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and now he's talking about israel + hamas so obv this was meant to be

Mordy, Thursday, 12 March 2015 01:11 (nine years ago) link

Made it through part 3, plan to continue. He's a trip (lol a jacobite!)-- lots to argue with, lots to chew on. Feel I need to read a little further before commenting on his definition of left vs. right and his philosophy of history.

drash, Thursday, 12 March 2015 07:12 (nine years ago) link

i'm embarrassed to admit i dreamt about this essay a bunch last night

Mordy, Thursday, 12 March 2015 18:38 (nine years ago) link

image from harlem that feels relevant to moldbug's major theological claims

Mordy, Thursday, 12 March 2015 18:40 (nine years ago) link

get why this is fun and it links to some interesting primary sources but it is also just the first half of the republic (you wouldn't elect a ship captain! not in a proper navy! you would use standardized tests!) with some attached nixonian muttering about new england. (in its analysis of a century stealthily dominated first by ivy-league communist flunkies of that-man and then by the weather underground it doesn't have a word to say about the ~50 years skull and bones spent setting up juntas everywhere; "i wonder why." it also reduces reagan to this single phrase, in a list of minor exceptions to the rule of right-wing failure and irrelevance: "he got his military buildup." haha.) its ideas about the camouflage (or seen another way, diffusion) of a specific strain of protestantism are probably more otm than not, but it's wrong to act like the present ruling ideology has not also been diffused into plenty by a different and harsher strain, one no less eager to call theology science. he keeps talking admiringly about how "shockingly to the right" of today everything from the past is, by which he mostly seems to mean that people were more interested in metrical justifications for racism, because in other ways the mainstream american intellectual climate of the early-to-mid-20c was well to the left of that of the early 21c. (his grandparents, he says half a dozen times, were cpusa activists; he's a monarchist blogger whose go-to example of a good dictatorial candidate is fringe pariah steve jobs. but all the other american families have been dragged left, i guess.) at the same time he talks as if the allied-soviet pact and its accompanying popular-front uncle-joe propaganda were evidence of washington's abiding love for stalinism rather than something that appeared when hitler invaded russia and disappeared when he was defeated--as if FDR's infernal reign was actually lefter than it was.

surprised he gets through the whole thing without talking much about augustus, who i would have thought was the ideal model for the lasting purgation of republican sclerosis, but i guess people don't think much of him cuz he accomplished the whole thing with ridiculous orwellian lies, which don't ring like a bell when struck with your dick. irl tho if america ever did somehow reconstitute itself as an absolute dictatorship it would be in exactly this way, so if i were a "restorationist" in search of a responsible technocrat to ruthlessly redesign the state i'd probably hope for another one of him (maybe with better sperm) before i'd hope for frederick or the king of lichtenstein. (cognitive dissonance is always unattractive but in practice i don't think the alleged perpetuation of the republic actually much interfered with roman reverence for the imperator, or with the Moral Strength needed for all that great stuff like building tall things and stomping people.) there shoulda been more gibbon here in general, honestly, espesh considering the big twist was that xtians did it. he should have cut out the parts about how future monarchical authority over the military will be assured by putting electronic code-locks on all small arms, and put in some gibbon.

american blacks are not a protected samurai-style upper class.

the pobedonostev quotes i admit impressed me; pobedonostsev is some deep reaction. i like his book too. longtime unrealized project: pen-and-paper rpg campaign set in a version of 19c russia wherein slavic mythological creatures co-exist with late-imperial politics; big bad is koschei the deathless in the form of pobedonoststev.

difficult listening hour, Friday, 13 March 2015 06:36 (nine years ago) link

(sorry, should not conflate the uncle-joe wartime-allies phase with the pre-molotov/ribbentrop popular-front phase. still tho: in general this essay did not take the cold war seriously enough.)

difficult listening hour, Friday, 13 March 2015 06:39 (nine years ago) link

still slowly making my way through this and would like to say something about it tomorrow, but don't know where to start. enjoyed dlh's response.

drash, Friday, 13 March 2015 07:03 (nine years ago) link

i love this fuckin guy

After four loping and windy installments, I thought this week I'd vary the formula. Instead of an open letter to open-minded progressives at large, this is an open letter to just one: Charles Stross, the science-fiction writer.

max, Friday, 13 March 2015 10:46 (nine years ago) link

So there is no Nazi Wikipedia, but there could be. There is no Confederate Wikipedia, but there could be. And there is no Jacobite Wikipedia, but there could be.

max, Friday, 13 March 2015 10:46 (nine years ago) link

A1 posts dlh, bless you, and let me have a copy of that rpg

daed bod (Noodle Vague), Friday, 13 March 2015 11:03 (nine years ago) link

dlh, i wonder if you have thoughts re dugin who seems much smarter than moldbug to me and also more relevant to yr theoretical russian RPG project

Mordy, Friday, 13 March 2015 12:54 (nine years ago) link

wrote like four medium-sized posts here over the past 4 days but all of them were p much bluffing, we need sharivari. posting this one so i can go back to posting transcriptions of dylan intonations without shame

i think the at bottom orthodox idea that russia has preserved the roman flame for eventual return to the corrupted catholicapitalist west is still v deep there; i think pobedonoststev's notion of a properly authoritarian orthodox east locked in 1812-style combat with an atomized bourgeois west was shared on the 19c left (cf the idea that the russian peasant village contained a Primitive Communism smothered--but preserved!--beneath petrine westernizations, the precapitalist mediterranean's gift to russia, soon to be russia's gift to the world) and by the soviets. lenin was the furthest thing from a russian nationalist, but the beef-swollen cartoon plutocrats in bolshevik propaganda are not slavs. and the necessity of revolution in germany and italy meant that it was extremely important to lenin that the new ussr come out of the civil war with a western border at least as far as warsaw; he was shaken when it didn't. (comrade socialism-in-one-country got his back on that tho, eventually, ironically.) so uh anyway my vague impression of dugin is that he is prob pretty realistic about russia's enduring political+emotional appetite for the empire it lost, found, and lost again, especially if you link it, and i mean how could you not, to a sense of moral combat against the rotted+floundering west. this just happens over and over again. i don't even mean to say it's some special russian thing because who doesn't like empire and teaching your neighbors a thing or two; and these days the russian ultra-right is ideologically strong for the same reasons the islamic ultra-right is. (and they feed each other, and they both feed ours.) moldbug's brand of IT-guy reaction (so allergic to vox populi) is nowhere near as pragmatically attuned as dugin's to the actual mass excitements and hatreds that remain the garmonbozia of the actually-successful right moldbug doesn't believe exists; but he does go in for plenty of my-god-these-animals rational-boy racism, so it's not like he's totally spurning traditional american power sources.

difficult listening hour, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 19:39 (nine years ago) link

that's a major flaw i think in moldbug - he wants the authoritarianism but without the populist support (and fervent emotions) required to bring it about. In his perfect world I think a majority of society would intellectually come to the conclusion that authoritarian governance is better than democracy and would petition/protest for a shift but that's a totally insane thing to work towards.

Mordy, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:16 (nine years ago) link

i mean, a major pragmatic flaw in his program. there are much more severe moral flaws imo.

Mordy, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:16 (nine years ago) link

it doesnt seem that insane tbh! i mean its morally insane but--its basically what capital works toward right?

max, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:21 (nine years ago) link

i just meant insane to expect to foment political change by appealing to the mass's intellect

Mordy, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:24 (nine years ago) link

yeah sure. but appeal to our love of stability and uninterrupted food supply!

max, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:25 (nine years ago) link

maybe if the current system decays to the point where we're dealing w/ real instability + food shortages

Mordy, Tuesday, 17 March 2015 20:26 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

Mordy, Monday, 20 April 2015 17:46 (nine years ago) link

^thoughtprovoking; i’m sympathetic to much of it. (also liked another post from same blog you linked before, re whether some political phenomena are akin to religion. going to (ab)use that analogy myself here.)

some rambling halfdrunk tltr (seriously way tltr) thoughts:

agree (albeit in much more qualified & problematized way) that people— in this case academics— are “fundamentally good,” i.e. distressed by others’ suffering. SA argues that significant motive for western academic geopolitical “self-blame” (beyond theoretical or empirical merits of such etiology) is to resolve cognitive-ethical dissonance— to reconcile urgency to help others with our notions of “duty.”

bracketing (for sake of current arg) theoretical/ empirical merits of such etiology, i’d say 1) there’s something to this but also 2) more primordial motive is to make sense of suffering (others’ suffering as much as our own), find/ give meaning or reason to it. in other cultures or contexts, that might involve very different etiologies, teleologies, or ways to find/ give meaning. this intersects terrain covered on other recent ilx threads (e.g. problem of evil, theodicy, free will vs determinism, etc). there is something essentially “therapeutic” about such sense-making of suffering (even “scientific” explanation), whether it’s greek tragedy’s catharsis or marxist critique.

as nietzsche puts it in OGM (concerned precisely with genealogy of guilt etc.):

What really arouses indignation against suffering is not suffering as such but the senselessness of suffering: but neither for the Christian, who has interpreted a whole mysterious machinery of salvation into suffering, nor for the naïve man of more ancient times, who understood all suffering in relation to the spectator of it or the causer of it, was there any such thing as senseless suffering. So as to abolish hidden, undetected, unwitnessed suffering from the world and honestly to deny it, one was in the past virtually compelled to invent gods and genii of all the heights and depths, in short something that roams even in secret, hidden places, sees even in the dark, and will not easily let an interesting painful spectacle pass unnoticed. For it was with the aid of such inventions that life then knew how to work the trick which it has always known how to work, that of justifying itself, of justifying its “evil.” Nowadays it might require other auxiliary inventions.

SA expresses surprise that western academic explanation would take form of western self-blame (“naively we would expect people to cast themselves and those like them in as positive a light as possible”), but actually this isn’t surprising: for (post)judeochristian culture— even after “death of god”— guilt & the confession/ expiation of guilt, original sin etc., are deeply embedded paradigms for experiencing & making sense of (otherwise senseless) suffering.

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 03:46 (nine years ago) link

cf e.g. anthropogenic climate change. on the one hand, there’s the scientific theory, scientific consensus, empirical corroboration, delimitation of explanation (and political advocacy based on current science). on the other hand, you find many in the west immediately adducing climate change to account for any natural catastrophe, even those which responsible scientists don’t find reason to ascribe to climate change.

on the one hand, there’s the science. on the other hand, there’s the urge to resort to quasi-religious sense-making/ blame-ascribing when confronted with great suffering in ANY case of natural catastrophe— whether or not it’s scientifically legitimate to claim, in the particular case, that the catastrophe is “anthropogenic” (our fault) or just “natural” “act of god” (or “act of planet,” planet of perpetual continuous catastrophe, from before human existence to after human extinction).

it’s more therapeutic to find reason to blame “ourselves” (original sin of the west, capitalism, etc)— to find reason— whether this is supported by science or not in the particular case, than face utter senselessness of horrendous suffering.

but also note how this therapeutic quasi-christian machinery of guilt enables relief or evasion from responsibility, too. guilt can be dealt with through confession or casuistry. cf eco-evangelist eco-warrior hollywood actors flitting to and fro on private planes.

also note how trickily guilt/blame can slide from self to other. for an academic to blame the “capitalist west” is as abstract & detached a form of self-blame as original sin or christ’s crucifixion is for the christian: it’s my sin in the sense that i inherit it, am complicit in it. yet (intuitively) i’m not personally responsible; i’m caught up in the postlapsarian (or capitalist) “system.”

so it’s all too easy to slide from self-guilt to other-blaming (or scapegoating): e.g. to blame the jews (or jewish bankers, etc).

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 03:48 (nine years ago) link

so there’s a dark side to the western academic self-blame thing (on analogy of christian guilt machinery): e.g. facile shift to scapegoating, and relief/ evasion from personal responsibility. latter intersects with SA’s point about deontology. one thing about deontology is that it stops at the water’s edge, so to speak: i must act in accordance with my moral duty; i fulfill my duty by doing the “right” thing; but the unintended consequences of such an act don’t really fall in deontology’s purview. what counts, what’s in my power, is acting in accordance with a proper moral intention. if the arrow of my action doesn’t hit its mark (and instead, unfortunately, accidentally, hits something else)— that’s not so much deontology’s concern.

here’s where SA’s appeal to utilitarianism (or more widely, consequentialism) hits the mark for me. the western academic (on analogy of christian) makes sense of suffering through machinery of guilt, and relieves her guilt through confession/ critique. no doubt there’s something really genuinely good about urge thereby to help suffering others. but too often what takes precedence is the therapeutic deontological self-absolving: doing/ writing “the right thing” with “good intentions”— less concern with actual empirical consequences of political theory or action. (there’s some lineage here to the “beautiful soul” which i’m too lazy to trace right now.) this is one reason why it’s salutary for leftwing thinkers to read rightwing critique (and vice versa of course, but rightwing’s blind spots tend to be of different nature)— to have their “good” intentions and “good” self-critical (i.e. critical of west/capitalism) theorizing confronted with discrepant empirical realities and consequences.

on the other hand, utilitarianism unchecked by deontology is abhorrent. this leads to end-justifying-means calculations which (depending on who’s doing the calculating) are all too likely to come down to goal of gaining brute/absolute political power over individuals.

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 03:50 (nine years ago) link

would read a blog post psychologizing those who feel the need for elaborate justifications of their disinclination for (what they perceive as) left wing "theory." talk about moving guilt around!

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:16 (nine years ago) link

(just leaving aside the weird and confused notion of "theory" at work in that blog post)

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:19 (nine years ago) link

i like a lot of that - particularly re this "i inherit it, am complicit in it. yet (intuitively) i'm not personally responsible" in the sense that objection both fulfills the moral criteria ("not in my name") while obviating the need to directly confront the areas that the subject personally benefits from injustice such that in its most hypocritical state you see academics who rail against all types of injustices, but won't support adjunct unionization.

the one thing i particularly liked about the op was how generous i think the pov is that yr ideological opponent sincerely believes in their values, and aren't cynically lying about what they feel/think is true. and that more importantly, that ppl's values are often the same (i think this blog talks elsewhere about u ethically agreeing w/ salem witch hunters that witches that curse the land should be put to death - you just disagree that these are witches, or that witches exist, etc. ie - what is bad about these ppl aren't their values, but how those values are expressed).

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:23 (nine years ago) link

xp to drash. ryan's ideological anxiety not so interesting ;)

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:24 (nine years ago) link

ryan, i think more directly he is asking an important question about the far left - what do they gain from objecting to the very states, communities, etc that they live in. ie if you assume that members of larger social groups feel loyalty towards that group, why doesn't this one? one answer these ppl might give is that they are actually hyper loyal to the values proclaimed by the society, and therefore feel obligated to object to the society that doesn't honor those values (this is the 'protest is patriotic' argument). this might be true but is suspiciously self-serving. a cynical right-wing response might be that liberals have 'white guilt,' some kind of unprocessed psychological trauma (u hear this argument often in reverse too - that right-wingers are inflicted by paranoia, etc). the value of this post's answer is that by treating it as a deontological/utilitarian problem u don't have to either dehumanize either side of the argument - they have logical differences that account for various ideological differences. as opposed to being somehow emotionally crippled.

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:30 (nine years ago) link

ryan, i acknowledge confusion of my own thinking here-- and am NOT exempting myself from any of the psychological motivations here. (i'm largely sympathetic to and partisan of "left wing theory" but tbh have a lot of issues too. i'm definitely NOT speaking from any place of superior political or ethical knowledge, judgment, or clarity. there's a lot of tension, doubt, uncertainty, confusion in my political thinking, i admit it.)

nb i was careful at the start to "bracket" theoretical or empirical validity of (leftwing) theory, just as SA's original blogpost did.

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 04:34 (nine years ago) link

ps not just not exempting; a lot of my description of the academic here (eg re the academic's confessional self-critique) is... my own confessional self-critique. i'm not moving guilt around-- i admittedly don't know how to deal with my own "guilt."

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 05:06 (nine years ago) link

the one thing i particularly liked about the op was how generous i think the pov is that yr ideological opponent sincerely believes in their values, and aren't cynically lying about what they feel/think is true. and that more importantly, that ppl's values are often the same

the value of this post's answer is that by treating it as a deontological/utilitarian problem u don't have to either dehumanize either side of the argument - they have logical differences that account for various ideological differences

otm, i appreciate that aspect (perspective or interpretive principle— which is also, in a way, an ethical principle) to this blogger’s thinking. seems unusual?

also, if we are to uphold value of critique then, damn, let us always take care to submit ourselves (the various “ourselves”) to critique— all the more precisely where we least think critique is called for (e.g. motives and mechanisms of contemporary critique).

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 05:37 (nine years ago) link

i love consequence ethics, so many excuses for human sacrifice whilst you feel good about humanity

Pat Condell tha funkee homosapien (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 06:06 (nine years ago) link

yeah I dont see why the latter seems to be a deliberate aim here

thoughts you made second posts about (darraghmac), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 07:23 (nine years ago) link

Many people have remarked on the paradox of an academia made mostly of upper-class ethnic-majority Westerners trying so very hard to find reasons why lots of things are the fault of upper-class ethnic-majority Westerners.

lol @ "trying so very hard". it's not very hard!

if you assume that members of larger social groups feel loyalty towards that group, why doesn't this one?

why is group loyalty something to take as basic?

or better: why is group loyalty to any group smaller than all people something to value rather than oppose, as a source of war/suffering/exclusion?

or all living things

or all things

which is just to say no group loyalty

these are axes of individualism vs communitarianism & debates amongst these typically assume some answer to one of these questions re. particular historical communities e.g.

& the "far left" perhaps doesn't buy this assumption. & why should that be what demands accounting ("oh, they're just suffering guilty" or whatever) rather than those who assume the importance of particular group loyalties?

droit au butt (Euler), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 08:46 (nine years ago) link

lol @ "trying so very hard". it's not very hard!

i agree with that (which is not to say all those reasons are necessarily valid; no doubt many are)

why is group loyalty something to take as basic?

good salient question (assuming one takes "basic" to mean philosophically/ morally basic, rather than historically/ sociologically/ psychologically basic)

(nb it’s possible to consider “group loyalty” as basic phenomenon but any particular form of group loyalty as arbitrary/ contingent)

why is group loyalty to any group smaller than all people something to value rather than oppose, as a source of war/suffering/exclusion?

that’s even better question (and point),

but "no group loyalty" seems to imply a kind of abstract universalism which i don't think far left (at present) finds congenial, either

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 11:26 (nine years ago) link

i've recommended it many times around here but reinhart koselleck's Critique and Crisis is a really important text in this case because it shows how something like a "critical" pov became differentiated from politics (and therefore power). koselleck argues that once politics is distinguished from an "absolute morality" centered in the subject then something like "critique" locates for itself an observational position that is not entangled or determined by what it is observing (that is, society). ever since then critical theory has sought perspectives from what you might call the "outside," the proletarian subject being of course the paradigm case. the reason why academics who engage in theory are so keen to denounce their "own" society is because its this gesture which enables their whole critical project in the first place! it's what "authenticates" and secures their ability to do Theory. you have to locate a "subject" (whether that word is used or not) somewhere from which you can do the observing.

and, of course, Theory itself (or critique) isn't domesticated in this process because it reflexively discovers (after the fact) how contingent (ie, embedded in the very society it presumes to critique) those critical observations really are---hence a sort of arm's race you see sometimes, "my oppressed is more oppressed than your oppressed."

so, for me, what's at issue here isn't "guilt" (unless by guilt you mean the status of the unobserved observer making the critique possible) but the more or less inevitable development of a mode of communication identified by koselleck.

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:24 (nine years ago) link

lol ryan you should really read that sloterdijk 'critique'

j., Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:32 (nine years ago) link

i really should!

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:36 (nine years ago) link

it's got fart jokes

j., Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:38 (nine years ago) link


droit au butt (Euler), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:40 (nine years ago) link

I just farted btw

droit au butt (Euler), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:41 (nine years ago) link

i bought it as an undergraduate (god knows why or what i thought it was, i think i saw it in a barnes and noble) and it has been sitting on my shelf ever since.

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:42 (nine years ago) link

fucker has a lotta pages, hope there are a lot of fart jokes

droit au butt (Euler), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:45 (nine years ago) link

point taken that the academic left has theoretical reasons (which is imo a more cynical explanation than the ops) but i don't think that is what is animating the vast majority of the left who ime are coming from a more - idk - like sensational affect phenomenology. it is painful to see someone suffer, you want to do something to help with that, but most ppl* feel that "charity starts at home," so focusing on how yr responsible for their suffering is a neat way to bridge that gap.

* admittedly this resonates w/ me atm bc i've been reading about dolphin social groupings and the gombe chimpanzee war where i think these tribal loyalties are so crystalized

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:46 (nine years ago) link

some about jerkin it too

haven't seen any about farting while jerkin it

but there are a lotta pages left

j., Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:47 (nine years ago) link

find this weird though:

the reason why academics who engage in theory are so keen to denounce their "own" society is because its this gesture which enables their whole critical project in the first place

*the* reason? rather than academics who engage in theory living in ~the west~ and thus being first-party to their society's exploitations?

strikes me as sorta like "I pushed my car off a cliff for the excellent photo opportunity!"

droit au butt (Euler), Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:52 (nine years ago) link

sterl: accurate

who don't have the time of day for anyone who can't immediately process obtuse burns about Heidegger or whatever. Basically, professional philosophers are the worst people.

j., Wednesday, 22 April 2015 16:56 (nine years ago) link

*the* reason? rather than academics who engage in theory living in ~the west~ and thus being first-party to their society's exploitations?

i think if you take "theory" to be a particular form of societal self-description then yeah distinguishing yourself from that society in order to describe it seems like a necessary move. i dont think this distinction has to be negative a la "denounce" but that's the way the particular tradition we're talking about often works. i think this form of theory from the start doesn't identify with western society--that's its whole raison d'etre!

a good example of a theorist who refused to do this and got all kinds of hell for it is richard rorty.

anyway, im dodging the question, which is why western academics are drawn to do this in the first place--but in rortyan terms think there's a good ethnocentric reason for that in koselleck! or "what is enlightenment?" even!

ryan, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 17:13 (nine years ago) link

thanks for koselleck recommendation

drash, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 18:08 (nine years ago) link

Ryan I've read most of irony solidarity & contingency but I don't quite understand how rorty is more(?) ethnocentric?

Mordy, Wednesday, 22 April 2015 18:15 (nine years ago) link

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