch Girls or Game of Thrones if I had HBO or whatever.)

how's life, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:30 (ten years ago) link

That's what blu-rays and DVDs are for

nitro-burning funny car (Moodles), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:31 (ten years ago) link

there's a friend of mine, a former co-worker that chats w/ me mostly about music and television shows when I logon to our chat system.

but I prefer to binge watch television so tehre's few shows we're ever both watching in real time.

Neanderthal, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 01:54 (ten years ago) link

I'm trying to figure out why this type of thing is so annoying. I think part of it is it fee is like the don't even watch a tv'er is sort of stuck in adolescence, still defining themselves by what they don't like instead of what they do like & feeling superior to the unenlightened when in actuality they might be just as shallow.

― Raptain Chillips (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, March 31, 2014 8:10 PM (50 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

because being ignorant is never good?

goole, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 02:01 (ten years ago) link

I just dislike anybody who proudly wears the shit they hate as a badge of honor.

^^^^ this.

(The Other) J.D. (J.D.), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 02:28 (ten years ago) link

calling things passé is out btw

forum enthusiast (wins), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 05:47 (ten years ago) link

Branwell pitting two sides against each other and disappearing abruptly is some next-level puppetmaster shit.

Hello and welcome to ilx u must be new here

Corpsepaint Counterpaint (jjjusten), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 06:32 (ten years ago) link

/I just dislike anybody who proudly wears the shit they hate as a badge of honor./

^^^^ this.
--(The Other) J.D. (J.D.)

What about their hate of Fracking?

cog, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 07:08 (ten years ago) link

_/I just dislike anybody who proudly wears the shit they hate as a badge of honor./

^^^^ this.
--(The Other) J.D. (J.D.)_

What about fact you wear your disdain for these people as a badge of honor yourself?

cog, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 07:10 (ten years ago) link

Maybe Branwell is working on a very long post

It's "Good Day to you, Sirs"

mohel hell (Bob Six), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 07:21 (ten years ago) link

cog otm itt, "i don't even own a tv" is not usually something people say unbidden. it's usually a way of saying "i don't watch tv so this direction of conversation excludes me". obviously condescending snobs exist but this statement doesn't automatically make one a condescending snob.

i never really grew up in a tv-oriented house so never really got into the habit. fully acknowledge tv can be great but when i get into things i REALLY get into them so i find i don't have the time to commit to tv series - i can't just watch an episode here, an episode there, casual watching. i find that - with a few other things - you do come across people who seem almost offended that you don't conform to the habits and pastimes of 99% of people within "your" social demographic. "what do you mean, you don't practise the signifiers of the pop culture-consuming middle classes."

obviously i watch tennis on tv, if "crappy internet live stream" counts as a tv.

anyway i'm not a snob about tv as a medium but i am 100% a snob about this attitude:

Also the activity of Watching Television as in getting some snacks and just spending a few hours a night on the couch watching whatever the fuck came on.

― james franco tur(oll)ing test (Hurting 2), Monday, March 31, 2014 8:47 PM (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

i never realised until twitter how many people do this! they watch whatever, they seem to dislike it and they don't even seem to care about it. they just watch it because it's there. EVERY FUCKING NIGHT. i am baffled by and unashamedly contemptuous of this lifestyle. you should be into - really into, enthusiastic and excited about - your hobbies and your cultural consumption otherwise what is the actual point???

(video games are another matter. an appalling hobby in every respect.)

lex pretend, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 08:35 (ten years ago) link

Sorry, I'm still laughing at the ignorance and projection displayed in "Branwell must be a next-level puppet master because... (Branwell goes to bed during time zones that are night time in the UK)!!!"

BLEEEEEEE Monday (Branwell Bell), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 08:38 (ten years ago) link

I half-agree, Lex, but I don't disdain watching TV as wallpaper, I just don't get it. I don't get video games either but how other people spend their time doesn't bother me. I know there are people who find it weird that I spend so much time on Twitter and ILX. I remember reading someone describe Robbie Williams' Angels as "a song that idiots want played at their funerals" and thought it was so gross and contemptuous that I vowed not to sneer at people for their cultural choices anymore. Or at least try not to. Culture has a utilitarian role as comfort and distraction and if someone finds it comforting to watch whatever's on TV when they get home from work as opposed to streaming True Detective or reading a novel then what's it to me?

What is wrong with songs? Absolutely nothing. Songs are great. (DL), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 08:53 (ten years ago) link

yeah i acknowledge my snobbery about video games is nagl but allow me that one just because. i don't rescind anything about tv-as-wallpaper snobbery though. the sheer passivity of it combined with the visible dislike of what that passivity gets you, i don't know why it doesn't strike them as a terrible way to pass a life. don't get me wrong i am fully in favour of procrastination and useless time-wasting but at least that should be in service of something that actively enthuses you?

lex pretend, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 09:06 (ten years ago) link

I have a soft spot for full-on TV-as-wallpaper – like actually actively doing something else while it mutters in the background - & that's a function of my youth & always being around TV. It's a comfortable way for me to read quickly - happy memories of eg summer holiday, work through a reading list, Neighbours on in the background.

But I don't have a TV now. I slide too easily into just watching it. I think my logic is something like:

Reading + TV: ok
Just reading: ok
Just TV: uncomfortable with myself, but find it difficult to stop because I love you TV.

woof, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 09:21 (ten years ago) link

I didn't really 'get' TV-as-wallpaper until i started working full-time. Getting home completely knackered after a stressful day at work isn't always particularly conducive to more active pursuits. I don't watch tonnes of TV but i don't begrudge anyone the habit of flopping on the sofa and consuming escapist entertainment.

Yuri Bashment (ShariVari), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 09:49 (ten years ago) link

i don't even read this thread

invent viral babe (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 09:51 (ten years ago) link

there is so much great tv out there. some shows are totally involving, beautifully directed, scripted and acted. it's daft to cut oneself off from all that greatness.

my father will guide me up the stairs to bed (anagram), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 09:59 (ten years ago) link

at a party the other week someone in conversation mentioned a telly prog that was I imagine made before anyone at the party was born and one wee guy blurted out we don't actually own a tv!! looking feverishly at his girlfriend and sort of nodding involuntarily

conrad, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 10:33 (ten years ago) link

I put salt on my TV

the Bronski Review (Trayce), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 10:36 (ten years ago) link

the following day I was walking along the canal and he appeared on the path walking towards me smiling with a skateboard strapped to his back and slowed to say hello but I kept my pace and informed him that I don't skateboard as I passed

conrad, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 10:36 (ten years ago) link

It never fails to amaze me, the things that people will get incredibly judgmental about, and then justify their behaviour by claiming "OH BUT THOSE PEOPLE I'M JUDGING ARE SO SNOBBY AND JUDGEMENTAL". This isn't about anything except projection.

― BLEEEEEEE Monday (Branwell Bell), Monday, 31 March 2014 19:24 (Yesterday) Permalink


Blandford Forum, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 10:56 (ten years ago) link

I find myself wondering if "I only watch via the Internet" is the new snobbish version of IDEOATV. I'm pretty sure I've been guilty of proselytizing about how going Internet-only will set you free, but I was the same way when I first got satellite+Tivo. All technology has done is make the existing television even more non-linear.

The IDEOATV people have a smugness about them that feels almost class-based. Insert every argument about high-brow vs. low-brow culture here.

Those 60s media guys: McLuhan, Postman, etc. they were really onto something. Television is different.


Elvis Telecom, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 13:26 (ten years ago) link

I feel like if you're watching TV programming on the internet you're still watching tv

Raptain Chillips (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 14:03 (ten years ago) link

lalalalala not listening

Evan, Tuesday, 1 April 2014 14:06 (ten years ago) link

the fundamental difference is that on the internet you've gone to find that thing you're watching rather than just clicked around to see what's on

TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 14:07 (ten years ago) link

the internet is still pull rather than push

or in my case, skim and restate

TracerHandVEVO (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 1 April 2014 14:09 (ten years ago) link

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