Rolling Brexit Links/UK politics in the neo-Weimar era

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<I>“It’s a great tragedy. He does have a members’ mandate, but those members who join a political party know that you also need a parliamentary mandate if you’re to form a government,” Watson told the BBC.

“You have to have the authority of the members and your members of parliament, and I’m afraid he doesn’t have that with our MPs.”</I>

mmmmonomaniacal dissonance

conrad, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 19:43 (eight years ago) link

xp because of the Wangland...

I'm part of the 48.1 percent (snoball), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 19:48 (eight years ago) link

can you take your meme and throttle it please

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 19:55 (eight years ago) link

is that Alan Johnson the MP for a third of a city that voted to Leave by a margin of 2 to 1?

taking straight talking honest politics a little too literally (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:41 (eight years ago) link

I never liked that flat-footed wanker Johnson. The Tories lead is not exactly "way ahead" either.

calzino, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:42 (eight years ago) link

Defiant Tom Watson has warned plotting Labour MPs that Jeremy Corbyn will be their leader for at least a decade.

Speaking to the Mirror, Labour’s new deputy leader slapped down “disrespectful” backbenchers already discussing ways to bring down his new boss.

“We’ve got another decade of Jeremy - at least,” Mr Watson said.

sep 2015

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:44 (eight years ago) link

Johnson's right tho, "anti-austerity" is not a policy like "we hate our leader" is

taking straight talking honest politics a little too literally (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:45 (eight years ago) link

otoh i am prepared to believe basically anything said about Seumas Milne

taking straight talking honest politics a little too literally (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:47 (eight years ago) link

I am sure Corbyn could have done better than Milne, but probably from a very short shortlist of people he can actually trust.

calzino, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 20:52 (eight years ago) link

he should probably choose a moment to step down for his own dignity now. these clowns won't be stopped, we're heading for the logical conclusion of post-Thatcher politics, vote for the face of the free market you find most amenable. the middle England Labour voters can continue to salve their consciences by talking about electability and maybe even winning the occasional election so that they can have 5 years of state charity projects that do fuck all to change the structural misery of the poorest people in this country, and we can slide inexorably into a new Victorian economics

taking straight talking honest politics a little too literally (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:02 (eight years ago) link

which the EU has been a lightly applied handbrake to for the last few years

taking straight talking honest politics a little too literally (Noodle Vague), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:04 (eight years ago) link

Alan Johnson in Sep 2014:

At the beginning of this parliament the Labour party lost precious months conducting an overlong leadership campaign that allowed the coalition government to develop its big fat lie about the global recession, while we in Labour examined our collective navel. The question of the leadership was settled then. It must not be re-opened.

Miliband will lead us into an election that I am convinced we can win.

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:07 (eight years ago) link

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:25 (eight years ago) link

my mouth is opening and closing and nothing is coming out @ that

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:25 (eight years ago) link

So many MPs showing their true colours atm but, tbf to Reed, he has never made any attempt to hide his.

On a Raqqa tip (ShariVari), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:28 (eight years ago) link

yes he has form:

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:29 (eight years ago) link

have to admit I had no idea who he was until wikipedia revealed he was the jedi guy

He also helped out his party leader, Ed Miliband, who declared he felt "respect" on seeing a white van, following Emily Thornberry's "White Van Gate" tweet prior to the Rochester and Strood by-election, 2014 result, stating during PMQs: "When I see a white van, I wonder whether it's my father or my brother who is driving".

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:30 (eight years ago) link

Photocopy of his arse attached.

Matt DC, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:32 (eight years ago) link

imagine being a politician whose hobby-horse is nuclear energy

The Nickelbackean Ethics (jim in glasgow), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 21:32 (eight years ago) link

um i follow paul mason on twitter now. and he actually addresses his followers as "comrades"? unironically? do i have that right?

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:20 (eight years ago) link

considering unfollowing him. preferred when he was a journalist journalist

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:26 (eight years ago) link

I like him tbh

Just noise and screaming and no musical value at all. (Colonel Poo), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:29 (eight years ago) link

He's gone a bit feral.

They could have been Stackridge. (Tom D.), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:31 (eight years ago) link

his futurism is bobbins imo

The Nickelbackean Ethics (jim in glasgow), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:31 (eight years ago) link

has he been drinking tonight

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:33 (eight years ago) link

Paul Mason Retweeted
SANamtab: @jreedmp enjoy deselection, traitor

cozen, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:34 (eight years ago) link


The Nickelbackean Ethics (jim in glasgow), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:34 (eight years ago) link

he did a pleasantly mad speech/interview thingy on gravity's rainbow

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:35 (eight years ago) link

he's one of us really

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:35 (eight years ago) link

start posting to ilx, paul

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:35 (eight years ago) link

cannot even comprehend the pain i want this cunt to suffer before his death

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:53 (eight years ago) link

i'm actually panicking a bit, like panicking, like physically

imago, Wednesday, 29 June 2016 22:58 (eight years ago) link

I've had a few panic attacks this week and terrible acid anxiety in my stomach and migraines like crazy.

Acting Crazy (Instrumental) (jed_), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:01 (eight years ago) link

I went ti my meditation class tonight and yoga last night. It helped.

Acting Crazy (Instrumental) (jed_), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:02 (eight years ago) link

He is essentially right that UKIP can't continue as a viable party when it's manned primarily by ex-BNP lumps and a variety of elderly eccentrics. The thought of an organised, well-funded and 'legitimate' far right springing up is pretty scary but Banks is a deeply unpleasant man who can't keep his trap shut so he'll hopefully poison the chances of any new party being taken seriously. Farage isn't giving up without a fight so they can argue amongst themselves for a while.

It was heartening to see that another of Leave's biggest donors lost £330m in the subsequent downturn.

On a Raqqa tip (ShariVari), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:03 (eight years ago) link

Small crumbs of comfort. Things are looking so fucking bleak now that a hideous right-wing Gove-Johnson-led perpetual Tory government sticking with austerity and trying to appease leave voters with some kind of immigration caps is beginning to look like *the best* we can hope for. Argh.

remain in the privacy of the booth (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:09 (eight years ago) link

Joking around with my workmates from EU countries, "You can always go to Scotland! They will welcome you with open arms there!" My heart's not really in it though.

They could have been Stackridge. (Tom D.), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:16 (eight years ago) link

So Theresa May looking good in some polling for the Tory leadership that I just saw and promptly forgot the source and my phone died.

"thatcher 2: electric boogaloo"

3 results (0.47 seconds)

The Nickelbackean Ethics (jim in glasgow), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:29 (eight years ago) link

Lots of glowing press, with the FT asking if she was "Britain's Merkel".

She hasn't had that many boosters in the papers for a couple of years but the stop-Boris campaign and need for a perceived calm head has changed that.

On a Raqqa tip (ShariVari), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:34 (eight years ago) link

Lots of glowing press, with the FT asking if she was "Britain's Merkel".

No way, that's obviously Nicola Sturgeon.

They could have been Stackridge. (Tom D.), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 23:37 (eight years ago) link

xp was literally just reading a quote from a Labour source describing Angela Eagle as "Britain's Merkel"

soref, Thursday, 30 June 2016 00:27 (eight years ago) link

though I guess Eagle does project an aura of low-key, non-hectoring even-temperedness that is quite Merkel-esque

soref, Thursday, 30 June 2016 00:32 (eight years ago) link

Sounds like pre-Bismarck Germany and Austria, in this customs union or that but not in the Holy Roman Empire, being an elector or not, could even be room for freistadt London. Makes for interesting maps in the penguin atlas of world history but sounds like a bureaucratic nightmare.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Thursday, 30 June 2016 00:33 (eight years ago) link

worth remembering that the BNP had 50 something councillors elected in 2008 and by 2015 were wiped off the map completely? mainly because of what ShariVari is saying about Banks; the then-leader couldn't keep his mouth shut about his true feelings. they rise, they get exposure, they die; that's the British way with these clowns. i mean thus far anyway.

piscesx, Thursday, 30 June 2016 00:47 (eight years ago) link

on Singapore:

What about Singapore? This is the one that really gets on my nerves. A lot of right-wing people imagine that Singapore is a libertarian utopia because the public sector share of GDP is quite low. But this is silly. Singapore doesn’t have big spending ministries, but it does have a huge sovereign-wealth fund that owns major industrial and infrastructure projects in the country as well as financial investments worldwide. Rather than pay welfare benefits out of tax money, Singapore made it compulsory to pay into private insurance, through the so-called central provident fund, a little like a much more comprehensive version of Obamacare. Oh, and basically everyone lives in a council flat.

After independence (from Malaysia, and Britain) the Singaporean political and business class took a joint decision to develop the port as the major regional transport hub, and to take advantage of that to build up industry around it, notably chemicals and computer/semiconductor manufacturing. Their thinking was that economic development in Asia would create a huge opportunity for this role. This worked really well, but it’s worth noting that it was very much a succession of joint decisions by government technocrats, political leaders, and investors rather than some sort of idealised libertarian hands-off process. That is supposedly more true of Hong Kong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a myth too. You’ll note they didn’t start off by creating a new tariff barrier between their massive port facility and the market it serves.

LOOOOL that Sarah Vine email. Marina Hyde: 'Claire Blunderwood'.

― jedi slimane (suzy), Wednesday, 29 June 2016 16:08 (Yesterday) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

First actual laugh out loud moment since last Thursday on the train this morning.

Fizzles, Thursday, 30 June 2016 01:33 (eight years ago) link

thanks for that LSE link, stet.

Acting Crazy (Instrumental) (jed_), Thursday, 30 June 2016 01:42 (eight years ago) link

Great to see the parliament benches all having such a great laugh though. What a great bunch of lads.

Acting Crazy (Instrumental) (jed_), Thursday, 30 June 2016 01:58 (eight years ago) link

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