Hey it's halloween, everybody should shit their pants - ilx horror crew top tens.

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Give me all of your fall horror viewing lists!

i wanna know yours

yarn (jjjusten), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:23 (nine years ago) link

Valerie is def on it now that I have Hulu Plus! (shaking my own head I haven't seen it until now)

Re: Yotsuya. Color version not Colorado version!

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 15 September 2014 16:28 (nine years ago) link

i see i'm not the only person planning ahead! i want to watch possession. that's one i've been saving bc i know it's gonna be rill good.
we always try to watch mostly things we haven't seen before, but i am insisting on some repeats because i'm in the mood
let's scare jessica, top of the list
also want to see stage fright!

cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:30 (nine years ago) link

I feel like I'm the world's only Jessica naysayer, but it has been probably about 10 years since I watched it.

it's like a soothing horror blanket
i want to watch lots of early 80s movies with ladies in them

cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:33 (nine years ago) link

ha well as often, im right there with you on jessica xpost

yarn (jjjusten), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:34 (nine years ago) link

My planned rewatches for this year:

Legend of Hell House and The Changeling (my girlfriend has been pretty into the other "unquiet house" films we've seen so I thought she'd dig these)
Creepshow 2 and Tales From The Darkside: The Movie (been a dog's age since I saw either, and I'm way into anthologized horror at the moment)
Basket Case and Brain Damage (anyone rate the Basket Case sequels? I bought the trilogy but it remains to be seen how advisable a purchase that was)
The Dead Zone (the gf said the other day that she'd like to see a supernatural conspiracy movie and this was the closest thing I could think of in the moment)
possibly the Scream and/or Child's Play series (I have no real idea why...seems like a good idea at the moment?)

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:37 (nine years ago) link

skip Scream 2, the rest are watchable

Nhex, Monday, 15 September 2014 16:38 (nine years ago) link

throw childs play in a box, burn it, and bury it in the woods

yarn (jjjusten), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:42 (nine years ago) link

i want to watch possession. that's one i've been saving bc i know it's gonna be rill good.

I want to watch it, too, but I also kind of don't. It's amazing and compelling as hell with stunning performances (number one on my horror poll ballot) but it dredges up some deep psychic garbage. Maybe as dread-ful a horror movie as I've ever seen, particularly for something that barely qualifies as a straight horror film. It's like staring into the Ark of the Covenant.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:45 (nine years ago) link

I sometimes think that Isabelle Adjani in Possession might be the single most mindblowing acting performance I've ever seen.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:47 (nine years ago) link

Like, I don't know how you go that far out and come back with all of your facilities intact.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:49 (nine years ago) link

mine is not v exotic or unique & kinda just 'klassiks 101' but these are my go-to's
Black Christmas
Carnival of Souls
The Cabinet of Dr Caligari
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Night of the Living Dead
Dawn of the Dead
The Thing
The Fly
Evil Dead II
Army of Darkness

difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:52 (nine years ago) link

Like, I don't know how you go that far out and come back with all of your facilities intact.

yes! this is why i have been saving it. i think i'm ready!

cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Monday, 15 September 2014 16:56 (nine years ago) link

That is a pretty solid bunch though. There are quite a lot of classics I'm really not into but I'm fond of all those.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 15 September 2014 16:57 (nine years ago) link

I still have yet to see any of the Evil Dead movies. I kinda feel like Raimi isn't really my thing, but maybe I should take the plunge.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:18 (nine years ago) link

They are loads of fun. The third is a mess but it doesn't stop it from being a good time (directors cut if you can, it has more funny stuff if I recall right). A Simple Plan is fantastic. Drag Me To He'll is pretty good. The Gift is okay.
I've never seen Crimewave, the reputation is very mixed.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:22 (nine years ago) link

anyone rate the Basket Case sequels?

Basket Case 2 is enjoyably batshit. not a patch on the first one but entertainingly ridiculous in a different way.

Οὖτις, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:23 (nine years ago) link

i want to watch lots of early 80s movies with ladies in them

This is more mid 80s and not necessarily good but have you seen Spellbinder?

Rand McNulty (Jon Lewis), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:23 (nine years ago) link

I hated Drag Me To Hell but you can't fuck with the first two Evil Dead movies

Οὖτις, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:24 (nine years ago) link

I do love A Simple Plan but I never got the impression that it had much in common with his earlier stuff.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:27 (nine years ago) link

It is different but it has some of his humour.

One thing I miss about early Raimi is the visuals. His later films look less distinct. Within The Woods short film is good too.

Alison Lohman really is a lot of my enjoyment of Drag Me To Hell. She is astonishingly cute. I thought she was really funny when she talked like Ash "I'm gonna get some! Yeah!"

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:29 (nine years ago) link

Actually, speaking of A Simple Plan, I'm also kinda looking out for more straightforward thrillers to watch this year. I have a jones to see junk like The Hand That Rocks The Cradle and The Good Son again. And I just got an enormous Hitchcock set for my birthday. Any recommendations along those lines would be most welcome.

Bouffants and Other Coifs (Old Lunch), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:31 (nine years ago) link

If you haven't seen The Conversation, go for that. I hadn't heard of it until a few years ago but I think it's probably a standard for some people.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:36 (nine years ago) link

A Simple Plan has a great unique score btw, elfman relying on detuned/microtonal pianos in perhaps partial homage to what Mancini did for Wait Until Dark

Rand McNulty (Jon Lewis), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:36 (nine years ago) link

This is more mid 80s and not necessarily good but have you seen Spellbinder?
No, I don't think so? I'm interested in that late 70s-early 80s lady interzone before the 80s were the 80s
like I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can only with more blood (plenty of screaming in that movie)

cross over the mushroom circle (La Lechera), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:39 (nine years ago) link

Evil Dead II is like a 3-Stooges horror movie, it's really awesome.

difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 15 September 2014 17:51 (nine years ago) link

nyuk nyuk nyuk

Οὖτις, Monday, 15 September 2014 17:53 (nine years ago) link

Aha I get what yr talking about now LL

Rand McNulty (Jon Lewis), Monday, 15 September 2014 18:00 (nine years ago) link

A Simple Plan has a great unique score btw, elfman relying on detuned/microtonal pianos in perhaps partial homage to what Mancini did for Wait Until Dark

Good call, and WUD is easily one my top 5 horror scores ever.

Eric you have Mancini's Lifeforce right? Couldn't be more different from WUD (other than in its dark affect) but just as staggering an achievement.

Rand McNulty (Jon Lewis), Monday, 15 September 2014 23:05 (nine years ago) link

Whoa, didn't realize Mancini was behind that score

Nhex, Tuesday, 16 September 2014 01:39 (nine years ago) link

It's been so long since I saw that movie, I can't remember the score. (I think I saw a list where Mancini said that was one of his all-time toughest movies to score, alongside Ghost Dad and Mommie Dearest.)

a guy named Christian White who represents the typical white Christian (Eric H.), Tuesday, 16 September 2014 03:33 (nine years ago) link

The movie was pretty alienating already, the score just added another layer to it

Nhex, Tuesday, 16 September 2014 05:03 (nine years ago) link

Watched The Serpent and the Rainbow and Lords of Salem for the first time this week. The former will likely be in rotation for Halloweens to come (probably the best Wes Craven movie I've seen!), while the latter might've made it in if Rob Zombie had fought a little harder against his compulsion to cobble together an absurdly OTT ending that managed to totally undo the masterfully-understated and spooky tone he'd maintained for most of the flick. Still dug at least 3/4 of it.

Kick And They Slap A Friend (Old Lunch), Thursday, 18 September 2014 17:51 (nine years ago) link

I'm usually pretty on board whenever Zombie goes all baroque.

a guy named Christian White who represents the typical white Christian (Eric H.), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:16 (nine years ago) link

lords of salem was so dope

I might have to rewatch for halloween this year

difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:32 (nine years ago) link

Every year a local rep theater does a 12 HOURS OF TERROR marathon for Halloween, and they just announced this year's slate. I am STOKED.

The Thing (1982)
Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2
The Blob (1988)
Sleepaway Camp
Friday the 13th Part 4
The Mad Magician (1954)
. . . plus a surprise screening!

Welcome to my spooooooky carnival! Hope I don't... blow your mind! (Phil D.), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:38 (nine years ago) link

Nice lineup!

Serpent + Rainbow is pretty awesome. I just saw it for the first time last year. It is legit frightening at many points. I think it's back on NF Streaming again. If you want to make it seem even better, try watching The Believers (feat Martin Sheen and Jimmy Smits, dir Schlesinger) afterward. Unbearable NYC-set voodoo horror which I could not finish.

arthur treacher, or the fall of the british empire (Jon Lewis), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:57 (nine years ago) link

How do ppl rate Ppl Under the Stairs?

arthur treacher, or the fall of the british empire (Jon Lewis), Thursday, 18 September 2014 18:57 (nine years ago) link

It undoes itself with over the top comedy, quite disappointing.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:05 (nine years ago) link

Ha, my girlfriend suggested The Believers after we finished Serpent. I vaguely remember seeing it in the '80s but everything I've read seems to suggest that I should avoid seeing it again.

Kick And They Slap A Friend (Old Lunch), Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:09 (nine years ago) link

Totally disagree with that take on people under the stairs - it's way bleaker than people remember

yarn (jjjusten), Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:15 (nine years ago) link

Now that I've gotten a taste of latter-day Zombie (only ever saw House of 1000 Corpses before, which was fine if not really my thing), I kinda want to watch his Halloween remakes. Especially since I keep hearing good things (about 2, at least). And the little bit of that I saw of the first remake seemed somewhat richer than the original (which I'm not a huge fan of).

Kick And They Slap A Friend (Old Lunch), Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:39 (nine years ago) link

People Under the Stairs is p good but I think it suffers from having a child as the lead/protagonist

on the plus side, the delivery of "so that's where all the money in the ghetto went" kinda makes up for it

Οὖτις, Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:45 (nine years ago) link

I like the humour in People Under the Stairs - aren't the creepy couple in it meant to by Ron and Nancy?

sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Thursday, 18 September 2014 19:51 (nine years ago) link

It was over a decade ago I saw it but I think maybe most of the disappointment was with it not being as creepy as I wanted.

Robert Adam Gilmour, Thursday, 18 September 2014 20:41 (nine years ago) link

I'm watching the old Twilight Zones. Live television, esp in b & w is creepy late at night, esp with the wind blowing through the trees etc

Opus Gai (I M Losted), Thursday, 18 September 2014 21:50 (nine years ago) link

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