when did IDM become to dance what undie is to hip hop?

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What I'm getting at is that I don't think there's really much point in even PRETENDING that IDM has any sort of duty to relate to garage any more than indie or country or death metal does because they're clearly so far apart on the musical spectrum and in terms of the overall scene that its insane to even consider it so. I mean, the vast majority of house music doesn't relate to UK Garage particularly, but no one's calling it out. Unless, as Gareth seems to be suggesting, that IDM should be a more cerebral refraction of what is going on elsewhere in the dance scene rather than a scene in itself, which is of course what its become.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 19:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm sure gareth is fearing the wrath of geir.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Sunday, 4 May 2003 19:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

But isn't it arguable that Garage and House ARE related, and not in a Basement Jaxx doing Romeo way, but rather by dint of a longer sonic relationship, one which is reciprocal and has always been there.

I'm not saying they're bang on similar but house got away without "relating" to garage because there are already some similarites there surely.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

gargare is at leats in part a derivation opf soulful US house, as much as it is part of the lodnon breakbeat continuum.

Ed (dali), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

Indie aesthetic to me does not mean necessarily about songs, I think IDM became as much about the personalities of the artists and the cult surrounding them as the music, this is a very rock/indie thing, myths about Aphex this and Aphex that yadda yadda yadda are totally contrary to the usual way the dance scene works.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

And contrary to the way he sees himself. it seems like he would mcuh prefer the dance anonimity.

Ed (dali), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

Perhaps, but alot of his antics don't help that either I guess.

Even the way IDM is consumed makes it difficult to be a part of dance, the album format being so strong in it surely alienates some people. That in itself may be a problem with the dance scene and you have to wonder is any amount of rationalisation enough for the fact that there are seldom any good house/techno albums.

But that would be rockist eh?

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

Indie aesthetic to me does not mean necessarily about songs, I think IDM became as much about the personalities of the artists and the cult surrounding them as the music, this is a very rock/indie thing, myths about Aphex this and Aphex that yadda yadda yadda are totally contrary to the usual way the dance scene works.

Disputed... I think Aphex and to a far lesser extent Paradinas and Squarepusher are the exceptions here. I mean, no one gives a flying shit about Boards of Canada or Autechre or Manitoba as people in the same way they do about Oasis, Jay-Z or Justin Timberlake, do they? This is another reason why I think the 'indie' comparison is a red-herring, the whole 'personality' thing could be applied to pretty much any genre EXCEPT dance - it's not unique to indie or rock.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:34 (twenty-one years ago) link

Also, I think that Aphex becomes interesting as a person precisely because his music towers over that entire scene - his whole "I'm mental, me" shtick is a bonus. I mean, the Chemical Brothers still get loads of exposure as personalities despite actually being pretty dull outside the studio (or indeed, in it these days).

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

Even the way IDM is consumed makes it difficult to be a part of dance, the album format being so strong in it surely alienates some people. That in itself may be a problem with the dance scene and you have to wonder is any amount of rationalisation enough for the fact that there are seldom any good house/techno albums.

This is going to go back to that old Massive Attack/DJ Shadow chesnut, I can see it, but this is like saying that In Sides or Sheet One can't be considered part of 'dance' because they are consumed primarily in album format in people's living rooms as opposed to in clubs. To me, and I suspect to loads of other people making this distinction, 'dance music' is music that is primarily based round beats and bleeps... so you don't really need to actually be able to actually DANCE to anything that fits into the broad dance music church, any more than rock music needs to actually ROCK in this day and age (which of course, a lot of it doesn't).

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:41 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yes but I think the difference is that people don't talk about Justin or Jay Z and say "what a genius he is, who knows what's going on inside the wonka factory that is his brain" etc etc, whereas IDM did get that, indie reverence to some extent, mystery, self indulgence, pretention, all qualities not really coveted anywhere else in popular music.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

sorry bits of crossposting here.

But don't you see the value of aesthetics in this? I mean I don't care about the label "dance music" greatly, but I do care about the aesthetics I believe in being totally ignored. Particularly if the stuff doing it is getting high critical acclaim, it's essentially a get out clause, like thank god those dance types have finally given up on that dancing nonsense and we can give them some respect.

This is a red herring in the context of this discussion though Matt, perhaps, I'm also fairly sure I'm one of the only people willing to argue this point, though not perhaps for any other reason than my feeling of involvement.

I feel like Mike Taylor a bit here, I'm not saying there's not a place for electronic music you don't dance to, I just feel its place isn't under the umbrella of dance music, how can you ever expect to break down barriers when you forfeit what you wanted to break them down with in the first place, or for in the first place.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

actually my last paragraph is a bit off, it's too simplified to say "electronic music you don't dance to".

The distinction is more complicated than that I think.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

I often think when I talk about this people think "well what do you know" cos I am such a latecomer to rave, I mean I always was open to dance music but only became so devout in the last 2 years. But I think that only adds weight to the ideas of breaking down barriers (cliche I admit) which seem a bit lofty here on a thread, when really I've experienced first hand what I refer to.

Ronan (Ronan), Sunday, 4 May 2003 21:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yes but I think the difference is that people don't talk about Justin or Jay Z and say "what a genius he is, who knows what's going on inside the wonka factory that is his brain" etc etc, whereas IDM did get that, indie reverence to some extent, mystery, self indulgence, pretention, all qualities not really coveted anywhere else in popular music.

Disputed again - partly because once again I think Aphex here is the exception, and partly because I *do* think that this happens in other genres. Possibly Eminem is a better example here, or indeed any other tokenistic figure adopted by the NME et al (of which Aphex is certainly one), I just don't agree with this "cult of personality" thing as a signifier of 'indieness'.

Likewise, if you're getting defensive about a perceived bias in the music press in favour of "IDM" and against "proper dance music" its probably worth pointing out that (until recently when the rock press got to prematurely declare dance music 'over'), it was the more conventional electronic/dance acts or DJs who were getting the column inches and the fawning praise ahead of the IDM laptop bods (once again, I think Aphex is the exception here).

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 22:11 (twenty-one years ago) link

WRT the house/garage relationship - I think I expressed that badly... possibily the way to look at this whole thing is not as a straight continuum but as as some kind of a geeky tree diagram thing with house and techno as a starting point and everything splintering off from there, and garage and IDM broke off in completely different directions at any opportunity. Bearing in mind we're now living with a music scene in which people like Dntel and Brothomstates and Venetian Snares and whoever are all pretty much second-generation artists. They were influenced by Aphex and friends whereas the first generation were influnced primarily by stuff from all over - music is like sex... if you fuck around too much with your own gene pool you're bound to end up with a load of stupid, ugly, clumsy shit.

I don't really hold with the undie comparison, mostly because the difference between underground and mainstream hip-hop is primarily lyrical whereas with IDM/the rest of dance its largely sonical. But still, with hip-hop there's still the small factor of the actual RAPPING which is a far bigger unifying factor than anything that exists in the myriad strands of dance music.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Sunday, 4 May 2003 23:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

Indie's relationship with IDM is to do with the Aphex-cult-of-star thing Ronan talks about, but not solely determined by it. There's other forces at work: a fear of or distaste for or boredom with actual bodily groove; a desire for the artist to be musically distinct from other artists, to be 'progressing' in isolation to some extent; a focus on albums vs tracks; an appreciation of nice, thoughtful artwork; a sense that there is a theoretical framework behind the music's creation that goes beyond "it's bangin', innit?" etc. etc.

Obviously there's a lot of overdetermination at work. But I think it's uncontroversial to say that "indie" electronic music is that electronic music which, say, Pitchfork covers in a largely non-disparaging manner (just so you don't think I mean Basement Jaxx or Fischerspooner), and that the writers of Pitchfork probably like this stuff for the reasons cited above among others - and they're not inherently bad reasons, though if you love dance music for other reasons they might appear to be quite wrongheaded or myopic (just as an outright distaste for albums would seem to everyone else). But what's interesting is that all of these traits recreate themselves when you look at all the refined versions of other dance genres - they apply to MJ Cole-in-refinement-mode as much as they do to Boards of Canada. And you can't boil it down by saying that these sorts of values make bad music, or that an adherence to "dance" values makes good music (when obviously a lot of "real" dance music is utter crap as well), but I think it's pretty clear that this tension has a huge effect on a style's development, and how it's received.

To pick up on Sterling's point about microhouse being a sorta-exception, what I think is notable is how it plays with this opposition - there's an emphasis on product as much as artistry, conformity as much as personal innovation, tracks as much albums. Other dance genres do this too obviously, but I think microhouse as a whole has a deliberate playfulness to it that is sort of distinct e.g. it's not as stylistically blinkered as prog, and doesn't have the fall-of-Eden mythology of Detroit Techno or the devotion to absolute reductionism of minimal techno to keep it on the musical straight and narrow.

"I don't really hold with the undie comparison, mostly because the difference between underground and mainstream hip-hop is primarily lyrical whereas with IDM/the rest of dance its largely sonical."

I disagree. The rapping/music relationship within hip hop is always a contested, dynamic and dialectical one; the shift in the nature of rapping in undie vs "generic" rap necessitates an equally strong shift in the nature of production --> my suspicion that there's a deliberate stylistic rigidity to much undie hip hop in sonic terms which incongruously creates the conditions of existence for self-consciously experimental rapping styles. The exception to this is the avant-fringe of Def Jux, Anticon etc - but all of these take their avant cues from IDM as much as hip hop itself, SURPRISE SURPRISE.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 5 May 2003 00:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

The exception to this is the avant-fringe of Def Jux, Anticon etc - but all of these take their avant cues from IDM as much as hip hop itself, SURPRISE SURPRISE.

Heh... I was actually think thinking of Def Jux and Anticon in particular when I made that comment, so perhaps we might be talking at cross-purposes here. Likewise the recent appearance of hip-hop acts on the Warp roster is worthy of a mention here.

Indie's relationship with IDM is to do with the Aphex-cult-of-star thing Ronan talks about, but not solely determined by it. There's other forces at work: a fear of or distaste for or boredom with actual bodily groove; a desire for the artist to be musically distinct from other artists, to be 'progressing' in isolation to some extent; a focus on albums vs tracks; an appreciation of nice, thoughtful artwork; a sense that there is a theoretical framework behind the music's creation that goes beyond "it's bangin', innit?" etc. etc.

Now, at risk of labouring a point to much... THIS IS NOT UNIQUE TO INDIE! Now, I'm wary that this is on the verge of teetering into a tedious rockism debate, but with regard to the above quote, I pretty much disagree with almost all of that. Bear in mind that Gareth really wasn't referring to the first wave of what has now been conveniently lumped together as IDM regardless of stylistic differences, ie a lot of the stuff that sprung up in the early to mid 90s - we're talking about what actually followed it.

I think my basic problem with IDM is that nowadays it isn't doing the stuff you talk about ENOUGH - a lot of the artists namechecked above are perfectly happy to fanny around in the broad cultural furrows ploughed by that first wave - and in many ways that does reflect it's abdication of the responsibility of doing new and exciting things with music or indeed relating with what's going on elsewhere in electronic/dance music. If, indeed, you agree it has that responsiblity in the first place.

What I just don't get here, is the attitude that that actually seems to fear or distrust electronic album music, as if it's some sort of a betrayal that these guys are making music for sitting down and just listening to. I don't buy this "a fear of or distaste for or boredom with actual bodily groove" because it a - implies that everyone has the same perception of what they want to groove to, and b - that Autechre or Capitol K don't like a nice thick slice of beefy no-nonense techno when they hear it. It's just they don't particularly want to actually MAKE it, any more than Perry Farrell wants to make drill'n'bass whenever he namedrops Richard D James.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Monday, 5 May 2003 00:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

Of course, microhouse seems to me like being a very significan genre to raise in all of this because it, of course, a self-conscious attempt to fuse all this Oval-inspired glitch stuff that's cropped up over the past few years with The Clubs, a compromise of sorts. Not that I could imagine actually dancing to most of it, but hey...

Matt DC (Matt DC), Monday, 5 May 2003 00:53 (twenty-one years ago) link

Matt I was going to pains to say that album indie electronica wasn't bad or a betrayal, even if maybe it didn't sound like that. I like a lot of it. But I think its conceptual underpinnings are worth critiquing (so are mainstream dance's, obviously).

"It's just they don't particularly want to actually MAKE it"

I was talking about what the audience look for in the artists, not the artists themselves. And I think one can appreciate all of the things I mentioned while AT THE SAME TIME appreciating regular bangin' dance music.


Of course not - MJ Cole suffers the same traits as IDM but appeals to a very different audience on the whole - but I don't think it's controversial to say that there is an audience overlap b/w indie and IDM that's much stronger than any other audience overlap IDM enjoys apart from the dance audience itself. You don't tend to get nu-metal or country or hip hop or hard rock magazines covering Autechre on a regular basis. To talk about the relationship between IDM and indie, and to talk about the reasons behind this relationship, is not to say that these reasons represent something specifically "wrong" with indie or IDM that doesn't exist elsewhere (or, the short version: don't read so much into my comments).

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 5 May 2003 01:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

i still think people are ascribing concepts and ideas to idm that only really exist in the music press,and possibly a small minority within idm,and only really refer/apply to aphex twin,who is the exception rather than the rule anyway
and despite the rhetoric,house and techno are more about "names" than they like to think,whether its the overly reverential attitude of the "masses" to "superstar djs" or the overly reverential attitude of the detroit purists to the likes of may and mills
there is a difference between how these genres are written about and how they exist in real life
im repeating myself but there are loads of people primarily into dance music who like idm,even though they have no idea it is even referred to as idm
the idea of it as dance music for people who don't like dancing is based on the fact (which is a generalisation,but you know what i mean) that the nme don't like dancing but give aphex rave reviews
noone listens to the nme anymore anyway,so why listen to them on this subject
their stance is being represented as the only one,rather than a marginal viewpoint which people who aren't into idm see as the only one,or something

robin (robin), Monday, 5 May 2003 03:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

in generalim referring to the people who listen to music above more than the producers,btw
will post more tomorrow,there are points id like to respond to but its six in the morning and im tired

robin (robin), Monday, 5 May 2003 03:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

in addition to the things tim and matt have mentioned, isn't the IDM - indie connection largely concerned with sophistication? as in the widely held view among people who don't like electronic music that, say, four-on-the-floor beats are too simplistic to be genuinely musical, so thank god for IDM because we can enjoy beats and bleeps that connect more with our beard-scratching aesthetic. i don't think the artists themselves were thinking this way at all, but the indie audience most likely were.

if we're talking about 2nd gen artists like venetian snares who don't really seem connected to dance as ronan describes it, then saying that IDM does not belong under the 'dance umbrella' makes sense. this is why i don't find 2nd gen artists very interesting, though, because without an idiom to relate to, i think they become quite boring. garage, on the other hand, is pretty clearly derived from house/techno/etc, which i think explains why unlike IDM, garage doesn't see itself as anti-dance.

Dave M. (rotten03), Monday, 5 May 2003 04:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

Can I re emphahsise that IDM is a bullshit term, can be stop using it please. It doesn't mean anything to me or a lot of people who grew up with this music.

Ed (dali), Monday, 5 May 2003 05:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

gee now you know how people who listen to "indie" music feel

electric sound of jim (electricsound), Monday, 5 May 2003 05:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

We were all quite happy calling it electronica and post rock, maybe throwing in the odd glitch.

Ed (dali), Monday, 5 May 2003 05:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

"in addition to the things tim and matt have mentioned, isn't the IDM - indie connection largely concerned with sophistication?"

I think that was very true to begin with, but I'm not so sure about now. Helltime & Producer are, to some extent, IDM; they might be IDM at the point where the definition becomes meaningless, but clearly the emphasis on musical sophistication has become augmented by other, less clear cut distinctions that one can make between, say, H&P and gabba. Actually, with stuff happening like The Mover putting out an album on Tresor it's becoming harder and harder to make any of these sorts of distinctions except in a very vague macro-sense.

"garage, on the other hand, is pretty clearly derived from house/techno/etc, which i think explains why unlike IDM, garage doesn't see itself as anti-dance."

I think garage will increasingly see itself as separate from "Dance Music"; the twist is that the music it's drifting towards (US hip hop, dancehall) is just as much dance music as Dance Music is.

Whereas, whether it's danceable or not, I can't think of any IDM or IDM-related musics that haven't involved an at least partial shift away from the dancefloor compared to their mainstream dance equivalents. Gareth and Tom have told me that some drill'n'bass nights get a lot of people dancing really hard, which is at odds with what I've seen (mind you, none of the venues I've been to which play that stuff had much in the way of a dancefloor).

In general I think the common equation of 'progression' with a reduction in dancefloor energy has been a really limiting one, not in terms of the music which has been made using the equation (a good deal of which is awesome) but because of the music that hasn't been made. Conscious attempts to be innovative in the area of dance-focused groove construction always seem so fleeting, and the moment that they do become conscious of their own innovation the focus on groove itself seems to lessen, as if there's something inherent in the concept of "progress" that neccessitates a certain amount of missing-the-point. But if I was going to construct an IDM canon based on the name alone (intelligent *dance* music)it would include Frankie Knuckles, LFO, Phuture, Sven Vath, 2 Bad Mice, DJ Hype, Marc Acardipane, Dem 2, Timbaland, Mannie Fresh, The Neptunes, Wiley Kat, Lenky, Luomo, Thomas Fehlmann - people who have actually changed or are changing the operation of the groove itself on the body, changing the way we as physical beings react to dance music. Obviously then this music has been made, but only at radical junctures between one musical moment and the next where a gap has been opened... why aren't more musicians aspiring to do as these artists have done?

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 5 May 2003 06:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

That last paragraph really belongs in the ILM thread re: What do you want music to do?

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Monday, 5 May 2003 06:21 (twenty-one years ago) link

Very much disagree with Matt DC on microhouse's reunification mandate (Oval + house)--sounds less to me like a deliberate attempt at fusion than the kind of paring-down process you see in minimal techno's d/evolution, scenius at work. Hell, most folks would just call microhouse minimal techno, and who's to say they're wrong? I'm also perplexed that you can't imagine dancing to it; in the best stuff, the way the glitches crackle & pop over and alongside the central beat give it an almost polyrhythmic tactility that's very body-friendly.

I'm surprised no one's mentioned sonic texture, which fits into the idea of indie, undie, IDM et al as we seem to be discussing it. Grainy, lo-fi, homemade, hand-tooled--these adjectives are all frequently used when describing these things (think of what gets praised about BoC, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, Antipop), and they seem to unify the topics at hand more than anything else, even (haha) audience members' skin color. Or is that (texture, haha) a red herring? (This is a real question)

M Matos (M Matos), Monday, 5 May 2003 07:25 (twenty-one years ago) link

the only thing i have to add is that to assume that people wont/cant dance to [x] music is dangerous. people will dance to (pretty much) ANY music. eg people dancing to bola's 'vespers' on sat. night (?!). euqally. i dont understand how people dance to say...ash. but they do. i remeber on the old warp message board this old chestnut came up about auteche, and some dude said that you could say quite safely that no one would dance to autechre. having just seen them at the warp 10 party. where they fucking rocked, i disagreed...he wanted a video as evidence....

ambrose (ambrose), Monday, 5 May 2003 10:24 (twenty-one years ago) link

I do remember watching autechre at that lovebytes/senti-ents thing with you and trying to dance amongst the punters stubbornly sitting down all over the dance floor. OK, I know it was 4 in the afternoon, but common. And the dissonanze thing in rome where the whole room sat down for come to daddy apart from me you and that random bloke from manchester. grrrrrr. If you want to sit, don't sit on the fucking dancefloor please.

Ed (dali), Monday, 5 May 2003 10:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

for every 100 people who listen to "idm"
90 per cent are djs and people into dance music in general
10 per cent also like indie and got into idm through the nme,these people are better represented online through blogs etc,so these are presumed to be what idm fans actually are like

possbily slighly exaggerated,and im repeating myself,but stuff about "sophistication" is like judging mingus on who listens to him now,saying mingus/coltrane/whoever is music solely for wealthy white people to play at dinner parties,while completely ignoring the facts about how the music was actually produced/consumed by the majority of its enthusiasts

i mean loads of people here listen to jazz,myself included,and the fact that a lot of us are white,middle class people living in 2003 doesn't mean that jazz is only music for white middle class people from 2003

robin (robin), Monday, 5 May 2003 13:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

so another way of looking at it is -idm-this splinter of dance music that was so good people from loads of other types of musical scenes got into it,but then it became associated with a small subsection of these

and while i know you can dance to it,i think microhouse is a clear move in dance music towards "sophistication" and nondancing,which,for all the dance purists,is surely far more worrying-i mean,idm was never meant to be danced to,it was music to put on,as i say,when everyone sitting around the next morning and no one is arsed mixing,or on a tuesday evening when you're not on for banging techno-thus it is no threat to dance music,it coexists peacefully-each has a time and place
but microhouse is moving dance music away from being all about dancing

i am kind of playing devils advocate here,in that i like a lot of the music being discussed on this thread,including idm,"straight up" dance music,and microhouse,bu i think assumptions are being made that should be questioned

robin (robin), Monday, 5 May 2003 14:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

well that kind of hits it for me robin. i think there has been a shift in how the music/public interacts. i mean, yea, i was at a warp party in dalston on saturday and it was kicking off till 5 or whatever and you only had to look round to see that people were totally mashed and there was a lot chems going round, and it was like a proper dance club or whatever.

i wasnt wanting to say that it was for beardy indie heads or whatever, but that somehow there has been a decoupling from dance music as a whole, and when/how did this happen?

the mingus thing is a good point, but what that really means then is that if lfo/afx are mingus, but what does that make dntel/manitoba?

gareth (gareth), Monday, 5 May 2003 14:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

or to put it without pejoratives or whatever, it comes down to this

at one time there seemed to be no schism between idm and dance music. they were the same thing.

now there seems to me to be a gap between the 2. is this true? and if so why? and when?

gareth (gareth), Monday, 5 May 2003 14:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

i don't really have much on the analogy that's being made at the top, but my roommate got into autechre and swayzak and b.o.c. through dub

he got into dub through doing drugs, maybe he thought it was like a combination of wu-tang clan and spacemen 3

it's funny listening to autechre these days, it sounds so "old school", the dance beat - kick, snare - is so audible, the genre hadn't moved into its "anything can be percussion" click-cutty phase yet

i'm thinkin, gareth

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Monday, 5 May 2003 14:13 (twenty-one years ago) link

our styles are too similar this morning though, one of us should write in green or something!

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Monday, 5 May 2003 14:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

Heh, it's funny reading robin's stuff cos it's such a different mindset to my own.

I mean I have to say after reading about it here for so long I was expecting microhouse to be like the way Robin puts it, without deciding whether I thought I'd like it or not, I did expect it to be quite difficult.

Now admittedly I've only heard Immer and Digital Disco, so feel free to say I've not heard enough, but I don't find enjoying it and liking it difficult in anyway, in fact it's quite effortless, and also I don't see it as a move away from dancing like Robin says. I was expecting something maybe radically different, and I guess I was pleased to find that all that was different is the groove, and the way you might react to it. In fact along with the likes of Metro Area (not microhouse maybe but anyway) it's made me realise just how danceable lighter house music can be. And the vibe is still totally house to me.

I think it's interesting. I'm not one of the main kompaktevangelist types, not heard a huge amount of the stuff, and so I was surprised to enjoy what I have heard of microhouse so much. Maybe I expected the "house" tag at the end of it to not be justified, and well I was wrong.

The thing about IDM not existing or being a relevent term is kind of interesting too, I mean sure lots of people don't recognise the term or use it, but that isn't really here nor there, lots of these same people probably never discuss anything at all to do with music, and that's neither here nor there either.

I think (to play a bit of devils advocate tennis with robin) if people aren't arsed with the term IDM or have never even heard of it then there's a good chance some of the stuff they're playing is pre the schism gareth refers to.

I don't think I'm really saying IDM is "white" and I guess I'm willing to drop the "indie" accusation (if it is an accusation heh) aswell. But what is the issue for me is the fear of the enemy within, that enemy being an electronic style which runs contrary to almost all the things I enjoy about the electronic music I like, while at the same time enjoys more critical acclaim and becomes the default option, an easier option for people.

I think alot of people around here, myself included, dislike the way the indie mindset often assumes the best music in a genre is the least popular, at least I suspect I'm not alone in this. Hence the sneaking feeling that if something like undie or IDM didn't exist, some fucker would invent it anyway, and a whole load of people would still buy it, whatever the hell it sounded like. Some genres don't work in terms of what is least popular being good, that's the facts.

It's just this old chestnut of "oh I like all genres, but you have to search hard in country/hiphop/dance to find the really precious metal". It's also one of my biggest problems with the fetishisation of the dilletante position in music fan circles.

I hope that explains my position a bit. phrases like "indie" maybe bog the whole argument down.

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 5 May 2003 20:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

incidentally, the only times i have heard or seen the terms 'IDM', 'undie' and 'microhouse' EVER are on this board - for the people who use them, where are these terms occurring elsewhere? i'm curious - i think they're all pretty bullshit terms (as in they all seem to attract negative tags despite the fact that some excellent work would fall under those categories) but there's no point me arguing that i know, obviously there needs to be some term to describe these things...

my main point: outside of Reynolds and ILM, where else has this view that 'IDM' is fundamentally problematic or in trouble in recent years been documented/suggested? how much is it REALLY a problem at all? really there is not much particularly worthwhile i can say on this thread as i find everything on an equal par at the moment in modern music - nothing seems particularly stronger than anything else. the majority of the recent 'gutter garridge' i've heard hasn't actually done that much for me (i'm talking about the general sub-genre here but obv there are always great examples and many of these seem to have come from Dizzy, Wiley etc. of late but i know there's a lot i havent heard) but its hard to gage how popular that stuff really is outside this ILM-based circle that has become my main source for things in music (possibly a problem) e.g. someone I know who prefers the UK garage that has a stronger US influence reckons a lot of punters have been saying Dizzy Rascal and co. are 'killing garage' - unfortunately i can't strengthen that allegation, but i'd like to know what the likes of MJ Cole, Matt Jam Lamont and even Wookie think about the recent success of the 'gutter' sound in the last 18 months...

as for microhouse, Luomo actually bores even me for the most part (and i actually quite like the first 16B album, go figure) and again i'm not sure how favoured this is outside ILM - certainly i think its closer to the 'Dadhouse' tag, akin to Hybrid and Sasha & Digweed style epic-prog (but still uniformly dance/club music) in terms of its 'safeness', cleanliness and anal retentiveness...Akufen possibly sits right on the line between whatever divide there is but i probably need to hear more...

so Archigram and Space Cowboy are making euphoric FUN club music, but they with the likes of Medicine 8 are actually making tunes that i'm sure Sasha, oakenfold and Ashley Beedle LOVE to play out - but those elder statesmen do not seem as interested/motivated to create tracks quite as powerful as 'Rock Music Pays Off' anymore, and given they're all well in their 30s now thats understandable really (other established acts like Orbital and the Chems have also mellowed, and even stagnated in a way) - Sasha actually stayed at the forefront of dance music sonically for years but his particular craft in the hi-fi end of dance production has acquired this 'dated' and 'boring' feel because the technology has not significantly advanced in the last 5 years, at least not noticeably to the average listener and clubber. in contrast, the lo-fi and minimalist side is what now appeal with its freshness and the thrill of immediacy and novel tricks based more on revivalism and old sounds rather than 'new' - again i am tempted to liken this to the period in the late 50s where glitzy 'art deco' fell out of fashion and taking its place was the functional dynamic modernist style.

sorry for going off on a bit of tangent - how that last bit relates to the plight of 'IDM' is unclear!

stevem (blueski), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 00:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

"for every 100 people who listen to "idm"
90 per cent are djs and people into dance music in general
10 per cent also like indie and got into idm through the nme,these people are better represented online through blogs etc,so these are presumed to be what idm fans actually are like"

Don't know about those figures but the proposition strikes me as correct. However I would go on to say that this "10 per cent" (or however much it actually is) also has a disproportionate influence on the music's perception of itself as well as the opinion of outsiders. It's not some random quirk that Manitoba's new album is being discussed within a context of Mercury Rev and The Flaming Lips; it due to the nature of IDM currently that such connections seem obvious and desirable. Likewise the interlinks between indie hip hop and IDM are as much a result of the possibility of critical and commercial acceptance (ie. the existence of an overlapping fanbase) as they are purely aesthetic motivations. In short, the type of music that is being made is being affected by the shift in fanbase. The same process happened in drum & bass (a shift towards techno) and UK Garage (a shift towards hip hop) - the sonics changed to reflect the general tastes of the changing audience. This is a totally natural and ever-present process within all forms of music.

" I was expecting something maybe radically different, and I guess I was pleased to find that all that was different is the groove, and the way you might react to it."

Ha ha Ronan you have summed up in one sentence my entire critical outlook on dance music!

"It's just this old chestnut of "oh I like all genres, but you have to search hard in country/hiphop/dance to find the really precious metal". It's also one of my biggest problems with the fetishisation of the dilletante position in music fan circles."

I dislike that kind of dilettante too though - the one that justifies their limited exposure to an area by pretending they're only listening to the cream of the crop - but there's another type of dilettante that is much less foolish, thankfully.

"incidentally, the only times i have heard or seen the terms 'IDM', 'undie' and 'microhouse' EVER are on this board - for the people who use them, where are these terms occurring elsewhere?"

IDM is taken from the name of the internet mailing list that discusses, um, IDM. Microhouse is from Phillip Sherburne's article in The Wire. Undie is just a compound of underground and indie with humorous connotations.

I don't think people here are necessarily accusing IDM of being in dire straits, but rather the extent to which it and dance music are going their separate ways. Incidentally, I actually think that the two are probably more connected than they were, say, three years ago; the rise of microhouse, electroclash and glitch techno have all created interzones that encourage listeners to accept and appreciate the effects of groove-based musics on the body; possibly someone who doesn't like dance music getting into IDM now (unless they specifically limit themselves to eg. the Manitoba/Four Tet/Prefuse 73 strains) is more likely to end up liking dance music than if they had gotten into the music at any time in the last, oh, seven years.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 01:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

stevem definitely makes a good point re: technology. I feel that most producers, IDM and otherwise, who were fabled for their being on the bleeding edge of things techwise have hit a ceiling - there is nothing really new on the market and everybody else has caught up.

I think that all the retro rockers and electroclash folx are part of the same dissatisfaction, regressing because the outer limits have been reached, or so we're given to suspect. I myself as I stated upthread have been really disappointed with new music for about two years now, at least in the arena under discussion.

I wonder whether it will all dissolve in favor of some better, purer pop sounds anytime soon. Maybe the long-imagined mishmash of everything from the last century will finally appear and no man will ever go hungry again, who knows. Can't get here soon enough for me, though, I can tell you that.

Millar (Millar), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 01:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

Tim makes a good point with the idea that in some ways IDM and dance are closer... I remember reading that IDM started to splinter from techno way back when there would be ambient tracks on dance 12"s and people started to think "hey why not just put this on an album instead"? A lot of laberls like Kompakt are now putting a lot more ambient music on their 12"s again...

and I think that Reynolds may have already provided the answer to this problem didnt he? his biggest frustration it seems (when he was more of an evangelist, iguess), was that people were unwilling to accept dance on its own terms... the music itself doesnt really matter as much as whether it is received as "proper music, not dance shite for the proles", ya know? I mean, really, the key to Reynolds and maybe even to all of dance is the quote he put in the intro from Hoskyns (sp?) about losing "knowingness". wasnt the problem with indie always less the music itself, but more how it became so unimportant in the face of snobbery, tribalism, and the search for obscure knowledge for the sake of the egos of the searchers? I mean, superchunk is just a pop-rock band until the rhetoric is added...

my stake in all of this is really similar to what has been mentioned upthread by others... what Ronan said about "an electronic style which runs contrary to almost all the things I enjoy about the electronic music I like, while at the same time enjoys more critical acclaim and becomes the default option, an easier option for people"...
Ronan what do you think of the tapes? ;-)

Aaron Grossman (aajjgg), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 01:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

Aaron's second paragraph seems to nail exactly what I was trying to get at, "dance on its own terms". Yes!

Aaron I will mail you this afternoon about the tapes.

Ronan (Ronan), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 09:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

"I wonder whether it will all dissolve in favor of some better, purer pop sounds anytime soon."

i dunno,i think that,whatever you think of it,and i love some of it and some of it just wrecks my head,but surely electroclash was dance music dissolving in favour of pure pop?

robin (robin), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 13:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

Ronan no rush just kidding around a bit, really ;-)

Can I add that maybe what worries me is that, well, the thing that always got be about rock was, at its worst, bad rock criticism seems to think that any schmuck playing a guitar is automatically more real, intelligent, authentic, etc., than anybody playing anything else (ie worst folk artist better than best rapper), and I worry that IDM/indieelectronic could repeat that scenario, simply replacing the guitar for laptop... and I think a lot of this has to do with being in America, where the scene is small and vulnerable and could easily fall prey... of course, maybe I am just feeling paranoid this morning ;-)

Aaron Grossman (aajjgg), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

I mean, superchunk is just a pop-rock band until the rhetoric is added...

But even Chuck Berry, or the Blackhearts, had a rhetoric, even though maybe it's faded and hard to remember now. Folk singers in the 50s and 60s had one too, among other things in their implicit rejection of the things Chuck Berry could use to make you move. But rhetoric isn't added, like you'd add milk to coffee, it might have been what made them form the band in the first place. I don't see anything wrong with having a rhetoric.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:30 (twenty-one years ago) link

what i meant about microhouse being a move away from dance music is that,while i know you can dance to it,in my experience people don't that much,it is played in the morning when there's not many people dancing,or often mixed with stuff that's towards the glitch end of things...
i think a lot of the time people listen to it not as dance music (and this is people who do like dance music)but in the same way you'd listen to glitch or idm-sitting around,with possibly a few people dancing
again a generalisation,but it certainly doesn't seem to be "used" as dance music as much as techno or house

robin (robin), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

rhetoric = probbly a better word for the various things the word "influence" is usually used at

mark s (mark s), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

I guess "snobbery" isn't everyone's non-dairy creamer. But I've got no beef with "tribalism" "or quest for obscure knowledge" necessarily. Though actually, experimentalist microhorse is more anti-tribalist than, as Tim says, most other dance music from the past 7 years, in that it doesn't pummel its genre identifiers into the ground, set its boundaries, or work exclusively within itself. (There is a boutique aspect to a lot of these releases from BPitch and Kompakt and Italic, their album art and the intimate kinds of sounds you hear on the records speaks a kind of luxurious hand-polished language. I'm not so into that rhetoric but a lot of people get off on that.)

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

Tracer is right in his original critique, and maybe I should rephrase... when I figure out what I meant ;-).. but I know I was thinking more of criticism and not the beliefs or intentions of the band, which really are very seperate... I mean, whatever we may think of the White Stripes' music, we can probably agree that there is a certain disconnect between the band and what they doa dn how they are received. the band, well, they put lots and lots of effort into cultivating an very specific image, and many seem to buy it as "authentic"... I think maybe this really revolves around the question of "does making a certain specific artistic choice automatically indict that or those which you did not chose?" What I mean to say is that making undanceable electronic music can either be intrinsically an anti-dance statement, or it could just be music with rhetoric added later, I guess. Does that make sense?

I mean, is art creation or filtration? Does it gain its power from what is made, or from what is left out?

Aaron Grossman (aajjgg), Tuesday, 6 May 2003 14:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

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