iyo did facebook ruin the internet?

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missed opportunity for meowist memes

j., Thursday, 9 July 2015 20:39 (eight years ago) link


j., Wednesday, 15 July 2015 01:57 (eight years ago) link

Found this event posting that showed up on my wall the other day kind of laughable. It's a Fast Times/Clueless double-bill at a local rep house in August. There are currently 906 people who are going. The theatre holds 200-250, and on the night of the screening it'll be me and 40 other people. Great way to apprise the world of all the great stuff you'll be attending without ever having to show up for any of it.

clemenza, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 01:54 (eight years ago) link

tbf if there were free booze they'd all show up & then some

Bouncy Castlevania (Will M.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 04:26 (eight years ago) link

xp plenty of ppl, me included, will "join" events as a way to have all their social/cultural options on the event calendar and then choose what to actually go to based on that short-list.

sarahell, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 04:30 (eight years ago) link

best bit is when it announces "[Bananaman Begins] went to [some shit]" and is nearly always incorrect.

2011’s flagrantly ceremonious rock-opera (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 10:42 (eight years ago) link

I find it particularly annoying when ppl put themselves down as attending things when they're not even in the same country as the event

sonic thedgehod (albvivertine), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 10:52 (eight years ago) link

funny, i find it particularly annoying when people invite me to events on different continents from the one i live on

rushomancy, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 11:32 (eight years ago) link

If people unfollow me, and never message me on IM, then i'd rather they just sent an IM saying that as they never see any of my posts or chat to me then they will unfriend me and do so.
But people never have the honesty or guts to do that so they either unfriend you without warning or just keep you unfollowed.

Eric Burdon & War, On Drugs (Cosmic Slop), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 11:46 (eight years ago) link

u ok hun?

2011’s flagrantly ceremonious rock-opera (Bananaman Begins), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 13:40 (eight years ago) link


Cosmic Slop, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 13:55 (eight years ago) link

was just on offshoot of an earlier fb post i made on the subject

Cosmic Slop, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 13:56 (eight years ago) link

i have no idea if anyone has ever unfollowed me

Cosmic Slop, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 13:56 (eight years ago) link

People are always unfriending me. I never usually notice until they crop up in "people you may know" lists and I'm like "aren't they already my friend?" and it turns out they aren't any more. Oh well.

ailsa, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 14:01 (eight years ago) link

"always" = about three people, I think.

ailsa, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 14:01 (eight years ago) link

there's someone on my local neighbourhood thread who occasionally posts completely off-topic "jokey" image shitposts that i find actually super charming because she's just this nice lady from the neighbourhood who's trying to brighten everyone's day. someone decided to drop into the comments and be a facebook cop today so i just responded with "[dude's name], facebook cop" (note: this hood doesn't much care for cops btw) and i ahve now decided that saying "[person's name], facebook cop" is my new favourite thing to write

Bouncy Castlevania (Will M.), Wednesday, 22 July 2015 17:42 (eight years ago) link

does everyone get lyft/uber spambots posting to public events pages where you are?

sarahell, Wednesday, 22 July 2015 23:12 (eight years ago) link

annoying af

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Thursday, 23 July 2015 05:06 (eight years ago) link

particularly when its an event i'm putting on and people ask me when we 'partnered' with lyft or whatever and i just want to shrink into a higgs-boson

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Thursday, 23 July 2015 05:06 (eight years ago) link

god facebook sucks so fucking bad

marcos, Tuesday, 28 July 2015 19:21 (eight years ago) link

i don't know why i even go to this site anymore

marcos, Tuesday, 28 July 2015 19:21 (eight years ago) link

I avoided it for a couple days, got drawn into a discussion on abortion and healthcare that ended up with me peacing out after some guy with his head up his ass took over the conversation

Upright Mammal (mh), Thursday, 30 July 2015 21:16 (eight years ago) link


iyo did facebook ruin the meaternet

j., Friday, 31 July 2015 00:23 (eight years ago) link

I've just fell victim to the real-name policy. Facebook wants proof of my name, but the name I use on social media is not the name I was born with and I was really quite happy with that. It's so easy to think, "well it's just Facebook, it doesn't matter" but I've already had texts from people (OK, my boyfriend and my mother) wondering what happened to me, plus it's stopping me from accessing all the music groups/pages etc I follow.

boxedjoy, Friday, 31 July 2015 08:52 (eight years ago) link

Wait what real-name policy

imago, Friday, 31 July 2015 09:22 (eight years ago) link

Facebook insists people register under their assigned birth names like i do

The Hunt for Gene October (Noodle Vague), Friday, 31 July 2015 09:24 (eight years ago) link

fwiw, friend of mine was at some jobcentre bullshit, and they mentioned the danger of putting employers off with social media stuff, my friend was like, pfft I use a fake name anyway, that very evening she was shut out by facecontrol and ordered to provide proof of real name...

2011’s flagrantly ceremonious rock-opera (Bananaman Begins), Friday, 31 July 2015 09:27 (eight years ago) link

who knew job centre employees were utter cunts?

The Hunt for Gene October (Noodle Vague), Friday, 31 July 2015 09:28 (eight years ago) link


2011’s flagrantly ceremonious rock-opera (Bananaman Begins), Friday, 31 July 2015 09:30 (eight years ago) link

loads of my friends have jobs that make it important to remain pseudonymous, maybe fb thinks it would be easier for them to use a fake name at work

ogmor, Friday, 31 July 2015 09:31 (eight years ago) link

tbh Facebook might as well ban my account now, or can I turn it into a fictional band page?

imago, Friday, 31 July 2015 09:40 (eight years ago) link

It's not like I'm using a completely made-up name - when I got the email to tell me why I was locked out, I replied explaining that my first name is the same as my real first name and my surname is just the first letter of my real surname. But I doubt that will be enough and I'll just have to get my real name on it. It's just as well I'm not transgender and trying to establish my new identity through self-definition.

boxedjoy, Friday, 31 July 2015 09:46 (eight years ago) link

altho I don't use a fake name, I think this is the final straw for me. Too big for their boots these fuckers.

2011’s flagrantly ceremonious rock-opera (Bananaman Begins), Friday, 31 July 2015 09:56 (eight years ago) link

god facebook sucks so fucking bad

― marcos, Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:21 PM (3 days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

i don't know why i even go to this site anymore

― marcos, Tuesday, July 28, 2015 2:21 PM (3 days ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

For about the last three months I've been feeling very close to wanting to leave it entirely. Have been posting less, deleted the app from my phone, but can't completely stay away somehow.

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 18:48 (eight years ago) link

It's just like this weird internet junkpile, or I guess junkstream -- baby pictures from hs 'friend' you didn't like enough to keep in touch with --> look at this talented uzbeki 6-year-old breakdancer --> politician we hate said something outrageous! --> failed joke --> local parent selling some garbage --> someone still jocking the Wire --> terrible user someecard --> BEEERRRNIE SANDERS!!! --> bicycles --> IF WE CARED HALF AS MUCH ABOUT X AS WE DID ABOUT Y... --> "hey everyone, I did something on my weekend!" (person you barely know)...

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 18:54 (eight years ago) link

and yet somehow creates this feeling like you need to "check" it to make sure you don't miss anything

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 18:55 (eight years ago) link

basically it's shitty ilx

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 18:56 (eight years ago) link

ilx: facebook, but less shitty

bizarro gazzara, Friday, 31 July 2015 18:58 (eight years ago) link

less face, more book

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 18:59 (eight years ago) link

It's just like this weird internet junkpile, or I guess junkstream -- baby pictures from hs 'friend' you didn't like enough to keep in touch with --> look at this talented uzbeki 6-year-old breakdancer --> politician we hate said something outrageous! --> failed joke --> local parent selling some garbage --> someone still jocking the Wire --> terrible user someecard --> BEEERRRNIE SANDERS!!! --> bicycles --> IF WE CARED HALF AS MUCH ABOUT X AS WE DID ABOUT Y... --> "hey everyone, I did something on my weekend!" (person you barely know)...

this is why Facebook is good!

the lion tweets tonight (Noodle Vague), Friday, 31 July 2015 19:01 (eight years ago) link

My feed is p sweet tbh

j.enjoyhotdogs (wins), Friday, 31 July 2015 19:02 (eight years ago) link

mine too, apart from the endless wittering of CONTROVERSIAL POSTER REDACTED

the lion tweets tonight (Noodle Vague), Friday, 31 July 2015 19:04 (eight years ago) link

facebook should develop a big button that inverts your location in the social map and lets you see posts from ppl who aren't so deathly boring and uncool as everyone you know

j., Friday, 31 July 2015 19:08 (eight years ago) link

maybe I need to curate my feed a little better

five six and (man alive), Friday, 31 July 2015 19:08 (eight years ago) link

facebook is the worst bc humanity is the worst

Mordy, Friday, 31 July 2015 19:56 (eight years ago) link

picture a book of human faces, being clicked on, for eternity

j., Friday, 31 July 2015 20:01 (eight years ago) link

humanity is the worst but with social media websites the design and the format definitely shapes folks' posting style and for whatever reason facebook seems to bring out the most dull and irritating in people or something. i just deactivated my faceboo, feeling free.

corbyn's gallus (jim in glasgow), Friday, 31 July 2015 20:04 (eight years ago) link

My feed is p sweet tbh

― j.enjoyhotdogs (wins), Friday, July 31, 2015 1:02 PM (59 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

e-bouquet (mattresslessness), Friday, 31 July 2015 20:04 (eight years ago) link

my advice is follow national parks and the national weather service

e-bouquet (mattresslessness), Friday, 31 July 2015 20:05 (eight years ago) link

i need to start aggressively hiding people who constantly (like several times a day) post links to depressing news and think pieces about depressing news

Mordy, Friday, 31 July 2015 20:08 (eight years ago) link

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