fuck cancer

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Adding to the condolences — it’s never easy.

Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 06:17 (six years ago) link

Autumn Almanac otm - take care of yourself, Trayce.

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 18 July 2018 06:49 (six years ago) link

Fuck things that aren't quite cancer but which basically are, and which infect your 5 and a half month old son.

We need a LOT of positive thoughts right now, so please send them. If everyone can say "spontaneously resolve" out loud while thinking of my baby Casper (because this cancer-like disease sometimes does) I'd greatly appreciate it.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Wednesday, 25 July 2018 18:39 (six years ago) link

What a blow. Here’s to the spontaneous resolution Casper deserves. Fuck cancer and especially rare childhood cancers

devops mom (silby), Wednesday, 25 July 2018 18:57 (six years ago) link

Said out loud indeed.

Ned Raggett, Wednesday, 25 July 2018 19:03 (six years ago) link

casper is in a great hospital (spotted a post of yours on FB earlier today when I realised I knew where you all were).
I have friends who have had a lot of dealings with that place over many years.
never heard a word of complaint from them.
I will chant "spontaneously resolve" a lot from hereon sir.
oh, and please don't forget to look after yourself.

mark e, Wednesday, 25 July 2018 19:04 (six years ago) link

Ugh, how awful. Solidarity to all the Mouthys.

suzy, Wednesday, 25 July 2018 19:05 (six years ago) link

best SM

dele alli my bookmarks (darraghmac), Wednesday, 25 July 2018 21:35 (six years ago) link

scik <3. spontaneously resolve!

princess of hell (BradNelson), Wednesday, 25 July 2018 21:36 (six years ago) link

said it. :)

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 25 July 2018 22:58 (six years ago) link

Sorry to hear. Hoping for a spontaneous, happy resolution for all.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 26 July 2018 08:10 (six years ago) link

positive thoughts for all of the mouthys big and small

I'd Rather Kecak (NickB), Thursday, 26 July 2018 09:39 (six years ago) link


Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 26 July 2018 09:42 (six years ago) link

wishing the best, Scik

a Mets fan who gave up on everything in the mid '80s (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 26 July 2018 11:49 (six years ago) link

Best luck SM and family. Keeping you in my thoughts. My partner beat a similar childhood cancer — it happens!

rb (soda), Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:02 (six years ago) link

It’s good to know. Thank you.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Thursday, 26 July 2018 12:17 (six years ago) link

thinking of you & family, Scik. spontaneously resolve!

a passing spacecadet, Thursday, 26 July 2018 13:35 (six years ago) link

sorry to hear this Nick.

Colonel Poo, Friday, 27 July 2018 11:32 (six years ago) link

An update (that I wrote for Facebook).

We’re home.

Because Casper took his meds well over the weekend, his MRI and first bone marrow came back clear, his obs were very stable, and he isn’t presenting as being in any pain – in fact, he’s presenting as being a very happy, smiley baby, most of the time – we’ve been home since Monday teatime. Casper is now an outpatient at the RD&E rather than an inpatient at Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital.

“It must be a relief to be home,” says everyone.

Yes, but….

Hospital is a safety blanket. Medical professionals everywhere. Every meal taken care of. A very small physical environment to exist within. Constant support. Home is… terrible freedom. What if we get something wrong? We know we can call literally any time and get support. We know we’re 10 minutes drive from Exeter hospital. But those are facts for the reasoning part of the brain, not the emotional part.

More thoughts in a bulleted list, because it is my job to know how people consume content, and because this is how my brain is thinking right now.

• Cancer does not care who you are. On the paediatric oncology ward are all races, social and economic backgrounds, cultures, sexes, ages (within a range, obviously). Cancer does not give a fuck who you are or where you’re from. Sure, some cancers are related to lifestyle choices and social / environmental / cultural factors. But when you’re 11 years old, or 6 months old… cancer doesn’t give a fuck about that stuff. Cancer is arbitrary.
• CRUK estimate that half – that’s 50%, or 1 in 2 – the population will get cancer at some point in their lives. Half. https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/…/cance…/risk/lifetime-risk
• We’ve found a few people on the internet who’ve written about their children going through Langerhan’s Cell Histiocytosis. Many of them have relapsed. I’m assuming the ones who don’t, don’t write about it, because if there’s no relapse, there’s no trigger to update? You just get on with your lives, right? Remind me, in a year, and 5 years, and 10 years, if we’re lucky, to update people that we’re lucky. To let anyone else who goes through this know that you can be lucky.
• I am scared that sympathy fatigue may kick in. I hope it doesn’t. This is me trying to prevent that happening. If anything, now we’re home, we need more support. And all that support needs to be is popping round for a cup of tea, sending a message, having a conversation with us. It doesn’t need to be about sick children. It can be about anything.
• Sometimes you talk to somebody, fill them in on what’s happening, and you can see them getting emotional, choking up a bit, their eyes dampening. And your initial thought is “what are you getting emotional for, it’s OK”, and then your second thought is “yeah, this is fucking awful”.
• We can’t lose him. I’m pretty sure we won’t. But it’s going to be very tough going.
• Second chemo is tomorrow. The first at Exeter, the first as an outpatient.
• Today has been a tough day; our first at home with nothing to do. Tomorrow’s chemo was meant to be today but got postponed, so we were left with this weird stay-of-execution feeling. A friend came round for lunch. We went to Em’s parents for tea. I took Nora and Casper to Sainsburys, and to the park. I’ve probably felt at my lowest today; it’s been easy while I’ve been running around doing things. Pausing is tough. Especially when you can’t really pause, because there are three people and two cats in this house who I need to look after.
• We are going to own the fact that our baby boy has this disease that’s basically cancer. We have to own it. We don’t want to be the cancer family who people pity. We don’t want to be the cancer family who people admire for being brave or strong. Your family will almost certainly be that cancer family too at some point, I’m afraid. 1 in 2. 50%. Half of people. We just want to deal with it and get rid of it and carry on with our lives. If / when you go through it too, I will try and help you.
• Quite often it feels like we’re in a shit made-for-TV (or Netflix, in this day and age) film. A really slow and long and boring film. You want to stop it and put on something entertaining instead but you can’t change channel.
• Thank you, again, to everyone who has helped. For all the shit jokes, for the food, for the company, for the flowers, for the gardening, the haircut, the toys, the cat-sitting, the plant-watering, for everything. Keep it up. Please.
• But maybe no more toys. The house is full. Shivering Dave the crocodile has taken up the last available room.
• And maybe no more cake. At least not for me. I’ve not been bike riding properly in a long time. It’s having an effect.
• We love you.
• x

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Thursday, 9 August 2018 21:44 (six years ago) link

thinking of you and yours. cancer did a drive-by on my family this summer. it just really sucks.

call all destroyer, Thursday, 9 August 2018 21:50 (six years ago) link

• And maybe no more cake. At least not for me

this is spot on.
during our chaos we had so many cakes brought to ours that our freezer became full of cake.
took months before I could put a lasagna in there.
in fact scik, there are so many points in your post that hit home (especially the comfort zone that is the hospital) …
but hey.
hang on in there sir, there is a lot of love flowing in your direction.

mark e, Thursday, 9 August 2018 22:00 (six years ago) link

That’s really well written about a really shit time. Take care, man.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 10 August 2018 06:10 (six years ago) link

That’s really well written about a really shit time. Take care, man.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 10 August 2018 06:10 (six years ago) link

Resurrected my blog: https://sickmouthy.wordpress.com/category/langerhans/

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Saturday, 11 August 2018 20:58 (six years ago) link

Well said, sir.

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 19 August 2018 06:22 (six years ago) link

Nick / Colonel Poo - very sorry to hear about your situations (I rarely look at threads I haven't bookmarked so have just found out)

the salacious inaudible (Nasty, Brutish & Short), Sunday, 19 August 2018 21:38 (six years ago) link

Hadn’t spotted CP’s awful news. Love to you and yours.

Fuck cancer forever.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Sunday, 19 August 2018 21:47 (six years ago) link

two weeks pass...

you and yours have been in my thoughts a lot in recent weeks.
and while you are clearly biased, he really is very cute.

mark e, Thursday, 6 September 2018 22:49 (six years ago) link

Not fun reading, but a really good bit of writing. It's hard enough having a baby, the sleep deprivation and the worry, and this must be exponentially worse. Hope the treatment goes well.

mfktz (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Thursday, 6 September 2018 22:54 (six years ago) link

Absolutely in no way comparable, but the brief time I spent in hospital with my small one was truly miserable - not even counting worry about his illness or ongoing care etc just being there with an overtired baby who wouldn't be put down to sleep, nowhere to crawl around, and when he did eventually sleep was woken up for obs - plus massively sleep-deprived myself - was thoroughly unpleasant. Plus all the logistics of family life and feeding myself. And time seeming to warp inside the hospital. I would've gone mad if I had to do it for another hour - I really feel for you both.

kinder, Friday, 7 September 2018 20:44 (six years ago) link


Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Thursday, 20 September 2018 21:07 (six years ago) link

The more you're in hospital the more you learn to deal with it; we have a 'go bag' semi-packed and ready to go with just a few key additions, and a 'routine' we can slip into pretty easily now. It's still horrible to be separated, to have to put Casper through the treatment (getting enough blood to run tests from him can be awful), and all that other stuff (sleep deprivation, managing Nora's emotions etc), but it becomes more dealable with.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Thursday, 20 September 2018 21:10 (six years ago) link

Casper update: https://sickmouthy.wordpress.com/2018/10/01/family-life-with-an-ill-baby/

tldr: he's doing well but family life is awkward.

Hey Bob (Scik Mouthy), Monday, 1 October 2018 20:34 (five years ago) link

Sending best for sure.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 1 October 2018 20:34 (five years ago) link

Hard to find the words, but you sure did. That's beautiful and eloquent and very loving. I'm pretty sure you mum will be ok with the swearing and confession of hedonist adventures of yore. Even the running around naked part. <3 to you and your family man.

lbi's life of limitless european glamour (Le Bateau Ivre), Wednesday, 10 October 2018 20:36 (five years ago) link

Thoughts with you and yours. Fuck cancer.

You (bleeping) need me. You can't Finn without me (fionnland), Thursday, 18 October 2018 20:17 (five years ago) link

Wishing you smoother sailing ahead. Yay little Casper, I get the feeling this is harder on everyone else than it is on the little guy. Which is a good thing I suppose? Well really it all just sucks. Fuck u cancer.

mom tossed in kimchee (quincie), Thursday, 18 October 2018 20:20 (five years ago) link

cry all you need to nick.
fear not what others think, its a necessary part of the process.
love-n-hugs to you and yours.

mark e, Thursday, 18 October 2018 20:30 (five years ago) link

nick <3

princess of hell (BradNelson), Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:22 (five years ago) link

I have to go down to London next week to attend the funeral of a old dear friend who died of brain cancer a week or so ago. He was in his late fifties. This is the second close friend I have lost to cancer in the last ten years - both of them heavy smokers. As the smoking of cigarettes becomes more and more of a minority habit, I hope that mine will be pretty much the last generation frequently killed off too soon and easily by smoking-related cancers. In the meantime, fuck cancer.

Ward Fowler, Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:28 (five years ago) link

condolences to you and strength to nick

my fear is that other carcinogenic substances and activities are replacing smoking

imago, Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:30 (five years ago) link

indeed. Ward and Nick, <3

the fleeking of america (Karl Malone), Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:32 (five years ago) link

indeed to "fuck cancer". i don't know enough about other carcinogenic activities replacing smoking to "indeed" that, but it wouldn't be the most surprising thing, i suppose.

the fleeking of america (Karl Malone), Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:33 (five years ago) link

you guys <3
you are going through one of the shittiest things a person can go through.
Hospital is an awful place to spend a lot of time; no wonder it's gotten you down. I know I would not be able to deal.

kinder, Thursday, 25 October 2018 20:50 (five years ago) link

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