star wars 9 grim resignation thread

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I'm the man out there pressuring individuals into believing star wars movies are genius works of art

― mh

"the last jedi" showed up on netflix. i don't have netflix but the place where i get my tms has netflix and i got tired of watching nature documentaries after five weeks (yes i understand now what polar bears look like and your narrator script is terrible) so i'm watching it again, this time in 2d. it really is a wonderfully put together movie, "genius work of art" i wouldn't say but it's fantastically subversive, kind of like moffat's doctor who except it's entertaining in addition to being clever. my drunk ass is wondering how much of the backlash is just a backlash against people being clever, which if you don't like cleverness fuck you you are sentenced to watching all of the "nick and nora" movies until you stop perceiving this as a "sentence".

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 02:06 (six years ago) link

seriously today i was watching the scene transition where they went from a zoom from water dripping on kylo ren's hand to a spaceship, if you'd rather see another fucking wipe fuck you you are sentenced to watching "radar men from the moon" until you _do_ perceive this as being a sentence

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 02:08 (six years ago) link

I was being sarcastic because they’re workmanlike family space dramas

steve yedlin pretty solid cinematographer though and when they ramp up all the practical+digital visual effects and great foley artists even scenes that drag seem like they could be real

mh, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 02:49 (six years ago) link

also re: clever, I kind of hated them when I realized in the intro he is saying “holding for general HUGS” but now I kind of chuckle and mumble “general hugs”

mh, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 02:50 (six years ago) link

idk, i've seen enough mediocre and bad films that i have a hard time describing any of the star wars films, even the awful ones, as "workmanlike"

and yeah, starting the movie with one of the main characters making a stupid prank phone call to a captain of a star destroyer is idiotic enough to be entertaining. there's a fine line, i've been told, between clever and stupid, and "the last jedi" for the most part straddles it expertly

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:11 (six years ago) link

buddy “workmanlike” in my book means they have a work ethic, actual normal level of skills (they’re probably union), and they’re able to hack it

I mean, if you go by strict definitions a lot of Ron Howard work is hack work — they give a director with the right skills a direction and a script and he churns out usable product. It doesn’t mean it’s bad in quality necessarily. imo JJ Abrams is very much in the hack camp — he takes the day’s norms and a given formula and comes out with something that reaches the standards of the time

mh, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:19 (six years ago) link

I also think there are several directors/producers who are sub-hack getting work now because they’re disconnected from modern standards or think themselves auteurs and fall far short of interesting result

mh, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:23 (six years ago) link

In repeat viewings the stupidest part about TLJ is how much time it spends on two doofuses who are always fucking up and surviving by miraculous intervention while almost all their comrades get murdered in bulk, and not making it funny enough.

I get the sense there was a difficult balancing act between treating Finn and Poe as the completely absurd, walking punchlines of masculinity that they are, and treating the near-total wipeout of the Resistance with some kind of A Bridge Too Far seriousness, and they got middled on the deal.

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:34 (six years ago) link

Like there’s a great dark comedy buried in TLJ - and i said basically right after Rian Johnson was announced that the guidepost to use was Brothers Bloom - but we’re supposed to care about all the rebel redshirts getting murked every other minute and that just makes it a little too much like those goddamn Hobbit sequels that aren’t any fun either.

El Tomboto, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:38 (six years ago) link

I think TLJ owes a considerable debt plotwise, in terms of the rebel fleet actions and even the aesthetics and pursuit manner of the First Order, to the new Battlestar Galactica. I’m thinking of the (very excellent) second or third episode of the series (maybe it was called 33?), where they kept jumping and getting caught by the Cylon fleet because they were somehow tracking them.

omar little, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 03:49 (six years ago) link


mh, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 04:02 (six years ago) link

i don't think it gets terribly "middled", no - i think a lot of the criticism is about perceived tonal whiplash, which i don't see - having seen enough modern doctor who, and, frankly, living in 2018, i don't think there's any disconnect between slapstick comedy and apocalypse.

re-watching the movie, i don't think we as viewers are supposed to care about the rebel redshirts, but poe and finn _are_, and they're portrayed as incompetent for the simple reason that they don't. as for "miraculous intervention", one person's "miraculous intervention" is another's pure blind luck.

maybe i'm cynical about what human beings are capable of, but i find making an entertaining and watchable blockbuster movie takes an exceptional level of talent. to me, if you can shoot a three camera sitcom without sticking the boom mike in shot too often, that's my bar for competence.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 04:26 (six years ago) link

the hobbit films? i could barely make it twenty minutes into them. absolutely leaden films, everything was telegraphed to excruciating extent. major characters from the books got lingering shots and ridiculous fanfares. none of the characters were at all likeable, they were all Important. they put fucking sylvester mccoy in the thing and he wasn't any more over the top than anyone else. the humor in tlj is certainly lowbrow humor, but it's brief enough that, to my chronically humor-averse sensibilities, it's actually funny instead of excruciating (see: lucas, george).

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 04:37 (six years ago) link

Kindly forgive any digressions/transgressions below, as I certainly won't remember them:

1) The autie fans also note that the novel Force powers and starship tactics (re: hyperspace) in TLJ invalidate much prior canon. Ie, huge swathes of the cinematic, animated, and literary canon hbecome senseless if force users can survive and fly about in vacuum, and starships can kamikaze through hyperspace.

2) We've never learned the appeal of the New Order, or for that matter its Imperial predecessor. In human history, most taxpayers are likely cattle, initially cowed by fear, but every enduring state has had an ideology providing legitimacy, and winning recruits. Whether its a claim to divine righ, fear of other nations, or of other classes. What exactly does the NO have? How can one align the economic efforts of billions, if it only seems to serve the whims of a petulant emo? Honestly, just as the best video game in the franchise (Tie Fighter (1994)) followed life in the Imperial navy (which was as beset by civil conflict as the Roman military), I think the best film in the franchise would look at what compels people to join the Empire/NO, what competing interests they serve there, how they let off steam, and how ordinary citizens view the rebels.

3) Since the debut, SW has existed primarily to sell action figure toys. Over 4 decades, I wouldn't be surprised if toy licencing outpaced box office nets. When I was young, my mum didn't buy SW figurines, like my friends had. I got the silver headed Micronauts, because mum was clueless. My friends had small-to-large scale SW dioramas in their bedrooms. I just had a handful of these peculiar yet more flexible ciphers, which my friends would pose in homoerotic tableaus.

4) So, fuck 'em all. Go crazy SW marketing and SW 9 writers. Let Chewie become the furry sex object he/she/it always threatened to become. Let Kylo realize he really wanted to express himself through paint instead of sabers all along. Let Rose Tico obtain justice from anonymous dark side hecklers, with extreme prejudice. I think SW licenced sex toys, and thumbscrews, would sell *great* among remaining die hards.

Roomba with an attitude (Sanpaku), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 04:45 (six years ago) link

true that a tie fighter movie would be rad but one of the radder things about tlj was that it was closer than the franchise had ever seemed likely to come to a kotor2 movie

difficult listening hour, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:14 (six years ago) link

def agreed that one of the (few) inherited problems it doesn't even try to dissolve is that the first order makes even less sense than any of the other aspiring states in these movies

difficult listening hour, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:18 (six years ago) link

(oh and allowing kamikaze attacks is the least of it rly: obviously they should put hyperdrives on missiles.)

difficult listening hour, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:22 (six years ago) link

xp I mean, if “give me your fucking lunch money” is an ideology, fair enough, otherwise that might be the wrongest statement ever.

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:39 (six years ago) link

I’m sick of humorless pedants trying to make this long running multimedia series of pastiches of comic books and samurai movies be totally self-consistent in every aspect of its worldbuilding

devops mom (silby), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:45 (six years ago) link

I liked The Last Jedi, the next JJ one will probably be straight back to shooting without a script and fixing it in post but I’ll probably still find it enjoyable in the theater and it’ll probably still not withstand any kind of careful scrutiny from any angle, what is the problem if a Star Wars movie doesn’t make sense, I ask you.

devops mom (silby), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:49 (six years ago) link

yeah i do think the FO is m/l ideologically fine (parti de l'ordre) but the gap between ROTJ and TFA just isn't plausibly bridged imo. silby otm tho obv who cares. i mean i did care watching TFA. found that movie just repulsively decadent. makes scary movie 3 look like alexander nevsky.

difficult listening hour, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 06:56 (six years ago) link

1. one of the things that irritates me about fans who bicker about changes to canon is that the stuff they hold up as canon is stuff they would have, if it was new, denounced as heretical (and probably did, back in the day). god, how would these "just admit it's bad" people take "The Empire Strikes Back", which did just as thorough a job at fucking with fan expectations - more thorough, really, because at the time there was no precedent for it? when i hear this kind of "but CONTINUITY" bickering i just want to move on as quickly as possible to the point where we can ignore and laugh at these people, or at best treat their complaints as a wacky joke like luke snogging his sister.

there's also this assumption that characters will behave in ways that are logical to the _viewer_ rather than having their own, alien motivations. maybe there weren't kamikaze hyperspace attacks before because nobody had ever thought of one before!

2. in 2018 i don't think "why do people support the empire" is a question we need to watch a movie to answer. i really don't. in any case fandom has plenty of persuasive answers to this question - "the death star was an inside job", imperial media perpetuating the dolchstosslegende, economic essays about how building multiple death stars would wreck the galactic economy and make any post-imperial form of governance impossible.

3. the toy licensing thing is one of the biggest urban legends about star wars. after '77 when a bunch of kids got empty cardboard boxes for christmas they learned about the importance of toys to the line pretty quickly, but the notion that star wars was, from its inception, made to sell toys, or that george lucas made more from the toys than he did from the movies, has i believe been debunked.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 13:50 (six years ago) link

film crit hulk tackled a lot of this issues in a recent essay, particularly this one: "there's also this assumption that characters will behave in ways that are logical to the _viewer_ rather than having their own, alien motivations. maybe there weren't kamikaze hyperspace attacks before because nobody had ever thought of one before!"

supreme court justice samuel lance-ito (voodoo chili), Wednesday, 11 July 2018 14:31 (six years ago) link

<3 Film Crit Hulk

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 11 July 2018 18:58 (six years ago) link

yeah i actually read and enjoyed film crit hulk's essay last week (and then forgot i was repeating one of fch's points! obviously i agree). i think fch's point that people think the movie is "bad" because they don't agree with it, but it kind of goes beyond that for me, where you have people accusing characters behaving in psychologically plausible ways, not trusting their allies, etc., of being "unrealistic". the stuff backlashers are most adamant about calling "unrealistic" are things that are happening in the world right now. that's what rubs me the wrong way about the fans, it's less that they don't like the movie but they refuse to accept reality. this is why i think they are bad people.

at the same time i don't want to emphasize too hard the notion that star wars is about an alien society, because that weakens it as social/political allegory. backlashers who accuse tlj of promoting a women good/men bad agenda aren't really giving holdo proper consideration, because there's an argument to be made that she is, at the very least, a seriously flawed leader. chain of command (i can't believe these wehraboo shits don't understand basic chain of command) means that holdo didn't _have_ to explain anything to dameron, but her decision to not trust her underling, while certainly rational and well-motivated, was probably a poor one, one that revealed her inexperience. her engaging in a kamikaze attack is also not necessarily super praiseworthy. for all we know kamikaze attacks might be considered morally reprehensible in that millieu.

i am rewatching this week and i will acknowledge that it has certain flaws. particularly the casino planet sequence - while within the larger framework of the movie it's necessary, both from a pacing and from a character development point of view, it was markedly inferior to previous iterations of the sequence (any series that wishes to survive long-term has to adopt iteration). the shaggy-dog sequence really needs something like the absurd touch of the coens to work. also, the depiction of the child slaves came a couple years too soon - we would have had something better-rendered than fucking space newsies if it were done today.

there's so much else in this movie that does work, though, that it seems stupid to focus on the few substandard bits. god, at some point mark hamill actually learned how to act! that was fun to watch.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Thursday, 12 July 2018 01:42 (six years ago) link

Wait, didn't this film come out just 7 months ago?

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Thursday, 12 July 2018 01:51 (six years ago) link

sure but it wasn't _filmed_ 7 months ago

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Thursday, 12 July 2018 01:52 (six years ago) link

the most underrated part of the casino scene is that little dude who thinks bb-8 is a slot machine

mh, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:19 (six years ago) link

...who, apparently, was voiced by Mark Hamill

mh, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:27 (six years ago) link

for all we know kamikaze attacks might be considered morally reprehensible in that millieu.

They certainly weren’t in the OT!

El Tomboto, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:39 (six years ago) link

& certainly not so in Rogue One either!

the reasoning for not putting hyperdrives on cruise missiles seems obvious to me - they’re expensive and take time to spin up, during which sensors are able to detect their activation early in the process; the only reason Holdo’s maneuver succeeds is because she turns around the ship at the last second, after the FO officers have already decided to ignore it (“it’s empty”) and she’s piloting a massive vessel with incredibly powerful shield generators.

a launcher firing hyperspace-enabled drones would be a huge liability for any ship big enough to carry one. Flexible fighters that can dodge their way in close have a better return on investment. IRL, this is why we use carriers as flagships instead of big rafts covered in MLRS boxes (although yes, against adversaries with weak aerospace A2/AD, cruise missile destroyers play a very important role)

El Tomboto, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:53 (six years ago) link

The slow bombers with weak-ass shields in the opening sequence make literally no sense to me though. Those things are trash, it really is a complete fuckup by the FO that they lost a ship to that run.

El Tomboto, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:56 (six years ago) link

“Let’s buy a half dozen of something that’s worse than the Y-Wing in every possible category”

El Tomboto, Thursday, 12 July 2018 02:58 (six years ago) link

I feel like this scene and the salt-skiiing skimmers with their red plumes both offered that primal "HOLY SHIT AWESOME" which is one of the things I come to Star Wars for. And then you make up whatever explanation you have to make up in order to facilitate that feeling.

― Guayaquil (eephus!), Friday, December 22, 2017 12:13 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

The only thing that annoyed me about that scene was that she waited so long to do it. She just stood and waited while the transporters got shot down.

― Frederik B, Friday, December 22, 2017 12:20 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

made up explanation: the transporters have to be a certain distance away or the polar-ray dynasphere effect of actuating the hyperdrive matrix will scramble their navigational circuits

― Newb Sybok (Doctor Casino), Friday, December 22, 2017 12:31 PM Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

This is a total Jeff Porcaro. (Doctor Casino), Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:00 (six years ago) link

aren't the bombers just continuing the analogy to old-school aerial warfare? bombers are heavy and slow and need to be protected by lighter fighters while they execute a bombing run...?

This is a total Jeff Porcaro. (Doctor Casino), Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:00 (six years ago) link

The empire tricked out some TIE fighters as bombers as seen in ESB, when they were pounding that asteroid searching for the Millenium Falcon, not sure why the Resistance couldn’t have pulled off something similar.

omar little, Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:05 (six years ago) link

oh who knows. the chronology and origins of the resistance and first order vis-a-vis the new republic remain totally obscure, so for all we know, all kinds of really great stuff got nabbed by the first order in the confusion as things split apart, or got wiped out between the movies, so what we're seeing in TLJ is sort of the last clunky scraps of the arsenal. another reason for leia and holdo to be pissed off at poe for sacrificing this gear willy-nilly!

This is a total Jeff Porcaro. (Doctor Casino), Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:09 (six years ago) link

Y'all are so great at watching movies

Simon H., Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:10 (six years ago) link

And you’re great at being a snob! Everyone wins

El Tomboto, Thursday, 12 July 2018 03:14 (six years ago) link

tie bombers had like three bombs in them and made the smallest dent in an unshielded asteroid, c’mon

and part of it comes down to tactics and scale. a single fighter going to hyperspace is going to make an instant impact crater on a huge ship and it’s a shit strategy, it’s a bigger missile even if the velocity is so high.
in a large scale battle between actual militaries, which is what the resistance feels like even if it’s a unsanctioned force, there’s the illusion of military rules that confer legitimacy. a terrorist rebellion sacrifices huge warships or makes weapons out of capital ships and a ruling republic doesn’t

commander dipshit thinks the first order is an insurrection against a regime and never considered he’s actually got the real upper hand that people would suicide bomb

mh, Thursday, 12 July 2018 04:39 (six years ago) link

I mean, that is what made the prequel trilogy both a tragedy of undercooked storytelling and too real (although still undercooked) when it came to intergalactic struggle — there was a republic that existed as a representative group, with independent states, impartial mediators in the form of jedi, and no standing galactic army. Someone swoops in and creates a struggle where the mediators become not-impartial warriors and they obtain an army, making the manufactured enemy seem legitimate and wrecking the balance

in the interim between movies there’s an untold half-cooked republic that doesn’t want an army, and the allure of allying with a strongman is inevitable because everyone saw what happened. So you blast the senate out of existence and suddenly it’s once again the armies-are-bad faction and the strongman who thinks any resistance is a legitimate army — and unfortunately, they mostly act that way because they want legitimacy. Until, boom, they have nothing left and they’re the rebellion again.

Star Wars goes, for better or worse, back to the idea of whether you can have a standing military claiming to represent a multitude of states and interest fighting against that strongman

mh, Thursday, 12 July 2018 04:51 (six years ago) link

her decision to not trust her underling, while certainly rational and well-motivated, was probably a poor one

I don't think "should I loop in the guy who got our entire bomber fleet and several fighter pilots killed, earning him a demotion? Nah." is a poor decision at all. For all she knew he'd repeat the same mistake immediately. Which he almost did!!

Eliza D., Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:19 (six years ago) link

it didn't really cost them much either other than a short 5 minute delay while he attempted a coup

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:28 (six years ago) link

Holdo was entirely in her rights. Poe is a dangerous maniac.

what upset me the most about Holdo/Leia was the way they just gave him a pass because they still like him for some unexplained reason minutes after he just nearly got them both killed and tried to mutiny.

Poe being the face of the heroes is maybe the main reason i am not looking forward to 9. i just don't like this character. if he died offscreen in the intro scroll that would be fine w me.

Hazy Maze Cave (Adam Bruneau), Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:33 (six years ago) link

he was a hero pilot who saved many lives in many, many missions. he made a grievous (and fatal) error, but it's not like it erases his past heroism in their minds.

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:35 (six years ago) link

I like Oscar Isaac as an actor but there's something off in the way the Poe character is written or acted that makes him very unappealing beyond "Hey! Handsome Dude!" Like they were going for Han Mach 2 and ended up with Cocky Bro.

Cocky Brolo?

An Uphill Battle For Legumes (Capitaine Jay Vee), Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:43 (six years ago) link

I don't think "should I loop in the guy who got our entire bomber fleet and several fighter pilots killed, earning him a demotion? Nah." is a poor decision at all. For all she knew he'd repeat the same mistake immediately. Which he almost did!!

― Eliza D.

to reiterate i agree that she had ample motivation to not loop him in, but the effect of that was that holdo, a new leader who had yet to earn the trust of those serving under her, came in and said "OK, we're continuing our death march to nowhere, respect my authority." That's not really good for morale. At the very least she could have said "I have a secret plan I can't tell you about right now". and to reiterate i don't think this is a flaw of the _movie_ but a flaw in the _character_.

i'd like poe less if he hadn't (along with everybody else in the film) received significant character development during the film. on my second watch i admit i am getting a little wore out on john boyega's constant look of surprise.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Thursday, 12 July 2018 13:55 (six years ago) link

it didn't really cost them much either other than a short 5 minute delay while he attempted a coup

― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal)

rewatched this section of the film today, not really true, his idiot plan meant that her non-idiot plan got given away to the first order, resulting in the deaths of about half of the fleet. poe's dumbshit plan basically got luke skywalker killed. that's what makes his character arc so satisfying to me - he lives in a world where everybody wants to be han solo and shoot first, and his arc allows him to be something other than a dipshit han solo imitation. i guess on rewatch i am starting to see why all the dipshit han solo wannabes hate it. yeah, this trilogy, and particularly this movie, focuses on new, young characters with abilities and motivations of their own - if your idea of a sequel trilogy which consists of the old cast getting together and reminiscing about old times i guess it's not going to be the movie you wanted. personally, speaking as a lifelong fuckup, the film's message that you can be a complete fuckup and still be a hero is just the movie i wanted to see.

Arch Bacon (rushomancy), Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:53 (six years ago) link

idk how much I'd put that squarely on Poe, I mean, the initiative for getting on the First Order ship to turn off the light speed tracker came entirely from Finn and Rose. Poe just greenlit it and contributed the idea to call Maz. and while it is largely his burden as he was a Captain and enabled it to go forward, I'm not entirely sure he wouldn't have preferred that plan to Holdo's plan if he had heard both of them side by side.

It was a bit easier for him to accept the Crait escape when he was already in an escape pod headed there, and after he'd audibly heard Rose and Finn fail over the intercom, than it probably would have been had he heard both plans in real time when they were temporarily safe from First Order attack ships.

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 July 2018 22:59 (six years ago) link

can't remember: does it ever explain why the rebel fleet all sticks together to be destroyed, rather than fleeing in all different directions?

Mince Pramthwart (James Morrison), Friday, 13 July 2018 01:41 (six years ago) link

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