Drink full: The TWIN PEAKS 2017 spoiler thread, part 2

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And the scene from ep1 in the video room with the box?

Jersey Al (Albert R. Broccoli), Monday, 4 September 2017 16:15 (seven years ago) link

Don't go away
Come back this way
Come back and stay
Forever and ever

The world spins

Pataphysician, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:19 (seven years ago) link

xp plus Dougie and Jade

Screamin' Jay Gould (The Yellow Kid), Monday, 4 September 2017 16:19 (seven years ago) link

That Julee Cruise song was put to great effect. It's been haunting me today.

Pataphysician, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:20 (seven years ago) link

That's my favorite JC song, she's correct above in her way, it would've been better with a full performance

sciatica, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:25 (seven years ago) link

Forgive me, I'm going to repeat a few things from earlier in the thread.

So much to say. Impressions of the entire thing.

Halfway through season 3 I bought the box set to get to get Missing Pieces, only intended to watch that at this point. Watched that then was overcome by this incredible yearning to watch it all. Kind of like a lovesick feeling you rarely get with art, when it feels like there is absolutely no substitute on earth for the thing you're fixated on. Nothing else will do.

I thought maybe on revisit I'd decide I actually preferred the original run for its soft glowing idyllic beauty.

And it is gorgeous, in this aspect I prefer the earlier stuff, the first few episodes are bliss at times. But as I anticipated, the soundtrack becomes a huge problem. Of course it's one of the best soundtracks ever recorded but a few of the pieces are played so often that they become irritating, lose their power and even make some scenes seem a bit ridiculous. Some of the plots go on just a bit too long. There's one really dumb scene in which James, Donna and Madeleine don't make sure to be quiet about their big secrets in the diner.
Can't believe how many characters I forgot!

Apart from the finale, I hadn't seen the second season because of its mixed reputation and I was scared it would ruin the soundtrack for me. It does still abuse some of the music and its difficult to get through that but gradually some variety eases that a bit more.
So many beautiful places and beautifully furnished rooms. I particularly love Jack Nance as Pete.
A lot of people said the show jumps the shark at Leland's funeral but I thought the real nadir was mostly contained in the episodes about Ben's confederate fantasy and old Dougie's supposed death by sex and Cooper ridiculously letting Dwayne with a shotgun talk things over alone with Lana.
There's still a bit of slogging yet, Windom Earle is handled really badly but I felt the last episode redeemed him. The scene of Bob grabbing Earle and blowing fire out his head is one of my favourite things in the whole of Twin Peaks. I don't need to say how great this episode is.
So glad I watched the whole second season, it has some of the scariest scenes. Odd that in one of the last Episodes, Earle has a weird pale face, seems like something that would only be in a Lynch directed episode.

Rewatching Fire Walk With Me, I think it maybe ties with Inland Empire as my favourite Lynch thing ever. It's one of the most beautiful films I've ever seen.

And with finishing the 90s Twin Peaks, I'm left with that lovesick ache again. I realise that no matter how well the third season finishes, there will always be a terrible void left by wondering what could have been if it finished in the 90s. Lynch said there could have been four seasons. It is difficult to imagine how they'd get it made properly when audiences responded so badly to the film. Maybe the music would be ruined by that point? How many ideas did they have left over? How much of the third season is old ideas? How many ideas became unusable?

In many ways the third season is superior to the first two, whatever people say about drawn out scenes, I think the overall pacing of plots is much much better. I love the eight episode like everyone else. Bob in the sphere reminds me of an old first person videogame like Doom.

I'm scunnered, saddened and a little angry at the grim ending but it's undeniably a great ending.
Unlike at lot of people I don't think it's THE ending. I still feel Fire Walk With Me's ambiguous but happy ending is part of the real thing.

Lynch has said he'd like to do another season and a few of the actors are super eager. Surely the main obstacle is getting the money again. Many fans might be hesitant to demand another season that may finish like previous seasons: landing in deep shit again.
I'd be very surprised if Lynch or Frost didn't have further developments for Sarah, Audrey, whatever is happening in the walls (they must have at least outlined further things about Josie).

I'm not a huge fan of Fulci's The Beyond but that ending and this season 3 finale seem very similar to me. I've heard that Fulci wanted a sequel and that sounded incredibly intriguing to me. I get the sense Cooper is left to navigate a slightly similar world but there are all sorts of alternatives.

I want another season. I understand the feeling that the plots will ultimately go in circles and repeat things Lynch has done throughout his films, that a lot of the plots ultimately don't matter when you get so many alternate versions of everything but I'm fairly confident there's more to be done that would be rewarding.

For Inland Empire, Mulholland Drive and Lost Highway I never cared much about the theories, I was quite content with the sense of networks of significant people and alternate versions but Twin Peaks at this point is different to me.

When I saw the ending I thought "surely this is to get us to beg for more?"

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:28 (seven years ago) link

the hands on the face thing also felt like a callback to Mr. C with the mechanic.

thinking about the idea of Agent Cooper bringing Laura back home, this was a very powerful resolution to the story, and i think it treats with respect the original murder story. it is not erased. even if he goes back in time and fixes the events of the pilot, it is a horrible thing that happened, a thing that we are aware of. there is no erasing that original violence, there is no forgetting what we know. this is even true when Cooper changes names and possibly universes.

perhaps this is the dream: that he COULD fix everything, erase the abuse, the murder, all of it. the truth is he can't. putting a happy ending on here would have run false. we even give it a few attempts, with the travelling back in time to the pilot.

the ending we got may be frustrating but it was devastatingly honest. seeing those two actors, 25 years later, in front of the Palmer house, that was pretty incredible.

the more i think about this the more i like it.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Monday, 4 September 2017 16:31 (seven years ago) link

I'm scunnered


sciatica, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:38 (seven years ago) link

great post Adam

sciatica, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:44 (seven years ago) link

if they had made Sarah the big bad and for sure Judy it would have shifted responsibility for Laura's murder onto her, meddling with the core mythology in an iffy way. i am glad Sarah (and the house) remains a mystery. the blame for Laura's death remains Leland's fault. that original tragedy is eternal, it is preserved, even across universes.

i do love the cosmic humor of having Dougie walk through life succeeding effortlessly at everything corporeal existence can offer while everyone wants Cooper back while Cooper shows up in action mode, looks like he knows what he is doing, and gets utterly lost. inaction vs. action. feels like a metaphor for meditation or spiritual growth. driving 430 miles to get nowhere.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Monday, 4 September 2017 16:47 (seven years ago) link

man you are on a roll. I wholeheartedly agree with all of that.

sciatica, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:53 (seven years ago) link

I didn't see Sarah as the bad guy. But her pain caused by Lelands actions opened her up. I think final Cooper recognized that relationship when he saw the white horse in Carrie Pages house, as the white horse would visit Sarah when Leland was killing.

dan selzer, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:55 (seven years ago) link

Then it wasn't just "I have or get you home" it was I have to get you to your mother or am I remembering that wrong.

dan selzer, Monday, 4 September 2017 16:56 (seven years ago) link

I have to watch the last two episodes again, I'm still trying to process them. I admire the daring of the ending.

Re Diane's hands on Cooper's face: earlier, Cooper asks Diane if she remembers everything; she says she does. I interpreted the motel sex scene as Diane struggling with the memory of her rape by the doppelganger and especially her memory of his face and smile; hence her covering Cooper's (unsmiling) face. It didn't seem to help.

Brad C., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:05 (seven years ago) link

Diane putting her hands on Cooper's face during sex just seemed to indicate that after having been assaulted by C she couldn't look at that face and see (only) Cooper again. The way Maclachlan's face was shot during that scene reinforced the ambiguity

Dan I., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:06 (seven years ago) link


Dan I., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:07 (seven years ago) link

I mean xpost!

Dan I., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:07 (seven years ago) link

Dan I. otm

Brad C., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:07 (seven years ago) link

What was the setup for Cooper and Diane to take that drive, and for her to accompany him? He knew things would be 'different', so why bring her too? Was he trying to atone for what bad Coop had done somehow..?
Maybe this was all made clear but there was so much to take in.
As BradNelson said upthread, totally sad and/but fulfilled

But Audrey, Diane/Linda and Laura/Carrie being left in various kinds of purgatory and anguish is... hard

Priory, Monday, 4 September 2017 17:13 (seven years ago) link

say hello to gordon if you see him. he'll remember the unofficial version

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Monday, 4 September 2017 17:20 (seven years ago) link

More questions: Was the road and 430 mile stop where Diane and Cooper drove the same road that Mr. C crashed on while vomiting several pounds of garmonbozia*?

*And if so, was it the same road that when Cooper is finally allowed to leave the Red Room, he pulls back the curtain to watch the above^^^

Jersey Al (Albert R. Broccoli), Monday, 4 September 2017 17:24 (seven years ago) link

They haven't definitively stated that there's not going to be a season 4, have they? Because this all would be a perfect setup for another season. I mean, we're so used to looking at this as a monolithic work of art, but it's a tv show subject to all the usual practical externalities (there was a chance that this could have received a lot better ratings than it ended up getting)

Dan I., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:24 (seven years ago) link

“You’ve gone soft, Gordon.”
“Not where it counts!”

Gordon, you lecherous fool

mh, Monday, 4 September 2017 17:27 (seven years ago) link

also curious about coop's last words to Gordon before entering the room down in the Great Northern: "see you at the curtain call"

Karl Malone, Monday, 4 September 2017 17:27 (seven years ago) link

setting the DVR now for Season 4 in 2042

Brad C., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:29 (seven years ago) link

He was saying that to Diane I thought - they meet when he exits at the red curtains

streeps of range (wins), Monday, 4 September 2017 17:29 (seven years ago) link

I cannot get into the headspace of disliking how this turned out. Just because it has a narrative doesn't mean it's not a surrealist painting more than anything, and who demands tidy closure from one of those?

Dan I., Monday, 4 September 2017 17:30 (seven years ago) link

ah, that's right

Karl Malone, Monday, 4 September 2017 17:30 (seven years ago) link


love the infinity symbol Jeffries uses for a map. it was cool to see him morph the Owl Cave glyph into it. infinite mysteries indeed.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Monday, 4 September 2017 17:36 (seven years ago) link

When Cooper went into the Laura/James scene from fwwm I was feeling so much awe and dread but did also find some time to chuckle at bringing in a sequence at this point that straight up mentions both Donna's importance and Bobby killing a guy

streeps of range (wins), Monday, 4 September 2017 17:38 (seven years ago) link

I've been spending my Tuesday mornings fairly discombobulated (or discomBOBulated) by this series, but last night I made the slightly daft decision to watch it live on Sky Atlantic from 1am. I hopped over to the catch-up service at the first commercial so I didn't have to endure any ads. So I came to work today on less than five hours' sleep and with my head full of the image of the Palmers' house, overlaid with various dreams of barren landscapes and dark cupboards and boxes. Everything today is a dream.

I was curious about the drive from Odessa TX to the top of WA state (about 1700 miles), so dropped the Google Streetview icon into the middle of a suggested driving route and found myself behind a stetson-hatted ranger... followed him and found...


Which freaked me out a bit. But then so did the trees at the edge of the park by Grand Union Canal at lunchtime. This will take a while to subside.

Michael Jones, Monday, 4 September 2017 17:47 (seven years ago) link

The studio version of Richard & Linda Thompson's "Sunnyvista" is 4:30.

In SunnyVista all your dreams are reality
It's the smart place to be
For all the family
O SunnyVista, where you always wanted to stay
We'll dance the happy hours away


maura, Monday, 4 September 2017 18:00 (seven years ago) link

sorry for some of my posts last night, this was a difficult watch. enjoyed every minute of this thing as well, walked away feeling that evil/good will always co-exist, and this show carries that torch pretty strongly

Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 4 September 2017 18:17 (seven years ago) link

adam OTM this was a honest ending.

The car ride between Laura/Cooper was so painful, perfectly capturing what time does to people

Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 4 September 2017 18:23 (seven years ago) link

i can probably read some kind of hope into the final shot of the series—which featured a cast of lodge spirits who imposed their will on reality, whether malicious or well-intentioned or oddly neutral and elusive, through the medium of electricity—being a shot of a house in which all of the electricity has been shut off

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Monday, 4 September 2017 18:23 (seven years ago) link

idk though

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Monday, 4 September 2017 18:25 (seven years ago) link

at the very least this was an excellent if digressive 18 episode screed against turkey jerky

ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Monday, 4 September 2017 18:28 (seven years ago) link

I felt that Coop's attempts to change Laura's fate were perhaps prevented by the sticky inertia black hole of Sarah's grief; it's the first unchanged place that we see after Cooper intervenes, and it's as if the pain there has a fixedness, a weight. So bringing Laura to see Sarah is an attempt to resolve and unclog that energy. And maybe it succeeds? I don't know.

Also, because my brain is broken, I was thinking Richard and Linda was a Carpenters reference. No idea why I confused Linda and Karen, though I do know a related Linda and Karen. I spent ages trying to think of Carpenters/TP connections. Boy.

Eallach mhór an duine leisg (dowd), Monday, 4 September 2017 19:22 (seven years ago) link

I'm not a huge fan of Fulci's The Beyond but that ending and this season 3 finale seem very similar to me.

^ This.

Also seems prosaic to talk about such things but Lucy shooting Booper mirrors Andy shooting Jacques Reynaud.

But yeah, this was great. Like MHD and IE I think it needs at least one more viewing to unpack.

Thomas Gabriel Fischer does not endorse (aldo), Monday, 4 September 2017 19:42 (seven years ago) link

Soo, guess the confounding finale will make Mark Frost's final dossier sell like hot cakes eh

Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 4 September 2017 19:49 (seven years ago) link

Andy’s vision in the parking lot was him steering Lucy through the hallway to go shoot Mr. C, right?

mh, Monday, 4 September 2017 20:09 (seven years ago) link

some people seem really convinced there will be a 4th season based on cooper's i hope i see you all again ref

Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 4 September 2017 20:15 (seven years ago) link

No season 4 has been confirmed or denied; showtime has said it's up to Lynch basically. The cast has all said they were down for it. But think how long it took to write this one; I wouldn't expect a new one until after 2020 at which time people are getting on in years,including Lynch. I think another Lynch film relating to the series but perhaps unmoored and unbounded by things like plot would be interesting.

akm, Monday, 4 September 2017 20:21 (seven years ago) link

I'm mostly going on Lynch's saying he would like to, I've kept that in mind for most of this season. Fenn's eagerness has me curious if she knew there were blueprints for Audrey. It could be a short season.

I was wondering about Final Dossier. I somehow doubt it's going to tie much up.

As soon as I saw Cruise's song being cut short I thought that might upset her. I think that was a mistake.

Did Simon H reveal the "dirt" he had?

Robert Adam Gilmour, Monday, 4 September 2017 20:27 (seven years ago) link

Also: if there's a sense in which Richard is the "real person" who dreams Cooper, then Richard Horne has to be understood as part of Richard/Cooper's understanding/anxiety about who he "really" is (as does Bad Coop, as does Good Coop.)

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 4 September 2017 20:29 (seven years ago) link

yeah cruise's song cut short was pretty wrong

Week of Wonders (Ross), Monday, 4 September 2017 20:38 (seven years ago) link

Age is just a number. Lynch doesn't seem particularly elderly and could easily work into his eighties.

Treeship, Monday, 4 September 2017 20:39 (seven years ago) link

Easy to forget that we saw Jacques Renault (dead) bartending at the Roadhouse. I really want to see more of Audrey's situation.

flappy bird, Monday, 4 September 2017 20:41 (seven years ago) link

That was jean-michel renault

streeps of range (wins), Monday, 4 September 2017 20:42 (seven years ago) link

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