The stars turn: the TWIN PEAKS 2017 spoiler thread

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oh wait, did that gold orb happen in the original? why don't I remember that?

akm, Thursday, 29 June 2017 04:30 (seven years ago) link

seems most of us forgot about that moment. clues are bloody everywhere!

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 04:31 (seven years ago) link

For a time it was believed that the desert sand had simply melted from the direct radiant thermal energy of the fireball and was not particularly dangerous. Thus it was marketed as suitable for use in jewelry in 1945.

And this scene from Missing Pieces seems key:

Mud... Jam... Failure... (aldo), Thursday, 29 June 2017 08:23 (seven years ago) link

Oh well, those links are the man from another place, Philip Gerard and Dougie all wearing the Ring.

Mud... Jam... Failure... (aldo), Thursday, 29 June 2017 08:24 (seven years ago) link

so very much in that piece, but this jumps out immediately:

We have descended from pure air.

it would appear so

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 08:31 (seven years ago) link

The bit later on where it quotes from Newton's translation of Tabula Smaragdina may turn out to be key:

“It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior.”

This is the New Mexico sand at Ground Zero, transmuted to Trinitite and serving as the tabletop in the room above the convenience Store (which the Ring is cut out of).

Mud... Jam... Failure... (aldo), Thursday, 29 June 2017 08:48 (seven years ago) link

nice detective work! good job there's two weeks to dig into this episode

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 08:52 (seven years ago) link

some fascinating detective work but you find "As above so below" in so many many things not even in esoteric traditions is in in plain exoteric Christianity not sure why they picked a 17th century Isaac Newton translated alchemical work but ok

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:04 (seven years ago) link

Demons, angels, alchemy, Native American myths, the Popol Vuh … So many irons in the fire, right?

eh looking through this:

not sure i condone this stuff tbh. seems like just connecting symbols willy nilly w no knowledge of the traditions they are taken from. someone "researches" "Native American religion" by looking at wikipedia pages for a few days and if anything shows up they use it. they flip the tree of life upside down and call it the three of death, ridiculous. the Egyptian stuff is interesting but again really stretching things to make a point.

i dont think Lynch plans this stuff out to this degree. he is def aware of these mystical traditions but it seems obvious he is generating his own mythology through this show. but yeah people gonna connect dots til the cows come home.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:13 (seven years ago) link

excuse me if i seems like i am ruining anyone's fun. i spent some time yesterday arguing w someone who told me Mulholland Drive wasn't cryptic and is easy to understand. i think a lot of people think a work either needs to be "understandable" and "make sense" (have some pre-determined course, a predestination) or it is just made up and thus meaningless. it undersells the creative process for the fact of pretending the mythology is real or that the tightness of the narrative makes it more real. i think there is meaning in making things up, in creating a la carte, and this is in fact most of Lynch's creative process, many are entirely missing the point.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:19 (seven years ago) link

Lynch might not but this pick n mix appropriation of esoteric arcana is absolutely how mark frost works

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:30 (seven years ago) link

make sense of it

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:34 (seven years ago) link

The creation of meaning is a two-way street; I'm not that interested in the codebreaking side of this but I don't see how referencing religious texts is that different to drawing connections to avant-garde films lynch almost certainly hasn't seen

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:39 (seven years ago) link

Saw this link in the story Aldo linked:

Holy shit. I wonder if that guy is even glad it's back, because that will eat up another couple of years to fill his blog with

xxxp with Adam :)

Le Bateau Ivre, Thursday, 29 June 2017 11:42 (seven years ago) link

yeah people seem to forget that Mark Frost is a big part of this and esoteric historical, mystical/religious texts are things the dude is obviously fascinated with and probably more relevant than Pixies album covers and Powers of 10 tbh

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:40 (seven years ago) link

i just dont see how an Isaac Newton alchemy text is any more relevant than the Bible, esp considering he directly references classical Biblical imagery w Laura and the angel in FWWM. seems like an attempt to find something obsure and elevate it.

Pixies was circa the same era, someone upthread pointed out a 4AD guy worked w Lynch. very relevant.

Powers Of Ten? you don't think that's relevant at all to the slow zoom of atomic blast? like Lynch never saw that but he painstakingly went through a 17th century alchemy pamphlet

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:48 (seven years ago) link

Again, Mark Frost. And gold and alchemy seem way relevant! Also the atomic blast was way more Kubrick/2001 and Tree of Life than Powers of Ten.

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:51 (seven years ago) link

it doesn't particularly matter what lynch saw, fwiw I think there's a good chance he didn't do either of those things (although again, if the alchemy text is an influence it'll be from frost, you know the dude who wrote this)

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:52 (seven years ago) link


blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:52 (seven years ago) link

Side note: I read that Lynch was an admirer of Malick but that Tree of Life wasn't his "cup of tea". Hard to not see it in that sequence though.

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 12:55 (seven years ago) link

  • "albert, we're headed for the black hills of south dakota" v white sands new mexico
  • "fire walk with me" v "this is the water"
probably nothing

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:30 (seven years ago) link

gordon even mentions the black hills while standing in front of the white sands bomb photo in his office

Autumn Almanac, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:32 (seven years ago) link

what if Lynch unfortunately really loved The Fountain

mh, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:33 (seven years ago) link

It's a mutual admiration. Malick's KNIGHT OF CUPS contains the audio of Major Briggs' description of his dream to Bobby, playing over shots of L.A.

Chris L, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:33 (seven years ago) link

oh shit, yeah, that kinda did my head in when that popped up

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:36 (seven years ago) link

That was so random lol

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:37 (seven years ago) link

I like The Fountain :/

a serious and fascinating fartist (Simon H.), Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:41 (seven years ago) link

maybe it was Fantasia

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 13:47 (seven years ago) link

Not that it wasn't necessarily chosen because he admires the monologue, but the bit in Knight of Cups is a Biosphere track, no?

Melissa W, Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:20 (seven years ago) link

Ohhh that makes so much more sense!

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:22 (seven years ago) link

I think there's a big difference between Lynch's probable ancient esoterica and to avant garde film (since he occasionally is an avant garde film director)! I'd be shocked if he hasn't seen every movie mentioned upthread. Begotten is the most obscure one, it seems to me, but even that was the subject of a lot of discussion among Movie People in the 90s, iirc.

Dan I., Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:23 (seven years ago) link

probable exposure that is

Dan I., Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:23 (seven years ago) link

it's gotta be a little hard being Mark Frost

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:29 (seven years ago) link

Lynch is avowedly not a cinephile, he has his pantheon of classics that he goes back to but he isn't really up on world cinema or experimental/underground films, although there's a chance he would have been exposed to some of it at the afi

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:34 (seven years ago) link

I agree that it's not really productive to dissect this show into atoms, but the impulse comes from earnest and unobjectionable enthusiasm!

Dan I., Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:40 (seven years ago) link

yeah, Lynch is not absorbing avant-garde cinema on the regular if his interviews are to be believed. guy claims to have never seen a Maya Deren film and i always assumed she was a major influence.

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 14:43 (seven years ago) link

someone said that previously but I find it hard to believe. A friends claims that he had talked about Deren but someone here said he said he'd never seen Deren. I can't find proof of either on the internet but I'd say that it was virtually impossible that he hadn't seen Meshes, which three of his films play quite explicit homage to. If anyone has a link where he talks about not having seen it then I'd be interested and amazed to see it.

It also seems that Tscherassky's Outer Space, Brakhage and Trumball's tToL & 2001 work are undeniably being referenced here. I do realise you have to take some of Lynch's prononcements with a pinch of salt but there are famous films that anyone of a certain age with an interest in abstaction will have seen, especially if that person is an animator.

Heavy Doors (jed_), Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:34 (seven years ago) link

(fwiw im not claiming that he hasn't seen 2001)

Heavy Doors (jed_), Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:39 (seven years ago) link

He went to film school

He has probably seen some movies

Karl Malone, Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:39 (seven years ago) link

There are so many music critics on ILX that the disingenuousness of a lot of creators w/r/t their influences must be familiar. I'm not sure an issue of NME ever went by without at least one band claiming to have never even heard of, and certainly not been influenced by, some other band that they sound exactly like and have obviously listened to a great deal.

Dan I., Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:42 (seven years ago) link

xp it would be pretty cool if he literally hasn't

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:43 (seven years ago) link

yeah I'm sceptical of the deren claim too & said so itt iirc, it would be one hell of a coincidence if so. As I say I think he would have encountered some of this stuff in film school. I don't have much reason to disbelieve that he hasn't kept up with the cutting edge of cinema post-1977 or so though, like we know he's a fan of malick & kubrick but I's be surprised if he's seen any maddin for example. It's not impossible to imagine arriving at a lot of the visual stuff in this more or less independently (not that anything ever is really "independent" like that) as an extension of stuff that he's been doing since he first made his paintings move. But my original point, which I'll stop making now, is that the likelihood or otherwise of lynch having this stuff in mind shouldn't stop anyone from making the connections

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 16:21 (seven years ago) link

I think the notion that Lynch isn't influenced by other filmmakers is primarily based on preserving the notion of "Lynchian" as being this ineffable quality that no one else has genuine access to and exists in a kind of vacuum (see also the notion of Lynch as a naif etc). I see why people make the argument but I don't buy it

a serious and fascinating fartist (Simon H.), Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:18 (seven years ago) link

i don't think anyone (here) is arguing that he isn't influenced by other filmmakers

anyway, this is more important i think:

"Lynch was also a member of the high school fraternity Alpha Omega Upsilon, and learned to play the bongos while frequenting a nightclub popular with the Beat Generation, earning the nickname "Bongo Dave".[13]"

circa1916, Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:41 (seven years ago) link

yeah I didn't mean anyone here, I was speaking more broadly

a serious and fascinating fartist (Simon H.), Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:43 (seven years ago) link

Yeah he def is I just don't think he's all that interested in going out and seeing them. Maybe I'm wrong and you couldn't drag him away from the Hou or Costa season at the local arthouse but I don't think so (I also have a feeling he isn't alone in this among us directors). In general he seems a little - not solipsistic exactly, but certainly very narrow in his interests: painting, meditating, eating the same meal every day and only watching the one tv show about car repair or whatever

Of course a lot of this may be interview schtick and printing-the-legend, who knows what the real truth is (or cares)

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:51 (seven years ago) link

this is discussed a *little* bit on the new 'cast (out tonight I think)

a serious and fascinating fartist (Simon H.), Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:54 (seven years ago) link

speaking of influences, in tony oursler's book IMPONDERABLE, which i've been obsessively thumbing through for the past week or so, there are tons of images of psychics/mediums/etc excreting ectoplasm as they channel spirits and the paranormal.

e.g., check out this mouthbarfing medium:

or check out this stomachbarfing medium:

the ectoplasm was associated with the creation of spirits, or at least the summoning of them. apologies if the ectoplasm > spirit formation thing is already common knowledge to everyone, but it was all new to me.

Karl Malone, Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:56 (seven years ago) link

...i guess i should state the obvious connection to garmonbozia and the slow motion vomit sequence in episode 8

Karl Malone, Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:58 (seven years ago) link

Was gonna suggest if you get Dennis Lim on you can ask him how much is bullshit xp

blog haus aka the scene raver (wins), Thursday, 29 June 2017 18:58 (seven years ago) link

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