San Francisco and what to do in it

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it looks like there's just one support act and it says it starts at 8pm, should be over before BART stops running

Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Saturday, 2 May 2015 21:22 (nine years ago) link

This is undoubtedly my favourite show at the moment! Fucking love this show!

LMAO. GOLD Chrisso. regards, REB (nakhchivan), Saturday, 2 May 2015 21:29 (nine years ago) link

ok so a few days ago one of my co-workers e-mailed all her fellow co-workers in the office that live in the Mission (including me) asking if anyone had gotten one of these on their door:

these were apparently all over her block at 15th and Guerrero. (No one else had seen them). I didn't think much of it, beyond thinking that it was kind of a shitty thing to do to invade people's privacy with a more-or-less threatening message implying imminent arrest.

Later in the week, totally unrelated, my wife relates to me the continuing saga of our homeowner's associations conflicts with this artist collective that has moved into a live/work space adjacent to our building. Turns out they want to also host events, live music, public parties, etc. all while using our building's entrance/exit and courtyard. (Obviously we are not so happy about this, presents a security risk, among other things). And guess what - the artist who did this stupid doorhangar thing is part of this collective. Oh joy. I am all for art spaces and supporting artists and have been doing so for 20+ years in this city, but these people seem like jackasses.

Οὖτις, Friday, 8 May 2015 22:28 (nine years ago) link

Typical NIMBY haha.

Confused though. Artist collective is using ur building's space? Or are they part of your building? I can't imagine your insurer would be pleased in either case.

Door flyer thing seems like typical promotion crossed with post-9/11 paranoia. Don't see implied threat.

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Friday, 8 May 2015 22:38 (nine years ago) link

I know lol

when our development was purchased/built this old brick building (formerly a felt factory) was set aside and designated to be used by artists as a live/work space. The developer (as is typical with developers) took forever to get the place ready, didn't properly remove asbestos, etc. before finding a buyer for the space. The developer found a buyer, and the artists just moved in over the last few months. BUT they are not part of our HOA, they are separate. And so they have lots of different ideas about how they are allowed to operate, which are now being hashed out with our lawyers. For example, their building can only be accessed from the sidewalk through our building entrances. We initially had a bunch of robberies in our building for years, and went through a lot to secure our building - the prospect of the gallery allowing essentially random, unsupervised access to our building is not v attractive.


Οὖτις, Friday, 8 May 2015 22:49 (nine years ago) link

condo ownership, the joys of

Οὖτις, Friday, 8 May 2015 22:49 (nine years ago) link

Beats the alternative, but yeah I know feeling. :-/

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Saturday, 9 May 2015 02:23 (nine years ago) link

live Kenneth Anger sdtk thing tonight in SF (I will be projecting the films):

Οὖτις, Wednesday, 27 May 2015 17:10 (nine years ago) link

Fireworks still raises eyebrows/has a capacity to shock apparently


Οὖτις, Thursday, 28 May 2015 19:20 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

[gig spam]

my podcast is doing a live talk show 7.7.15 at the punchline with guests jello biafra and peaches christ! $10 tickets available with code illcon !

Cory Sklar, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 18:57 (nine years ago) link

are you still looking for a videographer?

sarahell, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 19:39 (nine years ago) link


Cory Sklar, Tuesday, 30 June 2015 22:01 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

pfft 4.0 I don't even get outta bed for that shit

Οὖτις, Monday, 17 August 2015 16:02 (eight years ago) link


difficult-difficult lemon-difficult (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 17 August 2015 16:06 (eight years ago) link

I was awake and typing and thought, "Man, I must be typing faster than usual, why is the desk wobbling?" It got clearer a bit after that.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 17 August 2015 16:35 (eight years ago) link

A lamp fell over

polyphonic, Monday, 17 August 2015 16:45 (eight years ago) link

I thought my cat was just scratching herself on the bed.

schwantz, Monday, 17 August 2015 17:01 (eight years ago) link

I was outside having coffee it felt pretty goddamn real. We were about 3 miles from epicenter.

a silly gif of awkward larping (Sparkle Motion), Monday, 17 August 2015 21:02 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

kinda surprised at this, I mean they are *always* doing good business

Οὖτις, Thursday, 3 September 2015 21:09 (eight years ago) link

hard to cover a 20K nut on pancakes and spud temples

resulting post (rogermexico.), Friday, 4 September 2015 00:26 (eight years ago) link

Yeah issue isn't if they're doing well issue is three-fold rent increase.

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Friday, 4 September 2015 02:19 (eight years ago) link

How is that even legal?

Οὖτις, Friday, 4 September 2015 02:41 (eight years ago) link

No rent control on commercial.

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Friday, 4 September 2015 02:43 (eight years ago) link

Gutted, that was my only 'regular' place in SF

kinder, Friday, 4 September 2015 09:06 (eight years ago) link

gay shame guys always doin good work imo:

Οὖτις, Friday, 4 September 2015 17:34 (eight years ago) link


I see someone did the math in the comments to show that its the rent increase, and not the minimum wage increase for workers that is the main issue

curmudgeon, Friday, 4 September 2015 17:42 (eight years ago) link

Wow you read SFGate comments?

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Friday, 4 September 2015 17:47 (eight years ago) link

I mean good on you if you found a nugget of wisdom in there, but jeez just glancing at them usually turns my stomach.

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Friday, 4 September 2015 17:48 (eight years ago) link

wasn't aware that anyone suggested it was the min wage increase (which is not mentioned in the story)

sfgate comments are a cesspool, just like every other comments box

Οὖτις, Friday, 4 September 2015 17:49 (eight years ago) link

oh great, now people get $15 an hour and so i can't wait in line for two hours for a breakfast burrito MY LIFE IS SO HARD.

eh mec, elle est ou ma caisse? (ytth), Friday, 11 September 2015 02:03 (eight years ago) link

You can still do that at St Francis fountain, don't worry

kinder, Friday, 11 September 2015 08:55 (eight years ago) link
head is spinning looking @ the lineup for HSB this year

Edgard Varese is god (of music anyways) (outdoor_miner), Thursday, 17 September 2015 15:18 (eight years ago) link

I would go just for Jamey Johnson but the crowds are SO huge, I was miserable last time I went

Flamenco Drop (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 17 September 2015 15:23 (eight years ago) link

I can't really imagine Big Star's Third translating well to a festival crowd performance

Οὖτις, Thursday, 17 September 2015 15:41 (eight years ago) link

:( yeah it's crazy now on the weekend days.

One bad call from barely losing to (Alex in SF), Thursday, 17 September 2015 15:42 (eight years ago) link

yeah at first it was a cool thing to do with my family, now it's sort of oppressive - like you have to get there super-early, pick you're one spot/stage, and then never attempt to move until show is over

Οὖτις, Thursday, 17 September 2015 15:49 (eight years ago) link

some marin dad in toe shoes tried to fight me once for stepping on his blanket during lyle lovett while his wife was hitting my joint smh

chaki (kurt schwitterz), Thursday, 17 September 2015 16:42 (eight years ago) link

I keep forgetting I should probably post here more now. Hello.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 17 September 2015 17:28 (eight years ago) link


chaki (kurt schwitterz), Thursday, 17 September 2015 17:28 (eight years ago) link

we should have a welcome-Ned-FAP

Οὖτις, Thursday, 17 September 2015 17:38 (eight years ago) link

Wha? Didn't know about this... That sounds like a good idea. Welcome, Ned!

schwantz, Thursday, 17 September 2015 17:45 (eight years ago) link

xxpost "marin dad in toe shoes" made me lol

Flamenco Drop (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 17 September 2015 17:54 (eight years ago) link

he was so mad. i was like chill bro its lyle lovett jeeze.

chaki (kurt schwitterz), Thursday, 17 September 2015 18:00 (eight years ago) link

Yeah I've been here since May and settling in as I do. Which amusingly enough has also meant regular writing published at both the Chronicle and the Weekly!

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 17 September 2015 18:01 (eight years ago) link

That's awesome. And I would def try to make it to a welcome fap if such a thing occurs

Flamenco Drop (VegemiteGrrl), Thursday, 17 September 2015 19:26 (eight years ago) link

Well we kinda did aim for one in May but that was haphazard. Maybe we should just do a general Zeitgeist thing for the hell of it.

Ned Raggett, Thursday, 17 September 2015 19:47 (eight years ago) link

oh hi

0 / 0 (lukas), Thursday, 17 September 2015 20:33 (eight years ago) link


Ned Raggett, Thursday, 17 September 2015 20:45 (eight years ago) link

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